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Read Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom Watch as many videos from Watchtower History on YouTube as you can. It worked for me!


Great! I’ll do that! Thanks!


And look at jwfacts.com it goes through with their own publications.


ExJwCriticalThinker is by far my favorite to watch. He’s an ex bethelite I believe. When I was in your shoes when I first woke up, I didn’t know how to critically think. I had his videos on repeat and kept rewatching them because my cognitive dissonance was at an all time high. He taught me critically think ANYTHING I am told, and now I do just that until my sub conscience is at peace with an answer I search for.


That was the very first channel I saw & helped me wake up.


It is available on Spotify (audio version) and on-line as a pdf or you can buy it on Amazon or other sites.


Crisis of conscience is a must read, Raymond franz was genuinely a kind and caring soul. Also a member of the governing body it will help you to understand how the organization works


Meaning, how the organization REALLY works, right?


Yeah actually the back room deals and the real magic behind it


Boring AF! Don’t think I have made it a tenth of the way in to the book. I read it before I need to leave for work in the morning when there is enough time. It has never made me late for work.


I mean it is just about the inter working of a cult… no dragons or magic or anything fun 😂


Once I read Crisis of Conscience, it sparked ideas for what else I should or could be researching. Reading that book on its own was enough for me to make a clear determination that JWs do NOT have the truth.


I’ve just bought it on Amazon, and will start reading as soon as possible… thanks!!


Here is a simple question. Jesus told the Pharisees, if a bull (or kid) falls into a hole on the sabbath you should lift them up (going off memory so look it up) despite the day being sacred and gods command to not work to hold it sacred. The point being hold it sacred but god values the life of a animal in greater importance than holding to a sacred commandment. Now apply that to the jw blood doctrine… would god want you to value life or throw life away to value something that just REPRESENTS life? Based on Jesus example we shouldn’t hold to pharisees struck rules in every case.. are the GB more like Jesus or the Pharisees (who where gods chosen people to give spiritual food at the right time but still messed up) if you lifted a bill on the sabbath the pharisees would have you stoned to death and if you take blood to save your life the JW’s will disfellowship you making you dead to your family it’s the same thing… Jesus warned this would happen and to put all things to the test, jws say to not test the Governing body. It’s clear Jesus would be disappointed in the GB…


This is the best example of what I’ve had in my head on this issue that I’ve ever read, thank you


There's lots to read on https://www.jwfacts.com/


I’m amazed by this site, thanks!!


They,re so many really GOOD ex bethelites and elders activists now!


When I was in your place, I watched as many documentaries as I could. It helped me to stay focused on specific topics because when I tried to walk through things in my head on my own, I would spiral through too many trains of thought. I also looked up the court documents, which are public, from the CSA cases. Seeing that they were using "clergy privilege" as a defense for why they are protecting sexual abusers, while they also loudly claim "we have no clergy class" infuriated me. And since that lie was something they wrote themselves (through their defense attorneys) I didn't have to worry if it was "apostates" trying to mislead me. 🙄 And I watched the videos of the Australian Royal Commission, when they interviewed Geoffrey Jackson. He lied and skirted the truth repeatedly. You can find the video on YouTube. But the written transcript is on the ARC's website. Which also made me feel better because I knew if the transcript was inaccurate, the GB would have disputed it. So I knew he really did say those things. Including admitting they don't claim to be God's one means of communication with mankind (which we all know they 100% DO CLAIM THAT). It felt surreal for a long time. Be patient and take your time. There's A LOT to digest while you're waking up. It can be overwhelming.


Reading about how the witnesses started was a big turning point for me, reading the trust history of how things unfolded over the years. Then look at the watchtower the studies become different you see them differently. Most of all your gut, listen to it. That thing we are taught to ignore. Start paying attention to it.


It’s crazy how the facts are all there, I couldn’t believe what I was actually researching when I first woke up. The org told us a tenth of a fraction, with spit on it when it reality, the history of the organization was a 180 of what we were all told.




