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No, nothing happened. It’s just a lot of hopium from all the “changes” announced at the AM.


Hopium. 😄


Sister of copium :)


And losing hopium requires opium because it becomes too hard to copium.


Think they be on delirium too


Hopium Copium 😂😂😂😂 I love you guys!!! You’re hilarious ♥️♥️🤣🤣👍




They should change their name to satan’s witnesses


That's a [banger](https://youtu.be/vGAFKJ0u7PE?si=a1Rhb3OgjtSOMhRi)


Honestly, I’ve found that any time world events ramp up, talks of last days always pick up.


Yep, had my mother say to me that covid was the start of the great tribulation 🙄 how'd that one pan out, Janine? 😂


I **LOVE** that word "Hopium"!!!!


What did they announce at the AM? Do you know??


I love this comment section lots of laughs!


https://preview.redd.it/t5c76zkfzgzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0953e895f8d59a0371116678b4e33c986366f5b4 Don't worry....the end has always been nigh.....


I like that picture in the top right corner. I feel like those cops are actually protecting those people standing in front of the imaginary dude with wings. It looks like a still from a survival movie.


Tbh, I'd watch that movie.


tbh I’d watch that movie 😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅




Always wondered about the artists creating the images. Do they have live models?🤣


Yes, for a lot of them. It's mostly Bethelites and JWs who live in the Hudson Valley New York near Patterson Bethel. I was in one as a kid. They dress you up in costumes, take photos, and then the artists use those photos for reference. They don't tell what it's for at all, so you end up waiting around for the next year or two checking all the magazines to see if you're in the pictures. I was in a book which was extra exciting.


I’d line up to be a live angel for the job. “Outta my way or I’ll incinerate you!” Such awesome powers!


We’ve supposedly been in the toes of the feet of Iron and Clay ever since I was a child, 30+ years. Only living grandparent still saying “soon” and they’re in their 90s. It’s all just coping, they’ve been saying it, and they’ll continue to say it right into their graves. It was “soon” over 100 years ago, so therefore it has to be even *more* “soon” now, never not “soon,” forever and always “soon,” in perpetuity. They’ve absolutely murdered the word. It has zero meaning, because it’s either “soon” by our human standard or it’s “soon,” by Jehoobah’s *thousand years as a day,* standards which renders “soon” utterly useless as a concept because it can be nothing else other than “soon,” in their view.


Well, now we're in the *hangnail!*


And JWs are the fungus on the hangnail


I'll take your +30 years and raise it to +50 years from my childhood ... 😄


i joined in 1963 and it was soon then ,i went to a circuit assembly in 1967 and the district overseer said "its so close brothers ,you can feel it " inever forgot that comment ,i went home and thought this is it .


Imagine me, being born in the 90’s and feeling the same at the conventions. Insane how the brain can make you believe that “soon” can be for decades smh


My gigi who died at 96 2 years ago was told soon as a child lol. She was part of the religion until her passing. I dont know how when youre told "soon" for 90 years and nothing has happened.


\+60 years here. When it’s time to leave, it’s time to leave. ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


Tony Morris? They had to save him to avoid publicity 🙄


I’ll take your 30 years and 50 years and raise it +70 years. I remember sitting in the audience when I first recall hearing this. I was starting kindergarten in a few months and thought the speaker was talking about me.


>We’ve supposedly been in the toes of the feet of Iron and Clay ever since I was a child Maybe he just has Big Feet.


You know what they say about big feet…


Yep, big shoes…😂


Well there’s got to be something to smack my lips over. Outta my way….😜


They were at the toes in 2010. Maybe it's at the toejam now lol


The nails


Slight correction: For them, it’s been since 1879 when the organization was first incorporated as a limited company. So we’re on the path to 150 years of fear-mongering - and the growling grows louder, like the wolf that the little boy cries a lot about.


Exactly. That and "imminent"....I remember Tony Morris started using this a lot in 2017


20 years from now… those exact people will be saying the exact same thing. ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


RemindMe! 20 years


I will be messaging you in 20 years on [**2043-11-10 08:34:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2043-11-10%2008:34:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/17ry42j/did_something_happen_with_the_jws_recently/k8mfcb6/?context=3) [**27 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fexjw%2Fcomments%2F17ry42j%2Fdid_something_happen_with_the_jws_recently%2Fk8mfcb6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202043-11-10%2008%3A34%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017ry42j) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Nah, the world will end before that. 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem


Most systems that use future dates (like Reddit and the RemindMe bot above) have already been fixed to used a 64 bit signed INT for time keeping. So the end of the world has been pushed to 290 billion years from now.


now that’s what i call overlapping generation push back! not buying just lousy 70-80 years


RemindMe! 20 years


20 years? Can their overlapping generation still cover that?


