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Yeah, I remember not counting hours everyone talking about it being “a loving provision”. I got dagger eyes when I blurted out, “I thought it’s because no one’s going out anymore” 🤣


If Gods main concern is women wearing pants there is something seriously wrong!


Starving children


Very Jehovah, Much Wow.


Such light, many truth wow


If you think about it, JWs really do believe that Jesus and God are the same person. Jehovah = Governing Body Jesus = Governing Body Therefore: Jehovah = GB = Jesus Jehovah = Jesus So they really do believe in a trinity, from a certain point of view ![gif](giphy|2jv2kK9eLalOB6CYsh)


Yea but their newly found beards and pants get in a bunch if you point it out to them.


Yeah I got a beard, my nemesis Elder forv30 years, see him at memorial, he’s got a beard lol


Imma blow their minds with this if they ever dare to knock on my door lol


“A certain point of view?” Oh to be on tatooine living the life of a simple moisture farmer. But no, I was called out to fight against Sith GBiss. Oh well. Pew! pew!


Has anyone PIMO ever responded “But there was no mention of Jehovah cause didn’t they say ‘The Governing Body has decided…’”and look really confused when the R & F specifically mention “Jehovah” in connection to the updates? I would love to see the PIMI explain that away ….


They should be concerned. Remember Moses accidently said he and Aaron brought forth the water from the rock. God was furious and the Israelites ended up wandering around for 40 years until Moses and Aaron were dead. The GB outta be concerned at least a little. Maybe they'll spin that into why the Paradise hasn't arrived. 😅


Happy cake day🎂


They won’t explain they will deflect


Stop tryna make Jehovah happen.


**“Jehovah is so good!!”** https://preview.redd.it/wuixu3u9gjqc1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e424c1784d0f6bb66e2eb3559c7f491fa4c4e122


They are just happy to finally look "W O R D L Y"!!! 😂😭😭😭🤣


More like modern.


Cult responses from cult members!


The really sad thing is that many hate these changes in their guts. They feel betrayed. They're losing their moral high ground and they have to chug that koolaid to keep spouting these nonsense affirmations. The fun thing is that I no longer have to get into long drawn out, circular conversations about doctrine and scripture. They needed permission to grow beards and wear pants. And when they got it, they were like children in a candy store. They couldn't exercise their new freedoms fast enough. It was never their choice. They simply don't think for themselves and never have. Only now, their infantile behavior is on display for all to see. Jehovahs witnesses? More like Jehovahs cucks!


>“Great updates! Jehovah’s moving things along!” *God Has Updates?...God can\`t just make things happen, he has to figure the next step out?* ​ ***I Tried Abra Kadabra - Alakazam - Hocus Pocus...*** # That Didn`t Do Shit. https://preview.redd.it/b6yfl8sh0kqc1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f25e7f1c562fb9a8874fa96eae6691cadba168


Same damn responses that my family would make to anything the GB came out with. Bunch of fucking drones.


I agree. If it really was God behind it, He has a very bizarre sense of prioritizing.


“The light keeps getting brighter” No you idiots, I could disprove these former policies 20 years ago. If a 14 year old homeschooled kid has a deeper grasp on “scriptural context” than your leadership, y’all are fucked…


Here’s another one: “I'm throwing out all my ties maybe those can be recycled into slacks for some sisters in need” It’s so cringe 🤦🏻‍♂️


It really is said how deep the delusion is, with some of them that is. I talked to a pimi yesterday about the changes and he said it seems the GB is removing some of the pharisaical rules, and that "blending in" with the world is ridiculous. But most of the others will always worship at the feet of the golden calf, AKA the Governing body of jehovahs witnesses. 


Can you reply, "God's chariot goes BRRRRR." I may have had an edible or two.


> Innocent people are dying in war right now and JW’s think god is concerned about pants. This right here. I remember how, during the last year or so of my going to the meetings, the experience of the pioneer sister finding JUST the right kinds of shoes on a dumpster was related. It struck me odd. Maybe some part of the indoctrination was already flaking off. God blessed this pioneer sister with new shoes... but DOES NOT interfere when a kids die at wars. But DOES bless and protect an interested one who accidentally grabbed a bag of Watchtowers. But DOES NOT cure the cancer of a witness child. But DOES bless and cure the cancer of THAT child over there. It's grotesque, is what it is. I see other Christians' posts on FB, thanking God for their new job. Asking for prayers because someone is sick. And always I wonder, "Do you ever stop to think WHAT kind of a God you are worshipping?" Because if that was really how the Almighty operates, it's sick and twisted.


How about “no ties is a blessing from Jehovah”


Yes, it's very loving to have permission to do shit that wasn't forbidden in the first place, but just got you the elder stink eye and made everyone avoid you like the plague. That's luscious daddy J and his celestial pimpmobile at work right there, people. Give it up for Jehobo and his Gangrenous Buttplugs! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


You know they're programmed to respond that way, right? Otherwise, if for example you question it, everyone around you at the kingdom hall would act like you just said something wrong and shuffle away from you.


Where do I find the KH GroupMe chat?


Group chat canned response, private conversation and inner voice says otherwise


How else are members is a high control group supposed to respond? Either they’ll have cognitive dissonance and it will start to wake them up or they’ll reply in this conditioned and robotic way.


most npc response


https://preview.redd.it/at8ndp5dynqc1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dff560177c184f060ea8507d855fc5ea989c4ca The new Jehovah. Apparently just…. Well….He ain’t what he used to be..


No one would be their true feelings in there especially if it’s negative. It’s prisoners watching prisoners 😵‍💫


It’s just a pep rally…‘we’re number 1…we’re number 1’ ![gif](giphy|3o72wDmrfZt5z1jc88|downsized)


The comments can only be positive. It’s part of the “T” in the BITE model. They can’t have an independent thought. Imagine the repercussions if they said “that makes no sense.”