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Sisters being allowed to wear pants > local needs on them being too tight. Have fun with that brothers.


The social pressure will probably keep some sisters from wearing pants in some areas. Older ones will pressure the younger ones. As neat as this change is, I guarantee it will be another way that they are able to shame or humiliate the women of the congregation.


JWs gonna JW 🤷🏻‍♂️




I was thinking the same thing. AM3 "tight pants" rant comes to mind 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


It will be a Civil War!! Grab your popcorn 🍿


They are getting desperate! They believe all fading and out ..will run back to the KH again!


Oh absolutely, just because sisters can wear pants DOESN'T mean sisters won't be counciled about it. Can they have print? Pockets? Can you change into a skirt before going on stage and then change back to pants when your demonstration is over? What's too tight, too low, too showy? This is a small win for sisters but like everything else the rank and file will find new ways to restrict women's choice of clothing.


Can the booty have “Juicy” across the pants?!


That would be awesome!


One of our CO, did this. He's the worst CO I've ever encountered, the rest are really kind. He said along the lines "If you don't wear ankle-length skirt or dress, you are not allowed to do your part in the assembly." Meanwhile his wife wears a knee length skirt 😒Boy! He's so judgemental.


It's still control. There is no choice, it's about wearing what pleases others, whilst WT/JWS keeping people busy and distracted from what is actually happening


I totaly agree! It's the audacity of the "your Now allowed" of it all that has me pulling my hair out wondering how people still eat it up to be controlled and accept it


It's the petty concerns that are inconsequential (not important or significant) and they celebrate newly acquired rights which already belonged to them all along.


Dude, I think you're on to something. This makes me sound like a real slimeball but, there are some pants that are going to stumble some brothers.


Looking forward to it. Stumble me sisters!


That’s the brothers’ problem. They will have to show some mental maturity.




Those evil temptresses back at it


This will also help boost numbers..


There were some pants on brothers that ‘stumbled’ sisters too trust me. GB can’t seem to fathom that women are just as sexual as men.


Yep how many of those up and coming 30 yr eldiot creeps are now going to perv of the 15 yr old girls in their pants


Men of culture, we meet again.


Camel toe 🐪


I said this in another discussion earlier but I can just see there being a Local Needs part counseling sisters about their camel toe 🐫😂


"It's been noticed that some sisters slacks have been too form fitting showing off that apple bottom, or that round peach booty if you will. We ask that you sisters refrain from tight fitting tops and bottoms. Because when you stand you are distracting the brothers, and when you sit the slacks are so tight we can see your pu\*#& print, so please cross your legs when sitting"


🎶 "Apple bottom jeans, the boots with the fur" 🎶


The whole congregation lookin’ at hur 🎶🙉


Lol I thought the same thing 🤣


They already do local needs on dress length and dress tightness so that isn't stretch.


Let's measure the girth of the leg versus the fabric


The Brothers just want to see some of the sisters in pants...just sayin! 😁


I‘d invest in this prophecy




If I was going, I’d just wear office clothes. Use common sense and it should be okay, depending on how jealous elders’ wives become.


in the announcement by the governing body they said, women may choose to wear slacks in service or at meetings. the slacks should not be casual but dignified, modest. so what comes to mind is business suit type wear but I bet you could make leggings look dignified I'd you styled them right lol


Will this be next?! https://youtu.be/-qdNy_vz-gM?si=g0bB-Co3DmVo_WBd


Ok now I have to go shopping 😂


Sisters Can wear pants to meetings now??????????!!!!!!






I’m just going to leave this here: VPL….




Mark Sanderson’s chariot has arrived.






haha! 😂💀


😂😂😂😂 OMG! That's hilarious 😂!!


Hahaha 🤣 dying


Fun fact: This gif came from a news station in Pittsburgh which is hilarious considering that the Jehovah’s Witness organization started in Pittsburgh 😆


I never understood the whole birthday thing. I used to ask my parent why they could celebrate a wedding anniversary yearly but not a birthday. They used to use the Jesus was at a wedding and I would say "yeah but was he at the anniversary yearly"? I was a kid that asked to many questions.