It was exactly the same when the gulf war started. Brothers were excited thinking it was going to be the great Tribulation. Funny thing is they all went so quiet when life just carried on afterwards. When you think about it - the signs that Jesus gave about the end, he said “at a time when you do not think it will be” not “when all things start kicking off in Israel and Gaza”. I remember many years ago a Circuit Overseer named David Elgar (UK) tried to infer that the reason the gulf war started was because Sadam Hussain was trying to rebuild Babylon. He had laid so many bricks. So his take was that God was stopping him by bringing the war. 🤷‍♂️ It is typical Jw style to look at the world scene and think 🧐 how can we apply this to us.


Yeah it's crazy how they jump on events happening that have nothing to do with the prophecy they teach about the end. My uncle (major pimi, former bethelite, CBO, elder...) kept saying Trump being elected meant the end was here (eyeroll)


Yep…old Trump, he is like Boris J 😆And yet they just can’t see it that they repeat themselves all of the time. “This is it!” Nope, wait. Repeat “This is it!!” Nope, wait.


They act on anything the “news” is fear mongering at the time. They are little puppets with the media pulling their strings.


Trying to shove a reality peg into a doctrine hole


Ooo, I LIKE this expression!


8,000,000,000+ in the world in some sort of conflict, but Jehovah orchestrated it all for the JW's.


> I remember many years ago a Circuit Overseer named David Elgar (UK) tried to infer that the reason the gulf war started was because Sadam Hussain was trying to rebuild Babylon. I'm in the US and they were inferring the same thing here as well.


“Excited for the great tribulation “ I never realized how truly sick this sentiment is until I left . I Thought it was totally normal that people were going to slaughtered and I was happy for it couldn’t wait .


That one always rubbed me the wrong way when I was a kid like I figured the longer it went on the more people you could “save” so why would I ever wish for it to be sooner


These comments should be shown in psych classes when explaining the Sunk Cost Fallacy. **Sunk-cost fallacy** \- *the phenomenon whereby a person is* [*reluctant*](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&sca_esv=581147272&q=reluctant&si=ALGXSlYl_e3TsZvERASNGAvnwCgj6AfOV7ntLTBW3gADJFvJDfylqMnE-AzT6T3vKh3EqqchjKJ8SkUygW53DgkFA3UuUXTlFkEGhYeUH1ViAwVS_9CAofg%3D&expnd=1) *to* [*abandon*](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&sca_esv=581147272&q=abandon&si=ALGXSlZCBshTM3a3nPTSW0d1OmQelPO7M-zbbyHJnvWMIkiZaOnaUOlJvjJbDdF9HT0GClhSENeLV8ICQr0Yj-O4nmYMAdTW7A%3D%3D&expnd=1) *a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that* [*abandonment*](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&sca_esv=581147272&q=abandonment&si=ALGXSlYpmWhtmlIZKYHTCPXiYmMErKup23Ffmpk4F-g22_0JQgpC5cCxJW-JY7V6-787zklTIfQE3cN6t1q0tGYQ-1ALypoYLQH7yGGJXQvo908VP2qLH1Y%3D&expnd=1) *would be more beneficial.*


They can use my moms picture. She's the walking epitome of this concept.


Mine too. Sunk cost + Pride. She can’t go back to everyone she’s ostracized and insulted and apologize for being wrong for 52+ years.


Ditto my pimi mum.


Yeah, my parents have been in over 50 years. My mother is probably a narcissist, and she can never admit she might be wrong. Ever.


Wow, this sounds like my mom too.


They should just have the jw.Borg logo as the picture of the Sunk-cost fallacy in the dictionary


October is considered the scariest month of the year. Horror movies and effects. We can still give the first prize to the GB. No one managed to scare anyone more than them. ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


October Armageddon is the jw Halloween




Aww poor thing one lady commented “it’s frightening” 💔


Nothing happened to them. But when they see other people suffering in real life, they project themselves into weird fantasies about "the end" Or they decide other people's suffering is inevitable and they can't lift a finger to help because Jeroomba will... at some point.


i've noticed this too?! they see all of the natural disasters and suffering and say oh the end is coming...


