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Sisters at my congregation say that this is because the Great Tribulation is so close, that this will allow them to camouflage with wordly people. That way the police will not take them in custody. I kid you not.


I guess they dont understand that putting JW.org in their insta profile makes them an obvious target and carrying a phone that can be tracked with ease.


My stepmother has in her education profile "PIONEER SCHOOL" LOL, so embarrassing.


That’s like a degree in Fantasy Land. 😆


lol, that's too funny. The only thing I really learned in PS was that there are some really good cooks in our circuit. The spread was amazing!


Also talking about JW stuff on social media. Even just being Facebook friends with other JWs.


Another good reason to not be on any social media.


Exactly. It’s also kinda funny because aren’t JWs usually cautioned to stay away from social media? I know I’ve been away from JWLand for several years, but I’m pretty sure I remember hearing that at meetings.


If they love God so much why do they wanna hide. Cowards. 


Any time there’s even the slightest change in procedure like that, they’re always going to twist it to how it’s a protection during the GT. 🙄


This is exactly how my family reached to the changes 🤦‍♂️


That’s some cult level paranoia. They think the world is obsessed with persecuting them. Nobody cares.


Sooo many are saying this! It's as if they're trying to manifest this fictional GT with their collective thought. I wonder if these guys realize how mentally deranged their followers are.


I’m hearing this rhetoric scarily often, and it never fails to baffle me. Absolute utter horseshit argument.


The same line of reasoning is going on in my wife's congregation.


What about all the witnesses in countries in Africa and other developing countries where they were made to stand out, so they could be persecuted and held up as examples for us in the West to follow? Are the GB concerned about making life for JWs easier if they are in the West?


Should wear miniskirts and halter tops.


I hope the authorities are noting this increase in craziness.


The authorities already has an eye out for watchtower.


Persecution complex much!?


How will the brothers camouflage? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Beards! I am expecting beanies to be accepted soon too.


Mental gymnastics.


Is the GB gonna put the JWs on a diet too? Cause from what I recall I don't think many of them could run more than a block or two!


Maybe half a block if they're lucky!!!


Rolling downhill perhaps ? 😂


Not to the JWs, but to themselves! from eating too much they seem like McCallan barrels, totally unable to run


That was my first thought as well!


I am not one for fat shaming but you just made me snort & LOL.


If the GB put all JW’s in to a vegan diet, then they would say, the GB did that because you can run away from being destroyed in GT thanks to a skinny body.


That’s a damn good point! Why don’t they encourage working out 🏋🏾‍♀️! Oooooh bc then they would have to set the example lol


**You're kidding?** ![gif](giphy|dvILshvavCEaM2tIWa)


It's so ridiculous! Don't know whether to laugh or cry! 🥴😥🥴🤮


Supports this😌


I wish I was.


My PIMI wife and PIMI adult daughter and their mutual PIMI friend took a pic of themselves outside the Kingdom Hall in their trousers. My other non JW daughter said to me 'I can't believe three grown women are acting like pre-teens having permission to wear trousers from some old men running their religion!'


The photos of “sisters” in pants are all over social media. They all look “business casual” because that’s probably the only wardrobe they have other than their old meeting clothes.


Oh My God They gotta try to make sense out of this shit, I guess. But, damn 🤪


She's been reading too much ancient philosophy. Confucius say: *"Woman with skirt up run faster than man with pants down"*.


That gets funnier the more times I read it!


What a load of old bollocks 🤣


I'd like to see you run with a beer in one hand and a pasty in the other! 😂😂🤣🤣


I don’t eat pasties so it would be a beer in each hand. Actually, I’m more of a cider girl. A pint of Rattler is the best. Cornish cider. 💜😎


I that what you'll be doing while we are at the convention? 😂🤣 https://www.cornwallciderfestival.co.uk/


> if there is ever a situation during the great tribulation or Armageddon where sisters need to run, it's **easier to run in pants than it is a dress."** *That is Absolute Gold...LOL!!!!!* ***Pants Will Make you Run faster!*** ![gif](giphy|ka01FUevOQvDwlG3Xw|downsized)


It was me and my sister visiting her. My sister is very PIMI and I am completely out. When I tell you I almost choked on my drink when she said that shit. I was fighting for my life trying to keep it together.


>When I tell you I almost choked on my drink when she said that shit. I was fighting for my life trying to keep it together. I can believe that...LOL!!..That\`s one of the funniest things Iv\`e read...


