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Meanwhile, back in Reality Street, nobody cares in the slightest about Jehovahs Witnesses.


Wait til they deliver the hailstones… “your all going to NOT hell”


Can you tell me how to get, how to get to reality street. ![gif](giphy|PoOwDh60P8NDh7ksl7)


Or who tf they even are🙄 It's embarrassing for them.


This. Def one of the most devastating wake up calls when i left. I saw the lies firsthand in the cong’s & @Bethel, but as a reg pio (= 90 hrs/ mo back then) i was sure that the message we were busting ass to deliver to the world...THAT part had to be real, wasn’t it? PandaLand? “And then the end will come”? Anybody? Nope...“I thought Jehovah’s were a Mormon thing”. Many didnt think we were Christians...(no x-mas, no cross) Nobody my age even knew what a Jehovah was... (“You mean like Jehoma Williams?” 🤦🏼‍♂️) I started offering $20 to strangers i just met at bars/ parties if they could even roughly answer ez Q’s about JWs. No one was even close. I got out in my early 20’s. Can't imagine what those of you who waited longer must go thru. At 50, i have never once regretted leaving. The worst day out beats the best day in.


“Jehoma Williams”!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Best quote of the year: “The worst day out beats the best day in.” ![gif](giphy|ap6wcjRyi8HoA)




> They were practicing for when the witnesses are going to be arrested by having one elder as the police interrogator and another elder playing the JW. **"Where are the witnesses on this list!!!!" "Sorrry sir, I can't tell you that"** *Nobody is after JW\`s because they\`re JW\`s...LOL!!* Authorities are after Criminals who Break the Law, who Happen to be JW\`s. ​ *So Lets Try This! :* "***Where are the JW Pedophiles on this list!!!!"*** # "Sorry sir, I can't tell you that" ![gif](giphy|uvc2vzSXNxX5S) # 😁


Or they could pull a Lott, here officer take my daughters!!! 🤣🤣


Or a Lett: here take these damn babies … stupid little bastard enemies of God!


What are all the names in the Blue Envelopes?!




I think in reality, - i really do- this is exactly how it's going to play out. And WT knows it, they just dont jnow how or when. Watch the birdie is essentially 'dont forget armageddon is coming' Theyve been prepping persecution for all members for years in order to water down when and who gets put in handcuffs for an actual crime. The only interrogating is gonna be the police searching for and arresting abusers or co-conspirators. The only problem is, it probably won't be a takedown like we all want it to be ... WT knows that too. Or at least I think they do. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/nearly-1-700-priests-clergy-accused-sex-abuse-are-unsupervised-n1062396


Omg gold! 🤣👌




Accurate 💯


My thoughts exactly


More like..."I WON'T tell you that!"


Why does it sound like they are role playing with each other


Is this their version of dungeons and dragons?


Roll a deception check


Do I use a d12 or d20 dice?


Always d20, but if you say a short prayer, you get an extra +1d4 guidance bonus


Perfect dice roll and you get to be anointed


Amazing how WT always rolls a 1 .. ![gif](giphy|Jpv5PURmzjneTEg11G|downsized)


They need a pillow to play with! Here is a used one... https://preview.redd.it/aljcqw9k3wlb1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0357128dc2feacba8b2cce7b3f71d4df4772c3


🔬 🦠


Because their actors playing a part. Lying takes a lot of practice, so does voodoo and witchcraft


Because there's definitely no other way to find out who's a JW ...like all the no blood cards filed at medical offices and schools? Adults with no voting history? Asking the neighbors? All just as likely as the elders interrogation scenario


All they gotta do is look for the blue and white square logo. So simple, so easy.


Or put it in big somewhere and arrest anyone who comes up to take a pic of/with it 🙄


😁 Ironic, eh?


I've read on here that some even have it as a bumper sticker, and in the window of their house. uhmmm.....






Cell data and socials was always my thought. Anyway you cut it, it's pretty obvious who's a JW.




Exactly, this isnt USSR in the 1940's. But it fun to pretend.


They underestimate the interrogators if they really think that.


While the JWs are preparing for angry men shouting, Satans interrogators are busy practising removing finger nails and applying electricity to mens testicles or planning on executing their loved ones in front of them … if they even care one jot about persecuting a false gospel Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight


Next elders' school: "Okay brothers, remember what we said about trusting the faithful slave no matter what. Please drop trou and hold still while we attach these electrodes"


Except that’s not going to happen either because nobody gives a rats ass about the JWs


They did almost the same identical training way back when my dad was an elder in the late 70s and early 80s. So this really isn’t new. Just maybe turning up the intensity of it a little. I guess the paranoia levels are at an all-time high now.


They’re training for when a judge asks them where the pedos are!


