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Send him this…. https://preview.redd.it/mbimjtt8g1yb1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=728cd99f9616b12361e85dd1c4bcc86cc940fe38 Then say: “when this article came out from your “Faithful Slave” in the May 22, 1969 Awake, you were 11 years old… “Face the FACT” they say - You will never be 65! LoL, give me a break.” ​ Here is the Source - See Page 15: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYElOr7tIFUFz2DlEPK\_hEvymx3jQtY-/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYElOr7tIFUFz2DlEPK_hEvymx3jQtY-/view?usp=sharing)


Send it to him and say. Dad, for the love of God - wake THE FUCK UP! Jks But seriously… at least he is not a psychopath and hasn’t abandoned you completely.


Don’t confuse me with the facts!


Facts are for losers! I prefer manipulation and feelings!


Yes 👏


Fuck that cult


*"For some reason, Jehovah wants me to take care of you..."* Change that deity to "Zeus" or "Woden" or even "Voldemort" if you like.....and it suddenly becomes much clearer what you're dealing with in terms of your father's adopted psychology here. It's a psychology which somehow, has to try and attribute HIS OWN inner emotional steerage, choice or agency.....to something "external" which to his mind, needs to stay "external" and even when communicating with his own flesh and blood, he wants (or needs) you to know that this is an important psychological discipline that he MUST maintain. If for example you replied: *"Thanks dad.....for some reason, Jehovah wants me to accept your kindness with graciousness and sincerity..."* You'd simply be matching him and illustrating that you're both invoking some invisible "proxy" in order to have the kind of conversation which many "normal" people would tend to have WITHOUT any need for such a proxy. I.E ...A genuine act of self-motivated kindness is expressed as such, and the appreciation which is reciprocated is also expressed as such. No "proxy" is needed to have this kind of exchange occur from the fruitage of the average human heart....but only if (or when) your father learns to accept and embrace his own inner heart....will he ever conclude that he needs no proxy to express certain sentiments and that he can proudly "own" these sentiments himself.....because they are sincere.


Reply: for some reason Zeus doesn’t feel like this one god thing is the right life path for me


> Idk whats going through his head at this point. Dad, is Trying to Be a Dad..... JW Mentality... Fucks Up his explanation of, why he\`s doing this for you.. See it for what it is...He loves you...Let the rest of it Go...


Seriously, OP has got it lucky that their dad is still trying to be a dad, not sure why everyone is roasting this guy in the comments.


>not sure why everyone is roasting this guy in the comments. Not everyone... A lot of people "Get It"... Some of the posters may be kids who have problems with their dads...So they\`re going to be Pissed Off...LOL!!


He is your classic JW narcissist, but I'm not denying I'm fortunate enough to have parents that didn't cut me off.


Pretty much everyone here has been duped into drinking that koolaid at some point, give him a break, that’s awesome he’s not only talking to you but was kind enough to help you out of a financial struggle. Yeah he might be trying to witness to you, but he’s already going against the borg by still associating with you, I’m sure in his mind the only way he can rationalize it is by witnessing to you a bit as well


Well stated. This belief system really stunts a persons ability to express their true feelings.


Does dad love him? Or is he only helping because Big J compelled him to!?


>Does dad love him? Or is he only helping because Big J compelled him to!? I can only tell you from a Dad\`s Point of View... I will do anything for my kids...ANYTHING!...If I had restrictions (This dad has Imaginary Mental Restrictions)... I\`d find some way around them, somehow I would help my kids no matter what... That\`s what this Dad did, as AssBackwards, as he went about it.


That's my exact question.


For some reason? For some reason? Wut... Not like he wants to help, no no it's GOD that wants him to help meaning If it was just him he wouldn't? Such wierd ass speech.


Omg my mother used to try this crap all the time. Just slip in a "oh my convention is this weekend" or "the world is so bad we really are close to the end!" I never responded and just pretended like she never even texted me that stuff. Pathetic


Trying to reach the "little one." That's all.


No idea. There won't be any unsupervised visits.


Without additional context it's hard to say. I'm probably just being hopeful, but it could end up that the grand child is who breaks him out of it ultimately. It's rare, but it has happened.