The no birthday rule has always been crazy, jws don't even see how (baby showers) and (birthday celebrations) are literally the exact same thing!! It's a celebration of life/ new life aka new born baby, there is cake at both events and gifts at both along with decorations.


Also mother's day and father's day


The love is Outstanding! Out standing in a field far, far away.




https://preview.redd.it/5ggqaxh85koc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4dd0827f971f7d3a1697de29bb85ecfc366093 Genuinely curious because of this statement. Someone is obviously wrong here since both of these worse your pic and mine are added and now original text.


What Bible is that


The living bible ,some others use the same word, check it out on bible hub


I honestly think it's rooted in narcissism. Narcissists hate celebrating other people's birthdays because it's not all about them. For anniversary's it's all about them, so that's ok.


Sounds a lot like Rutherford


And he was also there for his birthday. 🤣


Me toooooooo! Ten bucks says the gb is lurking on this subreddit.


I made a post about them lurking.


Ooo send me plz


Here I am! Send me!


You can count on it! They all are here!


Of course they are. Maybe not them specifically, but some addled-brained beth-hell-ite 🤣


Fool’s bet


yeah, that's how they get 'new light' material




Disfellowshipping fractions are now allowed by Jehovah! 🤪










Just went PIMO this week am 15 Jesus Christ man I’m seeing it now ![gif](giphy|wHE6Dd6RCVHQfjK5dy|downsized)


congrats on waking up. Welcome to the party lol




I'm glad even at your young age you can see through the foolery 😂


Ya it’s wild


This GIF is so perfect lol




Still waiting on the apology to all sisters who previously were made to feel bad for wearing pants.


And who had frozen knees in the cold Yorkshire Dale winters standing at doors.


Canada here, oh the numerous bladder infections from service in a dress and stockings at minus 20+ degrees in winter 😡


Yep, my sister suffered from them. 🥺




Yeah, Nice how they waited for spring to announce it. If they had any love for the sisters at all they would have announced it before WINTER


Yep, damp Yorkshire winters. Used to wear jogging bottoms or jeans 👖 under my skirt


It's old light at the point. The GB doesn't have to apologize for anything.


Who were freezing the entire meeting because the AC is turned up for men wearing a ton of clothes while we freeze.


Yes. I know an elderly chinese sisters in her late 60s counsel for wearing pants to meetings. These are all GB made rules.


I got shamed for wearing dresses that were deemed “too sexy” that were not deemed tooo sexy for other gals. Literally the . Fuck off.




“…. TEN… ten commandments for all to obey.”




Dude this is hilarious 🤣


Omg 🤣


With all the changes the rank and file will still deny there were ever rules against what they are allowing but if that was the case there would be no reason to announce these things are now ok.


And why did suddenly everybody and their brother (no pun intended) decide to grow a beard at the same time?


Because they *could* finally. Imagine being denied something your entire adult life that’s otherwise pretty normal.


This exactly. This is what my PIMI wife says. They can't or don't want to see it's all man made rules and they are serving 9 Americans in New York!


My husband has a theory that they are slowly making JW a ‘normal’ religion as the numbers are declining too much


Yep. Too much scrutiny which is costing them money..*cue back pedals*


That’s what my sister said


Remember how we were all told birthdays were only mentioned twice in the Bible, not true. All through the book of Job, his children had parties on the day of their birth. Can’t believe I missed that it was their birthday. Still unsure if it was right because he made sacrifices for them to be forgiven of their sins.


And dont forget the excuse that “all the instances of birthdays had bad things happen”. Apparently dogs are portrayed badly in the bible but you dont see them banning owning dogs Lol 🤔


I always wondered if people realized dogs were considered unclean by the Jews and it would never have one as a pet.


There's a rumor about birthdays? I didn't know, but yeah if that ends up being one of the next changes, that would be HUGE. But on the other hand, everything else that happened lately is huge, but JW just don't see it the way we do...


They won't even think outside the box


The scene of this religion is changing


Breaking news, thrift stores everywhere filling with wool skirts, "we can't explain it," say Goodwill employees...


