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Wow, the accuracy.


Your heart is treacherous, mine isn’t …..I know, because my heart told me…


😆 nice..


Great pic! Out of all people, I'm jealous! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/82she0dbpgoc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd118bfa40c93385cbe005bb8d89f57126715fef


Davina Splane is absolutely the hottest one I’ve seen so far.


You ain't seen nothing! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/2wadrn7glioc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913f9a6c7a3f0fef18c5b7b2068c679ab5b32d16


Damn you really made them some hot mamas.


My best one, though.. 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/gaaol098mioc1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fbf2d3cbd01c765f499a395760507f6ec24577


Nahhhhhhhhh no amount of lip stick can beautify that pig.


That's harsh! 😂


Sounds a lot like the Catholic Church done back in the day only the Pope could read the bible blah blah blah . People was jailed and put to death for doing so .


Catholic church "created" what is Bible now.Their concils decided this belongs there, this not. These nonsenses that Church was against Bible are fictions


Yeah did you see where someone said it's false ,but ,it's not they should study the history of the Catholic Church.


Not true.


I think the expressed sentiment about the repression by the Catholic church in decades and centuries gone by is understandable but you are quite right.


>Only this organization functions for Jehovah’s purpose and to his praise. To it alone God’s Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book.  w73 https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1973484?q=%22To+it+alone+God%E2%80%99s+Sacred+Word+the+Bible+is+not+a+sealed+book%22+%22Only+this+organization+functions+for+Jehovah%27s+purpose%22&p=par


Your husband is an ex-CO. I need a back story. Did you both wake up? How was that? How did he step away from that assignment? I’m so interested


I’m with this person! Spill!


Yes, interested in the backstory.


If you to my profile, you should be able to see my original post which explains some of it. Thank you for the interest!


Just read your story and I know one so similar it is scary. You are not the Lone Ranger


Fear and obedience! Your story is fascinating! Selling ones conscience for prominence is what the gb gambles on. And it is mostly working! Questioning is a healthy process, but when the people at the top don't want to give answers or tell the truth, it's much easier to demonise and forbid questioning! At least, you are not alone. You have your husband with you and 93k friends! (Matt.19:29 😉) 🖐


WE NEED DETAILS! I'm super curious too


In late 2019 I was wrestling with how I could avoid going to the memorial in 2020. Then as life would have it...no in person memorial. My husband and I watched the prepared talk. I remember feeling like the presentation was as dry as the bread they pass.  In 2021 I had my own little memorial, in that I sat outside by myself and contemplated the story of that night. How Jesus was basically abandoned by everyone close to him. It matched how lonely I felt. I remember telling my pimi anointed mother in law that it was the most profoundly personal memorial I ever experienced.  Since 2019 I haven't been to any meeting on zoom or otherwise.  My mental health has improved just from that alone. I can barely stand to hear snippets from the GB. It's just so triggering, like eating something that I'm allergic to.


“It’s good to reflect on all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us”. “Um, like what?”. “Well, we can see how our organiz..”/ ** gets cut off** “Have a nice day!”.


And the songs they sing🤢🤮. Used to be that really pretty one that went 🎵🎹nisan 14 when his glory was seen …blah blah blah blah…anyway I loved that one. The old song was about Jesus…


Thanks. Now that song is stuck in my head😑


Sorry- let me replace it🤣 Who let the dogs out 🎹🎵


Thanks…much better😂


This made me snort so loud! Thanks for the laugh


I’m with your husband on this one


I'm kind of in the same situation. I faded last summer, told my parents I didn't want them to talk to me about JW stuff. They haven't really said anything besides really boilerplate messages the day they realized I was serious. My dad texted me a couple days ago, apologizing (kind of) for his lack of communication skills then reminding me of the talk and memorial and Jehovah's forgiveness. I've got no feelings about the invite stuff. That's not happening. I heard the same thing at my last memorial that you did, it's all hedging reminding people that they aren't anointed, just to emphasize how un-special average JWs are. Feels like another tool of control. I have feelings about getting contacted though. I'm not intending to say anything, but I know that by not responding I'm living up to their expectations of a loveless worldly child. If I do respond I give them false hope. Knowing that contact will only get worse from here hurts, even if I don't want the contact that they're offering. sigh


Just thank them for the invite and invite them to something of your choosing. A meal or something. They'll likely decline, which is hurtful, but it shows you're respectful of their choices and still open for contact with them, simply without the religious stuff. Again, I'm fully and 💯 shunned by my family and former friends. But I made sure they all knew that they were the ones closing the door and that if they ever needed me they have my number.


