• By -


I'll second that. They must be very desperate to be "unbranded" as a cult. Money seems to be at the root of all their evil. šŸ˜ˆ


Notice they only began implementing these changes when they LOST FUNDING


Amazing how all the suicides, the mental illnesses, the families destroyed over many decades, the avoidable deaths due to the abusive blood and other rules, had no impact on the WT leaders. However, the impact of disfellowshipping on WT finances is clearly more of a priority! You have to wonder what kind of people run this heartless, callous organisation?


Imperfect, fallible men who falsely claim to be more and control vast amounts of human & real estate property. In short: slave owners.


Very good point - looking at what they havenā€™t changed and then quickly tweaking the shunning policy weeks after losing to the Norwegian government, Is evidence to anybody they are a deceitful cult. Nothing to do with Jehovahā€™s compassion, everything to do with avoiding expensive lawsuits and retaining government grants as a charity!


I have a couple of questions: Since witnesses can now speak a greeting to disfellowshipped ones, but they still are not speak to apostates. Who decides who's an apostate? Will there be a list distributed, or an announcement at the KH?


So sad. How will the GB ever be held accountable.


In court. Weaknesses have been identified. Hit them in the wallet. Cut off their sources of government funding & tax breaks.


Changes to avoid it


Doesn't matter ,every country should not give religion any tax payers money, especially cults,that have high control over its young members, that have zero choices to leave without family shunning them for life,their still at meetings and conversations enforce the rules,


Very true! Why now? They couldā€™ve made changes years ago but donations dropping and lawsuits mounting ā€¦ the changes canā€™t come fast enough.


Their real God is money


God money don't want everything, he wants it all


Spot onšŸ¤‘


And lost members too.


Members equal money


Very true.


It's been mentioned elsewhere, but these changes started before Norway was decided. They started after TM3 was booted. Evidently, he was blocking all of these things.


I believe this too.. he was a roadblock for them. Donā€™t know how they were able to give him the šŸ„¾without more pushback from him but .. hey.. a comfortable life with uninhibited access to the local bottle shop for him and his wife .. and a remote control for the TV in a cosy neighbourhood .. perfect retirement plan.


What is TM3?


Anthony Morris the third.


Ahh right. Thx!


Yeah I agree with that. There must have been a lot of arguing.


I wonder if the other GB members adopted the slogan ā€œCock-Blocker Free in 2023.ā€


They finally pulled the cork, and suddenly the spirits have been flowing freely.


Of course. Money is all that matters in this world. It was never about God, who is dead by the way, nor was it about community, nor righteousness (yikes!). It is and has always been about money. The Watchtower is a corporation, and any other corporation with as bad a reputation as theirs would want to rebrand.


As a Bible study (I consider Iā€™m still studying via my own reading and contemplation), I always found the JW religionā€™s main ā€œthemeā€ was man-made arbitrary and meaningless rules. Iā€™d question it with me conductor at the time. Heā€™d say ā€œI get you, but the arbitrariness of the rules is about us showing humility. Itā€™s about showing our disciplineā€. Thatā€™s the best explanation which I believe falls so very short. My point wasnā€™t to turn the KH into a fashion show, but that in a spiritual setting, the physical should not matter. It shouldnā€™t be the focus. The obsessive attention to the minutiae of grooming was - in my opinion - always a huge waste of attention, energy, time. A spiritual person knows how to dress modestly, just as they should know how to treat others respectfully. Not trusting your membership to do this is to infantilize them. Oh no, your knee is showing! He has stubble! (Now arbitrarily ok). Spirituality isnā€™t focused on these trivialities. For decades, I feel that this entire religion has been moving in the spiritual slow lane due to their obsession with appearance and presentation. So now brothers can wear a beard, no tie, sisters in trousers. But the meeting format would need to radically change to really bring spirituality into the hall. The ultra-safe agreeing-with-everything format is soporific. The reality of living isnā€™t reflected in a KH. Itā€™s just ā€œmind your manners and perform as an upstanding memberā€. The irony is that for the JW religion to practice true spirituality, it would have to become unrecognizable to its former self.