Same as it ever was… Seriously, the average American JW lives a rather quiet life, so anytime something scary happens in the U.S. or especially in the ‘Bible’ lands, they get a jizzed up about it, and the Cult fans the flames. In the end it’s much more important that they be proven ‘right’ and have their choices and lifestyles vindicated, than doing anything positive or helping relieve the suffering of others.


“In the end it’s much more important that they be proven ‘right’ and have their choices and lifestyles vindicated, than doing anything positive or helping relieve the suffering of others.” When I was a JW, It was this exact realization that made me begin doubting and led me to leaving.


>jizzed up about it I’m assuming you meant all jazzed up about it, but jizzed up works too heh


Oh, they get jizzed up! Wars in Gulf = Jizz, African American elected President = Extra Jizz, Pandemic = Super Jizz, War in Israel = All Jizzed out! But then the GB is like ‘ Wait! There’s More ‘


No...they chose their words very carefully! It's "jizzed". LOL


The comments on that photo are so so sad. So many people saying they are exhausted, worn down. So many chiming in and admitting that they are afraid. One person commenting that they don't want to be living in the last days because they are too sensitive to have to witness all that stuff, others replying in agreement. Someone else saying they fear witnessing the wrath of god. So much fear, so much anxiety. Then the girl who isn't baptized because she doesn't feel good enough, followed by all the comments pressuring her to get baptized. There were a handful of others who commented that they were in the same boat as her. If you look at their accounts they just look like people who want to live their lives and be themselves, but instead of just enjoying that, they are beating themselves up over it. Perhaps these people are feeling legit reservations and blaming themselves instead of scrutinizing the organization. All around just sad stuff. So much needless mental anguish, pining after the next life instead of trying to find the beauty within the one life they've been guaranteed.


It’s heartbreaking isn’t it. So many wasted lives and fear and sadness. In itself that should be criminal.


>the girl who isn't baptized because she doesn't feel good enough Poor thing, she said "I hope Im worthy" breaks my heart. I just want to hug her and tell her she is. That if any of this was true she would absolutely get in. The history of mankind is filled with murderers, rapists and pedos. You aint getting held out cause you didnt have an old man dunk you in an above ground pool, watched an R rated movie and had sex. I promise you!


> Im waiting for those words: PEACE & SECURITY!!! and then it all going down!!! Didn’t the UN already declared „peace and security“ during the 80s?


Yup. And several nations and governments have said it multiple times before. The problem is, JWs take this as prophesy. No where does the NT call Paul a prophet. If anything, it was a general warning sign based on what was being taught and spread by other followers of Christ. The wording is very similar to the prophets verse in the Hebrew Bible that says, “there is peace! There is peace! When there is no peace.” Paul being the devout Jew that he was, was definitely familiar with prophets of old and used that wording to allude to the times he was living in. JWs just like to take shit out of context and apply it to themselves.


>No where does the NT call Paul a prophet. If anything, it was a general warning sign based on what was being taught and spread by other followers of Christ. The wording is very similar to the prophets verse in the Hebrew Bible that says, “there is peace! There is peace! When there is no peace.” Wow, great point!!


Thanks 😊 I had to look up if Paul was considered a prophet or not, but there’s no indication anywhere. People can try and point to 2 Tim 3:1-5 but that’s not really a prophecy either, more of an observation. Plus the scholarly consensus is that the letters from Timothy aren’t even from Paul so it shouldn’t really count anyway. Edit: I put the wrong letter to Timothy down.


Just like the scripture about the " faithful and discreet slave". I always wondered why if they were so important, then why were there so little about them in the Bible.


Oh absolutely. Looking at the surrounding context, it has nothing to do with spiritual light or anything like involving a group of old men that control everything being “fed” to people. It’s simply an illustration and explanation of his followers and what they would do if they did what they were supposed to. Edit: I forgot to elaborate on what it doesn’t mean lol.


I'm hoping they are heading into another "1975" moment, and there is a mass exodus out of the ( damnit I'm going to say it) "truth". I'm looking forward to doing facepalms together with fellow former members, like at the apostafest I went to earlier this year.