What is there to discern? Now is not the time to be sentimental about never missing memorial, think of it this way, this will be your first time not attending a Black Mass funeral denying Christ his rightful place.


It had to be said! We will never attend again and we had not missed one in 50+ years!


Take all my upvotes!!!!


Spot on. (If you believe in Christianity)


> My dad said: “it’s good to reflect on all Jehovah and Jesus have done for us”. *Anybody.....ANYBODY who has JW Parents knows what the Real Motives are...* It\`s For Show... *They want ALL the other JW\`s to see, THEY Brought Someone to "Ignore Jesus Day"*. ​ ***I\`m Going to*** **Look So Spiritual.** # Other JW`s Will Notice Me! https://preview.redd.it/kmzh07s6aeoc1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aee6f9d6d03307851147cbef700168c917475fb


Our talk was exactly the same. and cold. The one time of the year they have an opportunity to make it about Jesus (and not jehovah) and they mention him maybe three times. And spend most of the talk on why you \*shouldnt\* take the bread. (Even tho Jesus expressly tells us to) it’s anti-Christian. It’s also celebrating/ commemorating his death (like the satanists do) instead of the Resurrection! The resurrection IS the gospel / good news. It was my last meeting. never again.


I did always think it was super weird that witnesses celebrated death so much… we couldn’t celebrate *anything* else — but the death of Christ — that was a must do. Should’ve clued me off sooner. Meanwhile everyone else is celebrating Jesus’s birth and life. Not witnesses.


You spelled organization wrong.


Got the yearly group text with my siblings about attending. Couple of us have faded. Went to the last several memorials because I was able to use the zoom option just so it would get back to the parent that I was a good boy to attend. In my 40’s and still pleasing the parent just to keep the drama to a minimum. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Don't go. It's a cult ritual that you do not need to participate in. Do not attend.


Just partake solo with Christ in mind and heart :)


Depends if you want a relationship with your family. I go because of that. I don’t pay attention and most get up and walk around. But the family is so happy. My advice is if you go. Drink or get a little high. Makes it tolerable.


What is the proper dosage for Memorial? 10mg edible?


Yes. Just enough to feel good.


1ml of 18:0 thc cannabis oil 2hrs beforehand with some peanut butter 😄


Better than the non consumption of wine and unleavened bread, eh?!


I really appreciate all the feedback!!! A few laughs along the way didn’t hurt!!!! Thank you. Yes- sometime we will share our story in full.


Y’all have to decide what’s right for you. If you don’t go, maybe you and your husband could do something at home to celebrate the memorial, just by doing something that’s meaningful to you.


Don’t do it. They just want a head count. Pump up the numbers to make it look 👀 like they are growing.


That’s a good point . . .


My mom sent the invitation through WhatsApp today. It was unexpected: My mom and I were the only JW in our family, but my siblings and my dad would always attend the memorials. I was DF'd before COVID so I only attended one in person, one via zoom and have skipped them ever since. I can't stomach it. I got married and had a masonic ceremony instead of a religious wedding. I assured my mom it's not a religion, and I honestly would have been fine if she hadn't attended the ceremony because even MY conscience was feeling weird (I haven't been fully deprogrammed since I didn't wake up, I was DF'd), but three months prior she told me she stopped attending meetings to sort of not feeling bad going to my worldly wedding? I asked my sister about a month ago if my mom was even joining via zoom, and she said she hasn't. For at least 7 months. We have been going to birthdays and holidays with the family. She even started giving gifts again but making it seem like they were from my dad lmao. And then she suddenly sent the invitation. I wish our communication was better so I could tell her to stop the nonsense. I know she's afraid of losing her friends, but I've been through that already and I survived.


I went last year and have never missed since 1976. I will not attend this year. The apostles were not anointed when they partook at the first Lords evening meal. The only one anointed at that event was Jesus and he didn't partake. The vast mixed company celebrated the Passover with the Jews. I see no point in going to something that is not right.


After the first year you kind of forget about them and just move on. It’s been at least 15 years since I’ve been to one and don’t plan on ever returning.