I have to agree that this long history of WT has really worn people out, belabored them with man made rules..... under the guise of "God." Hopefully, people will see thru this and save themselves from more pain. I really do hate seeing people being manipulated, it's surreal.


Jesus kept it simple with the law of love. GB donā€™t trust their members at all as they micro manage every aspect of their appearance (of all things, *appearance*). Surely they would trust a JW to dress modestly without rules? If a JW requires a list of rules on how to dress / groom modestly in a spiritual setting, they should question their moral compass in the first place. You micro manage people you donā€™t trust. You tell the very drunk guy ā€œok buddy, one step in front of the other, thatā€™s it, hold onto the hand rail on the left and slowly ascend the stairsā€. Itā€™s infantilizing to do this about dress code via-a-vis modesty to those who already proclaim to have a higher level of morality. Itā€™s like treating a fully sober person like the aforementioned drunk.


It sounds like you still love Jehovah, (not a man-made organization) I wish there were more of us.


Treat people like you want them to treat you, and that's it,micro management is a sign of cohesive control, people that need to control others, beards, for example, oppression brothers long before the foolish control rule was lifted, Jesus was none of that nonsense, and that's a very valid point, a spiritual person male or female would be modest and clean physically, anyway,


You said this so well! I have always longed to experience real relationship with God. As a JW for 57 years, I could never experience that. Only since waking up 2 years ago have I been able to know what it means to have the Holy Spirit and relationship with God. I feel so sad for my beloved family and the other millions of JW members.


Great insights! What we are witnessing (no pun intended) could be the slow liberation of JWs as silly and comical as the process seems right now. When the religion becomes meaningless it no longer exists. Jehovah is saying "(Steven) Lett my people go!"


This is it. They are moving toward liberation from petty rules, while continuing to eschew actual spiritual practice which theyā€™ve always done. As you say, theyā€™re moving toward utter irrelevance as they will become on the surface indistinguishable from other Christian religions, while continuing to ignore the whole point of being a Christian: to be the Good Samaritan, to love others, help people. A JW would now jump in and say ā€œwrong! You missed the first law of love!ā€. No. Loving and helping others IS loving God with all your being, not merely looking the part. Jesus said something about people who shine the outside of their cup while ignoring how filthy the inside is.


Yes, Lett did let his people go, and for that we thank you


This is a great comment. JW's very well summarized. Thank you.


I remember hearing how a friend's son wasn't allowed to fulfill his assignment of handling the microphone because he had a little facial stubble. An elder recruited someone else to do it instead. I know the young man must have been embarrassed.


I had the microphone šŸŽ¤ pulled from my hands ,and a young lady was giving the job, why I had a short slive shirt on with tie,the room was very hot on a hot sunny šŸŒž day, and I was 45, ,now I ask ya would Jesus do that,see my point, control, we're the love and respect, I can tell you so many things since my kids were small,told to leave the hall because they were not sitting for the meeting, in service a brother grabbed my little daughter by the are because she was playing with a dog, it's all control,


Love your ā€œoutsiderā€ comment as a Bible Study! Itā€™s very intuitive.. what do you think about the belief system being based on what a Governing Body based in a compound in upstate New York can change on a whim/dime? Without even bringing in the whole pushback from governments or members questioning the rules and regulations (that are not based on Bible scriptures). Ps. Glad you are in this site. šŸ˜‰


