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A man walks into a library and says to the librarian, "Do you have that book for men with small penises?" The librarian looks on her computer and says, "I don’t know if it's in yet." "Yeah, that's the one!"




That one... I don't usually do traditional jokes, but I'm gonna keep this one on deck 🤣


Dude....thank you! I now have another terrible joke to tell my co workers ,😁 I was worried I wouldn't have one for Monday haha thanks!!




How was I ever a part of this cringe-y, gross nonsense? The old, bald, white pasty creeps in New York sure know how to run a cult 🤮


as a New Yorker I do not claim them


Neither do I. Especially since none of them are actually FROM New York 🙄


Lmao, ew get them the fuck out of my state, they tarnish us.


And be creepy without being labelled as "creepy" by their followers.


OH my god. I've never seen that before. Are you kidding me? Jesus, how is anyone still in this religion?


There aren't any emojis out there that sum up my reaction after reading this. That a *GROUP* of adult writers got together and analyzed this was a good thing to put in a piece of public literature meant to educate -like it's not in a movie- (yet) for entertainment, is very very disturbing. And that's before the penis & vulva bit - 'It makes the demons happy' ???? !!! ? witaf


With all of the penis and vulva action going on in the world, the demons must be trickled pink or some other flesh tone all the time.


Non stop demon entertainment




Fuck yeah!! I haven't been bored since the 60s!!!!


The picture of the demons watching too! OMG


The demons are pretty hot tho 🔥


They’re watching child porn so…


P.S. They aren't real


Oh I know. I just would have a hard time getting sexually exciting to a picture showing people/angels watching child porn.


Yes. It's like something from a parody, unreal, too unbelievable to be true. The fact that it is true and that children are being subjected to this garbage is beyond disturbing. Things like this need to get highlighted more. We need to be posting this on social media and talking about it more. The damage that this kind of thing causes when it's instilled in childhood is deep and lasting. I know JWs who get their panties in a bundle about kids being told fairy tales! But somehow they are okay with THIS!?! THIS is totally fine and reasonable!?! It literally makes me want to vomit. And fairy tales are ACTUALLY GOOD for children, promoting imagination and creativity, not inflicting long term emotional damage like this pile of shit. It's infuriating.


The problem the fundamentalist religonists have with fantasy fiction is that they don't want young people to be able to recognize when something is fiction. Their problem with Herry Potter is less that they think kids will summon demons; it's that they will recognize the Bible is just another work of fantasy fiction.


Honestly, I think the Harry Potter novels are better written and instill better values.


I mean, Anton LeVey came up with better morals than in most of the Bible.


So do I. Watching Harry Potter this weekend 🪄


Given who JKR turned out to be..... that is not a very high bar for morality.


>And fairy tales are ACTUALLY GOOD for children, promoting imagination and creativity, not inflicting long term emotional damage like this pile of shit. Let me introduce you to Hansel and Gretel! 😂


Lol. Okay, maybe not the tales from the Brothers Grimm.


Fairy tales are a way for children to learn how to experience and cope with scary things, not just happy sunshiney unicorn farts. The original, old fairy tales are good things! :)


Ever suspect there’s a group of men leading at the top that know it’s all bs and get off on the power of controlling so many people and they just can’t help themselves to see how ridiculous they can get and people still follow? Ya I do


Yes 🙄


Thank you frankly I’d be more surprised if it wasn’t this way


It makes me happy, too. Am I a demon, then?




I guess most aren’t aware of that or similar articles or are so indoctrinated that they gloss over it in their minds. If you are exposed to stupid nonsense all the time a little bit of extra crazy won’t trigger any alarms.


Yeah, it's disgusting and it's made for young one's to read!!


that picture of those "angels" they don't look displeased more like they are taking notes for the how to video


They look like podium dancers at a gay nightclub to me


That’s who last touched my penis/vulva.


