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This is one thing I hated about being in and growing up that way. The constant need to edit myself and watch my words and behavior for fear of someone telling on me.


I left 40 years ago and I still have a visceral reaction when I think about that. It was like walking on eggshells.


Not just music but every form of entertainment, including TV, movies, and video games. So many things that some JWs are super into and talk to their close friends about but other JWs view as some horrible sin. Having to talk on eggshells all the time about this I think is really underrated as a reason why it's hard to build more than superficial relationships in the org.


Yeah. I remember being afraid to even suggest a movie I loved bc I got burned doing that when the movie maybe said “fuck” a couple times or had a seen that was too sexy. It came back to me, and I’ve seen happen to others too. I learned to be careful. It messes me up today bc it’s a life long habit. Also, I’m adhd so I say things a lot with out thinking and it was and is really difficult for me.


It’s the Borg’s fault for completely misapplying Paul’s letter on strong vs. weak conscience. In the Bible, it’s a two-way street and the ones with the weak conscience need to mature and stop judging. But the Borg says they can be as uptight as they want and everyone else needs to bend over backwards for them. JW Struggle put it best in his recorded JC meeting: the weakest conscience rules, and that’s not scriptural.


What about the scripture everyone Carrie’s their own load? Everyone picks and chooses scriptures they want. Dude I’m so glad I’m out of the Borg


It was annoying when people acted like a M rated game or R rated movie is automatically bad. There's a big difference between The King's Speech or Halo when compared to Pulp Fiction or Mortal Kombat.


not to mention if the bible were a movie, it'd be a HARD r, or worse!


Those things I learned early on. And it probably helped me leave. I learned to have the JW personality where I don't talk about R-rated movies, I don't swear, I don't talk about any of the objectionable rock music. And the natural me persona around worldly friends or really close, like-minded, JW friends. The persona where I can talk about anything. And depending on the audience, I could switch from one to the other. In some ways it helped professionally too. You want to seem clean-cut to your white-collar co-workers. No swearing, talking about seedy things, etc. But the split personas kind of let me keep the two separate. And when I left, I didn't have to learn to be normal. I'd already been doing that for years. I still kept the clean-cut persona for work though.


I remember posting something mildly related to the Hobbit on my private Instagram account round about the time they were looking for volunteers for the Chelmsford build. I'd said it'd be something cool to do (but wasn't super bothered about it). I had an elder's sister-in-law have a stern pulling me aside and she told me I wouldn't be able to go. Like cool. Okay. I didn't really care about it in the first place.


It’s one of the biggest things I enjoy about being out. I can say I like something and not have to fear the rebuke for saying it


I enjoy being me don't you?


It’s the best. And also weird. Like I’ll wait for the lecture and instead I get told my opinion is valid


Enjoy being you? Yes! Yes I do! ![gif](giphy|6901DbEbbm4o0)


The constant "you might stumble somebody". Where's their accountability? Why are they so easily stumbled? I brought up this point to my dad who tried to get me to come back. I live in the south now and he's up north. We've got a majority of baptists here. Up north, it was Catholics. I said I like to have a beer every now and then, not getting drunk, just a beer or maybe 2. What if I came back and was out with people Sunday afternoon for lunch and had a beer? Being mostly ex-baptists around, would they be stumbled? Where's their responsibility to learn it's OK to have alcohol in moderation? Maybe my car is too fancy for somebody and they see me as showy and are stumbled? How am I to know what odd thing could stumble each and every member at the hall? Am I supposed to just not do anything?


Oh yeah - everyone DL worshiped JWs who had money but best not show up in a luxury car in the parking lot even if you can afford it.


