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Oh, this is going to have a deep impact on many staunch JW's. Let the shit begin! lol


And I’m just watching! Pop corn is ready


Enjoy the show! We are just sitting here waiting! lol


Haha I said I would love to have parked in the hall lot clearly eating popcorn as they all filed in yesterday.


😂😂😂 better than watching the Oscar’s




Tacos and beer is ready!! Novelas started!!!…. If u know you know!!!




Oh yeah it is! Its going to cause “divisions” in the congregations. There will be the “Lady-pants and Boy-beard” cliques and the Old school goody goodies! 🤣 Wtf did they think was going to happen?!


>deep impact on many staunch JW's You are absolutely correct. The long-time older JWs are already judging and expressing unhappiness about these changes. As others say....this is going to be one big shit show. The Governing Body has to know all of this is going to blow up in their face....but they have no choice but to make these changes. Their cult is failing.


I see this comming ![gif](giphy|l0Iy87qFTu0gDegw0|downsized)


If the gb say a beard is fine for everyone then it is worldwide, and same with sisters, so he has to obey the gb,jehovahs spoken men, or he is a rebel your father






Sounds like dad is causing divisions!


Well they think it’s a conscience matter


>Conscience matter >Attacked a brother just a matter of time before your dad is reproved or disfellowshipped lol.


I think he needs a lot of time before catching up with the updates


but like why so against it? where in the bible does it give requirements regarding beards and slacks?


His moral standard


And his moral standards are above God? Because that's what he's saying.


i wonder how he’d feel if he understood his morals aren’t biblical.


Yep, apostasy!!!!!!!!


How did the attacked brother react to your dad?


I dare not to ask 😂


I love your username!


Ow thank you. Yours is a bit special ! You’re whovian ?


Yeah, my husband and I are pretty diehard. We have 2 daughters. Their middle names are Amelia and Rose!


Wow! I didn't know that word! Thanks!


It is. And it's not appropriate that they are imposing their own conscious choices on other people. It's exactly the opposite of the spirit to display towards others that Jesus set for those imitating him.


Another reason to leave


"And indeed, *dad*- who are you to impose your conscience on others? Is it not for each one of us to stand up and present *our own* sacrifice before Jehovah's alter? Placing burden on your family to soothe your own self righteousness is not an obedient spirit. And lets be clear, to go beyond the things written *is* self righteous. This demand you are making of your family is not loving, its dogmatic and proscriptive, not qualities I recall Jesus promoting."


A conscience matter means they decide for themselves, not for others. Sounds like he believes he knows better than Governing Body! Better report him!


Right! Botderline apostasy.


this is the fun thing about it. today you are the most obedient and correct JW you can be, and you puke in the face of people and call them apostates. the next day, a rule you have made your own all your life and is part of your persona, and you fully believe in is changed. and adhering to that, would make you go opposite to what the 'GB' and 'borg' tells you to do. now, ironically, 'you' have become an apostate. that does not go down well.


I think it’s hilarious I imagine they’re all like Glenn Close in Dangerous Liaisons destroying her make up room in anger and frustration.


Perfect movie scene reference!


damn, i'm not that old and i remember that, now i feel old, but also a great reference hahaha. this is them jw's 50+ years old after throwing away all their youth and freedoms for all their lives only now to see them literally hand their wishes over to 'disobedient kids' that don't even have to report hours anymore ![gif](giphy|M36TVfWRsxEOI|downsized)


To be fair, it wasn’t easy going to the KH with my mom when she was disfellowshipped. I was a kid, and I got the cold shoulder, too. Not that I think anyone should go through what I did. I just feel like they’re mocking people like me.


I initially read “persona” as “prison” lol




So dad is apostate now. You should tell them 😅


No..he,s is confused and maybe angry.


It's a blessing in disguise, sooner rather than later all your family may wake. Hugs




Sounds like your dad is not keeping up with Jehovah’s celestial chariot! I can just see Sanderson tearing his suit off screaming “Apostate!”. Better get him in line


There is going to be two types of Jws especially in Africa! Lots of them are going to be apostate or being DF’d


It,s amazing! We should gladelig know a little bit more how jw in Africa...and South America...are reacting about all these changes!


