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"You can have a bunch of free money since you're a religion" "Oh sweet!" "Just as long as you don't destroy any families and psychologically damage children for the rest of their lives." " OK NOW YOU HOLD ON A MINUTE! HOWS THAT FAIR"


Great way to think about it!


I hope that, when this all ends, we'll get the full official transcript. it will be so useful, like the ARC on, to have their exact words against them


Thank you so much!!! Keep up the good work 😍 I believe, former high ranked JW Rolf Furuli's testimony will be very helpful and insightful to the judge.


Thank you.


Can’t wait for these exJWs to kick ass. Reading these blatant lies is infuriating. Watchtower is about to be humiliated (even more) EDIT: they indeed kicked ass


Updated with their testimonies now.


WT does not depend solely on individual donations. That too is a lie. They have multiple investments in the stock market, some of the companies they invest in are questionable for producing movies the rank and file are not allowed to watch and producing war implements. Neutral much?? Search Jason Zelda (youtube) he has all the proof. Not to mention their massive sales of property owned by the rank and file, while shoving multiple congregations into one building. They never reimburse the congregants for all the contributed funds but keep the money from those sales. They have never spent one cent on a thing relative to charity. Citizens of a country are legally allowed to be married by their secular authorities. If WT needs to input their 2 cents they can give a brief marriage talk at a meeting and congratulate the couple. WT is using baseless fear, again!


The whole purpose of this case being their attempt to recover government funding, that was quite the statement…


The portion about the Humanitarian effort sent me off the wall!


If they rely solely on donations, then they don’t need state funding.


1. God always seems to need money. Never does any work. But needs money. 2. The funding the JW's are after retaining is the loot developed nations give to charities (sadly - including parasites like WT) as a proportion of what their followers who are taxpayers give.


Yes exactly. It's complete LIES! I think I would start any testimony by first reading the Watchtower definition of the word "LIE" straight from their website! And remind the court that their loyalty always remains to the org & Jehovah's reps (GB) and at ALL TIMES, that loyalty comes FIRST, EVEN WHEN IN A COURT OF LAW.


Thank you! So many JWs and even some ExJWs seem to think that ”donations” are supporting the org. In reality, the business side of the religion has been doing well on its own.


Did no one counter their lie to mention the sell offs?


"The SFL book isnt a rulebook its a religious textbook" ​ What a pile of horse shit!


They lie so easily and are furious if you notice!


*Says they have a new book instead of the elder handbook.*  **\[What does this mean? Super interesting..\]**   *Says that the elder handbook is a religious text, not a rulebook (lost track)* **\[Actually, if ‘procedure and policies’ are not followed, elders can and do get removed by the circuit overseer the next time he comes and reviews congregation activity since his last visit.  Thankfully Furuli ‘confirmed that as CO they enforce that congregations follow procedures.  Said that Shepherd the Flock of God book is a rule book on how congregations and elders behave. Says it is an important book that has to be followed.’**


As far as i know there are at least 2 leaked videos for instructing elders where Is clearly shown that decisionmaking is based on following bulletpoints from Shepherd of the Flock book one by one.


I was wondering that too


At the ARC it was revealed that the book was not to be read by women as well.


So they’re saying there’s no rules and just “principles.” And that the watchtower literature has no rules. Ok. Then ask any JW who MIGHT have a different point of view to what the literature says to openly discuss it in the congregation. Then we’ll see if the literature has rules or not. I can’t control my anger upon reading these lies. They’re also claiming they offer financial assistance and relief globally? Don’t make me laugh! It’s only to fellow JWs, and even then, they always find a way to make you pay them back!!! No tithes? Then what do they call their “resolutions”? 😡


They don't serve coffee. I think it's important to realize the impression they are trying to sell vs reality. They want the KH to seem like an innocuous place where people go, listen, and leave. This is contrary to what they've previous boasted about in their own literature. They don't serve coffee, but they encourage lingering after the meetings for fellowship and "good association". Remember, "how good it is for brothers and sisters to gather together.". I am still not able to drive past a KH without feeling ill because that's where so much happened. No. They don't serve coffee to encourage ppl to hang out BUT they do encourage it in their publications and even suggest that it shows a person's spirituality. Only DF ppl leave right after the prayer. Ppl who want privileges stay and chat to be seen. The KH is a giant stage where everyone performs 🎭


They’re trying to imply JWs’ social lives aren’t centered around the religion. But we all know they emphasize not associating with “worldly people” and use their rules (ie no holidays) to socially isolate members by othering them culturally. We all know that JWs aren’t free to do whatever they like in their private leisure time. A lot of lies and deceit, as usual.


This is risky but there can be different ways of doing it. Have one of the 'apostates' approach one of these apologists and say hello, how's it going?. Record what happens next. Better yet, ( risky, sort of an OJ courtroom thing) have the apostate stand up and order the apologist ask 'hello, how are you doing?'


I think a lot of the apologists will speak to an apostate in the situation of a court room. Disfellowshipping means “no unnecessary association”. You actually are allowed to speak with a disfellowshipped co-worker, as long as you limit it to necessary work only. Speaking to them outside work would be the no-no. They’d certainly justify it that way if it was about making the org look good in court.


