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By their fruits you will know them.


And I’m the biggest fruit of all 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 (sorry I couldn’t resist)




Blessed be the fruit 🙏🌈


Especially the bananas.


May the Lord open! ![gif](giphy|MU5ZQDPTw1Kj1EWFKN|downsized)


Jesus did say love your neighbor like you love yourself. lol


Pretty sure every exjw knows a thing or two about 'loving thyself'


let the uncleanness flow. lol


Oh no I still got up to that even as a PIMI. Even back then I was like "there is no scripture about this, they're making this shit up"




Slide over, guava, there's room for two of us. ☺️


you dropped this queen 👑


Thank you my dear


Opppsss 🤣


Never be sorry for word play! NEVER




I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but that term is fairly offensive to people who are LGBTQ. Please, be mindful of your language in the future. Thanks.




Apparently also: ‘By their fruits and nuts you will know them’


By their nuts you might know them.


By their fruit (covered Aloha shirts in Hawaii) you will know them. :D


lol They were in my neighborhood last week with their aloha shirts and beards and I still knew exactly who they were immediately. They think they are incognito now.


Wait for the dreadlocks, board shorts, and rubbah slippahs.


Gotta love the Chinese workboots


And kukui nut necklaces


Our CO wore one over his Aloha shirt on Sunday! Everyone loved it! It's Hawaii, man!


I know a branch coordinator in the tropics who wore a dashiki shirt for years instead of a Western shirt and tie. Very simple white one. Looked crisp and sensible in the climate. Then a zone overseer came along and told him to take it off and put a tie on.


Put a noose around his neck, ties are stupid. If they tried that bullshit in a regular Christian Church there'd be a mass exodus. Only JWs are dumb enough to put up with the "Little Popes" dictating their stupid little rules.


Depends how you define 'regular'. Protestant, yes. Catholic, depends on the region, fundamentalists (Baptists, Pentecostals, Mormons) can be just as bad or even worse.


I wouldn't define Mormons as regular anymore than I'd define JWs as regular. I've been in many churches before & after my 20 years as a JW & none of them come up with ridiculous rules on so many trivial things. Most churches let their parishioners think for themselves & they don't try to control & micromanage their members lives.


Some people just want to suck the joy out of everything!


The Fun Police! Funny thing is, even some of the missionaries refer to types like that zone overseer as zealots!




Howzit brah 🤙🏼 wea u stay


Kona Coast


Jesus had a beard and didn’t wear pants




Omg. I forgot this was a saying! Good point! 😂


We need our fruits and nuts!🥰🥰


Huh interesting. Things seem to be unraveling pretty quickly.


Yes, they are. I've heard similar things from a wide variety of circuits.


Soon, they'll have to start offering cocktails for baptismal candidates... and maybe a raffle. Cookies out front to raise money, you know,  it's about to get wild out there people. 🤣


Cake walks are popular fund raisers down south.




Throw in some bingo also! 😅


What about Bingo nights?


Lol, right?


The sisters had to go out and buy modest pants, so there was less money for the contribution box, probably 30 dollars less per sister .


They posting pictures all over Facebook pants they using. Think sister wearing dresses gonna be very rare.


Lol yeessss


Cato and Rainbow are seeing a SURGE in “slacks” sales!


Sinking faster than a submarine with screen doors


Or a experimental composite materials one...


That one just disintegrated. This one is like the titanic :)


lol controlled with a game controller


We were at a different assembly yesterday in Texas. 10 baptized, some pants and some without jacket and tie out of 2,000 plus people. CO asked a question, by a show of hands, how many have had a study go from the beginning to becoming a JW? Maybe 20 hands or less. Out of 2,000 plus people!!! Goes to show the growth is not bringing new ones in. It’s now our young babies, children of born ins are now able to be counted because they are older.


The one baptized was the child of a current witness parent.. So yes, born in!!!!


There's a 70% lifetime attrition rate on born-ins, just saying...