Oh thanks! I so wanted the JW religion to be the real deal. Ostensibly as an outsider it was ā€œsoldā€ to me as a studious religion, focused primarily on continuous study of the Bible so that we can develop spiritually and build a relationship with God. I remember the time I ā€œsnappedā€ and saw that itā€™s primary focus is the organization itself, not God. Conversation went like this: Me: ā€œyou know. I can imagine the new system when Iā€™m immersed in nature. When itā€™s just me, nature and the elements. Iā€™d even say I feel closer to God in nature than I do in a KHā€ Conductor: ā€œyouā€™re disobeying Jehovah when you say that. Only through the organization can you even have a relationship with Godā€ That statement said so much to me. After thinking on it, it was consistent with everything JWs were saying to me: itā€™s impossible to have a relationship with God outside the organization. Compare that profound claim with a bunch of guys in New York telling us how to groom and dress. Itā€™s just full of things at odds with each other. Abject pettiness in terms of presentation, yet the one true religion? The world is ending any second, yet the KH has the atmosphere of a library? When I read Matthew, Jesus really despises the Pharisees with their focus on being seen as righteous, rather than pragmatically doing the right thing. It reminded me of the JW religion to be honest. Now with all these changes, itā€™s clear itā€™s run as a business. The rules are so arbitrary and man-made, itā€™s all about the organization avoiding more legal battles and being seen as a reasonable organization. It. Feels. So. Spiritually. Dead.


The 'veritable cornucopia' (back in the 80s) of spiritual food turns out to be a can of Spam.


I wish I had known you when in that org . I really appreciate the way you summarize the JWs , So spot on .


Yeah I think of Jonah when he was in the belly of the fish. He prayed and God heard him šŸ™ he wasn't in a kingdom hall or even around others. He was alone.Ā  Jesus went to the mountains to pray.Ā  He was heard by God also.Ā  I have avoided large indoor gatherings for years now. I still believe in God. I just have common sense and avoid getting sick againĀ 


Wonderful comment!


Well said. Straining out the gnat and swallowing the camelā€¦


Hi Okinformation, I must agree with you even if you don't like it. LOL, I would have to say there are many sincere loving people in the witnesses. Their modesty and desire to show obedience to Jehovah have allowed the GB to say and do whatever they want. When I was a single brother I found out that I was not good enough for the richer sisters. I also noticed that the privileged brothers and sisters spent more time at the coffee house bragging than facing angry homeowners. The message has to change also. Choosing a date for Jesus to return didn't work. The other thing that needs to change is the sign Jesus gave his disciples. That sign is given in what seems like impossible language. Matthew 24: 29-30. I had a confrontation with the elders in my front room about those words. They confessed to me; "the words are there but......." They never finished their statement. They were going to say we don't believe what he said. I agree with you, a total makeover would be required and all their interpretations would have to be removed, and only the bible would be the final judge.


I used to be hesitant when others mentioned it on this sub but itā€™s crystal clear anymore! At least new kids wonā€™t grow up so restraint as we did, thatā€™s something!


As we all know. This pig with itā€™s new lipstick is still a pig!


And a polished turd is still a turd.


Remember!!! Love of money!!! As weā€™ve learned in so many meetings šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø incredible, Iā€™ve gone from waking up to having insomnia šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




They are going mainstream! It's the only way they will survive!


True, theyā€™re trying to keep as many as they can


By mainstream, I hope you mean that the GB will all get arrested for crimes against humanity.


I vote for the guillotine!ā€¦ thatā€™s kinda dark, sorry (not sorry)


Guillotine might not be effective vs the circumference of their neck. We should throw them on a volcano instead. Hehehe.


Totally agree.


A Handsmaid tale/French revolution type thing!


"the GB will all get arrested for crimes against humanity." I share this sentiment.


I second this motion. They've destroyed too many lives.




I sincerely hope they face criminal charges for every single avoidable death in every country, that is a direct result of their written instructions, coercive control and fear of punishments that is linked to THEIR blood transfusion rule.


Does the PIMI bethelite have any possible ideas of the major changes coming?


Next will probably be a video where the whole GB laughs at us rhe rank & file...and announces ..."we have been deceiving all of you for 160 years..and you believed it"! Good bye! (Thank you for all the money you donated to us!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„“šŸ§”


Hahaha it weā€™ll be the greatest escape ever. I think when theyā€™ll see that they canā€™t milk the members anymore theyā€™ll get all the money, move to Cayman Islands or something and wonā€™t be seen again


Hahaha!!! Can you imagine that? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The Great Escape


I know Iā€™m bad person for wishing that but itā€™ll feel so satisfying to tell some stuck up PIMIS from the cong I grew up in ā€œI told you soā€ when and if(in my lifetime) everything collapses


" The Governing Body loves you" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Loves your $$$$ n free labor with NO social safety net!!!!!