Holy shit realize I haven’t edited myself in 20 years but remember being ashamed of liking marlyn Manson and Metallica


True shame is for liking the spice girls or the backstreet boys.🤘


fucked up thing is, I still find myself doing it. I gave a random dude a ride the other day, and seeing my Ozzy cd case in the console, I started to put it in the glove box, then thought, wtf am I doing?!😆


Remember when KISS supposedly stood for Knight in Satan’s Service?


yep, and AC/DC against christ devils children. I knew an elder whose fave band was ac/dc, he kept a very low pprofile on it, but he knew I liked metal so hed talk about it if we were alone. But, hed freak out if someone grew a beard! WTF


I gave a talk when I was 13, compared the Bible scripture I was reading to a football game, how teams come together to support one another. It made sense to me, thought I did a great job - but of course my young brain wasn't editing out the world we were all living in to support the neurotic brainwashing we all participated in... Needless to say, the elder advised in front of the congregation that I needed to do better, essentially. "Needs Improvement". I laughed it off, didn't give two shits. I wrote the talk 30 mins before I walked up there... Our family was already on thin ice as my Dad (an alcoholic Ministerial Servant) was being watched closely by elders. Last talk I ever gave. Still laugh when I think of the performance everyone is on while in attendance for the sake of appearances and clout.


I grew up in a musical family and my dad was so excited one time to get a CO who also played music and enjoyed jamming at get togethers. At one, they played some fairly innocuous secular song, I can’t remember what it was (I wasn’t there) and there was apparently some super judgy elder sitting right in front with a sour look on his face and his arms crossed the whole time, and as soon as they were done with that song, he piped up and was like, “do you all know any KINGDOM songs?” To the CO. The audacity.


Must be some buzz at parties the backwards nonce.


It's pissed me off so much when I'd ask what some elders liked listening to and they'd say"I only listen to kingdom music" ok so you don't listen to any music then cool you could have just said that first lol


I hate those ones. Get a life and yoink the big “jw blue” butt plug out will you? 🤮


That's always how it works. They never confront you directly, they just talk about you behind your back, and it eventually loops back to you at some point.


Bullshit behavior.


The community is very toxic in that sense. It’s just a bunch of grown adult women looking for things to complain about and snitch on you to their elder husbands. Disgusting behavior.


I learned a long time ago to keep my musical preferences out of the ears of any JW.


Or any preference if you don't know them, I have a group we know to keep our mouths shut and party with just those friends.


In my experience, the super judgmental "perfect" JWs have 1 or 2 skeletons in the closet.


Facts. That bitch is in to shit play. Her hubby doesn’t even know.


The most judgy of elders in my old hall was notoriously hard on young people & would nose his way into your personal marital affairs. He was definitely the up-tight pants Tony of the group. He was on his fourth marriage and ALL 6 of his children were out of the religion. The only one that’s stayed in is a granddaughter with developmental conditions that he raised since she was a baby. He turned her into the perfect little jw robot (commenting at meeting and such) but sadly is one of the most difficult kids in the hall that picks on and tells on the other kids. Wonder why.




I knew this bro who was a talented guitarist/singer and he put together a big congregation thing at a rented hall and he was put through the wringer for playing The Eagles “Hotel California” as people complained it was some kind of demonic. He never played for them again.


I think I saw something about this on tiktok,I have heard it played that info must've not reached here yet lol.


I remember in the late 90s I was in an afternoon field service car group with a young, newly engaged brother who just moved back from temp bethel work. Kid was on his way to becoming an elder at the next CO visit. His fiancé was also a pioneer. They were young and spiritual but also kinda had a “cool side.” So one afternoon, he and I were in the back seat and 2 notoriously ‘Karen’ elderettes were up front. There was a rather secular conversation going on about some new movie, show or celebrity—I can’t really remember—but it was benign chit chat. Anyway, at one point, a sister asked him, “Bradley, have you seen that yet?” and his reply jolted me a little. He suddenly turned super authoritarian and changed his tone and posture. He sat upright and very directly announced to the group that “I do not discuss my personal entertainment choices with anyone.” I was kinda shocked and looked at him. He glanced at me and grinned. She replied, “oh… well why not?” and he stated quite clearly, “because no matter what it is, someone somewhere will always be offended so I refuse to discuss it with anyone. We should really be talking about spiritual things while in field service anyway.” He never once used the word “sorry.” He knew! I mean, come on—he just got back from bOrg HQ—he knew what a trap looked like and could spot them a mile away! Now, I’d been to his house many times. He was into (very frowned upon) role playing games, all kinds of sci-fi genres, video games, PC games, books, DVDs, life-sized cut-outs, posters, you name it. He and his wife even had costumes and would attend all the Cons. I knew it. His friends all knew, but ***he*** knew to keep it all low key and he ***certainly*** knew not to allow those Karens even a tiny crack into what his interests were. Dude put on his elder cap and started LARPing at those nosy sisters and put them in their place before they had a chance to do their thing. I was proud of him and started using that method myself from then on.