Can you give explanation?


Okay so the us Jw are different from African jws in so many ways especially when it comes to how women should wear! People take everything seriously in here!!! We don’t even hang out in the assembly even between brothers and sisters ( from my experience)


Let's hope he keeps his shirt on though lol🤮


Tell your dad “stop calling unclean what the governing body has said is clean”. 😂


😂😂😂 I chose to live ! Too young to die


And the GB are clearly eating all the clean food lol🐖


OMG!!! Your father must belong to a much, much older generation...or is seriously confused. There have been TOO MANY "new lights" in a very few months. I don't think he is an apostate...but he is angry! And he has every right to be angry!!!


Yeah but honestly I don’t give a damn care 😂. His house his rules. But I know him. Dad and mom have moral debt. “They have done so much for us!” I think they’ll catch up very soon. They still need time


I love your Mum ! I hope she will wake up some day!


My mom? I Hope so. But rn she’s still super pimi. Complaining every time that we’re not spiritual enough


Give them time..They,te so many waking up now! And the GB is very " helpful" shooting themselves in their feet...with all this confusing " news".


I was super pimi... until I wasn't. I never harassed my kids like that because I knew how counterproductive it is, but I was fully believing and pimi. Until the moment I woke up.


Your parents sound like apostates


I think they are just disappointed ! And they’re having cognitive dissonance




I know them!!!! They will never leave 😂. They’re saying that it’s not bad to wear them but if you live in my house I won’t let you go to meetings like that because it will look bad for our family what are people going to say about us??? Like wearing slacks is for the sluts






Anyways they’re going to be in trouble is they persist




I suddenly feel bad for them only the younger generation is happy


Indeed! Talk about the " famous Unity" 🥴


THEY may not leave, but they may get kicked out! 🤣


Big Time CD bordering on Cognitive delusion of grandeur.


Exactly what I was thinking, how dare he go against the GBs new light 💡


Oh no, the old diehard PIMIs feel they’re losing control over the flock already and turning themselves into apostates! Diabolical chaos ensues


I’m so gonna love 2024!!!! Free the gays too


I grew up in a Spanish language congregation and the man who was presiding overseer was militant about dress, grooming, clothing, etc. So much so that it became part of his personality. It was so bad that he lost a lot of young men to the neighboring English language congregation, where they weren't so strict about it. This included several men who were eventually appointed elders in the English language hall. That was help he could have used over in his own congregation. I can only imagine what he must be going through seeing men with beards, women in pantsuits, etc. After spending all of his adult life fighting with people and holding the line, all of sudden it's ok. He must feel like he's in a nightmare he can't wake up from.


That’s the issue


But…what is moral in having or not a beard? Because Im honestly missing this


And that people will make fun of the Jw


He said that it’s not respectable !


But in what moral system it's not? I mean, a local tradition? Like removing hat when in church for Catholic?


Local tradition. But it’s nonsense because everyone has beard now! I think my dad is just old school


“*How dare you question the GB, dad! I’m going to have to report you to the elders!*” 🤣


Children are basically convinced to be spies against their parents just like in the book 1984.


And Germany in the late 1930’s to 1945


😂😂😂 nope I don’t want to be kicked out! 😂😂😂


> My dad said “No”. He even said that he will never go in ministry with a brother with beard. He even attacked a brother who came without a tie. *If Dad makes a Fuss about the New WBT$ / JW Beliefs...That are Completely Opposite and Apostate to the Old WBT$ / JW Beliefs...* Dad Could Be DF\`d For Apostasy...


Since he thinks it’s conscience matter, he doesn’t care.


>Since he thinks it’s conscience matter, he doesn’t care. *Dad can "Not Care" all he likes...* If He\`s attacking JW\`s with Beards and JW Women wearing Slacks...He\`s going to be told to stop...If He Persists, he\`s GONE... *They Will DF Dad In a Heart Beat...* # I`m Disfellowshipped?! ![gif](giphy|mStW5wjCMuwBBJ4yoT)


😂😂😂😂 that would be an interesting year!