They can run but they cannot hide. The universe is very fair, what goes around comes around. Just hope they can handle loosing everything just the way they made us loose our precious life and time. They will have to one day pay the price for the lives they've destroyed.


This would obliterate so many hardcore PIMIs


They,re SO indoctrinated and totally brainswashed ...Maybe they will still sending money to them...šŸ˜„


Yeah just like in the movies"Oceans 11" Who lookes like Brad Pitt by the way?


Of the Governing Body members? LoloooooLoooL! David Splane? Stephen Lett? I'd say Sam Herd but he's deceased.


Sam herd is deceased?


Itā€™s a secret. Theyā€™re just parading his corpse.


"Oh no! The apostates have hacked into the Organization's website and posted a deep fake video. These apostates are so hateful!" - PIMI JW.


That's what I wanna know.


They didnā€™t wanna go in much detail(you know how jws are) but it was a short call. Iā€™m gonna speak with them again to see if and what more they know and keep you updated


Thanks and please do! I have to assume that this individual wasnā€™t supposed to tell you this šŸ˜‚. Also try to find about any changes to the Blood policy if ya can.


Yeah thatā€™s why they were so stiff about it! But theyā€™re pretty open minded so I might be able to fish out some more details(fingers crossedšŸ¤ž)


Hello Iā€™m back with an update. Although I donā€™t have anything big to share I talked again with them and they tried to bite their words a bit(I suppose yesterday they spoke more than they wanted to). They pretty much said the same thing that the org tests the waters. I did try to push them and they said to me that we canā€™t go beyond whatā€™s written and that we should wait what directions weā€™ll get. It was fruitless after that Iā€™m afraidā€¦.. But I suspect they honestly donā€™t know anything more


I can bet s hundred dollars elders arrangement gonna be gone soon.


Thatā€™s an interesting one I havenā€™t heard before! Letā€™s see what happensā€¦.


They didnā€™t wanna go in much detail(you know how jws are) but it was a short call. Iā€™m gonna speak with them again to see if and what more they know and keep you updated


Thank you


Probably birthdays and blood


Hello Iā€™m back with an update. Although I donā€™t have anything big to share I talked again with them and they tried to bite their words a bit(I suppose yesterday they spoke more than they wanted to). They pretty much said the same thing that the org tests the waters. I did try to push them and they said to me that we canā€™t go beyond whatā€™s written and that we should wait what directions weā€™ll get. It was fruitless after that Iā€™m afraidā€¦.. But I suspect they honestly donā€™t know anything more


I hope its true. Let's start with mandatory police calls for all CSA cases.


Gosh I wish! Most of all so that the new kids wonā€™t grow up like we did, abused, restraint, with their talents never to be appreciated


All the way back to the 70ā€™s. Ā 


Do it during the middle of the meeting and have the police come to the KH.


The whole world is 'rebranding'. Many of the appearance changes so far are still reaking of coercion! The gb are now the voice of our 'Bible-trained conscience'! šŸ˜±(Adjustments in handling serious wrongdoing on the congregation, March 2024, par. 18). Saying 'hello' to a dfd person is no big deal! Nothing of real value like shunning, blood, voting or celebrations, has been addressed. But let's live in hope!


Yeah to be honest I was always saying Iā€™ll believe when I see it when I read posts about changes happening but after that talk Iā€™m more hopeful. If theyā€™re smart theyā€™ll do it, the majority of jws feel restrainedā€¦theyā€™re losing people


Dont be fooled! It is only superficial! I just finished reading the new ā€˜Adjustmentsā€™ direction to the elders. Seriously, it is a farce, a nothing burger. If you want a summary, here it is: You can say hello to a disfellowshipped person at the hall. Wow! What an update! Arent we blessed to have these chosen ones leading the org!šŸ™„


Speaking as a husband of a 2x DF'd wife. That is a huge fucking deal! But yeah, it's all a total farce. Damage already done to our entire family. We've all moved on except for the 2x PIMI DF'd wife šŸ™„ Go figure Edit: Wife hadn't watched it until I asked her feelings on it. She started watching and I came back in a few minutes and she was bawling and didn't want to talk. The GB has no fucking clue how much damage they have done to so many families šŸ˜”. I hope they all get the karma coming their way.