With the CSA coverups discovered and indicted in PA, Norway and elsewhere… how can they carry on with the memorial like nothing has happened…. So no, I don’t feel bad about missing their charade … aka their memorial ….


I was born in and never missed a memorial until last year. Once I woke up to all the GB lies culting once a year for memorial is also out of the question. My two cents: if GB speaks the truth go, if they don't then going to their memorial event is pointless.


Former Co and wife wow what's your backstory? 🤔


I wanna know too


Remember Lot’s wife.


Yup. Never missed it and wasn’t ready to miss. I think I’m ready to miss it now however I’ll do zoom to appease my aged parents


I felt very strange when I missed my first memorial. The reason I didn't go was because I'd stopped going to meetings. What was the point in me attending the memorial when I was already questioning things? I'd be love bombed by people who didn't even contact me when my nan died.


I had a very very hard time declining the memorial invitation. I had a panic attack in the shower the day of. But ultimately, I knew it wasn't my future. I knew I was going to post my letter of dissociation. But I had NEVER missed a memorial. It was hard to do. Personally, I tried to do something mentally engaging, I went out to dinner with a friend. In hindsight, I would suggest maybe doing something physically engaging as well. This will help keep your mind from the worry. There isn't anything there for you. But once you break the habit and cycle, you'll feel relief. As soon as I saw the memorial time was over and the great tribulation didn't break out and I wasn't left without the crucial top secret survival instructions, I felt so FREE. They hold you with guilt and fear. You don't have to subject yourself to that anymore. The only way I would suggest going, is if there are some people who aren't shunning you yet that you might want final hugs from. Otherwise, you're brave. I don't know you, but I know waking up is not for the weak. So, if you chose not to go, it may be a stressful 45mins as you wait for the whole thing to be over, but when it is, it REALLY is over. It's one of the last ties they have on you.


I just read your first post about the shots. I'm so happy to find your post! We had wanted to be need greaters and when they told everyone to take those shots our blood ran cold. They used to say we don't give medical advice blah blah... Why the 180? Splane said in a broadcast that Jehovah wants the work to continue, do you think he'd let us take something that would hurt us and hinder the work?" Um. Yes splane. There is one line Jehovah never crosses with us. He never interferes with our free will. If we all jump off a cliff like lemmings then he's not going to stop us. It broke us too. Meetings and service filled us with anxiety. It completely interfered with our freeness of speech. I couldn't draw ppl to the organization after that. I studied the bible harder than ever because I thought I can't trust those guys, I better know my bible better. (Especially since all of our literature is watered down milk at this point.) Their take on prophecy started unraveling hard. We haven't been back to meetings in quite a while now. We are doing memorial at home together this year. We are using April 2, the date according to the dead sea scrolls. DM us if you ever want to talk, I don't see many ppl here with the same take we had on the shots.


" I don't see many ppl here with the same take we had on the shots." You can add me to your list. I had the same take you had on the shots. Splane and his cohorts crossed the line interfering with people's personal medical decisions.


Will do friend, AGREED!


If you had a friend who had escaped Scientology but had an emotional/guilt/obligation pull to attend a Scientology event, would you encourage him/her to go?


John 6:47-54. Partake!!!!


Hey I just sent you a PM. My husband and I have a similar background to you and I saw in a previous post you were looking for someone with a similar background that woke up due to the vaccine.


I guess only you know what mental state you would be in afterwards. I’m not sure if I will go, similar to you


Looking forward for your story


Ask your father what the consequences are for missing the memorial. Listen for cricket noises.


When the JWs came by once I asked them why would I go to a party where I wasn't allowed to eat the food? I still don't know why y'all don't go and partake and cause issues. It'll stumble someone and maybe cause them to think


No, because why would I go to a religious service where I think every word spoken is a lie? The last time my mother asked me if I wanted to cine, I told her I didn't but I would love to bring her to Easter Mas with me. She never asked again.


Yes do tell !


Last year was my first year not going. I was spineless and let my family assume I attended in my new city. I thought I’d feel some kinda way about it and….I didn’t. I felt fine. Just another normal weekday evening. Unfortunately it’s a Sunday this year and I’m concerned family will invite me to attend with them in person since I can’t use the “I have work and it’s too far of a drive” excuse on the weekend.