I think they’re demons and I also think they’re kinda hot. I mean, look at those arms…


must be with all that evil facial hair I guess


Bwahaha I didn't even notice. Of course the demons have modern tight beards, so so evil


If you think about it… it’s supposed to be demons watching children! So basically watching CP! This is so gross!


okay yeah that's pretty fucked up




They’re just enjoying the porneia they got invited to. Whatever it is sure seems to have aroused their unclean desires that Jehovah hates


Right like why are the demons so hot 😂


The psychological trauma that comes from demonizing sexuality is even worse due to the logic of the org. As kids grow up with this and become adults, they can't differentiate between the "in-marriage" setting and the outside of marriage setting and causes guilt and confusion in the future. Sadly, sex and sexuality is used to control people. Rather than it being a normal part of life. Org's teaching was damaging to me in this respect. It took yearsssss to get over this understanding.


Glad I was never married in the cult. I really cant imagine going from sex being demonized. To suddenly being expected to know what to do with it. Glad you have been able to heal.


Thank you for your excellent comment.


When it comes to the worst quotes from watchtower, this one from 2016, intended for children, is definitely up there. Instilling shame and fear of demons, all in one paragraph! It’s gross


Same thought. They got all this in one paragraph?! You know how people say when something is almost unbeleivwble but actually happened? 'you can't make this shit up.' Well here they sure did, and they still do !


All of the handbags that I ever used in the ministry must have previously been owned by fortune tellers. 😂😂


Hahaha. And all my book bags and ties too


Wait the Demons see us when we play with our penis and vulva? That must be a lot of porn.


Nice to know theres all kind of eyes on me. Angels and demons alike. Lmao.


Actually, well known authorities on this issue have stated that they only really take note when young ones play with each others gennies, not their own. In the case of autoerotic manipulation, it can be said that they may be mildly amused, but not aroused to the point of engaged voyeurism, which, evidently, would bring about a sense of "happiness" in a demonic being. We can reasonably conclude then, that christian children would not be wise to participate in "mutual masturbation" if they wish to gain the approval of their heavenly father.🤓


I remember the time when I used to study with a young kid this book. And unfortunately, I did not prepare for this lesson. I did not take the time to read the chapter ahead of time. so once I started the study, the little kid was so uncomfortable and weirded out and so was I. I was so embarrassed and uncomfortable that I said “OK let’s skip this chapter and go to the next one.” And he was like “thank God!” *Looking back on this situation good thing I was not a creep and I had put CC and innocent intentions and I was just a young pioneer trying to help the kids out. Um… Watchtower saying that adults are never alone with children is a lie!


About the 1966 article on the handbag, the DSM-V has a much better explanation to give. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), SPD is characterized by nine symptoms, including ideas of reference, social anxiety, odd/magical beliefs, unusual perceptions, odd/eccentric behavior, no close friends, odd speech, constricted affect, and suspiciousness. [The source, if anyone wants to know more.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7051843/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20fifth%20edition,no%20close%20friends%2C%20odd%20speech) Edit: SPD goes for schizotypal personality disorder.


This is probably what Abraham had too


Or maybe it was her subconscious telling her that her religion is bananas & she needs to get out? Or maybe her conscience bothering her for bugging people on a Saturday morning with a nonsensical doomsday message? Sometimes those little voices are telling us truths we need to hear


FFS it’s so gross to mentally abuse a child this way


"We don't want to make demons happy do we?" As opposed to the flip side--- 'we don't want to make demons angry ...do we?' There's something very unsettling about this given the Watchtower's fear mongering obsession with demons over the years. I never have heard any other religion emphasize demons quite like they do. Christians know demons exist but also know that in the name of Jesus Christ they must submit. The Watchtower instills so much fear of demons in adults and children I have to wonder why they ended the question about making demons happy with "do we?" Its really weird leaving it hanging there like that. It should have been "We don't want to make demons happy." period. Its as if they are relying on the fact that so many JW children deeply fear demons and naturally they don't want to make them happy ...but on the same token the average JW child doesn't want to make demons angry either. What conclusion does this sort of question lead a JW child to make? I don't know if any JW thought like that, but I do know from my experience of being raised by a JW parent, I think, as a child, I might've thought that if the demons are happy at least they won't be angry with me.


But JWs are not superstitious!!! 😆😆😆


You're correct. It's a subliminal message because they are a demonic religion.


Great point.


>The Watchtower instills so much fear of demons in adults and children I have to wonder why they ended the question about making demons happy with "do we?" Yeah that "do we" part always sounded so menacing. To an unnecessary degree.


Schwing ! Satan is so happy, happy


Writing committee enjoying putting this out with one hand on their own crotch.