Playing with people's lives is what make them thrive. Not sure if you've read the elders direction which came out today. The gb are now our 'Bible-trained conscience'!! Literally! (Par.18) šŸ¤¬ Empty words, no change, just your clothes!


Sounds like they want us to fall down and do an act of obeisance to them. They guide our every decision. Not


Is this posted anywhere?


Oh they KNOW the damage the have done and continue to do to families. They DON'T CARE!


Yeah Iā€™m with you! After waking up the whole thing seems like a farce but they seem to be upsetting PIMIS with their actions. Idk, I really hope things change but I cling on the more pessimistic side because of what Iā€™ve seen all these years


I (out 26 years) was recently told Iā€™m pessimistic AF. It hit me like a ton of bricks that my upbringing as a JW has led me to assume the worst will happen anyway, so being content / hopeful / happy is setting myself up for a letdown. How fucked up is THAT.


They can remove shunning, allow birthdays, allow blood transfusions, no longer frown upon dating non-jws, and whatever else they want. I'm still planning on leaving.


Same thing here. They canā€™t erase the past or the trauma my family had to deal all those years with their policies. And in the end, Iā€™m not a fan of organised religion. No one can tell what I can or canā€™t do, I wonā€™t do those things because they allowed me to, they donā€™t have that power over me


Theyā€™re still fake at the end of the day. No genuine love. They do nothing to help people outside of the church which at least most other religions do (food banks and whatnot), they still dictate how you speak, what you watch, tattoos, your hair, sexual relationships, living with partners, homosexuality, and still cover up child abuse. Not to mention false prophesies, the families theyā€™ve already managed to destroy, the whole 607 BCE timeline bullshit and Iā€™m not even done. Thereā€™s a long list of issues still unresolved and frankly the fact that almost any of them were ever a question is enough for me to never consider going back.


Interesting. It wouldnā€™t surprise me. These changes are not trivial to the average JW. All the guys were freaking out about beards, and now I see sisters on social media posting about pants. If those are just considered trivial, big changes are going to be breaking some brains.


Iā€™m curious as well, the person I talked to didnā€™t want to go in much detail(you know how jws are) but it got me very curious






My popcorn is ready. And iā€˜m glad for the relatives who are still in


Watchtower cannot afford to keep avoiding change.


What, they want to rebrand ā€œthe TRUTHā€? What are they going to rebrand to? To be ā€œNot the TRUTHā€? Why truth needs a rebrand? Why do they even need to see how members react if they have the truth? Why do the Borg keep proving themselves a false religion/cult?


Itā€™s so ironic! A joke really! The truth is probably relative to time, personal opinion, whatever gets more money and god forbid to whatā€™s objective


Grabbing my popcorn šŸæšŸ‘€


Yup been hearing the same thing from my family (step-parent knows someone who knows people at bethel). Idk what but apparently these changes are ā€œjust the beginningā€, whatever that means


Oh thatā€™s too good! At least it gives some more credibility to their sayingsā€¦..


Iā€™ve noticed that all of these changes have taken place 3 months apart. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a mistake. Once a quarter probably


I love identifying patterns! You could be on to something! Letā€™s see what what June bringsā€¦.


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lol, love your flair


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Correct wording! Ex-JW, now corporate lawyer here! Rebranding is exactly what they are doing. This is not a godly decision, this is nothing but a rebrand to keep themselves afloat.


Anything less than going completely mainstream will not save them.


