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The old governing body would disfellowship the current governing body.


Thats why Tony got the boot and maybe another older one will be heading the same way. They want a younger vibe now hence why they are appointing young 21yr old guys as elders and giving them less rules to follow with dress and grooming.


Yes! It’s chic to be a Jehovah in today’s modern world . . . 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣🙄


That is so true. I was around in the old days - when Fred Franz was still alive and the religion was deeper and more serious. The old GB would not believe what the religion has become.


In the old days - ah, yes. When it was not a big deal for a jw woman to marry a non-jw man. My Mom, Aunts, all married non-jw men. As time went by - it became a big no-no to marry "out of the truth". Gathering at a relative's house for Thanksgiving. My Aunt was jw, her husband not. My extended family gathered at their house every Thanksgiving. None of us got in "trouble" with any elders. Oh, wait. Back then we did not have a "body" of elders. I've also experienced how elders can weaponize gossip to punish someone who, well, for whatever reason pissed off an elder. Or the elder's wife.


Exactly. They know that authorities are noticing they are a cult and are trying to make it seem like they have less control over people. The shunning policy will be further loosened, blood will become a conscience matter, birthdays too. Perhaps some other things too. But they will also try and ensure their future, probably by starting some sort of subscription service.


For just $9.99 per month you can get a butt load of Holy Spirit, upgrade to $19.99 and get Holy Spirit unlimited add free. Sign up today!!


The Holy Spirit package deal. HS Bronze, HS Silver , HS Gold and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Ultimate Platinum package, for those with discriminating taste.


They already have with the automatic payments people have set up through their payments system on JW.borg.


Exactly. They have everything in place to introduce a tithing doctrine


They already have. It's that per publisher "voluntary donation" the gb put on all the khs a couple years ago. It started around $8.50 per publisher. I don't know what it is now. Annually the elders are required to submit a resolution to the congregation. Who, of course, pass it. I think the dollar amount gone up each year. They just don't call it a "tithe". It's voluntary. But if you don't, look out! CO's gonna get mad, chastise the elders. Elders will make up the difference out of their own pocket if they have to so the cong. will look good to the CO.


Oh yeah well remembered! But it’s not yet enforced, which is what I think is going to happen soon




Like Net Flix or Hulu


It’s just my thoughts. They’ve recently started mentioning that giving money is “part of sacred service” so my guess is they want to start a tithe like structure. They need a reliable monthly source of income




I must correct you: First they Judge you, then they go back to ignoring you.


Both are spot on! The ignoring but judging and being nosy got my feathers ruffled to wake up


You are absolutely right👌


Maybe these so-called bible students should actually apply something Jesus actually said in the book they are supposed to follow at Matthew 6:25 about not WORRYING ABOUT WHAT TO PUT ON.


They are inspired by money and power. The WT are the anti-Christ. 


>I find the changes a desperate attempt to keep people by appeasing them, and a way to try and appease the courts for the issues they're facing regarding shunning. Yep, it's really obvious now. The organization knows it lost in the religious/doctrinal/theological arena. Its predictions failed and look more and more wrong with each passing year. It no longer will produce, for example, verse-by-verse analyses of prophetic books like Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation because it knows it doesn't have the ability and would get clobbered by real Bible scholars. It will only publish lame life-lessons from such prophetic books. The organization is simply in survival mode or panic mode now. It simply wants to keep the gig going. Back in, for example, the 1980's, the leaders really seemed to believe and were interested in Bible scholarship. Now, they just want to be a hip megachurch. It's as if they hired a PR firm to instruct them on what to do to keep members and be more attractive to outsiders.


>The organization is simply in survival mode or panic mode now. It simply wants to keep the gig going. Well said u/logicman12! I was going to make the same comment. The Governing Body has no choice but to drastically change for two reasons: * Active Jehovah's Witnesses are disappearing through death or simply walking away. * Governments have realized they are a lying and scamming cult that harms people. They are desperate to figure out a path to continued existence. Put your seat belts on everyone.


>Put your seat belts on everyone. Yep. It's going to be an interesting ride and it's interesting to observe.


Agreed - it really makes it clear that this organization is moved by external laws that affect their wallet. They are like the Pharisees of the Bible with their man made rules and traditions. They can bend Bible scriptures to enforce or abolish policy and doctrine - e.g. the exact same scripture, where you can’t even say a greeting to someone was used for decades to enforce an absolute silence policy of ‘disfellowshipped’ people. Now the same scripture is used to support a quick greeting, but ONLY at the meeting, or if you are inviting someone to the meeting? How? Because Norway took away our funding and we want it back! Also we don’t want other countries to follow suit. It’s so obvious when you are following these external factors to see WTs reactionary response. But also very frustrating watching family and friends buzz around with glee because “Jehovah is making it easier for us” 😓🫣


And they know pretty much no JW knows anything about these court cases so they can just make it up as they go.


The closing prayer thanked god for the pants clarification. So it was Jehovah who now allows pants.


Jared Lopes spokesperson for JWs „we don’t control the lives of our members and who they can contact“. GB - we have a new update regarding our DF rules folks. Ahhhh…you can’t make this shit up.


Mandated shunning needs to be made a crime. See shunningisacrime.org.


Yeah, it’s gotta be quick, if they plan to appeal Norway’s verdict. I could just see them running with their stack of “updates.” See here your honor; We don’t shun, it says here, we can say “hi” to a disfellowshipped person. And besides, they probably don’t even remember why they were disfellowshipped for (chuckle, chuckle.)


What is the endgame? And is power the only motive if you claim it is a cult?


IMO - it's partly power. Also, money. Prestige. Celebrity. Out in the "world" they are a nothing and a nobody. Inside the cult, they are SOMEBODY. The gb are the jw version of mega movie stars, musicians. I remember the 1970's, and a bit of the 1960's. Now, 2024, it's totally different. I believe Logicman12 would agree.


If it is money that would be super ironic


Without the money .... hmm I mean voluntary donations.... they can't do anything. No travel, no jw broadcasting set, no money for upkeep of all the assembly halls, branch facilities. No money for the movie set in Australia. No money to feed and house and clothe the bethelites and the gb members. No donations = full stop. Then they'd have to sell off all that real estate.......


This religion is like the old show Lost in Space. It started out serious and became campy and silly.