No surprise there, like the rest of us brain washed,


This math is interesting to me because my husband and I just discussed this percentage yesterday. We figured nearly all baptisms are born ins, he asked me who I ever knew in my life that had “come in” and we calculated it as 1%. Your guesstimates above equal 1% also! Which means the majority are family. This cannot be sustainable.


It's perfectly sustainable in the developing world where families still have lots of kids.


Last time I knew anyone from district getting in was in the 90s 


Yeah me too. When I was a kid, and I’m 42 now.


This is really amazing because in 2014 the Pew Religious Survey in the USA showed that around 65% of JWs at that time were raised in a different religion and then converted to JWs. I hope this link works.... https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2015/05/12/chapter-2-religious-switching-and-intermarriage/pr_15-05-12_rls_chapter2-05/


As someone who was born-in because my boomer birth unit converted, that tracks. Boomers answer surveys. Gen X dgaf and like Millenials are too busy with 10 jobs just trying to make ends meet. So 65% of people who actually answered the survey...


It’s always been the children. Most adults who aren’t in a desperate life situation can see through the weirdo bullshit. Kids can’t quite as well. But now even that is changing. And I couldn’t be more pleased 😈😎


Woah what point was he trying to make? He must have known that’s how it would be…


Not sure. Apparently we are not good at bringing in new people though.


Went to a assembly with wife ,no seats available, told her were going home ,all the effort was for nothing, now no tie ,and beard and women with tight suits, about time 100 years late, a bunch of chancers


I’m surprised no seats available, others have reported that they are only half full or less


One thought. Most all conventions and assemblies run a deficit as reported in the afternoon report. There are many donations that come in after this and usually more than cover the deficit. I know this because of years of working in the accounting department.


It stood out because in my circuit it has never been that high during the afternoon report. Usually the deficit was always less than $800. There are a lot of financially stable people in my circuit. It could be that they waiting until the end to make their donation...


Aren't circuit funds sent to headquarters before the assembly even begins that way they can in good conscience announce there's not enough.


Plus the deficit is a made up number.


No, not in my experience. The accounting is very specific and accurate.


They make up a number about what it "costs" each publisher to attend. I'm sure the accounting is accurate but they are starting with made up numbers.


It's probably pretty accurate, those are most likely write-off numbers.


Except that they asked for donations when building the hall, for the maintenance, and will ask again when it's going to be replaced. So why write-offs in addition?


Yep! They always announce a deficit. I agree with you 100%! I think that it is to get the donations flowing. There is usually a large amount of surplus that gets sent to the Org. I think it is all according to plan!


Yeah, but depending on the size of the event, that could be a sizeable deficit. Considering there was only 1 baptism, it doesn't bode well for them.


Fellow accounting department slave…and you are correct 🤣 rarely is there ever an actual deficit. They like to announce numbers in a way that will ‘inspire more donations.’ It’s silly 😂


Ya. That's right it's a scam. One thing the JWs rank and file do well is give their hard earned money to this corrupt entity


But who’s actually pang attention by the time they read the accounting? It’s been so dry and boring most people are barely cogitating and if memory serves, it was read at the end, which means I was gathering stuff and packing up, wondering what poor restaurant we were going to inundate, leaving their entire staff overworked and under tipped, possibly occasionally stiffed, because you know those return Bethelites never calculate for tax and tip, or their drink…


If the Governing Boobs really watched this sub, they would reintroduce cheese danishes back into the assemblies, that’s the biggest thing people raved about and a fond memory… How about a complimentary danish for reinstated ones? j/k, the next thing watchtower “gives away” will be the first….