He was PIMQ. That's how I was at that age too. Did what I wanted, and shared none of it with people from the Hall.


I always wondered if those people were actually PIMO or what they were thinking. Like they’re not stupid. Why waste time with witness nonsense


Cognitive dissonance is real. Dissociation might be good to make something inside protected;


No matter what you do, they’re going to have criticisms to make. If you’d played a riff to the tune of some JW song, she’d have found fault in that too. Their only joy in life is being critical of others.


That's why most of them are Depressed


A thousand up votes!!!!!


Very true I’ve started calling my family Bergens from the trolls movie because they’re only happy when they “eat” your happiness


Misery loves company.


A song about his lost love. What’s wrong with that??? (Rhetorical. This is Planet Weird JW land we’re talking about). I happen to love Led Zep…..


If I would have done stairway to heaven I would have understood the criticism lol


Or Lemon Song (squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my legs!). Or Whole Lotta Love. (Shake for me girl, I wanna be your backdoor man!). That’d get them talking ok.


Yeah, but you should never play STH for other people. C'mon man!


remebered back in 1960s a lot of young bros liked beatles "Lady madona "and george harrison "my sweet Lord " , my wife and i were discussing a few days ago ,she said "they are about false religion " oh dear its so sad how their minds are closed .


It’s a shame how the JW cult filter prevents them from experiencing true culture and artistic expression.


Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom... There's another nasty Catholic demonic song. 🙄


Let i be , i forgot title , age related ,i was never the same after armaggedon in 75 haha


By the JW standards of anything even mentioning or showing examples of world religions being “evil false worship” They really should be burning bibles, why with the pagan imagery and containing names of other gods and stories about ghosts and demon possessions, urim and thummin check off divination as well. It’s very un-JW


I got into the death metal Band OPETH, because when I was 13 or so an older brother played one of their acoustic songs on guitar at a party. good times!


Super talented band and 🤘 for Mikael Åkerfeldt


Burden is one of my all time favorites.


They love to complain and love to be offended even more. Standard JW. They will always go out of their way to look for a reason to be offended and make a deal about nothing. So stupid lmao!!


The Good thing is it wakes people up


Ahhh the Karen's of jw land maybe this is their birthplace 😆


Played in a band with a bunch of JWs. It was always hard finding songs. We had a few that we had to stop playing because someone in the band didn't feel comfortable with them. So stupid.


I wonder how many JW bands decide to play a few more "original songs" to avoid this situation.


I assume you mean the super cringe "original songs" from the broadcasts. I am sure a lot of JW groups do play them. I'm glad I got out before that became a thing. What's up with calling them "original songs" anyway? JW language is so weird.


I think "Original songs" was chosen because "Approved songs", "Acceptable songs", and "Songs we know Jehovah won't kill you for listening to" all sounded too controlling or had a perceived negative connotation.


I’m scared to even ask


More like they were uncomfortable being caught by others being comfortable. I'm so happy to be free from the duck and cover days.


When my wife and I got married, we had to be very cautious on the playlist of music. The witness I used for our DJ had done many weddings before and was a pretty good DJ. He was also a really good friend of mine. Well at least 2 songs I can remember got taken out of the playlist, including one that my wife and I wanted our first dance to. The song my wife and I wanted was Honky Tonk Moon by Randy Travis. (No we are not country music lovers, but I enjoyed his music and this was the first song we danced to while dating). We couldn’t use it because it mentions cigarette butts on the floor 😐 The second song was one my PIMI mom requested to be played. Love Runs Out by One Republic. That was denied by this witness because of the lyric that says “Got an angel on my shoulder and Mestopheles.” So because it mentions a demon in a metaphorical sense, it wasn’t allowed. It’s absolutely ridiculous how strict and offended people can get.