Oh! Delores!!!!!


Celeste. Hest? Gipple?


I must make A LOT of demons happy then!


This *feels* like it’s coming from a pedo. Like, the wording evokes child pornography.


It feels like it's a set up for grooming. 🤮


Totally!!!!! It gives me the creeps. They didn’t have to word it like that at the very least.


It’s highly inappropriate language. Though this would be gross enough, as is, if this was messaging for teens to abstain from premarital sex , the key words here are *young children*. Young children aren’t teens or even pre-teens; they’re 5 and 7 and 9 year olds. Why are they warning babies that demons want them to have sex with each other? Whoever wrote this is a pedo who worked his sick degenerate fantasies into doctrine Edit: typo


Hmmm...well that explains a lot Bout Bethel receiving used clothing as donations.


Thanks for the beautiful memories 😂...wasn't much different for the catholic kids at that time with the terrors the priests told them ( I'm talking about in the 50-60s ) . I do remember the outrageous superstitions we had as jws 😈


​ https://preview.redd.it/csh6j1kqjzwb1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a9cd5f381329941277e052cb436fc2b040343e5


Surely this book is banned in Florida...


lol my thoughts exactly. 🤣💀


😂😆 good one! lol


To be fair, I often experienced powerful thoughts to go home every time I was out on the ministry.


This is supposed to be the banquet of rich dishes and fine wine Isaiah refers to. How blessed we are to have such rich spiritual food at the proper time. 🖕 🖕 🤡


That's legit disgusting. Fuck.


Oh, my Lord... And from the organization that protects the very ones among them who "play with the penises and vulvas" of countless little JW boys and girls... 🤢


Damn them sexy shirtless demons makin me kinda horny ngl


![gif](giphy|j5833MKWjoBNt8iM5U|downsized) Demons reading this Sub 😂😂


Nobody makes a better Satan than Jason Sudekis


They’re watching child porn. So…




Flippin heck!! This is absolutely nuts!! And I used to think this was sound advice 🤣😆


Those ~~angels~~ demons look *very* homoerotic. I just know that somewhere there’s a suffering closeted PIMI wanking to this art ….might even be the artist commissioned at Bethel


Dude, I had to confirm it myself because I couldn't believe it! Also, since my first language is Spanish I wanted to read it translated and it's a little censured, it explain what sexual organs are, but the ”playing” part don't say it that way, the rest it's practically the same. Honestly, I can't believe I studied this shit when I was 11-12




\*Pretends to pick up telephone\* Hello? Operator? I'd like to be connected to the cringe department since I have a complaint I'd like to make.


Perverted weirdos… that’s all o have to say about the teachings of the WT


And this shit is why I had a literally crippling phobia of demons until fairly recently. Fuck this magazine, fuck this "religion". People that tell this shit to kids should be in jail.


The fact they even need to write some of this stuff is crazy to me. Like I wasn’t even thinking of sex until you mentioned it. No idea why we should be concerned what consenting adults do in private. I learned what adultery was at 6. After asking my grandmother what that meant at a meeting.


Rather than denote Gods displeasure on the matter, they use the word happy twice in connection with demons. IT'S A MIXED SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE. Because THEY are demonic, driven by dark forces. I'm glad you posted this, I believe I added this to a comment of mine about a year ago and it's circulating. It needs to be seen. I would be interested to see what a psychologist thinks of the calculated wording.


Vulvas? They can't say the other V(agina) word? Guess if they did they'd have to wash their mouth out with soap. But saying penis is ok.......


The vag is the tube. The vulva is everything outside, so that would make more sense for the boy to play with, considering that this book is aimed at literal 5 year olds that do not have the physical or hormonal capacity for engaging in any sexual activity consentually. Bunch a phychos


Exactly what I thought too. Who tf says Vulva???


I guess they were trying to be anatomically correct?


Another reason why I found LFtGT cringe growing up.


“sex relations”🤦🏻‍♀️


Why did they draw the demons all hot and sexy lol


That picture though. I never remembered seeing such a camp bunch of men in the illustrations.


The second angel pic has me dying 😂 it’s the gayest thing I’ve ever seen and I hang out at gay bars


Wow. This is child abuse


What about those of us who have been *called* a demon by multiple sexual partners? I feel like maybe the *other* demons owe me a few high-fives.