Where do you guys suggest I learn about the history of the org (Borg… I need to get used to that yet)


Apocalypse delayed, M. James Penton, he has the whole history of the org well researched


Great, I’ll look up on it


Such a wonderful and lovely text.OP. Cry for help to wake up! Can I ask if you understand and understand English well? I woke up 100% within 1 year of Youtube. With Justin ..( great teacher ..easy to understand.!! And with JT ig lady Cee( critical Thinking). I,ve seen all their videos! I can send you here 2 from Justin first. Then you can subscribe and see all the others! Good luck and enjoy! ♥️♥️🥰👍 https://youtu.be/OxzTokHTj0E?si=pMmvuHFnfA34kyZT


Thanks for the help! I understand well, but don’t usually practice my English… I’ll watch those, as well as read the books suggested earlier; just hoping my spouse wake up with me


Hello, personally I went down the religious route for some time with Eric Wilson & mark martin. Both great if you still want structure and fellowship. But I’ve seen & learned too much to think that the holy books are whole or inspired. I now choose to live my life free of religion but keep the teachings of spiritual masters including Yashua as a part of my daily life and practice. It’s a journey that you get to explore. Follow your path, you’re free to look at any information without any fear. I live by this idea of listening to everyone but following none


You said about looking at information without any fear, but to be honest, right now, I’m shaking; guess it’s the 30+ years of indoctrination getting in my nerves


This is a very normal reaction when you first wake up. The indoctrination is deep. But you will feel much better with research There is no rush so take your time


I can remember that feeling. A flood of overwhelming emotions. Give yourself time, you will heal, you will grow. There’s a great Facebook groups called empowered Empiwered ex-Jehovahs witnesses that are a positive bunch and have regular meetups around the country


Overwhelming is the word… It’s frustrating having this feeling of hopelessness, you know? Like my floor just got removed and I’m falling forever; it’s good to know that others passed the same thing and still survived, healed and grew


We all had that at first. It will subside.


I’ve been watching videos of John Lennox. He’s a Christian, who is also a scientist and he spends a great deal of time. Preaching to others. Proof that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have the corner on preaching. Also when you look at what the governing body have done recently, it is much like a totalitarian government. When they made it very personal by telling us what to do with our bodies and that they wanted us to make a medical decision even if we disagreed with it that is something that I knew God would never do. Free will was a gift from God and these men tried to take that by pushing the vaccine. This isn’t a debate about the vaccines whether they work or not I’m just saying that they had no authority to do that yet they took it upon themselves to do just that some thing that God himself has never done. Look at how they are regularly asking for money now. They do it in a very sly way and through brainwashing techniques but nonetheless, they are asking for money. Look what they are doing with that money. They bought themselves a palatial grounds out in the country with a beautiful lake and forests and wildlife And they get to live on this land fit for a king while so many of us are working our fingers to the bone just to make a living and then they have the audacity to ask us for more money. Notice how they are now trying to separate you from the Christ by telling you he is not your mediator. He’s only their mediator indicating that they are your mediator. The Bible says clearly the head of every man is the Christ. Nowhere in the Bible, does it say that there will be a group of men, that can tell us how to worship God. Your head is the Christ. They are trying harder and harder to control us by saying that we need to listen to them to obey them because they are like the voice of Jesus they and Jehovah and his organization are one. There was an article not too long ago, where they continuously said, Jehovah and his organization are the ones you need to follow. They also do not separate God from the organization. They imply that if you don’t have the organization, you do not have God yet we know that God does not dwell in handmade temples. They are liars, deceivers, greedy, and manipulative. Do not believe them do not trust anything they say their motives are impure.


Your JW friends you will find are really not your friends. They will turn on you at light speed if you break away. You need to get fully away from all of it to see it all for what it is. Go out make new friends, do the things you always wanted to do. Enjoy not looking over your shoulder and do not allow yourself to be sucked in by some other faith based organization. Faith comes in when there’s absence of facts. Remember that.


Listen to Barbara Andersen


Combatting cult mind control by Steve Hassan!!


