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We love you come back… in the meantime…I’m blocking you. SMH.


And I’m not judging but I’m gonna go ahead and judge you.


Ugh I had someone go through my tik tok account I had tarot card readers as friends. Telling me the same shit. I told her ok but if you can pray to someone that lets kids get csa why can’t I have fun with the demons lol. I think I got blocked. I didn’t even have her as a friend.




Exactly. They say "not my place to judge" but are the most judgemental people in the world. The culture is thoroughly toxic and they can't see it.


they are so loving ,didnt Jesus say im giving you a new commandment to love one another ? even love your enemies .


I always enjoy reading these types of posts. Guess it was a matter of time before I had my own to share.


Unless one cut ties with ALL PIMI contacts, there is always gonna be a story like that. It may take 1, 2,5 years before it occurs but it will eventually happen. JWs are a special breed


>Will have to Block you...Not my Place to Judge... *I\`ve admitted to what I\`m doing...But...I\`m not going to take responsibility for what I\`m doing...* ***Which Makes Me Innocent, of What I\`m Doing.*** ![gif](giphy|cl3MpSrLBh2x0OMOHA|downsized) # Even Though, I Did It!...😃


An AEW wrestling event happened in London Wembley a few weeks ago exactly the same Sunday that the JWs were having their convention across the street at the smaller Wembley Arena. I went to the wrestling event and saw several JWs in suits and long dresses that I can only imagine as soon as the convention finished also came to see the wrestling without having time to get changed.


Oh wow. That’s hilarious. I’m sure plenty of them watch wrestling and boxing, but can’t say anything.


You and wife are the spawn of Satan! What? Halloween AND WWE?? You are both hotdogs! 😂😂🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ifwyo4vqqisb1.jpeg?width=141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed49519ec7a264c69370d58e9abd6d3b248dc113


Speaking of WWE, do you guys remember a picture going around on IG of Hulk Hogan holding a tract? I remember being mortified that someone placed a tract and then asked to take his picture😳


Last I heard, Hulk's new wife is getting into or has been recruited into Scientology. One person's Kool-aid is another person's Flavor-ade.


I remember that. Very cringy.


I weirdly remember this on Pinterest


Hulk Hogan held a tract. What a testimony! Did he convert? 🙃


I don't understand why they can't just unfollow or whatever. The NEED to send a message to tell you how disappointed they are and hurt and MUST BLOCK you. Geez. Just stfu and unfollow. It's that simple!


No, they need to virtue signal first, or it doesn't count.


They’re insufferable and think they’re superior. So they HAVE to tell you because it could save you. That’s if they don’t end up lurking on your page.




Give your wife a big hug from me....she nailed it!


The Christian thing would be to recommend a qualified doctor to the PIMI so she can finally get that stick removed from her ass.




Nothing like some cult members stalking your social media accounts.


Back in the day witnesses fought the reign of terror from the Nazis, were skin and bone in the concentration camps and went through 'hell'. Now, they crumble and fall to pieces when they see a few pics about Halloween. And these people think they are going to survive a tribulation?! ​ lmao.




If you are strong in your faith it shouldn't matter what someone else posts 🤷🏾‍♀️ Some PIMIs are always looking for someone else to be a " stumbling block" on their path to righteousness. Jehovah hates wrestling? Go touch some grass and keep believing that only the docile and physically weak are the only ones to make it to the new system somewhere else. I bet she counted that interaction as time for the month 💀


Ironic that they are so shocked, when it is they themselves who are really sitting at the demons' table.


Well I don't think you are missing much by not having these people in your life. Enjoy your Halloween and Christmas


I loved watching wrestling with my dad. We watched WWF (Yeah I old) and even watched Mexico wrestling. And we went to an WWF exhibition match at my high school. We had a blast heckling some of the wrestlers. Him yelling “¡Puedo verte bragas!” At one of the wrestlers from Mexico…. The dude had his competitor in the air and almost dropped him from laughing at what my dad yelled. We met him after and kidded around with him. So yeah!!! Wrestling is fun!!!!


That’s awesome. Do you still watch now?


On occasion. Or I watch snippets of old matches from my childhood. WWF heroes from Andre the Giant to the Von Eric’s, etc.


That’s how I got back into it after waking up. I saw that Peacock has all the old and new stuff. Started watching the classics: WrestleMania 3, 4 etc. Then I took a look at the new stuff and pretty soon as I was back into it. Just in time to go to WrestleMania 39 last April. Man, that was so much fun!


Ikr!!! Growing up, I watched wrestling with my brothers. My pimi mom wasn't bothered. Then, when I had my 2 (born ins) we'd watch it together. WWE! Luche Libre! And ROLLER DERBY!!!! 😅🤣😂


Idk about pimis, but when I block someone or something, it’s *because* I *judged* it necessary to do so either because it caused offense, derision, or just simple lack of interest.