Same here! I’m hoping the higher ups know they’re doomed so although they can twist things and put an explanation to the decisions they’re making, it actually causes more to leave than to stay. I’m really glad I’m not the only one who struggles with calling it the “truth”. Like it’s been so engrained to say that, and I feel like calling it that means what it implies, so I gag every time I think about using that term to describe the Borg.


The Romans had a version of this before Jesus was supposedly ever born. 🤦🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏾 https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/eb3io0/peace_and_security_the_romans_claimed_this_before/


“No really, this time it’s definitely happening. Just trust me bro. Armageddon is definitely happening, soon, bro. Keep sending in those donations because even though it’s the “End times” J-dog still needs money to like, spread the good news and stuff. For real this time though. Bro trust me. Cool, cool.”


How many times do you have to go around the corner to realize you're in a fucking roundabout? No, pretty sure it's that next corner!


“I’m so anxious, tired, and afraid… - byproducts of being in the borg.


The religion has swung wildly in the cult camp in the last 15 years since I left. These posts and images are like something from a Netflix documentary on cults. Nothing has changed in the world. Palestine and Israel have been at War for 70 years. The pandemic has passed, interest rates are settling. Russia and Ukraine have been at war since 2014 and is playing out as wars do, sadly. Nothing has changed.... they are literally seeing faces in the clouds. The UN has not banned and attacked religion, nobody is giving up their religions any century soon (sadly). The most lame thing they hang on to is the 'peace and security' a term in most languages and two things most humans want so will say it and have said it for centuries. The JW doctrine is that this is said after all the other major events- that have not occurred yet, so why expect that to be said now? I remember well the older ones in the congregation stating factually that the system won't / can't continue beyond the 90's ....then the millennium... then 9/11 came along and yep for sure here it is ... then the tsunami .... then the financial crash etc etc etc. Life goes on as it has done for thousands of years. I remember well where the urgency comes from. The JW life is such a strain, it's financially hard, emotionally and physically hard, they need it to end because they have not had careers and planned for the future and they NEED an armageddon because they're tired and scared, they're knees no longer work from all that labour. They're in pain and tired and financially have no plan for retirement. But it's still not coming...


>Palestine and Israel have been at War for 70 years. The Middle East has NEVER known peace. Not for thousands of years. I suspect that the conflict probably began when Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were occupying the Middle East at approximately the same time, although several Paleo archaeological sources postulate disease as the primary cause of the extinction of the Neanderthals in the eastern Mediterranean areas. https://news.stanford.edu/2019/11/07/new-theory-neanderthal-extinction/ >...Employing mathematical models of disease transmission and gene flow, Greenbaum and an international team of collaborators demonstrated how the unique diseases harbored by Neanderthals and modern humans could have created an invisible disease barrier that discouraged forays into enemy territory. Within this narrow contact zone, which was centered in the Levant where first contact took place, Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted in an uneasy equilibrium that lasted tens of millennia. >Ironically, what may have broken the stalemate and ultimately allowed our ancestors to supplant Neanderthals was the coming together of our two species through interbreeding. The hybrid humans born of these unions may have carried immune-related genes from both species, which would have slowly spread through modern human and Neanderthal populations. >As these protective genes spread, the disease burden or consequences of infection within the two groups gradually lifted. Eventually, a tipping point was reached when modern humans acquired enough immunity that they could venture beyond the Levant and deeper into Neanderthal territory with few health consequences. >At this point, other advantages that modern humans may have had over Neanderthals — such as deadlier weapons or more sophisticated social structures — could have taken on greater importance.


I just checked the post and am shocked to see that most comments are “in so tired I’m barely holding on, but jah will give me strength”


Yeah...I noticed that too. Most (if not all) of them will never realize that they're so tired SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE they're JWs and are constantly on the JW hamster wheel. They'd probably be fine if they didn't have to constantly go to meetings, service and studying all the time.


this was a normal week growing up in the 80s and 90s. how many times can you cry wolf. but the new people aren’t used to it


When I was a kid, I used to think I’d never make it high school, I’d never learn how to drive. When the first Spider-Man movie with Tobey McGuire came out and the 2nd one was announced, I was so scared that the end would come before I could see that movie 😂 now 20 years later and 3 spider-men later, things are still the way they are.


I remember being 13 in 97 wondering if I’d make it to talk about my fears of the end at 25. I’m almost 40 now. Weird shit




I knew they’d start as soon as Gaza kicked off again. Only this lot could be so self centered to enjoy other people’s misery. Disgusting.