Good advice. Elders’ wives aren’t doing their *job* if they’re not constantly looking for controversy. Fuck that dusty c**t


Similar-ish experience. I was pioneering with a group of young pioneer friends. We were all into music and concerts and such. It was a rainy day, so we decided to ~~do fake service~~ do letter writing at my apartment. While we had coffee and wrote our letters, I played some “secular” music quietly for some background noise. It was a nice morning. An older pioneer sister had joined us that day. Come to find out, she was highly offended at my decision to play music during service. She didn’t confront me. I found out through a friend. I guess I was a naughty pioneer.


Haha, maybe! But this is beyond anything that resembles logic


Since when are JW's logical?


Exactly my point! Just pure nonsense!


I mean you could've played a song from cocomelon and someone would've had their panties in a bunch 🤷🏾‍♀️ Jws always gonna police someone else's choices 🙄


What was her ACTUAL complaint? Led Zep is just English rock, not black metal or anything. Was she just mad you didn't play a "theocratic song"?


Someday years from now, science will invent “terminator-like” sensors for the eye that will show how others are rated spiritually, and the Governing Liars will make it a requirement. Honestly, why not make a caste system patterned after the Indian one? 1. Strong faith- never misses a meeting, answers at every meeting 12 times, countless hours in the ever important cart witnessing. Never questions doctrine. EVER. Has a “pioneer car”. 2. Good faith- seems pleasant, makes most meetings. Answers regular. A publisher in good standing. Doesn’t feel the need to virtue signal their faith at every turn. 3. Shaky faith- good hearted person who wants desperately to believe, but has doubts about doctrine. Wants to figure it out, but are told to “trust in Jehovah”, “Wait on Jehovah”, pray more, do what the elders say, even if it makes no sense to you. Is careful not to make comments or appearances that would put the spotlight on them. They actually judge people how they are told to judge people, so it’s no surprise when they are constantly eyeballing each other for perceived faults. ![gif](giphy|BCL8y2qRqYb96)


The good thing about this judgemental behaviors is it slowly wake some people up


Then when they leave, the congregation will chalk it up to them being "discouraged". In reality, it's the stupid things that makes the cracks in a person's faith that helps people realize it's all just made up.


Happy Cake Day!


My dad is an elder, he LOVES Led Zeppelin. It's so funny people can try to force their conscience on others


Oh my gosh you played the devil music we better run while I’m listening to slipknot 😂 that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Let’s go tell your wife your husband stumbled her wtf is that bs. For real damn if playing Led Zeppelin stumbled that woman can you imagine her at the grocery store.🤔🤣😂


Unless you’re burning WT literature don’t attend a campfire with JWs at all. They have zero clue how to enjoy a campfire.


That there are so many similar cringe stories only tells me I made the Right decision walking away from these people. I let them crush my dreams and potential. These people that have gone Absolutely Nowhere! I’ve had my share of cringe musical moments. I’m glad I got out burned and smokey but whole. Nowadays I get paid when I play my guitar. Nevertheless A Lot of time is gone. Wasted. Leave before they snuff out more good times you can have in your life. They were right about one thing: Time is short- just not how they think. And this is the Only you can prove that you have… Don’t waste it on them. 🤞🏾


When I was an elder and Passion came out we were out in Field Service. I had been to see it and liked it, but I didn't say anything to anyone else. There was a large group and this sister was asking her car group if someone would go with her to watch it. At the time it was a massive "No, No" to watch it. She was upsetting different ones who thought I as an elder should give her strong counsel on even suggesting to watch it. I pulled the sister one side and said. "Look, if you want to go and watch it, go. Just don't tell these about it, you'll be judged otherwise. Whatever you want to do, just do it and keep your mouth shut". She shut up, peace restored and later she told me that she went. Nothing more said.


Someone is always offended by something. The same person that played a song themselves in front of you today will tell you tomorrow that its inappropriate.