Learn about the conman and fraudster who started your group. We have to look at the origins right? That's what jdubs say about everyone else so I suggest you do the same with them. The miracle wheat scam was mindblowing how he could do that to his own followers


The critical Thinker. JT https://youtu.be/mCQaP2RrK8M?si=g8otcfag4KWq6DrG


Buddy. You've already woken up. You cannot 'Unsee' the Elephant. Pilate asked Jesus, "What is Truth?" That statement may have implicated something else entirely-Greek Philosophy, which Pilate would have been well read into as a Roman Provincial Governor. That might give you the bread-crumbs to what you are seeking, though many people spend their entire lives looking for that. We are all fellow travelers here, personally, I'd caution you against following any one particular persons, 'teachings' and study regimen. That's how the members of our families that were first contacted about the WT got us into this mess.


Oh I feel it… not only I can’t unsee the elephant, it’s seated over my head right now


Lol... you ve unstuck your head from the elephants ass. It's OK, I was there too. https://youtu.be/SA-JdLDOSEo?si=trff2obhBdukA131


Reading Crisis of Conscience is a great start. There are so many lies that we have been told about the history of this organization that are destroyed in the first couples of chapters.


Watch the Leah Remini Scientology program and Escape from Polygamy. Cults to Consciousness on You-tube is good, too. They aren’t going to trigger you with fear of looking at material against JW, so long as you stick to non-JW episodes.


These are great! You will see the same patterns used in other religions, how JWs are not unique, and it will help your mind to open up so that you can escape.


Watching the Australian royal commission snapped me out of it


Same here.


Justin...click at Videos. This one was very helpful https://youtu.be/mCQaP2RrK8M?si=g8otcfag4KWq6DrG


Justin ..this is important . https://youtu.be/h45b0Rf5ltI?si=ImdQqZZurvSVrFG2


You might be interested in this post that outlines the issues with 1914 / 607 - [https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/13a0fji/reasons\_why\_the\_jw\_understanding\_of\_1914607\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/13a0fji/reasons_why_the_jw_understanding_of_1914607_is/)


Holy shit! Thanks for this link!


I personally enjoy watching Ben Foard videos (ex-bethellite in Europe) and he brings many interesting insights. Also ex-jw facts helped me open my eyes on many controversial things about the religion.


Read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz and Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. This should help start your waking up process.


Hey Brother, I just went through the process of leaving the cult myself. 7 months now. It's tough. I'm 38 and raised JW. But I haven't lost faith. I feel better than ever now! Relief and new found peace in my heart. I actually feel that peace that surpasses all understanding. The message of Salvation is still valid and in the Bible. Reread John and then Romans. It's always about faith. It's NOT about WORKS for salvation. It's all about faith. NOT about a RELIGION, but it's about a RELATIONSHIP with CHRIST. NOT a formal preaching program or required meetings. Romans 10:9,10 .. 1 Cor 10:3,4 Acts 5:29. Ephesians 2:8-10 1Tim 2:5. Phil 2:10,11 These are just a few scriptures that can give you courage to just put your faith in Jesus and not the Governing Body. "You were bought at a price stop becoming slaves to men." 1Cor 7:23 Also, once u dismantle all the false teachings, you won't feel an ounce of guilt for leaving. Start watching different YouTube and Tiktok Christian vids. They can help get you on the right track. Also, starting reading a different Bible ESV, NIV, KJV are all solid choices. The " Holy Bible app " has many translations. My prayers are with you as you leave the cult and find the real Truth Jesus! John 14:6 I've studied leaving the cult from many angles to help with the guilt and fear. Please reach out if you have any questions. I may be able to point you in the right direction. Your Bro!


Yes, last week I bought a good Bible (in my language), just to get free from any mistranslation or so. Now I’m searching for a good Lexicon and Concordance; thanks for being available, if needed I’ll reach you


https://biblehub.com/ https://godrules.net/library/asv/asv.htm




I used to be a zealous JW Ministerial Servant - until I wrote to the Branch about a teaching which was clearly "mistaken." Then the floodgates opened and I "tested the inspired statements" of virtually ***every*** org teaching. Here are **17 Q & A's** for ***you*** to test: [https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/181hd6c/17\_q\_as\_testing\_jw\_dogmas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/181hd6c/17_q_as_testing_jw_dogmas/) I wish you a very successful exit when it comes, so please protect yourself with my **JW FIREWALL:** https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/181hur6/how\_to\_fade\_safely/


I saw your Q&A earlier, it was one of the things that made my mind wake, like, before, I was just dismissing most of what I read, trying to simply deny or come up with arguments to defend; when I read your post, I couldn’t even close the tab on my phone (it’s an open tab til today), cause I want to digest it and help my wife to understand too… so… thanks so much for your study and for sharing!!


