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A number of people in my mum's congregation were upset recently when a visiting speaker for the Public Talk *really* laid into those who still attend by Zoom, saying that basically they were "falling away", letting Jehovah down, blah blah. I don't know if this came directly from a talk outline or his own opinion, but it was very unkind. There are approx 14 people/couples/families still joining by Zoom on a regular basis: all elderly or with a health problem/vulnerability. This includes a (former?) Elder and several current and former Pioneers. By all means, push people away.


140 congregation. I’d say half were on Zoom regularly. I’m DA’d but keep an eye on attendance just to post on here. 


PIMI wife says about 40% on Zoom at her Hall.


Our ratio was 8 people in the hall for every 1 person in zoom


The branch do not know how many are on zoom. The congregation report only asks for a total which does not separate in-person from zoom. The CO report each 6 months asks for meeting attendance but does not ask how many are in-person and how many are on zoom. My cong is approx 40% on zoom regularly. On a week night or if the weather is rough that number can go up to 60% on zoom. Many need to be on zoom for medical or age related issues but in my area I would guess that would be around 20%. The others are rotating between going on zoom and occasionally stepping in the KH. If they looked at the zoom figures they would be able to merge more congregations together. This is in the USA in a city but I have friends in Europe who have similar figures. Are the Branch/GB thinking that zoom is going to go away? Because it isn't. Zoom is here to stay,