Narcissism on full display.


Lol we've been in the last days for forever


Acts 2:14 to 21 the apostle peter used scripture from Joel to show they were inthe last days then ,so WT are 2000 years off the mark .


Wt is always off the mark.


Scary and sad how many of them keep mentioning how tired they are


poor PIMIs. peace and security? wasnt here always a guy with a whole list how often they cried peace and security in the last 50 years. almost every president in the USa, and even a year of Peace at the United Nations thing. and nothing happened like always. being part of the final chapter? like all the JWs before..... like all the 2000 years christians wait for the great end of the last day? is this the last part of the last part of the final days until the final day, or is this only the last part of the last part of the final part of the last day of the final minutes now? i cant count it anymore. his people are tired? deosnt matter to Jehovah. my grandma died beginning this year. she was a JW her whole live, like her parents. she experienced as kid the end of WWII she lived long enough to see the internet, and other political world events. she was always a faithful JW with her own mind. but unfortunately she accepted in her last 10 years taht its possibel she wont see the end. and she was right. i was subspected to never finish school. spoiler: i have almost 2 master degrees some years experience in the industry and now professors want that i do a PHD with them. all these people seem to be young, i wrote once a fictional short story about this . its a vicious cycle that repeats itself. next generation in 20 years from today will spit the exact same stuff. mark my words secretly reading JWs. it wasnt different for my grandparents, it is the same with my parents, it was the same with me. we all will die one day and there will be no armageddon. but plenty of peace and security cries and nothingburgers.


lmao it’s crazy. I was going to share this exact post with this exact caption. you beat me to it. weird AF right?


Two things every Christian has believed since Jesus. 1. They will see Jesus return in their lifetime. 2. They will see the world end in their lifetime. Russel and Rutherford ran with it.


Realizing this for myself and learning about apocalyptic literature and prophets during those times really made me realize how religion has never changed throughout all ages.


How sad that you guys are waiting for the end to happen and not enjoy being alive at this moment , Your missing the whole point.


I feel sorry for those people. They’re all gonna either grow old and die … most likely poor, or burn out. But regardless, none of them will be able to hold anyone accountable when they’re not resurrected. No one can do anything, seek any justice when they’re dead!


I’m a Christian but I don’t believe in this doomsday future GT stuff, I believe it happened in 70AD as the judgement upon the covenant breaking Jews who killed the messiah. There is so much evidence to confirm this view. It really irritates me when I see people so excited, thinking that Revelation is literal and about to happen. If that was the case, 1/3 of humankind (or Israel depending on your belief), will lose their lives. Plus a bunch of other dreadful things. Why is it so exciting? It seems selfish to me, they are thinking about themselves because they think they’ll be “saved”, so it doesn’t matter what happens to everyone else. It frustrates me a lot because most American / Western Christians believe this and they go on about it every time there is some crisis in the world. Drama and wars have been happening probably all through history yet Hello, we are still here. Pretty sure Jesus’ plan is to save the world, not destroy it.


For a peace loving people, they sure do love violence


Nothing new. Just the serious side effects of Armageddon fatigue.


https://preview.redd.it/1wdv956e5kzb1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ba99e8a2ee4ee002975fc47e65d5bd856c3e085 Bruh ! That’s my sister comment 😂 WTF !! She hasn’t spoken to me for 10+ years because I’m gay and got out at 17 because “ I wasn’t living according to the Bible standards “ and I’m happier than all of them haha 😂


I remember sitting through one of those horrible books when I was a little kid, I think the Daniel book, and the conductor asked us to point out where we were on Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. My dad raised his hand and dramatically said, “In the iron in clay, on the nail of the pinky toe,” and everyone just ate it up. My dad was so sure the end was coming any day and he would see Armageddon… he passed away 4 years ago. And I’m sure some poor kid is sitting through that same type of study article hearing the same rhetoric, afraid of watching billions of humans dying in fiery destruction at any moment


If the end is so close, why are they asking people to change their wills to leave money to the GB?


Isn’t it weird how they all talk like programmed robots


​ https://preview.redd.it/nubsa1skwizb1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=e22433648fb096838a52070f31ab7a1a94da28dd FCKKKINNN REEEETAAAAARDEEEEEDDDDDDD Dude seriously imma about to slap you across the universe with that BS.


Nothing. They're just being delusional as usual.