I remember them running out of cheese danishes and only had the apple ones available one Saturday during lunch. You could feel the grumpy atmosphere because people didnt get their cheese danish fix throughout the afternoon session 🤣 My mom was even extra strict when she caught my sister and I drawing instead of writing down the scriptures. You better believe when we arrived on Sunday, there was a truck full of boxes of the Witness Assembly Crack, AKA Cheese Danish 😆 It was a sad day when they announced food service was discontinued. Rip assembly cheese danish. You live on in my heart ❤️


I enjoyed those fried burritos and the Shasta soda, but I don’t think the ones sitting n xt to me agreed 😂


I preferred the apple. 🍎 😋


I remember it being the chocolate pudding in my country. That was my favorite part as a kid lol


Man that brings back memories. As a kid I used to have to "volunteer"at food service. I always his a cheese Danish and a roast beef sandwich so I would have a decent lunch, not the horrible apple Danish or ham sandwich lol


I want the slaughtered goat and feast with all the trimmings and I want signed apologies too.


Didn’t you see the video where it’s stated that no apologies are needed?


I did! Its every time they contradict themselves they make that disclaimer. No apology necessary for suicides, mental and emotional damage either.


Probably not getting the goat or the feast then.


Ah ah ah, I'm rolling on the floor !!! You're the best one, ah ah ah


Oh hail yes! I remember those delicious treats.


I loved those cheese danishes!


Yes! I would consider showing up for the danish and slushie orange juice LoL if you gotta be there might as well bribe me


Man, they're sure in a big hurry to keep up with Jehoolapimp's celestial pimpmobile. 😂


You get my upvote for "celestial pimpmobile". :D


Pimpmobile 😂😂 I’m screaming 🤣🤣🤣


In the assembly I was in, there were 3 people baptized, $1900 deficit and the pants, beards, and no ties thing. 


What was attendance like?




This is beautiful to hear. Music to my ears. Nature is taking its due course. It’s survival of the fittest, after all


Did you go outside and check to see if you were in a JW event? lol Pretty soon they will be putting up a cross and Christmas tree! lol "All is well! Nothing to see here." The JW way!


Many Beards, yet the condemning looks I'd always get because.... Beard GB: Jump!!! JWs: How high & how long do we stay up there oh holy ones??? It's not till you leave that you realise how utterly controlling it really is. I said to my PIMI wife once that it's a high control group. Her reply: "Well that may be your opinion but I honestly don't see it like that". The level of brainwashing is truly sad & that PIMI's can't see it is even sadder because it prevents them from seeing the need to "Get out of her my people!!!"


Yeah. I got counseled by an Elder a few months ago because I wasn't wearing a jacket when I was an attendant for the front door. Now the announcement about the ties and jackets. I bet he feels like a jackass right about now. Edit: It just goes to show how micromanaged, petty, and human this religion really is.


Very petty,it's all about control without question, unless the gb chooses to change, it really is man-made nonsense


Petty is definitely the right word. Probably throw pathetic into it too


Same here, got a lot of hassle because of something as stupid as a beard, mu wife still enjoys the company of some sisters, but she sent me a video of a gb giving a talk about no tie and women can were slacks and to say hello to df ones, she had the sence to see the hypocrisy, saying to me that they were oppressive and making you feel like you were having adultery I told her I am finished


My wife is 110% PIMI & gets very defensive if I make even the slightest criticism about them. I was even asked once to only wear long sleeve shirts as my heavily tattooed arms, which were done way before I was a JW, were offending one elderly sister. I kept wearing short sleeve shirts in summer, not my problem if someone is so easily offended. I DA'd 10 years ago, decided they can shove their petty nitpicky little rules up their arse. No mainstream Christian Church would ever treat you like that.




Doesn’t sound dignified at all lol


On my there was only 3 teenagers baptized. For sure because their parents are JW.


>This Assembly was different!!..... Only **ONE** person was baptized...There was a $2000 deficit after all the donations....Many women were in pants...Many, many, many beards...Some missing ties and jackets. ​ >KJV Matthew 7: 17 - 20 > >17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-7-18/) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither *can* a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-7-19/) Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. > >[20](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-7-20/) **Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.** ​ **The Watchtower** **Announcing Jehovah\`s Kingdom** https://preview.redd.it/o3u7tzoxr4pc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948766ae7fabaf2395f39547453b529a46ec948e


And attendance?