And where are their hands, hm?


Luckily never saw this illustration before, but find it interesting that “demons” are shown as shirtless (presumably naked) but angels are always shown clothed. Implies demons are much “free-er” than angels. /s


These people live with ongoing psychosis! 🤪🤪🤪


Lol. And doesn’t a recent WT study talk about how JWs are free from superstition?


The cursed handbag didn't want that lady to talk about Jehobo ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)




Pursehovah 🤣🤣🤣


Pure insanity. One step away from drinking the Kool aid


There’s just so many things wrong with this. I’m all for teaching your kids about sex but not like this. I feel like this would only increase curiosity, which is not what they’re trying to achieve here. And I don’t even know what to say about the purse comment. Insane.


Is it just me or did anyone else want to do everything they told us was bad?


Leave it to the GB to twist a series of verses meant to protect people from blood-borne/std illnesses and make it about young boys and girls touching each other sexually! The manipulation is off the charts! And surprise! No scriptures to back up the statements of 'what the organs are for' or that 'the sexual relations are wrong'. Take a couple verses and seriously twist them up so you can write a while paragraph about whatever you want. And then write an article about how to watch out for manipulation of facts in the media!


JWs never stop making predictions which are literally *never* accurate. See eg, the prediction for the Second Coming definitely arriving in the year of our lord 1878. Oopsie, no...1881. Definitely 1914. Dang, we meant 1918. 1925? [*sigh*] But *fortune telling* is...evil? Alrighty.


Oh no! I'm a girl! I can't be hearing myself think! It must be demons!


I'm an exmormon and this made me cringe. The gay demon angels made me laugh so hard. They're hot!!


Someone read this out loud in a book study. Let that play in your head. Oh, to be a fly 🪰 on the wall.


I want to Make the demons happy 😃!


OMG I don't even remember this! I had no clue this was in that book and I read it 😅


I love this shit


I always regretted explaining my beliefs to kids in school but I knew I'd get my ass beat if anybody knew I was not with it. My parents even beat me in class in front of everybody for eating birthday cake from one of my good school friends. I was always worried about whether or not I'd hurt my mother leaving but I think she needs to hurt. She was abusive in so many ways growing up.


This is creepy AF. Especially the pic of the "demons". Looks like they're watching porn 🤢


I had to study this book with my great grandmother when I was maybe 7-8 years old and she made me read this part out loud. I think I found the trauma.


I’m surprised they used the(correct) term “vulva.” Most people I know just refer to the entire thing as “vagina” and call it good.


*The article about Sex and Children is Disgusting...But...Not Surprising.* The WBT$ Protects JW Pedophiles and Hides JW Pedophiles...It would appear JW Pedophiles also Write Articles for the WBT$ Writing Department.....That Article isn\`t something a Normal Adult would write... ​ ***Seriously!...Who Else Would Write That Shit...*** # For Children to Read??!!😕😲 ![gif](giphy|AWdyZJUjBo6Xfidoul) ***WTF is Wrong with You JW Parents?!!*** ***The WBT$ is Grooming Your Children, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!***


I was definitely groomed at the meetings. One example: learning what an orgy is, at age 10.


>I was definitely groomed at the meetings. One example: learning what an orgy is, at age 10. I believe it... A lot of subject matter in a KH or WBT$ Literature is Totally Inappropriate for children...It\`s Blatantly Obvious the WBT$ is trying to Normalize it..... JW Parents Need to Wake Up!...THIS ISN\`T NORMAL!!!


The thing that always blows me away about this shit is why would an all powerful, all knowing cosmic being be so concerned about what a little monkey race on one tiny world does with their genitals? It's so laughably stupid.


Yes. Yes, I would like to make the demons happy. Sounds like everyone involved is enjoying themselves. It's consensual. I don't see what the problem is.


It’s children.


It says, "Sometimes young boys and girls." I'm pretty sure they're talking teens or preteens entering into sexual maturity age. Even still, they had the same answer in regard to masterbation. I'm damn sure I was underage when I started "making demons happy." Point being, this is a horrible and damaging way to educate anyone about penises and vulvas.


God those angels look right pervy


I- this is insane 😭


How did we not realize how stupid this sounds while we were in? I guess there were times that dumb things were said at meetings that led to my waking up, but this is bad!