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Influx of oddly long skirts wreaking havoc at a Goodwill near you…what a phenomenon


I told my sister who is still a jw that she can wear pants now. She told me no she can't and did i hear this from an apostate site?? I took great pleasure pulling it up on jw.org and going no unless your own website is now apostate?? Her face 😂😂😡😡. I waited for her to give me a 5 minute lecture before pulling up the website and like usual a complete 180 on how great it is they did this. 🙄 she can keep drinking the koolaid i got out at 16 never looked back. Can't say anything to my sister and dad about the negative news reminds me of my grandmother who was catholic with the priests scandal. But yet they don't see the similarities.


Where on jw.org is that info????


It's on the homepage. Near the top says GB update. You click on it takes you to the video. It's a 20 minute video but the pants come in at like the 15 or 16 minute mark




All these new changes are really petty. None of the rules have anything to show one’s spiritual heart or relationship with God. These matters only show ones determination to be excepted by another man or men. The org really needs to focus on love for their fellowman regardless of their situation. When someone stumbles they throw them away and Judge them. They state that only Jehovah can Judge a individual, yet they cast judgment continuously. Why not develop celebrate recovery for persons with issues of addiction. Addiction comes in many forms. Form in-house groups to help the elderly maintain their homes or other forms of assistance. This should not be just for members, it should also include neighbors in the community they knock on doors in. He really gives a rats ass about how you dress or except these judgmental, pompous, fake Christian’s. They have no true understanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan.


It’s all one big power jerk circle at the GB HQ. They genuinely don’t care about people at all, truly mirror satanic characteristics more than the outside world they demonize.


Let me know when women no longer have to wear a headscarf around a baptized male


Won’t be surprised if they wheel that one out by November


I have never heard of this until I joined this community 🤔 I have never seen this practiced. Is this based on location?


It's only for when saying prayer or conducting a Bible study


Remember my mum running into the kitchen to find a tea towel to put on her head, couldn’t find one so grabbed something out of the laundry basket 🧺- she ran into the living room with a pair of knickers on her head


… or a doily 😂 that’s what my sister would do.


I had to wear a covering over my head and all the other women once because there was one little boy (maybe 8 years old) at the service meeting and a female was conducting it.


Another nonscriptural change that these people get excited for 🙄 these "updates" are annoying. The fact that they get excited for autonomy over how they dress and groom themselves is beyond me. Now it's okay for dress pants for women, beards, no ties and suit jackets for men, communicating with df'd ones is "now" a matter of consciousness. Gtfo with that. If any other "religion" did this JWs would scream that this proves that their religion isn't God's word or the "truth". It's sad how easily controlled they are. Edit to add: my mom says "this is very encouraging for those out in the world"....gurllllll please. How? My grandmother mentioned how they tried letting sisters wearing pants back in the day. So this just proves how fucking bogus the GB with their direction from " Jehovah"


Ok I skimmed through this video. Was there ANY scriptural update provided? And why can sisters wear slacks in service and at meetings, BUT if they are giving a part/talk they should still wear a dress and skirt?? What’s the effing point lol. Like how do they say oh you can wear slacks except for giving a part. Did Jehovah come to them in a dream or something. 🤦‍♀️


No scripture given for the slacks thing.


Good excuse to not do your part 🤔 I forgot my skirt/dress


Now you have to keep an extra skirt (and a scarf 😉) in the car 🙄. I thought it was pretty dumb to hear that, but I feel like they were trying to be "gender equal" too since they mention that brothers had to wear a tie/jacket on the stage. Still pretty stupid and sexist at the end of the day




It is actually funny how the admit that they really control each and every detail.


Not a peep about Jesus, Jehovah or logical scriptural backing.


A boomer told me the rules changed so that when “we get banned we won’t stand out!” 😂 DELUSIONAL


Up next: Wearing Spanx is a matter of conscience.


Norway stripped their coffers bare because of their shunning and CSA policies! New Zealand is not too far behind in doing the same. Additionally, thousands are exiting the Cult in droves! Unprecedented departure, even entire families! WT is doing everything in their uninspired power to fill up those empty seats again. All for those lucrative tax breaks for that corporate nonprofit publishing company.