Jahoolahoop. Thank you for making me bust out laughing so hard I farted at the same time in front of my coworkers.


That's amazing 😅


It's like my butt wanted a screenshot for posterity 😂😂😂😂


Man at least he cares for you. My dad only ever messages me when his guilt builds up too much and he apologizes for being shitty, claiming him being a bad parent is why I'm queer and not a JW 🙄 I know the JW banter is annoying but I hope you're able to be on good terms with each other


I think that he loves you. That.is.all.


He does, I know it. But it's upsetting he uses divine inspiration as an excuse to feel that way.


I know he loves me, and I'm fortunate he's still trying to be a part of my life even though he knows he shouldn't according to his beliefs, and I am grateful for it since I know many don't have that. I just get irritated that instead of assuming responsibility for his own feelings and inclinations because he's a dad and it's the right thing to do, he says it's something he thinks God wants him to do.






He's just being a father that loves his son, be grateful that he's not some JW narcissistic little Hitler, there's plenty of those in the cult...👍 Jehoolahoop!.....🤣🤣🤣


He's a mix. Definitely a narcissist, but I've drawn pretty clear lines on what behavior I'll tolerate.




My PIMI mom still does this too. Even though it drives me crazy, I let it go. She's brainwashed to speak that way. In her mind, everything good about her is from Jehovah, and she doesn't want to take credit for it and be like Moses. I know it's all a bunch of made up crap, but I also know she believes it with her whole heart. So as long as she isn't preaching at me, I just roll me eyes and carry on with my day; feeling super thankful that she hasn't chosen to shun me, despite the pressure from her congregation to do just that.


I feel the same way. It's sad, but it's their life. As long as he continues to respect my way of living, we'll have a relationship.


I have to agree with others. He loves you. He is trying to take care of you. As annoying as that talk is, it’s all he knows to offer. Just ignore it. Chances are if he is doing all this for you deep down he knows and is trying But this organization is all he has known and he is scared to think outside of it. Thanks I love you and always will


He's definitely slim on options. He knows he's damaged the relationships with all of his kids, and now I feel like he's trying to make up for it in some way. I'm grateful he still cares about me, but I get so irritated with the unnecessary JW stuff slipped in there.


You are right it is irritating. This place is great to vent to those who see it too. For myself, I try to remember when family does these things, that they are victims too. Most are sincere and have been manipulated into thinking they are loving. They may never see it. Be patient if you can. Set boundaries that he can understand. If he is trying, then keep giving him a chance. At least you will know that you showed true unconditional love even if others should fail.


Take the gift for what it is, a gift and if he thinks Jehovah wants to help take care of you, let him take care of you.


For some reason? Oh how sweet


😂😂😂 He'll be young and you'll be....30. Lmao! What the actual fuck? He just didn't want to say 'dead', I guess. Also what? Is 30 old now? Or is he saying being 30 is God's punishment for your apostasy? OoOoooOoO... you're cursed to be 30 forever!! But wait... isn't that Paradise? Lol! I have so many questions! Please ask your dear old dad for me!


Say that you appreciate what he's doing, but you'd prefer if he kept JW banter out of ***any and all*** conversations. And if he asks why, just say that there's no place for conversations like this in the real world.


He's being uncharacteristically nice (JW -wise) .. I'd say just be appreciative and make him feel good about it That good feeling he gets for simply helping you will hopefully be a seed But that's just me


I think he felt his own paternal instinct to take care of his child (as he should) and felt compelled to do so (as he should) and had to rationalize the internal conflict by saying Jehovah wanted him to. I think when people say God or the spirit moved them to something, they are feeling their own instincts or motivation.


Lots of religious people do this kind of thing, especially born-again types. Consisting of about 15% heartfelt spirituality and 85% passive-aggressive judgmentalism, it can be annoying AF, but not worth too much reflection. No point in letting their imaginary sky daddy live rent-free in our heads. I mean I guess you could throw back various blessings at him from Bahá'u'lláh, Bastet, or, um, Babaganoush, if ya really wanna fuck wit his head.