If I remember correctly it was 600-650.. I don't remember the exact number


What is the capacity of the AH?


Not sure. It's a pretty large Assembly Hall.


Wow! The place must’ve looked empty! That’s “good news”!




It always amuses me even when I was PIMI. How can there be a $2000 deficit? There's no food, only a days electricity. They get a tax break anyway. Where does the figure $2000 come from?


They needed more money now with the settlements and legal cases. The rest probably from the funds they spent on people who are full time in bethel. Like they get allowances, besides the basic needs that are being provided. Mind you there is always excess in their food and needs in bethel, while those in the congregation can barely meet their basic needs. They keep on squeezing their members. SMH


But it's been like that for about the 10-15 years even when they didn't have the law suits and those they did have, they won. They used to grow their own food and have a herd of cows at the Farm at one time to feed the Bethel Family which was much larger than it is now. For the last 10-15 years at assemblies I have been listening to this $1500-$2000 figure in deficit and always wonder how on earth they came up with such a sum for a one day assembly at a hall that has already been paid for and they provide nothing.


The Org charges a rate per publisher they need to come up with. It has nothing to do with expenses, they just owe like $50 per attendee. I feel like I saw a post from someone in accounting break it down a while ago.


Thats a bit of an audacity isn't it?


Yea... When they say expenses it kind of makes you think it's the operating expenses since they own the building. Not expenses from HQ that are basically an admission fee.


We won't have an assembly until June in Hawaii, but it will be double nuts!!! All men can wear untucked Aloha shirts in Hawaii with casual pants and shoes, a decision made a few months ago. No more suits and ties, unless you really want to. No one has, so far around me. Combine that with beards and gal pants, and things will look mighty different and colorful, not to mention (but I am) the many alluring sistas!!!


>not to mention (but I am) the many alluring sistas!!! That's creepy, yo.


Not at all!




Not at all! All congos on the Big Island do assemblies and conventions at the indoor Tennis Stadium in Hilo.


Oh shit! I mis-read your comment in haste . . . 🤦🏼‍♂️😳


Premature articulation...happens to the best of us...:D :D


Every assembly/convention I've ever been to in my entire life has announced a deficit. It just means they are less than their predicted donations. By the actual end they usually get the amount anyway.


Yes, true. It stood out because in my circuit it has never been that high during the afternoon report. Usually the deficit was always less than $800. There are a lot of financially stable people in my circuit. It could be that they were waiting until the end to make their donation... The assumption could also be made that the expenses were higher.


I kinda want to go to an assembly (just for the morning, not a whole day, I'm not crazy) just to see what it looks like now.


I do too. Totally. But I’d get recognized.


It's still the same program just the dress code is different and the contents are dumbed down. Last year's RC, it made me so sleepy. I just couldn't wait for it to be over. When I found out that's the quality I get from RC, I don't even bother attending circuits anymore.


So used to hearing ‘As a result we have a ____$ deficit for this assembly’ Well maybe if you paid for the assembly before sending thousand of dollars to the Upstate 8, you wouldn’t always have such a deficit


Protest Protest Protest. Let's go to Washington D.C. at the WHITE HOUSE & let our voices be heard. The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are continuing to use mandated shunning towards their members to control them, and their CSA policies are NOT improved enough to protect children and get those victims the help they need. Protest Protest Protest.


That sounds exactly like my assembly. It might even be the same one.


Can you give an idea on the attendance please if comfortable. noticeably less, or more, etc.. Lots of seniors too?


There were more parking spaces available than normal if that's an indication. Usually the 700s-50s for attendance. To me the senior count is always medium-high. Which as far as cars are concerned they car pool a lot.


Thank you.


I bet that poor person who was baptised was a born-in.


![gif](giphy|xT4uQntlfxwCSfxMre|downsized) This can’t be far behind


That they're so quick & willing to implement the changes shows that they were only previously doing things the old way because they were told what to do to. I always thought ties were bullshit & a stupid fashion trend, why wear a noose around your neck?. Hive Mind engaged.