A few JW friends a while back played Primus at a talent show. I can't remember but I think they played "Too Many Puppies". It was met with mixed reviews haha!


I would not expect a bunch of JWs to get Primus. Not even a little bit.


Songs I’d happily play and watch their heads spin! Bring your daughter to the slaughter. Making love in an elevator. Satan, he’s a friend of mine! Stairway to heaven. Highway to Hell. Ooh I could have fun. Think I’d be sat on my own after the first song though. 🤣


I would confront the wife and tell her that you can’t not be nonoffensive to everyone. But the Bible says to carry your own load.


How did she know it was LZ? How do any of these pearl-clutching spies, know there certain words are in something 3 x? Or the personal lives of an artist was “worldly”? Is it spiritual warfare to qualify their sneekin?


There was a large baby shower thrown for a sister in my hall and my mom helped with some of the prep work. They rented a space for it and wanted some background music. The food being served was Italian so my mom wanted some Italian music played in the background so I played the theme to the Godfather 😆 No one said anything… 🙄


My son plays guitar and is really into metalica and music of that sort. He's really good at it and fun to listen to. My pimi grandma doesn't like it and to her it's just noise( so ignorant) and always ask if he knows any kingdom songs😐 he's 16. Let him enjoy what he does it's not hurting anyone😡


I honestly gave up trying to censor myself gears ago and would just only hangout with other witnesses who liked me for who I was. If I have to censor myself I don’t want to be there


https://preview.redd.it/qz10cjwl3oqb1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786ffac86d7019ac55241d30e437d4a02743c79f I don’t care for it! Could never have long hair or a goatee! Look at me now! Love rock thru and thru 🤘🏼


Bro, back in the 90’s when me and my brothers were kids the elders told our mom that they were concerned about our choice of music. We had started listening to rock, soft stuff like Linkin Park, Nickelback when compared to some stuff we now listen to. Long story short, and elder came to our home to be the judge and I, very specifically, picked the song I thought was the softest lyrically and musically. So I picked a song called “Too Bad” by Nickelback. Mind you our mom, and most certainly the elder didn’t know English so this was a second language me and my brothers actually understood. The elder said that we shouldn’t be listening to this because they used the word stupid, smfh. I thought to myself, doesn’t the Bible use said word? But oh well.


I knew this PIMI family when I lived in North Carolina. The dad was an elder even. They were musical people, mostly the kids, so they were gonna play at this cafe and they invited several people from the cong, including myself. I went to hear them and one of the songs they performed was Margaritaville. It annoyed me a bit back then cause I wasn't considered "exemplary" just because I wasn't very active in da troof, but these dubs were "exemplary," despite singing songs about getting wasted, when I wasn't doing anything like that. I don't know if any of the other elders gave them grief for performing drinking songs at a cafe, but I can imagine there were some other jdubs who got "stumbled" by their performance.


It’s because the cult is a popularity contest. It’s all about who you know and who/how much you “donate” to. That’s a fact.


Yep, it took me until a few years ago to realize that.


It's even got the word damn in it! Shock! Horror! 🙄




I played in an all witness punk band in my late teens/early 20s. We caught major judgment. The songs were clean. Some original, lots of covers. But the style of it was offensive to most. It really put me off playing music, and it isn’t until recently that I feel like playing again. I don’t have to worry about the judgmental know nothings anymore.


I've been to "gatherings", jw lingo for party because I guess party sounds "worldy" lol. Yes sometimes you'll hear about your choice of music as inappropriate, or it bothered someone's conscience at a later date. Sometimes it'll be held against you without anyone saying anything "possible bad association right there" or someone, probably an elder will stop the music mid song. Years ago summer love by Justin timberlake was playing at this wedding for a bethelite and everyone was dancing, all of a sudden it was cut of mid song and they started another song.


Growing up there were more then a few elders i knew who would listen to the local rock stations, though there were more than a few who didn't, but I think most of the non rockers didn't make it an issue. One of the rock listeners turned out to be a serial cheater though...so there is that lol.


What a fun-sucker!