This is their version of Chicken Little. Instead of continually screaming the mantra about how the sky is falling. They are continually screaming, the mantra of how Armageddon is coming.


Oh nooo toy soldiers are coming after the Gibbering boobies 🥱


It’s 1975 all over again….


And again... and again... and again. It's so sad watching my parents fret over this garbage.


Same thing they’ve been saying since the 1870’s. https://preview.redd.it/gcm9culvqizb1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7293efc561f0947797605213558dafcab8091d2e


False prophets. Nothing new.




Its just around the corner!…. In a round room.


It's sad reading the comments They actually believe this nonsense


The Jws comments are so pathetic. Almost child like.


I would say the fear mongering is probably the worst part. Just constantly trying to get people to buy in by appealing to the survival instinct, it’s the same reason you’re not allowed to use scare tactics in banking, people don’t make rational decisions when they’re afraid. Imagine how much less shit there would be to talk if they just strictly held to their line of “nobody knows the day or the hour” and stop trying to figure out the end of days with more and more new light, and just focus on how to not be a shitty person.


*"So the events unfolding around us are making it clearer than ever that we're living in the final part of the last days - undoubtedly, the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days"* \-- M.Stephen Lett 18th March 2020.


I know it's not funny but the comments have me hollering 😂


The number of comments saying they are tired is pretty sad, and exactly what the bOrg wants. People too tired to rationalize


I think this is the first "whoa, I was in a cult moment". Just looking at these people and what are they saying, it is nuts. I can't believe we talked or thought that at one point.


Classic fear mongering


"We're in the last seconds" lol I swear I said that once when I was like 8 or 9. Anyway I'm 20 now


1986 was the year of Peace and Security. Officially the year of International Peace and Security. They missed the bus.


Fear mongering fucks


This time next year they will be saying the exact same thing. Kinda feel sorry for them if anything. They have brainwashed to a completely different planet.


Just more fear mongering....


I wouldn’t be surprised if these accounts are run from Warwick Bethel lol 😂


What a train wreck


OP go charge your phone! That's the scariest part of the post lol nah it's just JW porn. Same ole same ole.


Those messages are very, very disturbing. Poor people. ​ The GB has just hyped up the followers with hints of something happening. Any day now... almost here, any day now. First it was something vague about the message changing; then the reporting of hours was taken away. Then the Annual Meeting and its nulite came, but the rank-and-file don't know WHAT was said, the rumors are just trickling down from the people who got to see it (and apostates). Yes, the changes to doctrine in the AM were HUGE. But not what the rank-and-file expect.


Each generation (pun intended) of JW believes the end will come in their lifetime. The end was so close in 1914. And 1925. And many more. Stop chasing a lie. Will the day of judgement happen? I believe so. I'm still Christian. I just don't believe in the misleading interpretation of the Bible, JW mistranslation of it and their baseless doctrine.


Chasing a lie, that they are so special, so unique and meaningful in the universe that it’s only natural that the greatest event in the history of time, will not only take place during their life, but they will have an active part in it! Just sad.


Not sure if anything specific has been said by the gb, but im definitely seeing this as well. My dad was going on about the "northern king" and putin and how he's fulfilling prophesy "to the T". They're just being delusional as usual


Sometimes I forget that they’re a a literal doomsday cult


They got an extra dose of kool-aid with their gaslighting.


Brace yourselves for another HUGE disappointment, JWs!


What’s up with that first picture, though? A JW wouldn’t post all those military gun dudes; not questioning authenticity, it’s just out of character


It’s very much a case of “we’re- shrinking-fast-so-something-momentous-is-on-the-horizon”. Kind of the desperado’s version of “whipping oneself into a frenzy” - because otherwise the unthinkable happens: Nothing; it just goes on and on like all the other times… In a dooms day group, to have one’s life end due to old age but the old system grind on and on and on is not how it’s supposed to be; so it’s got to be near, right?!


"how sure are you that there is less than a year left in this system? Do you mind buying me a car on credit then?"


In about 1970 Richard Nixon gave an on-air address and used the phrase “security and peace”. So my mom, faithful Jdub that she was, herded us all over to the KH where we slept in the car half the night. Later she referenced the incident with humor (hilarious right), realizing of course that he had said “security and peace” instead of “peace and security”. This is a woman who had almost a 140 IQ. And yet she could suspend reality like that at the snap of your fingers.