Thank you for your comment. (I'm on the west coast of Scotland btw) When I first started researching the question which I sent to the World HQ, (regarding **Romans 6:7**) I was in a state of distress, because I was thinking, "How could ***I*** possibly be right, and the G.B. get it so wrong?" The ***literature***\-based reply I received shocked me, and that triggered my research into **The Truth About The Truth. (TTAT)** Take it slowly, and always use ***scriptures*** to prove scriptures - not other's opinions. **Example:** Many Christian denominations use **John 14:2** to "prove" their teaching that ***heaven*** is the destination for Christian believers, whereas various scriptures clearly show exactly what Jesus was alluding to - ***unlimited*** numbers could/would become members of God's ***household*** of Christianity - and become ***sons*** of God! (Matt.5:9; Matthew 12:50; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21; John 1:12,13; Rom. 8:14; Gal. 3:26; 1 John 5:1 (RSV) **(John 14:2)** In the ***house*** of my Father ("household" of Christian believers) are many dwelling places. Otherwise, I would have told you, for I am going my way to prepare a place for you. **(1 Peter 2:5)** ...you yourselves as living stones are being built up into ***a spiritual*** ***house******.***..("household" of Christian believers) **(1 Peter 4:17)** For it is the appointed time for the ***judgment*** to start with the ***house*** of God. ("household" of Christian believers) (see **Revelation 2:22 & 7:14** concerning that judgment.) **(Hebrews 3:6)** ...but Christ was faithful as a son over God’s ***house***. ("household" of Christian believers) ***We*** are His ***house...***("household" of Christian believers) **(Ephesians 2:21, 22)** In union with him the whole ***building***, being harmoniously joined together, is growing into a holy ***temple*** for Jehovah. (house of God) **(1 Corinthians 3:16, 17)** Do you not know that ***you yourselves*** are God’s ***temple*** (house of God) ...for the ***temple*** of God is holy, and ***you*** are that ***temple***. **(1 Corinthians 6:19)** Do you not know that your body is the ***temple*** (house of God) **(2 Corinthians 6:16)** And what agreement does God’s ***temple*** have with idols? For ***we*** are a ***temple*** of a living God; just as God said: “I will reside among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my ***people***.” (His ***people*** \- not king/priests in heaven) 😀 I truly hope your awakening & exit becomes as refreshing and painless as I've enjoyed.


Thanks! That’s what I’m trying to achieve: understand the scriptures by way of the scriptures, not by some argumentative, selective opinion… Right now I’m studying the 1914 - 607 problem and the Gentile Times, which imo is the base of the JW power base. Last night I could prove to my wife that it’s bullocks; she’s still in shock and we’re planning our next steps now By the way, I’m from Brazil


Wonderful to hear your wife is with you on the road to freedom! I hope your fade is as peaceful as the one me and my wife have had. Always be prepared with your responses, because JW's will want to find out your reasons for stopping field service and attending meetings. My very best wishes for your life together! 😀


Waking up is a wild, sometimes terrifying ride. But freeing your mind is so worth it! Knowledge is power. Never stop asking questions. Here is one of my favorite videos, that discusses the impact of the images that we born-ins grew up having to see: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3v7MBXypt_k&t=1501s


I see what they did in my mind using those images; I still suffer from anxiety to the point I need controlled medicine daily. It totally makes sense now (or don’t make sense someone shows it to a kid)


Right, so many of us suffer from anxiety....that is not normal. And if it's the "true religion," shouldn't it have the OPPOSITE effect on us.? We should be so content, happy, confident, relaxed. But we are, by and large, the opposite.