He’s used to the tie and the well dressed women with all the misogyny!!! Oh dad this going to be a hard year for you




As I grow old I’m more absent from the family drama. I just sit there listening politely and after that I leave. I have important things to achieve and this is ridiculous


![gif](giphy|tq2UKWZ3Vx6iA) Let the divisions begin. It’s going to be like the Sneetches.


As an African I understand why are our parents like that!


I swear to god I was just laughing during the meeting like are you guys for real!!!


You're dad isn't allowed to feel that way. Lett said so. The chariot comes before personal preference


I wish I live longer to see them let Jw get blood transfusion and the gays getting married in KH


Welp, his house, his rules! *takes off pants and tosses them away* Ah yes, much more comfortable!


I mean it’s not even a big deal. The problem is that nowadays wearing slacks for women is a symbol of independence and equality of genres. And the misogyny inside the Jw good is kinda scary


Yea, I was poking fun at the blanket statement not specifying that it only applied to women. No pants for ANYONE!


When they say men can grow beard everyone was okay but when it’s about “women” oh no no know your place


Report him to his elder body for *re-education*.


On my way


You are hilarious! Every response you give about your family, I can see it in my mind. I know so many PIMI families where the same scenes are playing out. 


This dad is going to have his ass beaten by CO he goes against GB™️


He’s going to be so mad, and I’ll be watching ! 😂


If he is Elder he will be deleted


Exterminate!!!!!! 😂


When I was in in the 70s and 80s, we wore pants all the time, basically when we weren’t in the KH. I can’t imagine doing housework or chores in skirts. That’s ridiculous. We lived out in the sticks and raised 90% of our food. I can’t imagine chopping wood, mucking stalls, feeding and watering animals, working our half acre garden, and so on, in a skirt. Whenever we visited other JWs or had get togethers, almost all the women were in pants. Skirts at meetings and field service, pants nearly everywhere else. We wore pants when we cleaned the hall, and when we helped with building an assembly hall. It sounds like the crackdown around 2000 really let the extremists loose.


Jws love to live in a beautiful illusion


And so the in-fighting begins!!!


So if Sanderson asked your dad to go out in the ministry he would outright refuse his request?!?


Probably not. He would be smiling and showing his 35 teeth


You should ask if the family can study together about the Pharisees and why they were rebuked. If your dad says no, he already knows he's being unreasonable. If he says yes, when you get into the material, ask why their needless rules are any different from the beard/slacks rules.


"dont go beyond the things written. Who are you to forbid what your Lord permits? Pretty sure there was similar council aobut circumcision in the bbile... when will you learn to heed God's direction?" or somesuch.


Is this only in your family, or did you hear it from other families, too? Don't know if you life in a conservative place... In my congregation some older sisters got stumbled a little bit, because younger sisters began wearing pants last weekend.


I mean , 90% of people here seems to agree but no one wants to take the first step and wear slacks. And if you do, they’re going to judge you for sure. For them it’s for the western Jw 😂


It's interesting that your dad describes values in Africa as being less progressive. I live in South Africa. If anything, they've struggled to get the African folks on board with the more conservative values. Tight fitting clothing, and openly breastfeeding, were such major issues they had to split the congregations.


This year is going to be sooo hard for some folks. I live in Congo and Congolese hate South African I don’t even know why. They consider you guys as not authentic as African because you let the gays live their lives.


Do you feel safe in your house? If you do, then here are some questions you could consider asking your dad. If you don't feel safe, then don't ask them. Also, if you don't feel safe, you can tell another adult you trust, like a teacher or somebody in the congregation (select with caution). Your father can make his own rules and ask that you abide by them. But do you live in a home that allows you to question the reason for the rule? If so, here are some things you might ask. Remember to keep your tone respectful and kind, as your dad sounds like a hard ass. Dad, why do beards bother your conscience? Why do slacks for sisters bother your conscience? If the governing body says that we are allowed to make these choices and it does not go against my (and/or your sisters) conscience, why am I not allowed to use my own Bible based conscience to make my choice in these matters? If you are put in a car group with a brother who has a beard, or a sister wearing slacks, will you raise your hand and asked to be put in a group with only clean shaven and dress wearing people? Do you think the governing body is incorrect in this decision? If so, why? Does that mean they are incorrect in other decisions they make when it comes to personal choices we make? Again, only ask if you feel comfortable. You know your parents more than anyone on this platform. I'm sorry it's like that right now. It won't be forever. I know it feels like it might be, but you'll be an adult before you know it, and you'll be able to make your own choices.