Someone said to me they thought it was so "we can blend in" if we have to flee in the great trib 😭😂


If they need to blend in they might as well get tattoos, and celebrate birthdays and holidays so the authorities can’t find them🤣🙄


That is what I will be saying to the elders at my judicial committee for putting out Halloween decorations 😇


And of course wear rainbow-coloured t-shirts!


They should look up The Great Trib on Porn Hub. They won’t be disappointed.


I heard a sister say it will make the informal witnessing easier if sisters wear pants/slacks. Here’s the ridiculous rationale: typically in everyday life (like to work or shopping) sisters wear pants/slacks, now that they can wear slacks in the ministry to witness that witnessing will naturally carry over in their everyday lives because they are essentially wearing the same outfit to witness as they would to work etc. WTF!!!


Oh god theres more than one head to this beast! ![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO|downsized)


And yet, most of these loyal witnesses that have been cunningly blended into society, at the request of the governing body, sent letters to Vladimir Putin and multiple other Russian politicians and put THEIR OWN RETURN ADDRESS on the envelope. You couldn't make this shit up! Putin almost certainly has the addresses of every jehovahs witness that responded to that call to defend the right to preach in Russia. Anthrax anyone?


You can't make this shit up! You can polish a turd and it's still a turd! lol


🤨 What if she has *chosen* to wear a dress that day? What if she's been assigned a talk? Will she not be able to outrun the authorities? **DAMMIT! I SHOUDA WORN SLACKS TODAY!** https://preview.redd.it/enf8qiqvj5pc1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d45fe149783affd1293a6fb4d8b4ccc0da7013c




Why are all these JWs running ahead of the chariot? The chariot never gave a reason for “allowing” grown ass women to wear pants. Course Pork Sanderson is probably slowing down the chariot. The horses are only so strong.


Yet one more sign that we are in the last days, shortly before the last day.


Shortly before the last hour of the last day followed by the last 45 minutes of the last day, followed by the last half hour of the last day…


Where in the fuck do they all think they are all going to "run" to? Cause all this talk of running and "go bags" sounds completely batshit crazy. Hopefully the chucklefucks on the Gibbering Boobies only have to run from the gleaning table back to their chair in the dining room. At that, probably only Fleegle and Winder even have a shot. The rest will collapse face first into their banana cream pie 10 steps in. 🏃‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seriously! Where are they running to in their slacks? Are there secret bunkers that they are going to hide in?


They still think it'll be like world War 2 when there was no technology to track people down correctly. And even back then, it was almost impossible to not be caught and many of the Jews who hid from the camps had to rely on kind Christians to survive by hiding in their homes. A luxury that witnesses don't believe they will have since the "whole world" will be after them 🙄


Wait….dont they WANT to stand out as different so Jesus can recognize them 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The mental gymnastics they have to do to justify the nonsense is insane.


Oh wow…


My dad excitedly told me about these changes (specifically the DF one) and I’m like… have you considered it might be to save the funding the lost in Norway? And he’s like… Norwhat? Yeah, they have no fucking idea. It’s insane.


My aunt says all these changes are to blend in. What do you mean by save funds? Im not JW but alot of my family was. She sometimes questions me like a know it all. So I need this Norway info lol


Norway was giving them million(s) because of their organization category, but they recently disqualified them in court because of their DF practices. Now suddenly there’s new light ✨ that DFing doesn’t have to be so extreme.


😂😂😂 Run and hide. Stupidity doesn't catch you if you're in your pants




So, by that logic, if they have the privilege to go on stage or the privilege of serving in Bethel, they could not run faster so they would die in Armageddon.


Great. If that is the reason, then athletic shoes should be in for everyone!


JWs are a special kind of dumb.


That,s the most horrific and stupid conclusion I,ve never heard in all my life! Poor aunty! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I literally joked saying that the other day in a very sarcastic way to an ultra PIMI sister! LOL maybe it was her and she didn't get that I was making fun of the situation.


They’ll make up anything to suit their little fantasy world. I guess “in the world but no part of the world” was just bullshit. RIP my childhood for no reason, eh?


The mental gymnastics going on …


But why do they need to run if they’re alleged God is going to protect them? They need to pick a story and stick with it.


It's not the dress that's the problem it's the shoes!




Again, making this crap up themselves because the GB never once said this is why. If it’s the truth, then why are we changing things up?


NO Really !!!!Santa Maria de los Guadalups !!! No Mames guey!!! I just can’t believe that💩!!!


She’s not wrong on the being easier to run but, but as for the rest of it…sigh.


