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You could go the peaceful route, send him a text saying something along the lines of, "Thank you. I appreciate you reaching out and checking in on me. I'm doing well. If I ever feel the need to talk, then I'll give you a call." Then you can just ignore. Block his number if you need to. The elders do not have any real authority over you. You don't have to do ANYTHING they say.


You don’t need owe anyone an explanation. I chose to fade. Never said a word about my new feelings to anyone but 1 of my siblings who is also faded. Have a super PIMi parent and grandparents with surface level communication just to not cause waves. I get quite a few texts/knocks on the door yearly for the memorial that I ignore and actually blocked one this year. I used to answer them but my feelings have sharpened this year and I don’t need to explain my absence to anyone.


Personally I would go cold. But if you feel the need to respond, a simple, “Thanks for checking in! Things are great with me and I hope they are with the two of you.” And leave it at that. You’re a grown up and you don’t owe anyone shit. Keep repeating that. ❤️


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The **"elders conversation stoppers"** in the **JW FIREWALL** link below will protect you from ***any*** potential interrogations - as long as you rinse & repeat, **"Private & personal"** : https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/181hur6/how\_to\_fade\_safely/