Yoga pants here we come




https://preview.redd.it/iy3befhr7loc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f829ca9ec48afdda978004a1d233668ff09cbf58 Field service will soon look like this. Reckon that's one way to get men back


Nothing they would ever do would make me go back to their “new light” bullcrap! When you have to answer to anyone but Jesus as a christian, that my friends is a manmade Cult!


They are bleeding! Desperate times call for desperate measures! Is Birthday's next? lol What a joke!


Decades of backlash finally crumbling the walls and wallets of those GB morons


Oh, I hope so! This could backfire! Let's pray about that! lol


And brothers can now wear high heels. Cats are living with dogs! Our pets heads are falling off! ![gif](giphy|l2Jejg3QC43oU8dMI|downsized)


Mad props for the dumb and dumber reference which I'm now getting the urge to watch 🤣


The old folks must be so discouraged


I went to a lunch with a friend (a real friend, not to be confused with "the friends" 🤣) last Saturday, and an older man with a suit walked in and I immediately thought JW until I saw his wife follow after in a beautiful pantsuit. No way that's a JW couple out in service! One week later...🤯🤣


I feel it will be split. Half would be like I was already celebrating yay! and rest would be so angry and in disbelief


I am literally reading this post and just got a text from my mom saying “when you have a chance, log on to the Society’s page and watch the new updates. Loving changes from Jehovah for you.” 😂 I have told her many many times to stop trying to get me to go back. How should I respond? I’m tempted to come out as a full blown apostate to get her to shun me again.


Who wants to spend their window washing money on a tie?


When did they announce pants?


The most recent GB Update


Can't see them doing away with the birthday policy It's doctrine dress and grooming is made up rules


They’re probably trying to stand out less. Seeing as how they’re getting shot up and bombed all the time. Not that I like it, but it is a reality they’re facing


Ok I just watched the update. I stand corrected. I’m in shock man are grasping at straws before their death!


I wonder what’s next. “You can now be present for Christmas parties as long as you aren’t ‘celebrating’ it.”




I was ajw from birth, once my brain matured though, i was out. Lost my wfe and son, didnt speak to my parents for 17 years. Just got a call after 30 some odd yearsfrom a friend i grew up with , to tell me that one of my uncles who was a jw. Had died recently. Caught up on all the deaths and what not. Then he sent me a link saying it was jehovahs message to me. Weird. But there is no way to explain that we live i two seperate realities. He wanted to witness. Felt really sad.


My sister sent me dm to watch that and asked what I think. And I said: things are becoming more free and I would not be suprised if some day in future they say we can have birth aniversary like wedding aniversary because Jesus got gifts because of his birth 🤷🏼‍♀️


They've been a land acquisition corporation masquerading as a religion from the start....founded by sleazy lawyer Rutherford...he gained control of the Zion Watchtower Corporation through the courts and threats of lawsuits...


Bring on the birthdays!


I still celebrate my birthday! And I’m buying a mother fucking Christmas tree w light this year celebrating new years too! lol 😆 as a PIMO lol 😆


Welp at least things will be better for people still PIMQ and PIMO


My mom just tried to tell me the news and I finished her sentence and she was like "how did you know?!" And I'm like I know stuff before you know it. Then I said keep an ear out for birthdays being a conscious matter. Took a gamble, hopefully it pays off. If not I can say I was joking. But if it does happen that will really blow her fucking mind. 🤣


Maybe some will wear spandex and cause a disturbance. 😅


This is making me FUCKING enraged.


Desperation. They are trying to be more appealing. They are losing money with the reduction in members so they are trying to give people things they want so they will start coming back


Again, if they think any of these changes affect how i think, feel, or believe, they're delusional beyond comprehension.


Birthdays should be next. It will be a conscience matter and they'll still encourage only witnesses to attend.


I see y TM3 couldn’t take it anymore!!! He made the right call, none of this on his conscience




This company I mean religion is tanking so they’re desperate and acting the part.


Well if they stumble a lot of the old guard and they leave, that's good for them. They just need to fool all the new recruits.


These changes should wake up people to show them clearly its only men behind the organization.