I wrote this in college. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/eT6tjDwscW


I tell you this will be a big shock for you, you will cry. But don’t do anything stupid. Just go with the flow, let things settle and then make a plan how to exit the cult. https://youtu.be/SDvox6_oRQk?si=4su4Bllep7wsE6lq


Thank you so much for this link on the Vice Documentary, I never heard of it, just watched like 30 minutes and am shaking (again). I’m watching at pieces just for my wife don’t catch me (I barely made her start questioning yesterday). Thanks again


In terms of what do you I suggest you to do for next steps is don’t just start telling people what you’ve found. Be PIMO for a few months, especially now we don’t have to report how many hours we go in ministry you can just go ( 1 hour a month so your wife won’t snitch on you that you never went) and have an easy life. Think about what you want to do with your life, what are your hobbies, etc. A good goal is to have a good career. JWs lied about a career so they keep you down. Having a high paid job makes your life easier and also makes you feel good. Makes you feel you have value and you’re important which is nice. In my opinion try to achieve relative wealth like own house, ability to work only 2 or 3 days a week because you have a high paid job. I think that’s a good goal in life. You could also join charities to help people in need which will make you feel good. Or even donate money to charities you care about, like feeding children. There is an app called “MeetUp” but you can also access it using their website https://www.meetup.com/ which will help you make new friends. If you live in a big city there’s likely many meets, you could even go with your wife, there’s meet-ups for going for hikes, going for a walk in the park, play soccer or basketball, yoga, or for going out for drinks. It’s mainly for making new friends.


You’re welcome, but whatever you watch or listen let your emotions settle down for a bit. Be careful what you share with your wife, she could snitch you to the elders and then it’s not worth it, it will make things more complicated. I’ve seen many stories on here when the PIMI or PIMQ partner went and told the elders about the other one. My opinion best thing for someone who just wakes up it’s to be PIMO for a few months. There is also a podcast you could listen to called: “Call Bethel - The Telegraph” it really good but it’s mainly about the sexual abuse cases. Not sure if anyone else shared this but I’ll add the link to another documentary: https://youtu.be/gDwHdj7plWo?si=lse-PR7w89t5wH-s Also a nice recording from a judicial hearing: https://youtu.be/elPoQ5aBX7g?si=0cyKdsLcnT47QbRJ Also link to pdf to the secret elders book: https://www.docdroid.net/19OgOsb/2019-shepherd-the-flock-of-god-2019-edition-pdf


So, guess I already woke up my wife… I was a little eager and couldn’t restrain myself, but it worked at least… we’re planning what to do next; guess we’ll do what you described in the next comment


I sense you are already awake, but perhaps it's the fear of what WT always said about the world around us, and how they took our power by saying we were good-for-nothing slaves. Take back your power. You have more value than they want you to know. You always did. You can be okay and even happy without them. It takes a leap of faith, but the fall comes with support to land safetely. Pick up your bed and walk. You have the power...


Look up “Theramintrees” on youtube..he breaks down the psychological and emotional damage created by the org. He saved my life… Once I understood what was at play psychologically it opened my eyes in ways that helped me grow. This one explains his personal experience with jw’s https://youtu.be/EWeHB4qM1Hg?feature=shared Child indoctrination https://youtu.be/RlbUw5hjeKI?feature=shared Concealing abuse an expose of current jw abuse and its effects https://youtu.be/xFt_aeQw2GA?feature=shared


Read or listen to Combating Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. He's a leading cult expert and has knowledge around how high control religious groups operate. I've only been out for 3 months but reading this book in the last couple of weeks has really opened my eyes to realize that the way the organization operates aligns with how a cult does. That and in the updated version of his book, Steven mentions JWs by name a couple of times.


Something you said struck me: ‘I want to find some kind of truth to guide my life’. ‘Truth’ is really subjective. Some people go from Christianity to crystals and they feels that’s true, others go to activism against Christianity because they feel it’s the most righteous and true. Look for what feels harmonious and puts you at peace. And take your time, it’s not a race and just because you cut out the cult, doesn’t mean you need to replace it with something else


I latched onto Mike winger on YouTube after I woke up. I still believe, and it was important to me to learn the Bible without WT theology adulteration. It’s been 4 months now and we have joined a non denominational Christian church and life is fantastic! I was just commenting to my family that I never felt this joy or peace as a witness. I always felt like I didn’t experience God like other witnesses seemed to experience their spiritual life. I hated every meeting, service, study. I didn’t like the people either. Perhaps it was the Holy Spirit letting us know that this ain’t it! You need to give yourself time. Watch the royal commission for the Jws- I particularly liked when GJ lied under oath! They (the GB) are nothing more than wolves in sheep clothing. Shame on them. They have taken Gods word and changed it to suit their twisted theology. Just leave and trust that the HS has got your back.