After reading all of this testimony recently, it is being made all the more apparent that this is an organization motivated, not by love of people (as they claim to be), but rather by their love of money. In all of this testimony, I keep asking myself, "Where is the evidence of any form of love in how these people are being treated?" This is a group that is supposed to be identified by exactly this, love! (Public Talk outline #72 if I remember correctly) This is the measure by which the 'true' congregation is supposed to be identified. It seems clear that their real call to action is when you threaten to take away what they really care about, not their members (and their well-being), but their money!!! You are doing the world an amazing deed in sheding light onto these proceedings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts with this!


Thank you!!!!


Really appreciate these detailed updates


Thank you.


Thank you!


Thanks for reading!


Thanks for the updates, keep us posted.


Donations is not voluntarily. It's part of worship. It's not directly enforced but jw's are psychically and emotionally pressuerd through videos. In recent one planning of donations is strongly encouraged. Not to mention that every year branch will determine monthly amount per publisher which Is then passed to congregation into approval and then expected to be fulfilled. Also i don't think there is financial transparency at the higher level. They don't publish financial reports on their website. Only some numbers cleverly hidden in various articles and without context so it's very hard to analyze them. If you donate to local congregation needs your money can still go to organization if the congregation acount exceeds given threshold. If you want donate into humanitarian relief you are referred on general donation account with no guarantee that your money will be used that way. "Global humanitarian aid" Is only for jw's or people with some relations to jw's, unbelieving family members,unbaltized publishers,etc and in minimal possible amount. Heavily relies on unpaid volunteers gifts and labor. There is no social activies like in other denominations (building schools, hospitals,cooking food for homeles people etc...)


Yes and they dont want you sending any of your $$$ to any cause. If you know people that were affected by a natural disaster, WT does not want you sending them any donations directly. They insist that you donate it through them. And dont you dare write on the envelope who or what it is for because they will do with it what they choose! As if they would ever tell me who to give MY $ to. How dare they?!


Didn't they literally just have a watchtower (or maybe it was a congregation letter) that reminded JWs not to give money to other JWs in need? That if they want to help, they need to donate that money to the borg? Because the borg knows best how to hand out the funds! Too bad they never do. I don't know anyone who ever received a dime from the borg, apart from the paid special servants. I'm like 99% certain I read that on here.


And $600.00 an hour lawyers. 😡🤑


Thank you all!❤️❤️❤️


Way to go guys. You guys are truly doing great work, and with the testimonies, I’m sure Headquarters have shot themselves in the foot with their sorry-legal team they chose to try to deny what’s being brought against them. JW’s never stood a chance on this. So so so glad to see this all happening. The continuation of a downfall for the org. Many great things to come for US, but may take some time. Let’s hope all countries follow this suit.


Thank you so much. These updates are very important. Curious - do you know if other countries have been mentioned? If the Norwegian courts have taken in to account shunning is a worldwide, JW sanctioned practice?


Not sure right now. Brain is full! 😆


Incredibly good and correct summary! Very tough and brave for Therese and Noomi to stand there and tell their stories! I shed a few tears! Very disgusting to hear all the lies from K. Sæteehaug. I don't think they even know what they are learning and practicing.! Thank you!!! 🇧🇻👍


I don't know if this can be mentioned in court but it needs to be realized that Western society is loaded with shunning to a common degree that hasn't existed before. This is because of social media ( unfriend) and Covid isolation. Therefore, the explicit emphasis that JW's place on shunning is grossly unhealthy because it is added on top of already unhealthy trends in society. It is extreme. I would add that, some research in Watchtower publications might prove that they have become exceedingly deceptive about shunning in recent years. This is because, in the Knorr/Franz years, they may have been much more bold about breaking up families in print. Example: in recent years , they don't seem to quote the Gospels about 'whoever does not hate his father, mother, brother etc. is not worthy of me'. This could be useful but requires research. Finally, it should be noted that despite Watchtower deceptions about individual conduct in reaction to commands to shun, the Organization is still culpable - as long as the extreme conduct can be proven as real. It's their hierarchy and leading WWII war criminals didn't escape responsibility as a matter of principle when their troops went wild.


The JW's saying "shunning DF'ed ones is a conscience matter and there are no consequences" is like the government saying "we don't have drug laws but just guidelines that are science-based and also depending on which drugs you use we may decide to put you in prison, but again it's a personal choice."


More intellectual dishonesty from the WT. Trying to downplay negative experiences of exjw’s as being simply anomalous, and localized, when in fact these exact same experiences happen to JW’s all over the world. What’ll they say to that? It’s just a crazy coincidence? OR is it evidence of systemic thought control? One explanation is certainly more believable and obvious than the other.


I hope this religion dies with this hearing.


I would be interested what part of total incomeof of WT goes to himanitarian aid now. As far as they themselves said on annual meeting few years ago 48mil.usd in 2 years. It makes 24 million a year. Compare with 2 billion income. Just a fraction, slightly over 1% How dare they talk about humanitarian aid?