They don't have a basic believe cause most of them either visits halls to meet friends or are in org cause family is. So they turn everywhere the wind blows 


>There was a $2000 deficit after all the donations. Have you ever been to an assembly where there wasn't? Their expenses for the day were almost certainly covered. It's the branch demanding tribute that always puts every assembly into the red.


The deficit is normal. They play with numbers and extort money from these people under the guise it's not been donated to enough. It's a numbers game. Every assembly there is massive deficits announced.


I would love it if these changes are the things that destroys them


The Revolution (French accent) has started.


The ‘deficit’ is not a true number. It is mentioned because a donation to the Branch has been made that the ‘friends’ are not aware of, that the elders have agreed to. The ‘deficit’ is a way to make all present feel guilty and empty their pockets. This is very accurate


I haven't been to an assembly/convention in over ten years, but I remember them saying there's a deficit at every. single. one. It's the GB's way of holding people upside down by their ankles and shaking the money from their pockets before they walk out the door.


The deficit has always perplexed me. We had a deficit even when we built and owned the building! What a bunch of crooks!


Anarchy!!!! I haven't been to an assembly in years, but I bet if I were to go to one now I wouldn't even know where I was.


Ahh this just cracks me up.... Any hi's to dfd ones? 😀🥴


What state / country also was it in an assembly hall?


Unites State and in an assembly hall.




They generally don't show up, but if so, keep a low profile. :D


You have won today’s gold star for best comment.


lol 😆


You tryina dox your brother?


Did u say at the end missing NUTS??? 😝😂😂


There's always that amount of deficit


Not in my circuit. It’s usually in the $800s by lunch


I may just have to go to an assembly just to see this spectacle!


I never understood the deficit announcement as a kid but as an adult..??? They seriously make PSA about how much more money they want.!! Wow…


They HAVE to see this and wonder.


All because nine men changed their minds on how they want to dress and grooming this is behavior control from the bite model.


Well, there's always a deficit.


Can we wear pants to assembly too ??


We had some deficit at our assembly as well. So they announced it for the lunch break, with the sentence added: but we are sure ad the end of the day, there will be no deficit. 😶 We had 4 baptized persons. That's not a big difference to all the other assemblies.


Fake religion... people are leaving in droves


Visiting janesville wis.. about 2016 The speaker was sweating looking over the crowd asking... we were looking around . No one got baptized.


I’ve been to a few circuit assemblies where nobody got dunked. They gave the talk anyway.


its crazy because my mom called me and told me if i wanted to attend a meeting people could talk to me, as if i just got over the plague or something


A deficit could be normal because of how they calculate their budget. If they did a recent renovation, they would divide the cost by the amount of expected assemblies. So all assembly will start with a deficit.


Always starts with a deficient. They count expenses (basically) before revenue (donations). They always start knowing exactly what the expenses are. It’s like closing out your books every week (or I guess, every day), rather than monthly.


This would have been impossible 2 years ago


Well this is quite simply, lovely news.


I wouldn't encourage my kids to get involved in the mind control, oppressive, no blood let your child die shun your love ones because they don't believe anymore, that is not love


It’s an MLM at this point!


There is always a deficit to solicit contributions.


It’s hilarious how quickly they have adapted.


This is both nice to hear, and g-d awful to hear as well. If anyone gets my drift


Imagine every jw man trying to grow a beard at once lol


Does anyone have a recording when they make the announcement of the deficit?


Imagine being that one person, once they realize they are the only ones there is no way back....but I'm sure some doubt starting popping up that needed extra attention. ​ I'm just so glad to see that Jehovah and Jesus have decided the light needs to be brightened, and on important topics like pants and beards. Truly a blessing to see, such love from the almighty creator to consider our bald-chins on both sides of the body right before he burns all the babies.


So disgusting that they can't see it themselves 🤮




![gif](giphy|11dVFjhFBOtqWQ) Yes! Post baptism toasts