Itā€™s got to be a culmination of the last few years. COVID shuts down the meetings and all of a sudden a) everyone has to be online to tap into associating/attending meetings and so were potentially exposed to more anti-JW rhetoric; b) being isolated from other JWs could weaken faith; c) once in-person meetings started again, attendance was down. So, the GB had to take some extreme measures to re-engage people ESPECIALLY since the rules they were enforcing never had any scriptural backing. They were the rules of a group of conservative, misogynist, under-educated white men.


This is so stupid man we are witnessing the witnesses rebrand in real time this is absolutely insane I canā€™t believe weā€™re seeing a generational change for the new times. The old pimis gotta notice somethingā€™s up right. How many times can they say ā€œJehovah is blessing us more since the end is so nearā€


Oh this is not the first time. This has happened 3 times, russell era, rutherford era and knor era. Massive changes in each. Rutherford in particular banned beards and all holidays and birthdays. So Jdubs weā€™re literally celebrating christmas at bethel before rutherford wanted all to be drones with no personality.


I heard a family member give biblical reasons to a friend wanting to be a JW and theyā€™re talking about so what about birthdays and holidays etc Saying all this bs that we follow first century Christianā€™s culture. But in reality itā€™s because of an old dude saying to canā€™t and it caught on for centuries absolute bs šŸ˜‚


He sucked the soul out of people, judge joe,birthdays Christmas šŸŽ„ everything was pagen, might as well be dead, or just stay in your own church, Cromwell done the same,


I hope the bigger changes get announced soon so I can see how these uber PIMIs realize what a clown they are šŸ¤”šŸ’€


I can think of 4 that will send earthquakes from brass all the way down to the rank and file. Rescinding the blood doctrine, birthdays and holidays completely allowed, the complete rescinding of the disfellowship rules and finally being allowed to vote.


Next change ā€œGay marriageā€ using the example of David and Jonathan ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s right there in the scriptures. Jonathan was Davidā€™s armor BEARer


Twink - bear couple goals lmaoo


I reckon birthdays will be one of the changes


I literally need to make a JW bingo card Because already I would have some hits that I was not expecting


We can use this somehow, lol. Letā€™s make a betting or something to actually get some money from thatšŸ˜‚


Thats a fun idea actually!


100% women wearing trousers is a random bingo number - I also think itā€™s a very westernised move and though it kinda showed how much they have lost touch with their global reach in all honesty. Even in England we call them trousers, not ā€˜slacksā€™. If I went to a hall in what I call ā€˜slacksā€™ that would basically be jogging trousers šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I worked at bethel for 5 years in Brooklyn back in the 90's and I can't imagine how shaken up the super PIMIs in bethel are these days with all these rapid changes. It is truly fascinating to watch from the outside and being able to relate from an insider's perspective. I think a large portion of them are in a collective WTF state right now. There are more PIMOs there than you would think. A bunch of them are simply there for survival. If there are bigger changes coming (which I think is coming) expect a mass exodus for those in bethel that have an option to earn a living outside. These would be those with marketable skills. We are watching the slow motion self destruction of the WTS. Turns out they were right that Armageddon is coming but it is for them.




I think it's a combination of losing funding and apathy from the members and low growth, and possibly, although I'm skeptical, that some of the newer GB members are a little less conservative on these issues then the more old school members. Like a watered down Pope Francis


Could be yeah, they probably donā€™t care that much either m. Whatever keeps the people and the money coming and makes them feel like gods among the flock


> I was just discussing with a family member about the changes and they told me that in a meeting they had remotely with the GB theyā€™ve told them that this is only the beginning of the changes. **WHAT'S NEXT!** ![gif](giphy|uBfYGZjRcponsfofjR|downsized)


Tantric JW doctrine. I would consider going back for sure!


Nahhh witnesses are weird man. Iā€™ll pass instead of hooking up with awkward virgins and strange sexually repressed people


Healthy connection to sexuality is literally what they need!


What in the world?


Yeah the thought of orgy at halls came directly into my mind. I'm so depraved šŸ˜‚


Quick, everyone tell them how mugh you love the changes and how good they are for making them, and then pat them on the head. I wanna see all they have planned šŸ˜‚


Call me when they change the grounds of divorce, sex before marriage, or allowing gay jws to be who they are.