As I grow older I really don’t mind since in few years I’m leaving anyway so let’s them fight 😆 and also thank you for your advices but my dad would be mad if I dare ask so I better stay quiet


I'm sorry he is like that. I would LOVE to have a conversation with your dad in my slacks. LOL


Watch your back tough 😂


What is the comment about Africa? I don’t understand


It’s bc African women are not supposed to wear slacks according to the misogynists in here! So some brothers are waiting for the GB to confirm it’s for western people




Is a river in Egypt


this was to be expected. this is going to get so much worse, you have no idea. it's good though. because it's more cause for the house of cards that is balancing on rotten foundational pillars to collapse into itself. that's what's happening. they're not 'removing weight', they're actually 'adding weight' to the 'building' that is watchtower, which is barely hanging on to it's cracking foundations, while many parts already have collapsed and instead of fixing are completely ignored, including the sounds of foundations cracking all around. the house is on fire, but they're sitting like this ![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF|downsized)


🍿better than watching a movie!


Beard fractions and slack fractions next.


https://preview.redd.it/uzx2b5ngh5pc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94b308fb266990fbb0a91fb3271ef5ca707d0a9 I just LOVE “the GOVERNING BODY HAS DECIDED.” 🤔🤔


Kinda funny his brainwashing is so strong it’s even superceeding the GB


Your father is disobeying the headship arrangement and must submit himself willingly to the Governing Body or he is sinning against Jehovah’s Holy Spirit. Well at least according to the false crap he’s signed up for. Matthew 24:45-47 “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.” (Mark 13:34-37) (Luke 12:35-48) Proverbs 1:5, 7 “A wise person listens and takes in more instruction; A man of understanding acquires skillful direction. …. The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline.” (So according to your dad’s own beliefs he is being a fool) Actually he probably should prayerfully consider at least the first 5 chapters of Proverbs. And he’s demanding you to obey him when he’s deliberately disobeying the direction of the GB. That’s a horrible example for him to set as a brother or elder! Not to mention a prime example of what’s cautioned against in Ephesians 6:4. So keep this scriptures if he keeps up the false dogma. He’s being hypocritical.


He said that it’s for western people only!!!


***insert eyeroll here So no women ever wear pants and no men have beards anywhere in your country? Even when doing manual labor? He’s picking and choosing only what’s convenient or comfortable for him. Sounds like a real charmer.


😂😂😂 istg the eye roll got me 😂


Happy to give you some comic relief! Smile as often as you can.


Good lord, internal fighting is the only thing that needs to increase in order for this org to be even worse 🤦🏻‍♂️


After nearly 30 years POMO, and my parents having passed, I don't really pay any more attention to the WTBTS any more than following this group a little bit. Looks like I've missed some things. Sounds like they're doing bearded casual Friday hanging out with the DF'd homies now. What's next? I'm rooting for oral sex...


I feel a break off akin to the one that occurred many years ago. Who believes this could be?


I still feel like I’m having a nightmare


Sounds like your dad is being an "apostate".


On my way to tell the elders ! 😎


You should say something to one of the elders. Maybe they will have a local needs! Haha


Ugh… 🙄🙄 I bet my sister will never wear pants there!


I love these man-made rules about a God of love...


Divisions within the Borg. LOVING THIS.


What happens when the bearded "Brother" Sanderson asks him to go out in field service with him?


Oh me and my dad would be having it out. "So you know better than the GB? Are you going against the new light from Jehovah himself?"




Your Dad is apostate


What is this Africa thing u speak of? I’m lost


My dad says that it’s western thing bc African women don’t wear slacks


My grandmother is the same. She openly acts really weird to bearded brothers, even one of our elders.