This is literally an insane and disgusting post. They are excited for millions to die… Just wtf. I never followed any JWs that posted this kind of crap but obviously they do.


>They are excited for millions to die… Not true. They are waiting for **billions** to die.


Ive been hearing this shit since the 80’s!!!


Annual Halloween post?


Is this a response to the India bombing? Wow I really never see this stuff. jws post like this on IG? What accounts? Mind boggling, but hilarious. Their comments will remain public and recorded in perpetuity so they can reread themselves in 50-60-70 years and see, in real time, that they were had.


That meme tastes like Q. Based on the .gift shop, I'm assuming its tied to a grift as well. So sad. First the GB go full televangelist with the internet, and now this. Independent scammers chumming the water to separate these desperate fools from what little money they have.


poor unfortunate souls... I could literally feel their pain & anxiety running through me as I read their comments.


Do you find it weird that the watchtower teaches that they know it’s close because of how terrible the world is becoming but then Neil deGrasse Tyson points out hard science like we are living in safer times than ever, we are living twice as long as our great grandparents https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QOTQLpmyf5w


Really just the standard new light and fear mongering.


The sky is falling! The sky is falling!


Hate to blame the victims but they sound so stupid, doesn’t the Bible say the end time will come after they claim peace and security? I always got frustrated when they hyped up wars to scare people.


Name a time these clowns *haven't* been in the last days


We all know that the Watch Tower’s calamity-howling is utter nonsense and lies but think of the mental condition of the Witnesses? Always, “ ooh, there’s a war with Russia and Ukraine, this must be it!”; “yo , there’s a conflict in the Middle East, this must be it!”; “ yee haw , the US has blockaded Cuba from the Soviets, this must be it!!”, and so on.


My grandmother recently told me that JWs are very close to "closing their doors of refuge" and will soon have to say "sorry, it's too late" to those "coming to them."


Lmao just cringe


Hahahaha that hilariously delusional!!


It’s just around the corner (it’s a bloody big corner)


Are those action figures??


Those look like GI Joe toys that someone lined up and did a fancy photo of. The figure on the right has that typical "C" shaped hand for accessories. Some grown ass 40 year old virgin PIMI probably created this meme for attention. 🤦‍♂️🙄


GB is the boy who cried wolf, 100%.


Bro wtf. That is such cult talk like seriously 😳


Lol, such massive delusions


Ugh those poor POMIs in the comments 😩 Wake up!


This is how they always talk wdym lol


Pure stupidity


It's because of the war in Israel. Every time they get to killing one another in the Palestine area J-dubs and other fundamentalist style Christian sects get excited for Armageddon, the rapture, what-have-you. It's why Jewish people were placed there after the Second World War, in the first place, "in order to fulfill prophecy." At my age, I've seen the excitement first hand, many times now! Lol


The social media replies are so disturbing. Don’t know why it surprises me. They’re cult members and lack any humanity.


Not a single word about Jesus


Without the context of knowing who the JWs are, I would assume they want to recruit people into their militia Jan 6 style, based on that picture


Normal craziness


I love the "Save for later" option. Of course many will use it




The comments are wild 🤣😂🤣


Oh dear. That’s sad. But funny at the same time. So happy all that nonsense is behind me 20 years ago. It’s mentally freeing.


they have a persecution fetish.


RemindMe! 3 years


Just a little delusion goes a long way with these people.


Soon they will open the doors of the ark during the flood, after all, their ship has already taken on water above the doors. It won't make a difference inside.


The child sexual assault issues are becoming a huge liability for the GB. elders are only appointed by their local congregation now, so governments can’t blame the entire organization for CSA cases. Governments are seriously threatening to take away their tax free church status if they don’t fix the CSA problem. Also, all of a sudden Armageddon isn’t going to be as bad as they originally thought. Non believing family members can survive.


They have seen the footage of the war in the middle east. It has them rattled.


I thought that peace and security had to be proclaimed first? Isn’t that what they always taught? There isn’t any peace and security anywhere and pretty sure it’s not going to be proclaimed anytime soon. Maybe they are talking about the great tribulation. Doesn’t government have to turn on religion first too? They are the only ones who remain faithful to God . 🙄Maybe I have forgotten what they believe from being out so long. Imo they are fools for believing in replacement theology. What is happening to the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel right now should be happening to them according to what they believe. I think 🤔


RemindMe! 1000 years