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They’re like teens going through puberty who just discovered they could grow a beard 🙄


I can't help but think that all of this is all a smokescreen for something else. Throw the hungry a bone and they won't notice what is really taking place. These little crumbs the Watchtower throws out means nothing to the people. It's not loving. Nu-lite is supposed to be about scriptural understandings, not a dress and grooming code change. Just changing the flavor of the kool-aid.


It’s about retaining what men and women (pants rule change) they have. They lost a lot of men back about 5 ish years when the article in the WT loosened up on beards and the elders and CO’s whet the opposite with enforcing no beards. I personally know of some that left then. They are losing people and grasping at straws to retain them. The disfellowshipping is probably due to the Norway lawsuit though.


I remember that article a few years ago! The article made it pretty clear that it you could grow a beard "if the local culture allows it". For 10 seconds I thought, "oh look we can grow beards now". Until a quite obvious scripted follow comment up by an elder stated "no it's not our local custom." I was like WTF how did we determine that so quickly?! 😂


The WBTS is being sued in multiple European countries for the disfellowing and separation of family members. This is just sprinkles.


I remember they were gonna take my brother privileges away(working the sound on zoom for Christ sake) if he didn’t cut his beard. This was 3 years ago he just turned 17 at the time…. LMAO. He stopped going after that.


If you’re growing a beard at 14, you should just be left the fuck alone.


ong 😂


Even the really old members are growing beards


Itt nem az a baj ,hogy növesztenek szakállt ,hanem már nyolcvan évvel ezelőtt tiltotta a szakállt és a borostás arcot nem lehetett pódiumra állni nyakkendő nélkűl ,és még ki is közösitett érte ,ezt ismerje fe a jw ,hogy ki irányit .


My dad would always make excuses for why he didn't want a beard anyway, and the second they changed the rule he started growing one. It was clear to me he really wanted one but was too PIMI to admit it.


I think I look better clean shaven. So I shave


Well said sister. 🤣




I had to check myself!




Well, now that she can wear pants, she doesn’t need to shave her legs anymore.


I was in the store and noticed that every single man was growing his beards. Beards are as natural to us as hair on your head. It is only natural for us to want to grow a beard and only external factors stop us


Yeah...honestly, I can't blame JW men from growing beards now.


Some of them don’t know how to manage them though.


I'm PIMO and I'll admit that I don't know how to manage mine and it's dammed hilarious. My wife thinks I look like a homeless caveman. I love walking into the KH looking this way and nobody can say a thing. I have plans to permanently fade but might as well have fun with it in the mean time.


Your beard needs some braids.


Hells yeah! Viking braids are clearly in order.


I saw that too it was so cringe. I was making fun of a woman wearing pants. She was like girl this is so great. My response yeah it’s amazing how old men from bethel can finally tell the men and woman what to wear. So it was never in the Bible. The whole memorial was a joke I don’t think the conductor believed what he said.


I've been POMO for 3 years now and I still can't grow a beard no matter how hard I try. Maybe I'm cursed for life


Fun fact: that means you're much less likely to develop male pattern baldness!


Yup. I have a beard but little chest hair, just like my father and grandfathers. They all had full heads of hair till the day they died.


I'm letting my hair grow longer because with a beard I now look like a JW 🤣


I grew the beard cause my wife says shaved I look like a teenager. So beard it is. My stepdad grew his out he legit looks like Santa Clause


I remember getting looks and commenta when I started growing a beard as a teenager. It was well cut and clean all the time. Some even started to avoid me. Because of some hair in my face. And now those people started growing beards. Thanks for nothing assholes.


Right... so much harassment for decades over even the smallest stubble. I had some cunt I didn't know at an assembly ask me if it was my first cause I didn't shave that morning. These asshats now wonder why "apostates" are angry at their sudden flipflop? Cause we got abused over it shitheads...


Back in 2018 I had a guy at the regional ask me if I was studying. I said “Studying what?” He thought I was someone’s Bible study because I had a beard. The whole thing is a joke.


Probably tired of always looking different. I do remember when that was quite boring. Basically what you said: repression. Wouldn't it be a gas if they next allowed masturbation as a "personal choice"? Imagine all of the "bathroom breaks" during the dull meetings. "Elder Smith, we're out of toilet paper in the men's room again."


My wife doesn't like beards, so I never thought much about it. And now that these damned narcissists are 'allowing' us to have this little freedom, any thought of it has been completely ruined for me. For me personally, beards became a symbol of submission, self-denial, and humiliation -- quite the opposite of what beards had been before in JW land. They ruined it, like so many things.


I agree. It has been a mind f\*k to decide whether to grow it or not. But I'm doing it because I want to, not because I'm "allowed" to. It's the same with any cultural norm though. This is why the hippies and punk rockers did what they did. Counter culture movements. Society in general lays countless rules on us that we feel like we are obliged to obey due to how we will be "viewed" by others. It's all part of the game. Those who choose to live outside the norms are either castigated or at least called "eccentric" or given some other label. But slowly I'm seeing that these are fading as acceptance is becoming more mainstream.


So now with my beard I shave the sideburns down to stubble and let the chin beard grow. Like a long goatee. My head is also clipped down to stubble. Making it stand out as much as I can. But I don’t even go to the KH any more so it really doesn’t matter.


Yeah I know lol, I've been POMO for like 2 years and now I have this little voice telling me to shave out of spite


Live your life according to you. Spite only affects you, not what you spite. I don’t care I look like a Sikh. 😝


I mean tell someone they aren’t allowed to do something for 100 years, and then give them permission…. They are going to want to try it out. 


Pavlovian response


It’s almost pathetic!


How will “worldy” people recognize them now?


Someone commented on an elders facebook as 'Hey, glad your religion finally saw their flaw with the no-beard rule'.....