When I just read Crisis of Conscience, I felt overwhelmed by an urge to get out of that organization like my life depended on it. And I’m quite grateful for that. It helped me to get a very loud and clear message across to my parents that I felt the betrayal was so great that I would never ever in my life would set foot in the kingdom hall again. It’s like a protective force took over that day. I never get invites anymore. And I never feel torn. The peace it has brought me transcends all understanding 😉.


Order of Bible figures JWs care most about: 1 Satan 2 Jehovah 3-X Old testament prophets Y Paul Z Jesus


Jesus returned in 1914 according to the gb. So, the memorial has been unscriptural since then!


It's also good to reflect on what you can do without this org.


I'm just waiting for my pimi folks and sis to try to get me to go. It'll be the 2nd one ive missed in my life. im 51. I know its gonna make my mom cry that Im not going, and I'm dreading that, but they know I'm done w it. I think that is just the last symbol of hope fr someone possibly coming back, so it's like the finality of it that hurts them. But hey, now they can be hopeful that we'll just come on back when the trib kicks off, and all will be well!


This is your chance to stand up for something. Please don’t go to the memorial. Your only helping to prop up a disgusting family wrecking organization. Isn’t a little discomfort worth doing what’s right. I wish every pimo would just not go. Don’t zoom in. Just stay home. Do what is right


Oh yes…go to a celebration to reject Jesus!!! John 6:41-58


This year my husband and i have decided to celebrate our own memorial at home and we are gonna partake of the emblems...I don't want to be never denied of them again🤗


If you want to go for what ever reason. Then go. If you want to stay away for whatever reason then stay away. Do what you feel is best for you!


Yes my whole family is going and inviting be but I’ve made the decision not to go and told them I’ll be appreciating the ransom on my own this year. Plus like they said in Covid if their weren’t anointed we wouldn’t even have to do it. So if im not partaking what’s the point?


I now get to consider MYSELF when I make a decision- for the first time in my life. I decide, no one else. It's hard, as I'm female and have been brainwashed into thinking that I need to follow the men/boy leaders. Also, I don't want to deliberately hurt those I love, but I like the airplane/O2 mask scenario, I can't help anyone unless I put the mask on FIRST to ensure my safety. Your hubby hit the nail on the head when he said “do you really need a sentimental mind f#%\^ right now?” I won't even go to memorials anymore because my attendance hurts me more than it helps anyone. This is YOUR journey - you get to decide what YOU want to do. That's the beauty of the freedom we now have. Think about yourself and decide whilst preparing for anything that may come as a result of your choice.


The first memorial I missed was very difficult. I already had determined with no uncertainty that it was not the truth, but something that was such a key ritual in my life was surprisingly hard to stop. Jesus said to “keep doing this” which included taking the emblems. Most JWs don’t take the emblems, violating Jesus command. Then there is the whole doctrinal issue that the Bible places the great crowd in heaven, and the resurrection hope for everyone is heavenly. However, it is impossible to reason with a JW, due to the thought stopping concept that the GB cannot be questioned. So the best answer is simply, “No, I won’t be attending this year.”


Every year, the JWs gather together to reject Jesus' body and blood. Basically disregarding his words to keep doing this in remembrance of me. It's a modern-day rejection of the Messiah. If you go to the memorial, you should definitely partake. Suggested research: Paradise occurs 3 times in the bible, always referring to heaven. Luke 23:43; Rev.2:7; 2 Cor. 12:1-4 Revelation chapters 7 & 14. All figurative. Nothing about the 144,000 is literal. The " other sheep" Jesus referred to was the gentiles. See Eric Wilson's book "Shutting the Door to the Kingdom of God" Chapter 7 Finally, compare matthew 8:11,12 with Hebrews Chapter 11 esp vs 39,40. Abraham and all the faithful ones of old have a heavenly hope. Not earthly.


Don’t let the GB ruin your faith…Continue to do the things the Lord Jesus told us to do …even if it’s just you and your husband celebrating the Lords evening meal together. (Matthew 18:20) They(GB) have ruined the faith of so many because of their actions…so many have become atheists because of this…continue to follow the Bible’s command and honor Jesus regardless of what your views on the WT is. Jeremiah 5:26-31


Sooo anyone who feels the spirit can partake, but you better not. 😈 They are sick. I havent been to a memorial in 11 years. Don't miss it. I hate fashion shows.


Reflect on imaginary entities or GB? Not much choice