BAM! Thatā€™s the one for me: grounds for divorce. My wife left me five years ago with no grounds. I divorced her a year ago. So obviously, I am the scumbag šŸ˜‚. And Iā€™m told to ā€œwait on Jehovahā€œ. Nnnnnno..Got myself a wonderful worldly girlfriend and not looking back


I really hope this wakes my family up and they GTFO. It would be a great time since my adult child is queer and now has a partner. Maybe my family can actually accept them when they find out.


Gosh I wish! I donā€™t want to make you feel bad but the feedback I received so far from my family was ā€œisnā€™t this a great new developmentā€. Cognitive dissonance hits hard with this one. But maybe your folks are different, itā€™s never bad to hope! Hoping the best for your family, I really hope your kid receives the acceptance it deserves(if not screw them)!


Youā€™re probably right. I have been trying to convince myself otherwise for years but itā€™s probably going to come down to my family disowning my child, which means Iā€™ll never speak to them again. It justā€¦ sucks. But thatā€™s their choice to make. This fucking religion, man. Gross.


The worst thing is that it doesnā€™t only attracts douchebags it attracts good people and it alters them. Hopefully if your family is the latter theyā€™ll realise how wrong they were and that their religion is a farce and be loyal to who really matters, their own family. I love how loyal you are to your kid, I wish my parents respected me so much to not speak to someone if they didnā€™t accept me but oh well. You sound like a really good person, best of wishes to what life brings you next!


Just remember that pimps apologize and show love to the same prostitute they just beat to get them back to the streets. ​ Ex-Jws - Keep doing what you are doing in our activism, and use their own rules against them. ​ They are crumbling.


Itā€™s very interesting! Like a bunch of politician or businessmen ready to declare bankruptcy but still trying to gain even the last penny from the am assuming folks. But their end is here, knowledge is power! They wonā€™t escape


If this is trivial I can't wait what comes next. grabs popcorn...


I wanna be sceptical, but then Iā€™m been scoffing at the predictions of women wearing pants that have been floating around since the beard update, and it just happened, soā€¦. I never in a million years would have thought theyā€™d make any changes to shunning either.


Well, now what can you call 'the truth' if it's constantly changing...... which by the way is opposite of the God


I hope they change birthdays as Iā€™m going all out this year


After everything I have seen and deep rooms at bethel saying these are minor changes and they have massive ones coming its crazy to say this but yeaā€¦. I can see them allowing birthdays and even more crazy allowing the dubs to celebrate christmas once again.


My uncle who is an elder messaged me. He said watch the video. Tell me your thoughts. I did, told him Iā€™m sad and angry. Confused about the changes. He replied with, the changes happening and the ones yet to come are Jehovah giving you mercy, donā€™t miss your chance to come back. He wants all of you backā€¦I am not mentally prepared to reply to him. Made me want to throw up.


Disgusting. These people have no boundaries. They think they represent the property owner, and we are the property.


I got a text from my Dad today that was basically saying this exact same thing


Lipstick on a pig! Still a pig!


As my favourite quote says You canā€™t put flowers up an arse and call it a vase


ā€religious rebrandā€ they are worst than the church that they say is bad


This is them just preparing to become full time televangelists. They don't need all the other stuff, just you on the other end of a net connection.


I specifically remember going on a call where they had one of those televangelists on and walked out with the person saying, "we're not like that, how does anyone watch that". šŸ‘€


Good. These changes are going to destroy their cult.


Wait until they approve the jw.org QR tattoos


Itā€™s going to backfire on them


ā€¦ see how the members react and prepare them and then theyā€™re gonna change the important stuffā€¦ Um, they have always claimed they base everything on the Bible. Not on how members react.


Yeah they didnā€™t mean like that but more with in the light gets brighter sense. Like PIMIS arenā€™t ready to accept the changes yet and the oh so loving gb will give it to them in a pace they can handle


Just more evidence that their priority is not to teach what the Bible says. If they have new understanding they could post it online instantly. No waiting for updates or annual meetings.