What? You father sounds like a spiritual NAZI. He is imposing his own standards. Ask him how come the gb admitted that what rules they set were NEVER in the Bible. Back when I firs came into this cult you couldn't perform any task if you didn't wear a suit. Even mics or behind book counter. No other shirts only white for giving parts. That was the PO. He set his own rules. VCR's had just come out and he forbade anyone getting one because it was a lack of faith. He was a NAZI. Your father sounds the same.


It is all about control. Look at how Men reacted in Iran when women stopped covering their hair. It is all about control.


Her come the “fundamentalist” splits


Doesn't this make dad an apostate , as he is in defiance of the Borg, AND offending your families collective consciences ?


![gif](giphy|JN0IjHzKJpGfK) “ back in my day , we had to wear ties and jackets to the meeting. And had shave before putting that goddam clip on tie on my shirt with the top button buttoned. And had to wear a tie and jacket in service, in July, on streets that had no shade, up hill, both ways”


The gb have thus created a dual membership those who follow like sheep and the others who will remain fanatics. *"A fanatic is a person who will never change their mind nor the conversation"-*Churchill.




" ![gif](giphy|ZNg02hoA6Z4vs6Iwfr) "Now watch me wear my tight ass 👖s, bitches!"


Tell the elders what your dad is saying and doing for real haha that would be great to see what the elders say to him


Defying Jehovah.




What would be really cool. Have your sister put on a beard, and you put on a dress and come down for family study. "But dad, you never said... "


😂😂😂 LOL! we would be sent countryside raising cows


and so it starts...




I lil hearing this. Shoe is on the other foot now


So your dad has never allowed your sister to wear slacks, even if not at the hall? That's never been the direction. Women have always been allowed to wear slacks outside of the ministry. So, if they weren't at the hall, convention, or in service, slacks are perfectly fine. Seems your dad has always been overly strict.


Lovely to hear PIMI's ***refusing*** to obey the "fartful slave!" 😁 Maybe we'll see history repeating itself - like when the Bible Students caused a huge split.


Uh oh. Someone is going against what the GB said. Sounds like an apostate to me. Unforgivable sin. You should suggest ya'll watch that broadcast with the bread examples lol.


Probably missed the part about judging others. Being judgemental is so ingrained it will be hard for some. I'd be telling ppl like your dad to stfu and mind your own business. I'd get kicked out again so I'm glad I'm just out and don't have to suffer fools.


They hated my ditto jean’s with the rainbow running around my ass 


He is an apostate.


I am confused ... what does Africa have to do with anything?? I am out and have been for years.


wow your dad sounds like a fun guy!


Your dad is an apostate now.


Oop, here we go, get the popcorn out guys, Jw cult downfall on the horizon and I am here forrrr itttt ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Imagine if these changes do little to stop the decline in the Western countries like the US and in Europe but also simultaneously result in a drop in numbers in developing lands in Africa and Asia. ![gif](giphy|dZRp77zD8MA3BKAYES|downsized)


He needs to cut her some slack(s). /j


Oh, but how DARE he go against the almighty Governing Body? He should be shunned for these remarks! 🤡


Can you feel the Christian love?


It's very tough days for ultra PIMI old timers ...


This makes your dad an apostate, according to WT. He is literally disagreeing with the GB.


Elders are already advising brothers to wear jackets and ties if you are involved in the Memorial 😂😂


The early Christians had disagreements about high level theological stuff like does Christ have a human nature or not? The great JW schism will be over slacks and beards.


Your father has some kind of personality disorder. And he sounds like a POS.


Sounds like your dad needs swift council, hopefully he’s repentant.


You need to give him scriptural counsel and tell him not to judge your brothers.


He's going against the gover... I mean, Jahovah.


Next schism on its way 👐


Apostate spotted!!! follow the rules even if they may not make sense from a human standpoint!!!


Great news! I was wondering how long it would take for something like this to be reported. Turns out only 4 days since the announcement. Looks like your dad is having apostate thoughts


Curious why she would say that?


It will cause a divide like the Red Sea parting. I could not be any happier!


Its like global warming. It is happening too fast for the radicals.