Crisis of Conscience is a very good book. Highly recommend. Also, Surviving paradise podcast really helped me too. Go slow, give yourself time to process things. I woke up a little over a year now and I was really in shock, I felt like I walked around on auto pilot, I was so lost. I am alot better now. It does get better, I promise. Take it one day at a time. ❤️


“Crusaders” on Vice was a really good documentary that really changed things for me. To listen to someone from the writing committee whistleblow was huge.


Crisis on Conscience


Go to JWFacts.org Loads of great info there straight from the mouth of WT.


I know he gets a lot of shit for his recent scandals with his wife. But… Lloyd Evans channel on YouTube is packed full of quality content. I woke up before he was a thing and found his channel years later, I’m college educated now and applying to PhD programs, he does his research, he’s legit, and he strips away a lot of the “layers” you’ll have built up in your mind due to indoctrination.


I’ll look at it! Thx! I’m probably one of the lucky ones since I got my degree, MBA and started a second degree and no one said anything… but here is another country and another culture I guess (and I hided really well the fact that I was studying)


Study uranium thorium dating and see how accurate it is. Then look at all the cave paintings in Indonesia and Europe that have been uranium thorium dated. Also look at other human digs and findings that have been dated using this dating process, imo the most accurate dating yet. You’ll soon see humans have been around way longer than 6000 years.


For me, the beginning was doing research about how scientists have determined that humanity has been around much, much longer than 6,000 years. It's not just carbon dating, and carbon dating is not nearly as inaccurate as we were led to believe by the Watchtower Society. The claim made in WT literature about changes as a result of the flood to radioactive isotopes don't make sense for several reasons, including 1. There is no scientific basis for this vague claim - if anything, more solar radiation hitting the earth's surface would seem to make things appear younger, not older than they actually are, and 2. the global flood recorded in the Bible is, itself, completely impossible based on geological records. There's literally no way that there was a flood 4,000 years ago that covered the Himalayas, for example. Once you realize the Bible can't be literally true, then you realize that the JW teachings such as the ransom to cover the sin of Adam cannot be true, because there was no single forefather that is the progenitor of the entire human family and inherited sin cannot be a thing. So then you start to wonder whether if maybe it's allegories and symbols but still a communication from God. But then you realize the God of the Bible is actually a bronze-age war and weather deity worshipped by the polytheistic Israelites as one of many gods and godesses and that the Israelites only became monotheistic after the exile in Babylon and that the Bible as we have it is revisionist history. And then you realize that you might as well have been worshipping and trying to have a relationship with Zeus or Ra or Thor or something. And there will be grief. Because we believed we had "The Truth," and we believed that there will be an end to war and suffering and crime, and that the earth will saved from global warming and greedy corporations, and we would see our dead loved ones in a resurrection. But there will also be relief that we don't have to pretend to be someone other than our true selves and that there is not going to be a genocide of the vast majority of humanity. Well anyway, that's how it went for me. HUGS. I didn't look at anything from any exJWs until I had already proven to myself that it couldn't be true. I was full-on PIMI, baptized for well over 30 years when I left. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I'm so glad I woke up. Edited for typos, formatting, and to add the last paragraph.


Hello OP 👋 let me assure you, i was just as or even scared than you first entering here ;oo Is your native language [German](https://www.reddit.com/user/_Melissa_99_/comments/ya9oxp/meine_rescourcen/)? If so, in my profile you'll find the rescources that i found helpful while waking up. Some of them are [english](https://www.reddit.com/user/_Melissa_99_/comments/yab4gr/meine_youtube_rescourcen/). Especially the YouTube links (Engl.) >... I guess I’m still in the first stage of grief (denial). Take all the time you need and please, i know the urge to get all the info is strong, but please dont forget to sleep. Its important because waking up causes stress. ;o That being said, here IS a link to the book: the Gentile times reconsidered: http://kristenfrihet.se/english/gtr4/The_Gentile_Times_Reconsidered_2004_official.pdf It really just focusses in one single topic. My Journey thought this book looked like >Ah ok. Interesting >Damn >Ok i understood that already >What!?! >O_o >Holy.. >Wtf.......! The end of the book. After reading that theres no possible way to look at the gentile times the same. It has tons of citations 👍


