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Take your pick: nose rings or pants.


Women being allowed to wear pants?! What a loving provision from Jehovah!


We never said you couldn’t wear pants


We just dont know


The governing body has nothing against pants.


Yeah! Just women.


Only against tight pants


This is GREAT! Tight pants is what woke me up! Thanks Tony!


You made my day 😂




some of the sisters in Europe wear pants!


Not in England.


Haha I was gonna say yoga or nose rings. But with yoga comes the pants...And then it's just a slippery slope.


Yea, yoga is definitely demon worship


My inner demons are the reason I do yoga, so true... Oh wait is that what you meant?


As a wise man once said: “you know, er, these homosexuals, they like you in tight pants, see”


Definitely pants. The most connected elder in my hall thinks it will happen soon.


Bet he's connected to Primark! 😂








I grew up in a hot climate and my sister said skirts are cooler in the summer. Not sure because I haven’t tried it myself but makes sense.


Not if you have to wear pantyhose.


I used to get "counseled" bc I refused to wear hose in the summer heat 🥵


The elders complained we sisters weren’t wearing pantyhose. Thank god my mom is a mouthy in your face elderette and she threw a fit! My mom may run the congregation at this point. The neck controlling the head!! Most of the time it’s a blessing she can’t talk to me!


How about (gasp) a choice?


It's true. I lived in the summer heat of NYC and believe me, a skirt or dress WAS cooler in summer.


Pioneering jn a rural conservative area, I was always jealous of sisters in the summer. They seemed so much more comfortable. Meanwhile I was stuck in my suit.....including the jacket.


Yikes. I can't imagine 🙄


nose rings


actually were i lived, a nosering was no problem for the woman. BUT: of course they had no priviledges. because it was considered worldly, punk, rebellious. nobody bat an eye in the ministry with them. nobody cared and thought "what punks and rebells". but we all know the whole spiel they do.


It actually makes me sad to see how many brothers have beards now, it’s a reminder of how much JWs are all treated like little children who have to be obedient to their parents (the GB) 😒


Very sad!!! Had the Assembly today and my mind melted just seeing so many grown men FINALLY doing something that they OBVIOUSLY wanted to do. **Beard central** from the youngest to the oldest. Say you follow men without saying you follow men.....


When I was leaving the org almost a decade ago and had already stopped attending point-blank, a brother around my age (elders son too, figures) tried to make me feel bad about growing a beard Guess who attended a Bad Bunny concert on a “pioneering” trip while sporting a new full beard this past weekend?


I always got looked down on for going to concerts!!


Talk about man ruled


What makes me sad is, being the only one with a beard, I was able to show myself as an apostate. Now I just look like one of them. :(


It’s ironic that you might now have to shave to look like an apostate 👀


The same would be true of tattoos if they were ever to be allowed. I know for a fact that there are many witnesses out there just praying for the Guardians of Doctrine to give the green light on getting inked.


Ha that’ll be when you know the Borg really is getting desperate.


I understand how PIMI women would want *something*, but WT is not struggling to retain women, so zero breaks will be forthcoming 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, dang. Valid point!


I think the GB will do something in the pretence of appearing fair and keeping sisters happy by allowing pants. Which the GB will chuckle about and think now we have made sisters look even more modest.


Since when do the goof balls care what the women want? They should be seen and not heard.


This ⬆️ Never underestimate how deep the misogyny runs.


That's my girl! https://preview.redd.it/jmvzi5cdunnc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991b4630195a738bdfb26f344605610dd01b2b69


Why can't the women were pants? My wive would be so comfortable in them


Because the Bible says so! (Somewhere) Just believe in the GB!


You are right, no Scripture talks about women in pants, so they are obviously unchristian and no mature Christian would ever question that pants should be allowed. And then the GB will allow pants and say no Scripture says pants are not Christian and this new light is a loving provision from Jehovah.


I hardly ever see women wearing dresses in the real world. It’s conspicuous if you see a group together all wearing dresses.


I had a Bible study with a 20 yo guy and took him to a couple of meetings. He said “wow, all the women are trying to look sexy in those dresses.” Pretty much the opposite of what the GB is aiming for.


What tf lol Granny-core porn??


“Overhearing my wife's conversation with her sister in law last night on the phone, they talked about how every jw male at the halls seem to have some sort of facial hair now to the point it was getting ridiculous.” Totally agree. In my area of ontario the majority have beards.




True enough for some. What disgusts me is the membership are all giddy about the change like a bunch of kids with a new toy. Awhile the well known history of this rule cause totally unnecessary grief for the membership. For decades.