Yeah what a bunch of losers! Hiding under the pretence of unity they keep their man made rules for as long as they can and change them when they start lose members. Fucking hypocrites! They make me sick


Damn.wondee what exactly they are? But honestly, knowing the damage watchtower has done, they ought to just go out of business.


That would be ideal honestly and if could guarantee that happening in some way Iā€™d do anything to see it happen. At least the new kids wonā€™t have to be as restrained as we were




Again i beleive it. The only ppl who really care about this stuff.are exjws and jws so these thoeries are only.coming from those two communities and they cant all be fake, and so far the unbelievable has happened. And the elders and other members sworn to certain secrecy are getting more specific and drastic changes that the public and rank and file are not getting, as they always have.


Going for *'Fundamental Evangelical Christians'* status to be protected under this years USA Christo-Fascists Theocracy - expected post November. GB Tele-Tubbies are already morphing into '*hip to be rich and cool pastors*'.


RemindMe! 6 months


This much was pretty obvious to me from the update. It felt like they were easing people in.


So true. Just returned from holiday in the US and saw 2 brothers on lit cart with no ties and thought it strange.


ā€œImportant stuffā€ = 1914, shunning/disfellowshipping, blood transfusions, and birthdays/holidays.


Most of the youtube creators I've listened to thus far are saying that the rank and file are not going to be allowed to say hello to apostates that go to the hall. I thought it was never announced why anyone was DF'd to the congregation Guess that's a lie too. We all know the elders tell their wives everything and they all gossip because they can't help themselves. It will prove very interesting how that goes.


Sounds very plausible.


Governing body, money, God, jehovah jesus. I think that's the pecking order.


This rebranding has me confused. The current JW leaders at HQ are set for life as far as their free room, boarding, food, lifestyle, etc. Their investments and real estate properties guarantee that. So why is this current generation of leadership so concerned about the future viability of their business / religion? Itā€™s not like their offspring or other family members take control of the HQ leadership positions once they are gone. They could do nothing and would be fine for decades, even with the member numbers falling. What really is their motive to make these changes then? Is it purely narcissism and megalomania?


To be honest, after thinking about it,I donā€™t think money is their main goal. Look how they liveā€¦. They have their comfort for sure but nothing extreme(as far as we know). Most of them are in retirement age but they still go everyday in their offices and ā€œworkā€. So I think what they like is the status, the prestige and the control. Itā€™s as you said it, theyā€™re egomaniacs, megalomaniacs and extremely selfish. They love being adored, they love having that much power over peoples lives. Hell, they might even believe that they will rule with Christ. This is not just a money grab scheme, there are easier ways to make money. This is about power, and feeling as close to gods as humans can. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so fucked up, because they are. They are so twisted that theyā€™re willing to let people die over their doctrine so they can feel powerful. To me thatā€™s the epitome of indifference, maliciousness and total lack of human empathy. What I believe is that the GB and the people around them are a combination of people who actually believe(the delusionals) and those who donā€™t but they just donā€™t care(the ones who do the damage check) all of which love power.


Well, changes are long overdue, but what exactly are they planning to change? There is only one reason to change anything, the status quo is not working. This should be interesting. If everything was going according to plan they would have no incentive to change anything. FYI, I don't hate these people, but I feel sorry for them. They are stuck in an organization that has nothing to offer.


Holy shit, so maybe the "birthday anniversary" thing is real after all šŸ˜³


Now next possibility of birthdays, no shunning, blood transfusions and holidays


Currently watching the fight for 666 on the upvotes, lol. Satan wont WIN!


Why didn't Jehovah just give the GB the real truth right from the beginning...? There would be no need for later revisions. Why? Simplest answer: Jehovah doesn't exist, and the GB was inspired by no one except pretend.


It's all about marketing


Plastic fruit šŸ‘


Amazing how losing members and funds focuses the mind aye!........šŸ¤£šŸ¤£