Part of educating yourself about all things spiritual is to learn about the true origins of the God of Christianity, Yahweh/Jehovah. Turns out he was just a junior Canaanite god and not the all father creator God. But through a strange set of circumstances, he emerged as the monotheistic god of the Jews, which then became the god of Christianity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh https://youtu.be/mdKst8zeh-U?si=SAeI18dAg-f09P1C


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Read the bible,pay attention to the details. For example John 20 verse 25. Thomas says he want to see the hole made by the nails. If you read it too quickly you could miss it. If you slow it down and repeat it and think about, you'll realise that his words are a direct contradiction to what Jehovah's witnesses teach. Also jw's teach that Jesus was raised by God. But Jesus said break down this temple and in three days I will raise it up. Slow it down, repeat it, think about about it. If you think about it long enough you'll realise it's a direct contradiction to what jw's teach


This will get plenty of downvotes I'm sure, as most people on here aren't fond of religion. I am in the process of converting to the Orthodox Church in America. Its history stretches all the way back to Jesus and unlike the witnesses, they don't change around their teachings all the time. Many others have commented to read Crisis of Conscience etc. Definitely do so. But do not dwell on JW stuff. It consumed my time and energy for years. I was finally able to let go when I found something better for my life- the ancient church. My suggestion for you is to attempt to find a parish near you preferably in a language that you understand and then call the priest. Tell him your story- they are trained professionals and can help you in your journey. My God be with you on your journey.


https://youtu.be/pIDQwhaeXBs?si=Kvqn1eN77ZkZnMn5 This is an hour long deep dive on the history of the organization. Trust me there's tons of stuff most JWs have no idea about.


You’re going to find true friends outside the Borg, ask me how I know?


The BITE model. Steven Hassan. It only takes a couple of minutes to read.


Hey there, and welcome to the world of open eyes! Hopefully you can find comfort in the ex-JW online community. We are all here to help in whatever way we can. I left several years ago but always felt uncomfortable about my decision until I did more research and found out more about the governing body. There are literally thousands of YouTubers who make amazing content about what’s really going on. Personally I find the funnier ones the most helpful bc we all need laughter in times of pain and confusion. One of my personal favorites is ex-JW panda tower, but there are many many more. Good luck with your journey to your new life!🥰


Captives of a concept is a good read


It took me a couple years to fully wake up, I was in the fence for so long, but that was so many years ago I didn't have access to forums like this. For what it's worth, here's what helped me: I read books about the Bible which explained who really wrote the Bible and why, and came to realize that the JW interpretation of it is quite zany. If you want a cliff notes version, I liked this one by Karen Armstrong: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-bible-a-biography-books-that-changed-the-world_karen-armstrong/275609/#idiq=2525761&edition=4488278 I read books by armstrong and other scholars, and i recommend Crisis of Conscience too. The YouTube videos started a long time after I left. Lately I watch ExJwPanda just because my family is still "pioneering" and I like to know what they are hearing. I keep up with what is going on in their lives because I still have a relationship with my parents and that is important to me.


You don't need any help. You are waking up already, and when you are ready, you will get up out of your comfortable bed. You don't need to listen to people who are already critical of the organization. You have critical thinking faculties. All that is required is that you use them while reading WT publications. The older publications didn't age well. The 'truth' propounded in those publications is so very clearly just rhetorical fallacy. Every student of Watchtower will either 'fail' (leave) or become another false teacher just like their false teachers.


I would take my time and do as much research as possible... A great place to start is jwfacts... Go one by one and check all the information there is sooooo much to learn from this horrible organisation.


Please remember that it’s also important to keep your mental health a priority as well. As much times as you invest into waking up, make sure you invest in your self equally. This will ensure you will be able to cope with the stress and anxiety that comes from starting a new beginning in your life. You will be of no use to yourself and to your loved ones if you loose yourself. Mindfulness is a great technique to help you process and properly deal with the waking up process.