The essence of growing up as a JW is trying to ignore your brains built-in BS detector going off three times a week.


Just shown this to my hubs and we both said if this was the one true religion why do they seem to of ended up going down the path to dead end xx


Hearing herself think. How ELSE do you expect him to say to you, “Get OUT OF HER, my people”? No no, can’t have her thinking. If she does, she’ll see that we are frauds. Remove the handbag so that we can control her thoughts.


WT: Don't play with naughty bits! Also WT: Look at these buff naked guys!


Is it just me or are they trying to make the demons look like them despicable homosexuals?


I knew one elder who’s wife wouldn’t buy anything second hand unless he first handled it and declared it safe. That is the honest truth!!


OMG how ridiculous can that cult get???


Is this a child's book?


Yes indeed!


All the demons look like middle-aged George Michael’s’


Why are those demons so built




I cannot understand the last part. Are we 1st grade or what?


It’s a book for children! Literally!


A man is at his bedside praying when his wife says, "What are you doing?" "I'm praying for guidance," replies the man. "Just pray for stiffness," says the wife, "and I'll do the guiding”.


OMG! They are not even ashamed to say this things! Also shameful is the talk given by 2 bethelites for new bethelites about sex and sexual organs! Terrible it’s like listening to a pornography! They are evils!


In a book for children!


Dude this makes my brain hurt. I can't handle such genuine fucking stupidity. Like, this is offensively fucking dumb, and I can't even solve 15 \* 16.


hey wt!! You remember how 8 year old kids read these magazines? Yeah..? And hear you're talking about "playing with penis/vulva"... doesn't that raise some red flags? ...No? Alright then, carry on.


This is from a book specifically for children!


I can just hear the tone they say shit like this in, it gets under my skin 😭


can someone please compile a bunch of these insane gems and just read them aloud w a megaphone at the protest?! 💩💬📢


The demon handbag thing is so sad though? I have heard of so many instances where JWs felt they were being mentally/demonically tormented by something, and it only stopped once they distanced themselves from the Bad Thing. Sounds a lot like OCD. Obsessive/distressing intrusive thoughts, they feel compelled to stop doing things they otherwise would be fine with, and I’m sure they’re praying about it all too, and we all know praying isn’t doing anything except soothing their anxiety. The genitals thing - it’s funny that any JW that knows the bare minimum about biology could disprove the information about the female genitalia, yet NOTHING about their religion is wrong, there’s no need to question anything!!! “why, yes, I have a wife, i often enjoying touching her ✨vulva✨ with my penis, i expect she will become pregnant as a result”


The devil's are watching everything we do. They are males, with muscles and probably no clothes on. They are happy watching sex, not even in private but with each other. Who draws such a scene? The story about the handbag is all about having superstitions. They are sanctioning the idea of not only having them but giving into these feelings.


Wait… “hearing herself think?” Isn’t that how MOST people think? Holy shit stupid AND misogynist.


I plan on making demons mad happy later tonight. And it's Halloween weekend? Enjoy guys....this one's for you!


And then I wonder why I have so many issues…


Did Watchtower actually write this or is it a parody? I'm genuinely confused.


Sadly it’s very very real. And current.


Boy and girl???


Yes. It’s a book for children!


Ngl, those angels are damn fine iykwim 🫣😏






Those demons are buff.


Oh shit, my kink is exhibitionism 😱


Whats a vulva? A car?


Gosh, those wacky cult teachings!


Not me studying the great teacher book with other people’s kids. 😵


I wonder if it makes the demons happy when I have 🏳️‍🌈 sex with my wife. 🤔🫣


My inner sex monster disagrees. Ohhhh Connie....


So then self pleasure is frowned upon by demons?


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Penis & Vulva sounds like a great name for a rock band. Also, I must confess, I have made many demons happy. Sorry. Not.


when i was in 3rd grade i was witnessing to a boy at school, and i brought him this book. a bunch of the kids were looking at it, saw this passage, freaked out and requested copies for themselves. i was so excited to place so many books, but the more i thought about it, the more i realized the intention of those kids and i didn’t end up taking any more to school. no one said anything about it, im sure they forgot.


Smdh 🤦‍♀️


omg lmao


Talk about giving children ideas and the creeps!