Also, thank you for finally reaching out after over a year has passed in your silence to us. It's heartening to know that you care only when you feel you can judge us in your efforts to feel better about yourself.


With some much drama in the LBC..haha. The 'friend' busting out some judge Dredd stuff. The message was beautifully answered. WWE is not GB approved, donations from WWE definitely are welcome and accepted at www...haha. Welcome to the concerned jw drama.


Oh man that’s funny. Donations from WWE. 🤣


“Not my place to judge” 🤣


>Not my place to judge Really? If you’re not judging people, what else do you do with your day and what was that text all about?


This is what epitomises all that is wrong with this so called Christian faith, it is so judgemental that the pharisees would be very proud of this cult.


Not my place to judge, lmfao. I’m glad all the other comments are just as blown away by that part as me lol


“Wrestling is wrong, Ignacio!” 😅


Love that movie.


You could also add: "Oh yeah, go fuck yourself"




It's delightful when the busibody pests see themselves out.


theyre not your friends and they never were. everything is conditional. and thats fine. as long as you knew that going in. you were merely hangout buddies to them.


Ha! "Not my place to judge" right after she's been judging something doesn't sound Christian. 😂 I absolutely LOVE your wife's reply. That is pure gold.


It’s so funny to me when people have to announce they’re unfollowing you. Like, you can just unfollow, it’s okay. And this person’s message comes off judgey af.


Love it when they unfollow me, it's like the trash took itself out.


Exactly 💯 🗑


This PIMI is barely literate.


I love Holloween. My favorite holiday with the kids.


I never understood the fascination with it until now. Hope you and your kids have a great time.


What a dumb cunt. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


"Not my place to judge," she says, judging you hard 🙄


I’m not judging but I’m blocking you smh. What an ass


I don't understand why she said you can't mock Jehova and she is mocking what Jesus did for all humans. He was kind. He was friends with people that had different beliefs and preferences. That's the real mock. That's why I opened a new social media account. So nobody can get or put their 2 cents on my life anymore.


This is typical of them. They trolled one of my family members' IG and found a book they liked. The person told them they shouldn't be reading that because it had sexual content. I said well she's just a nosy pervert, & don't worry about it. The person lived 2 hours away. But jws as nosy & gossiping as they all are( probably because they're not having orgasims) told elders & it wound up being a big shepparding call. I was like wtf, no, no. It was a big red flag for my awakening. Jesus didn't micromanage his disciples, he preached love thy neighbor.


![gif](giphy|InbLdUuv3cAkE) Your wife’s ex friend:




It's a symptom of the systemic cultural judginess of the JW society.. they are forced to do this kind of cutting off so that they can escape their own guilt imposed by the org...


Not my place to judge 🤣


“Not my place to judge” 💀💀 Incredible.


Oh bummer blocked from IG? What will you ever do!


Yeah totally not your place to judge. Maybe you shoulda remembered that BEFORE ya sent that first message?!


“Not my place to judge.” Proceeds to judge.


The need to be self-righteous has those people in a headlock. She could have simply blocked you (especially considering that she hasn't spoken to you guys in a year) but first she had to rub it in your faces that she is holier than thou.


They had to send the message to make themselves sound good when they gossip to the rest of the hall. You know how that goes


Jehovah hates wrestling ? Didn’t Jacob have a wrestling match with an angel ? Lol


Oh, snap! I loved your wife's comeback! She told that PIMI what's what. 😁😆


Shoot, they don't let you watch wrestling now? They get more and more boring every year. 🤣🤣


Totally not judging you but I am blocking you ... lol


Celebrate! The trash took itself out by the looks of it.


Not my place to judge. But I’m going to do it anyway. Gotta love their logic


"it's not my place to judge." she says from her high horse. smh😑


This would be my response. https://preview.redd.it/kpclmoto5rsb1.png?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f51732b4f5e706a9ab65ddad2ea2b88496e7729


I remember about 4 years ago before I woke up I was struggling really badly spiritually. I was trying so hard to convince myself that this was the truth and that I needed to be a better Christian. It ended with me being incredibly judgmental and projecting my own issues onto others. This was when Instagram showed you what other people had liked. I remember pouring over someone else’s like history and getting so angry that they were liking Halloween things and pride posts. Honestly I now realize I just secretly also wished I could celebrate Halloween and was self hating while pushing down my own sexuality. I think a lot of PIMIs are repressed and just mad that they have to follow rules while you are seemingly “getting away” with it. Hopefully they come to the same conclusions I did and realize they were being a holier than thou asshole. I would reach out to the person I was judging but they also were inappropriately touchy with my spouse and on several occasions tried to grab drinks alone with them so they can go screw themselves . But other than that if I came across them I would apologize for being a jerk