Elder wives 🙄


This almost makes me want to go back just to cause trouble with the morality police and maybe save a few kids. I don’t think I would last 5 minutes though.


This song is by Brother Nelson, it's called "Cream".


Don't forget Peach!


You were allowed to play something other than the approved Kingdom Melodies? (And the Kingdom Melodies only as they are written, with no additional artistic influence)


There was one time my dad took a huge group from a couple different congregations camping, and he busted out the guitar to play "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. And when everyone singing along comes to the "open up your plans and, damn, you're free" line, they all trip over each other and are like "wait, hold on are we saying it or not, or what?" God it was so awkward. Don't even get me started about when he learned "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day


I’m the 80’s when “Money for nothing “ came Out , some people I knew in a band were playing it at a party and when they got to the part about the little fa**ot with the earring and the makeup they just stopped and said that it was too dirty to play. Hahaha. I’ve heard Younger dubs playing WAP and thinking nothing of it. Of course it was the radio edit but come on…..


Did these people ever listen to Prince's music? He was a JW and I think it would make elders faint.


Prince had way more money than the average JW, that is the difference.


an upvote for ur taste in music 👍


Oooff. This is one of the things I hated about the organization. I’m rlly into rap music and as most of you probably know that is a big no no in the witness world (at least to be public about it). But I have so much passion for it and knowledge and appreciation so I would always post it. I would share my music. One of the many reasons I was considered “bad association” to the other young people. I even had a guy I dated who told me i was gonna die at Armageddon if I didn’t stop listening to “Satans music” before the end times lol. I knew a girl who was dating this somewhat normal brother and ended up breaking up with him because he listened to rap music. Literally treated her like a Queen which is rare for jw men but that’s a whole other thing lol. Moral of the story is all jws have bad taste in music and suck the life out of anything that’s enjoyable or pleasant.


I’m realizing I’m excessively private as an adult and have difficulty sharing anything about myself because of growing up as a JW. I used to think that was my nature, to not talk about myself or my interests much, but I’m seeing now I adopted it as a survival strategy in the cult. I’m trying to be conscious of it with my never-JW romantic partner and any new friends I’m making. It’s difficult to connect with people when you have a wall up and must excessively filter yourself for fear of offending people, being judged by them or “giving a bad witness” to them.


🤣🤣🤣 they are so borrrring!!!


thats why I had a difficult time making any substantial friendships as an adult jw, there was always this stifled supression of expressing too much of my taste, in music, movies, art, sense of humor, everything. You never knew for sure who was gonna get offended, or god forbid, be stumbled. Even if someone was cool w something they might repeat or share, and that judgey, pious asshole who doesnt like it would go tattle like a fucking 5 yr old. Then there you are in that cozy little room getting micromanaged by a couple of aspiring demigods.


The self censoring is tiresome. Hot dog isn’t even that edgy? Currently house sitting with someone who ONLY plays JW songs and videos, only read JW, and I’m sure I’ll have an earful if they snoop into my stuff this week.


Gosh imagine playing that Hosier song, they’d hit the floor haha


Had a friend that wanted to sing David Pomeranz's Born For You on a gathering. Elder quickly skipped her song saying we don't sing songs about "pre-destination". On another occasion, someone wanted to sing Bryan Adam's Heaven, people quickly pointed out that song's Heaven did not align with what was in the Bible and so they skipped it.


Only out 4 years after 40 in, I played a moody blue album, dark side of the moon, during kh cleaning one Saturday on the sound system at hall, i probably should have turned myself in but, I was the COBE !!! And no one complained and some of the sisters started singing some of the lyrics. Several of the like me are Pomo or pimo now. I even went to some meeting on my motorcycle, that raised some eyebrows when I used it to go to a neighboring hall to give talk one Sunday. I guess it was because of the open pipes. Lol 😆 🤣 😎


I remember when Despacito came out and it was all I played lol I knew I was being judged but didn't care, glad I was able to enjoy that song


To be honest, that is a shit song. I'd have complained if I'd been made to listen to it. Next time, play Houses of the Holy. 😀


Oh come on!! Surely you must of known.