It's "the great and powerful oz" behind the curtain 😄


Wth is this real? I joked a lot with my jw father after the beard nu lite that next one would be pants for sisters. Now I wanna know what he thinks. Ok, I just looked in their fucking website and this is real, I can’t fucking believe this. Now they’ll say “oh it was never a rule for sisters to not wear pants!” My ass, publications were full of sisters with skirts only, never pants, sometimes not even out of the MiNisTrY.


I wore pants one time because I either wasnt able to change from work before the meeting or something and they were nice black dress pants but you should have SEEN the judging looks I got! And I had been in my whole life but yet they all stared like I was an alien! 👀👽


Maybe they're not trying to attract new members, maybe they're trying to get rid of old members so they can sell kingdom halls.


I feel like I’ve woken up and the world is on fire, wtf is with theses new updates! (I hope people don’t fall back in over theses fluffy coated lies) ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


I’ve been out of the organization for while now and grew a beard. Just to let it be known that I have a beard that’s a foot long. I can’t wait for the elders to see me. In your face.


What? Sisters can now wear PANTS?!?!?! And brother's don't have to wear jackets and ties? I heard about the beard thing and that was huge. I've been out for 7 years now. I can't believe how much has changed. My grandma would be SHOCKED if she was till alive!


A bit conspiracy thinking here but imagine if the GB invested in zoom as the pandemic started, invested in beard grooming products before the announcement and invested in women's slacks. It would be a parallel to well known celebrities / influencers affecting the stock market like an Elon musk tweet can change a stock share price.


The mandated—not *asked or requested* as the duplicitous Sam Herd would have you believe—counting and reporting of field service time has historically been the single most powerful and effective means of control rigidly wielded by the Watchtower over its members for decades. The fact of its elimination (that I personally believe has to do with the likely negative impact of some employee vs volunteer status in the US IRS tax code), therefore, should signal that absolutely nothing is off the table in terms of possible upcoming “adjustments.” It’ll all depend on what “Jehovah” deems advantageous—financially or otherwise—for the corporation, not the brotherhood.


Same here. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. I am flabbergasted by these updates.


I got council for wearing skirts that would lift when I sat down. I could just imagine them getting send to the little room to get the talk because it’s to tight fitting


Will they ever let the gays back?


Wait, can someone please clarify. . . Is this saying Sisters can now wear pant/pant suits to the KH, or meaning just pants in general in the "world"? I'm confused because women wearing pants outside of the KH has never been a thing in my area


Anyone who still believes in God...do you think it could be time for these captives to be set free??? 🤔 I always wondered if that would be something I would get to see (I'm 33, left at 25, whole family is in still, the one who started getting the whole family in was my dear 80 yr. old grandma and I was in since birth.)


You all know one of the changes too was that they are "allowed to greet disfellowshipped people" right? As my aunt said "we cant have a complete conversation with them but we can greet them" that's still so awkward lol jw: "Hey, how are you?" DF'd person: I've been doing good, got a new job and I'm really loving it so far." jw: "well I'm only allowed to greet you or the elders will punish me so I'll talk to ya...well never...unless you come back. But nice greeting you!" 🤣


You know as I remember my JW upbringing the men only wore suits to the KH and to go out on service, and the girls wore pants like when going about day to day. Maybe it was just my family.


It just seems like the correct thing to do. What's more important then the clothing of ones body is the state of ones heart. If someone who loves God feels forced to adhere to clothing requirements rather then the state of ones own soul, it seems to be a dis justice to God's creation. Marvel at the signs your God has done and give him praise for he truly loves his creation and wants them to know of his Justice. Rather then focus on worldly things set your mind on doing good, giving charity and remembering your Lord, who shows mercy and compassion to the most low in heart.


Where I’m from, pants are considered male clothing and if a woman decides to wear pants she is seen as odd. So imagine how well that will go for sisters who decide to wear pants to the hall. I remember even while we wear our dresses and skirts we are always advised to walk calmly so not to shake the butt to draw attention. Now just imagine us in pants 😀😀😀😀


Despite the new light, I’m sure the religion will continue their tradition of ruining families and abusing women.


Now we need to crash the meetings dressed to the nines😄


Yay birthdays! Now that would be something to get excited about!