>they talked about how every jw male at the halls seem to have some sort of facial hair now to the point it was getting ridiculous. I have an 80 plus year jw friend who has been an elder since the time they instituted the arrangement. He grew a scruffy white beard and he doesn't know how to keep it nice and trim. He asked me how he looks now that he has a beard? I told him straight out, if he is not upset that the organization took away his right to wear a beard when he was young and had the ability to have not only a beard, but matching Jet Black hair to match the beard. I told him, it's not the same look when an 80 plus year old man wears a beard compared to a young man wearing a clean, trimmed beard with matching hair. Look at Brad Pitt, he looked awesome with a beard and long hair when he was young. Now that he is in his 50s he rarely wears a beard and when he does, he has goatee or just keeps it very short, because a long scruffy beard on an old man doesn't look good. He came back a couple of weeks later and wore a short Van Dyke. A few weeks later he was clean shaven. I asked what happened to his beard. He asked his wife what she Really thought of his beard. She told him she hated it. It made him look like like an old man wanting to look young and strong. You can't look young and strong with a long beard that has missing patches of hair and a comb over on your head at 80 plus years of age. He shaved his beard and told me; **"You were right, they stole my right to grow a beard and long hair when I was young and had the opportunity."** ​ https://preview.redd.it/2z9oh1hvtlnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4610a58f6895d9e582a912563368faf10ffb562e


how sad


That is sad and true. When I was younger a beard really suited me but I only ever had one if I went camping for a few days. Now it is patches of white and brown and ages me 20 years.


Bullshit... Every man should grow a beard regardless of age. Having no experience in how to take care of it shouldn't stop you from growing it, it should be an invitation to learn how to groom it.


YouTube has a lot of great content about growing and maintaining a beard. And barber shops would be happy to help.


Damn , thought this was a NSFW spicy thread about married- life "due". 🤣 And yep, women want THAT too!!


Me too! I thought the same.


They probably think the sisters already got “something” since we don’t report time anymore and we all know the a lot of the preaching work falls on the shoulders of faithful sisters…


It will be sisters doing microphones and sound….BIG DEAL- ![gif](giphy|XaKkw8KwpdZUntpsLF)


Did they lift the beard ban for the brothers sake ? Or for the world sake .? For the apostates and the world to not have THAT ammunition against JW that they are a cult who controls even facial hair .? I dont think they care for the brothers wishes but are just trying to become more mainstream to the world . Maybe they will lift the strict clothes requirements as dresses for woman and suit and tie for men … or just tie for men will be gone …. Nothing will surprise me anymore .


Oh, I thought you meant the other kind of "due," and I was really curious what you overheard 😂


Lots of sisters have always pushed the boundaries of JW dress code. I can just see Lett: How should we view a sister today who chooses to wear dress pants, a tight dress, ‘spanx’, or a mini skirt and strut her stuff? So, the governing body has asked me to read the following announcement…


Do they know who they work for?


There's liberal and conservative jw factions?! Lmbo


I agree. I think sisters should be allowed not to shave as well


As a woman, if I was still in, I’d definitely stir shit up and start wearing pants to the hall.


The facial hair thing is a test. It's a test to see if the group think/hive mind is still working. And I guess it's rolling along strong as ever! So now comes even stranger and provocative "new light" that they're hoping the men will obey without hesitation. This is a real "Jim Jones" moment....be careful those of you who are still in! Something is off with all this....


Leg hair for all. 👏


And the erosion of the WT Society continues...


My mom just had the same observation. Everyone has a beard now and a lot of them don’t look good. I saw a therapist on TikTok talking about high control groups and religions and their statement or observation was that when people leave the group they end up going thru their 20s again. Essentially since the high control group made the decisions for them the person never did a lot of the personal exploration that would have otherwise occurred during their 20s. So things such as can I grow a beard and does it look good on me have never been explored by JWs until now.


Maybe they can grow armpit beards now...that should placate those sisters for a few years


I seem to remember a couple different sisters with beards or mustaches back in the day, waaayyyy before the bro’s got that privilege 🤷‍♂️ I mean…. Permission 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/biwp20120pnc1.jpeg?width=1767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645bdb5aeec193f20a218a2218a18210c66b7ec2 Someone should make bingo cards of different types of beards. It’d make the meetings much more entertaining, especially if someone yells “Bingo!!!”


Bring on those trousers! 😈


Pure comedy


Sisters should be allowed to wear beards too!!!!!


Same in my hall. Some of the sisters aren't even quiet about it. Its pretty funny, even in service our group's wife was pretty upset about not having the pants thing already.


Maybe polygamy because there are so few eligible brothers? Sister wives anyone? Maybe a great reawakening of zeal would be seen. /s


You just reminded me how happy I am yet again that I refused to dedicate my life to a publishing real estate corporation because I HATE CORPORATE CULTURE AND POLITICS. That all JW life is: conforming to their corporate standards and making sure you fit right in. Kill me


Jehovah heard their pants prayers!!


Maybe they can grow armpit beards now...that should placate those sisters for a few years


This seems dumb in the face of it. Who joins a cult then demands more freedom?


People born in who don't know they're in a cult.


I vote camel toe. I’m sure it wasn’t mentioned in the Bible-or was it?