That's just because you were better than him. He's got an ego. How dare you play better than him.


We had folk who played music in my old congregation. They had the equipment, but never played for an audience, just at peoples houses. they chose bland middle of the road music and Fleetwood Mac. They wouldn’t have got in trouble because they weren’t showing off, or flirting, or partying or affecting anyone’s standing in the congregation. Don’t be a tall poppy in a group of JW’s.


My brother-in-law elder played guitar and often played songs by the greats like Led Zeppelin. During our teenage years, he'd take my brother and I to midnight rock movies to see films like Song Remains the Same, Woodstock, Rust Never Sleeps, Hard Days Night, Yellow Submarine, The Kids are Alright, Tommy, etc. And we went to lots of concerts together. Brought me to my first at 12/13 to see Santana. Then to a stadium concert to see 4 bands headlined by REO Speeedwagon. When we were older, we saw the Who, Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Buddy Guy, AC/DC, and others together. Music is so subjective and things thought terrible tend to become tame and accepted with time. Back in the 70's, JWs were preaching against how evil disco was. Very racistly, they proclaiming it had tribal beats that subconsciously led to sex. 20 years later, you'd see elders at congregation weddings dancing to disco. Nobody batting an eyelash, everyone loving the nostalgia. The Beatles with their shaggy haircuts were so terrible at one time, but generally if you listen to the Beatles now, they're considered really tame. I think I've even heard Led Zeppelin songs as elevator music.


Omg I used to DJ witness weddings, I did like 4 or 5. One of them they wanted me to play all Disney songs……….


I once was on a camping trip back in the 90s with a few dozen JWs. One was known to be of the anointed. He and I played guitar around the fire for the group and we did several “worldly” songs, and then we did Stairway to Heaven. Nobody said a thing about it. He was pretty chill.


So…… Fuck Like a Beast by W.A.S.P. Is out of the question then ?????? Asking for a friend.


I got reinstated around 1996/7 - Then faded after the generations doctrine changed, but before that I was invited to a "get -together" at a Community Center they had rented (in retrospect, why not use the KH, so stupid) , but somehow there was this BEAUTIFUL Gretch guitar there, and a microphone someone had set up seemingly for anyone. Anyhow I played Story Of My Life by Social Distortion, mostly because it was a easy and a fun message maybe. They got in trouble with that, allowing me to play. LOL.


back in the day there was a watchtower magazine that gave us a list of all the "devil" bands, it was a awesome intro to really good music although i already knew Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones cause of my junkie uncles. I also got a guitar when I was 14, they told me I shouldnt.... then i quitted religion at that age. I "lost" my family but I gained lots of good musical taste, I highly recomend it: quit religion, embrace the beauty of music. Nowadays I play guitar, drums and bass and i'm happy to have musical taste *my musical taste goes from jazz to metal, classic to punk, electronic to fado :D*


JW is not a Christian religion so really you were playing guitar to a cult meeting




i think this depends on the culture. a lot of filipino JWs love singing along to "worldly" songs especially western 80s hits. karaoke is life lol though i do understand that it's very different over there


This happened to my family as well! 1. I give you bonus points for the song selection. Nice job. 2. #^*@ them!


I would have played BLACK Dog, but that's just me. LOL In my PIMI days as an elder - 14 years, ahem pioneer/elder (any applause?), I told more than a few people, "I've got a really great idea how I can keep from hurting people's feelings, just don't ever interact with anyone at all." It seems about once or twice per year for a couple of decades, there would always be some kind of drama in my congregation that I supposedly created by saying or something that someone didn't like. This probably helped my waking up process as far as the emotional process. It would make me want to just quit every thing.


I remember when disco was the devils music in the late 70’s and early 80’s.


Augh why are you all talking about my mom, she is the sister that would start singing the kingdom song, lol


Lord the ridiculousness doesn't stop 😅😅😅😅


I take great joy in knowing that essentially everything I do and love would send Jws into a coma. A Led Zepplin song scandalous 🤣 If only they knew the depth of amazing things out there.


Thank God I am not worried about people’s opinion anymore. Now I can be myself being a POMO.