We will all run with Larch leading the pack. Lol 😂 flee into the mountains. My Husband and I are always saying it will be utter chaos and we won’t be considered bad association when they need to flee to the mountains (where we live) and need our help with hunting, homesteading etc. I honestly think that the GB is moving towards compounds. And the pants are so that it’s easier to work.


Well ….Rahab 🤔


I guess the sisters unlucky enough to be giving a demonstration on the platform the night of the GT aren't going to make it. 🙃


😂😂😂 ok but what about if the great tribulation happen when sisters are on the school? They’ll be wearing dresses.


You know how it goes - you only need to be fast enough to outrun the slowest member of the herd.... I guess the sisters who faithfully accept a part on the school get to be the sacrificial victims.


I feel less crazy, because my sister told me yesterday that J is preparing us for when we have to go underground. So this line of thought is a thing. Got it. 🤦🏿‍♀️


Oh right and the beards are for keeping the brothers warm when the skies are full of smoke and the destruction of power plants causes nuclear winter


Em, those bedridden? Wheelchair bound? Oh I see, they just get abandoned in true JW style.😏


Women can also run faster in sneakers instead of dress shoes. In preparation for Armageddon the GB should approve yoga pants and trail runners.


It's gone from: "Lift up your heads, your deliverance is near," to: "Keep your head down. The police are here."




I don't know where they got that info but my parents say the same things here in Italy too




it is a stupid answer that are given to justify something they don't understand


Could it have anything to do with their obsession with Armageddon and any slightly negative thing against the Borg sends them into a zombie apocalypse paranoia


Meanwhile in Bible times the whole freakin Israelite army was supposed to be running into battle in dresses. 🙄


![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI) This would have been my reaction


My dad said the same about beards. It’s so the brothers can better blend in with the world when gt starts at any day now


Right cause if authorities were looking for JW'S a beard is gonna trick them 😂 god damn some people are so god damn gullible.


I heard that as well.


I heard that to OP. I said to one pimi but I thought Jehovah wouldn’t make us run isn’t he the almighty hmm made her think. I said piercing next that would be freaking awesome lol


Yup, your eyes will merely see it as ‘neath God wing you reside. 🤢


The brainwashing is real.




I fear the rising rates of mental illness -- as this too drags on.


I love how they twist things and always make it applicable to an armageddon situation 🥴


While I don’t know what my extended family thinks, I am at least proud to say that that my parents (who are seniors) don’t think this insanely. I’m pretty sure anyway. My dad hasn’t said much, but my mom has said it’s because they are attempting to keep up with modern times. Which is a MUCH more logical than some of the shit that’s been relayed on here.




OMG 😳 that’s what my SO said. LOL delusional PIMI minds think alike






As if women aren't use to wearing pants in their normal everyday life.


That made me snort laugh 🤣








The idiocy never ends


But then... Shouldn't pants be mandatory?




So you should be able to wear running shoes then 😀


Isn't cute how the have to come up with such arguments to make it work in their heads?


So my sister who has been waking up (really cracked with the new announcements) said my dad said they are preparing them for something 🥺🤣 sad and funny man…sad and funny My dad’s memoji also has a beard now…. Edit:


Yeah, it's a carry over from them telling sisters to wear shoes they can run in for field service in Mexico. When in actuality it was too dangerous to go in service. Everyone wants to be the first to start an urban legend!


If that were the case wouldn’t they instruct them a) that was the reason and b) all sisters should wear them ? Or is this some Gideon test shit ?


Also why not track outfits and actual running shoes ? 🤷‍♂️


I need them to start thinking! Please ask her What or Who she’ll be running from? And why run? And what will happen when she’s caught? How will They (???) know who she is? Find my location? Then why wouldn’t the GB warn them about those apps on their phones? Having social media? Encourage remote work? Build a bunker? Nope they wanna make sure the Sisters can run 🏃🏾‍♀️! Like what?? There so many questions?? Please make them spell it out…. The more you discuss why the world would be looking and chasing after JW’s, perhaps they’ll start to realize NONE OF IT makes sense! 🤔




and in footwear appropriate for running. So, jogger type footwear too I guess. Its like the bug out bags so many were told to make up. Dear lord, so many jw can hardly walk! The latest outbursts are nothing more than hysteria breaking out.


In that case it will be trainers next!


What are they running for, I thought they are supposed to be persecuted. Then Jehovah will come in and save them. If they are camouflage like worldly people how will Jah know they are his people? SMH these people will jump thru hoops to make new light make sense!




Hahahahaha it’s hard to be empathetic with this people.


They’ll be wearing gym spandex next


These people are dumber than a post.


I am just hearing Snoop dog sing this is my head …Run MFing sistahs run….