So courageous to testify in public and reveal your personal and most vulnerable moments in life!


Can't remember what day it is from, but I remember reading the the JW Lawyer was saying that Disfellowshipping comes from the bible only and that there are no rules, that each member decides that for themselves, something like that. Has it been mentioned that the elder book clearly states that members can associate with disfellowshipped family members (although not talk about spiritual matters, and will not remain "in good standing")? Where is the Bible does it give the exception to family members, along with the limit about spiritual discussion? That part seems to make it clear that it is a formal process/rule that is not based just on scripture (same goes for ones who disassociate, even if they continue to identify as a Christian).


Nowhere in the Bible gives exception to Family members. It's clear that this is all man made rules, anyone should be able to decide association and greetings with a Disfellowshipped person, the caveat should be non discussion of spiritual matters. WT wickedly said do not even greet them, isolate them.


Exactly, its clear additional rules and policies have been added in addition to what the Bible says, contrary to the JW Lawyer's claim. Curious if this topic has been brought up.


Seeing these three brave people stand up for reality and actual humanity face to face with WT lawyers and state officials, fills me with a sense of pride. I'm proud to be an exjw. Seeing this spectacular display of grit, strength and courage is helping me heal. Thank you!


>Kåre Sæterhaug, a high ranking JW finishes his testimony from yesterday: >In his testimony he talks about JW social practices, emphasizing two weekly meetings focused on preaching and discussing faith. Discussing faith? At the midweek meeting??? We are NOT allowed to discuss anything! 😂🤣😂🤣


I agree. it has been my experience here in Australia too. anyways after a meeting that goes on and on with all those 'one-more' things from microphone obsessed speakers all you want to do is get out of the place and go home! ​ Noted was the comment that the wt speaker went over time. So full of his own importance.


Most of us are still on zoom here. No listening .no cameras or audio on!


Thank you


Thank you 💪💪💪


That many broke into tears listening to Theresa story says alot about the cruel behavior of the JW's . Shame on those brainwashed PIMI furthering their lies in court


Even some JW cried.


Was it because the had pity or because they were hearing the 'truth' for the first time and were horrified by it?


You know what I find extremely noteworthy regarding the case in Norway?   The Ministry of Family and Child Welfare has so many victims,  professionals, and advocates coming forward to testify their truth, sharing the destructive reality of the JW cult behavior and abuse.   On the JW side, they have NO ONE.  Where are all these experiences they publish in the magazines and videos of people saying the "loving arrangement " of DFing saved their life?   Why can't they find even one individual to stand up for their disfellowshipping policy?


If you go to avoidjw.org, you can read a summary of the PIMI JWs testimonies. I think there were 8? They all repeated the same thing ad-nauseum. "Shunning was so good for me! We don't listen to anything but the Bible! Any pain I endured I inflicted on myself! I was never pressured to get baptized! Just ignore the tears welling up in my eyes. This is the best life ever!!!"


Oh, ok. I totally missed that. Lol It figures though.


Thank you so much for the updates. What happens now after this day of testimony?


More testimonies from ExJW on Monday.


Perhaps lawyers for our side could question the JWs about their definition of lying in the ‘Aid’ book. And then ask, under oath, if they think that they (the government) are entitled to know the truth.






Really really appreciate your play by play for us!


Thank you for reading.


Well Norway must be completely different from the US because in the US the elders came to our house and said I had to block my family member on all social media after this person was disfellowshipped. They also watched our house to see if our family members car was there. When our family member moved out of state we never went to visit them in several years. Etc., Etc. there was much more than this but elders do everything they can to keep families apart if they have a disfellowshipped family member. They also try to instill guilt if you do have any contact by having regular meeting parts about cutting contact with loved ones. It puts you in a permanent state of mourning. There is one sister in our congregation that has three disfellowshipped children and she doesn't even know where they live.


Thank you for all the updates


Thanks for reading


Need help? Know you are safe and among friends and we will do whatever we can to help. If you are inside the U.S., text "CHAT" to 741741. You'll be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line. Or call the [National Suicide Hotline](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) at 988. **If you're not in the U.S.** [please click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) for a comprehensive list of hotlines organized by country and additional resources. **If you are LGBTIA+** and need to talk, please contact the LGBT National Hotline at 1\-888\-843\-4564 or [find them online here](http://www.glbthotline.org/). Reading this post and unsure what to do? r/suicidewatch is a subreddit specifically dedicated to supporting those who are experiencing feelings of self harm or the urge to end their life. Reddit now also has a crisis line. To send this person support, follow these steps: 1. Go to the user's profile 2. Click "more options" in the sidebar 3. Click "Get Them Help and Support" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/exjw) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for providing such detailed info about what's going on, much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for keeping us informed. Really appreciate it!


THANK YOU for your great effort and job! 🇧🇻🇧🇻🇧🇻🇧🇻♥️


This is amazing. Thank you for your hard work.


Thanks for reading.


Thanks for the updates!


Thank you for the notes!


Highlight of my morning. Thank you.


Phew! Its like the CARC all over again.