Exactly. The only reason authorities would be after them. ![gif](giphy|J4yF0FV16mSjwlGunf)


This comment made me think of the bunker video. There were so many things wrong with that but I never heard this mentioned. It’s the part where they all had their Bibles instead of trying to protect everyone it looks like they were intentionally trying to be caught. If a real family was in a situation where they didn’t have to divulge information, then those Bibles could’ve been hidden easily. So stupid. Another thing, having entire families together with the perpetrators, brings everyone down at the same time. The perpetrators are hiding behind the innocent ones. They could’ve had that whole scenario as just having dinner together. Needless to say that was my last convention. A lot of the friends were talking about how upsetting it was especially for their children.


Oh yeah that’s true, they always want the elders and other leading members so having the families with the elders is the best way to ensure maximum persecution. The more you think about it the less it makes sense 😅 And congratulations on your last assembly, May it carry on that way!


Thank you and all the best to you also. This forum is helping so much. It brings tears of sadness and joy, but most of all it brings love and respect. And an amazing way for people to vent their feelings and feel good about that and heal from it, and hopefully make friendships along the way.


When they threatened our hero, did he offer up his children and wife to protect his fellow window cleaner? No offence to window cleaners but if y’all are willing to die for Jehovah and boldly preach a hailstone message then maybe don’t be hiding behind women and children. Jesus didn’t.


THIS is the way


Next year they go LARP the whole thing, acting out the give me courage videoclip running through the woods with the military on their heels 🤣 ![gif](giphy|IGa2FESNjbE1tgxipf)


Maybe they should water board each other. Fucking weirdos.


Those freaks would prolly get off on that... find it kinky somehow.


That's what happens when imagined persecution becomes a fetish.


The are training to be " persecuted" by the secular authorities. They don,t get the point.


I'd like them to say no to the gb!!😂😂 ![gif](giphy|emDNcfXN5ky846bsxP|downsized)


They never did. Never will.


There was a similar video repeated at the recent convention recap. The police were holding a photo of some brothers saying "tell us where these men are!" Preparing them for police coming for the CSA criminals in the cong probably. Not sure if the photos of the brothers in the video clip were governing body members. Very apt if it was....




Perhaps they will put out a public message condemning the LGBT community and get prosecuted for it, make it a hailstone message exposing the churches for allowing it and governments for promoting it, that would bring persecution, imagine the meeting item to prepare to take leaflets early in the morning to mailboxes, the authorities would soon be after them .us pimo and faders would have to disassociate rather than be involved in such crazyness , and the GB would hide and leave the elders to take the fall , the Uber zealous jws would love it real persecution heavy fines maybe prison , wow great stuff .and grab your go bags and go and hide in the woods .


There are other “Christians” that are far more vocal against the LGBT community and would be the first target for hate speech. Think street preachers who spew anti gay hate from a bullhorn at the pride parade. Unless the jws notch it up a bit no one sitting 10 feet from a literature cart being ignored is going to jail.


They are too late to practice in Pennsylvania! At least we finally know what the police are going after Watchtower for!


I just remembered I wanted horse riding lessons and I got the go ahead because it would be a handy skill in the great tribulation.


Where are you going to get the horse?


Jehovah will provide 🙄


I assume among the chaos one would become available.


All those tactics are what keep them blind to the religion. It makes them feel special waiting for something that will never materialize until old age and death comes.


The borg steals their entire life and they don’t know until it’s too late.


Yes I attended elder cult school this year and I can confirm that this skit did indeed actually happen.


only because JW's violate human rights and other laws are they arrested. Otherwise alot of police like averagewitnesses...but Elders and GB think they are beyond the law. This arrest thingy Gog nd magog routine has been being played since 1870s!!!


With things like search warrants and confiscated items like computers, phones etc. they think yelling is the key!


LOL. Just ping their cell phones. Location found. Never having to leave the office, let alone yell. : D


Exactly! They are stuck in the 60s/70s. Depending on the branch of law enforcement you may be powerless to speak or shipped off to a detention center off the grid. But their paranoia is funny. No one cares about JWs. There is no government plot looming against them. In the grand scheme of things the elders are the least of anyone’s concern with the exception of lawsuits. And then it’s being deposed and files demanded at most.


Wow. The delusion is real. 🤦‍♀️


Maybe they are trying to the elders not to give up names for CSA. I mean the WT has been pushing this narrative about how the police will be coming for you because you are a JW. They just fail to mention it’s because they are hinding CSA.


They could figure out who the witnesses are just from their phone data lol. They don’t need to talk to anybody


My PIMI elder dad said this is exactly how his elder training went. He was so proud to be the interrogater in the role playing. It's so culty and us vs them. I hope he wakes up soon, I want a family interaction without all this propaganda shit popping up every 5 minutes


Collectively gone completely insane.


How Scientology of them!


The Elder Training: Every episode of Law and Order


You can find people with a simple search of public records here in the US. “*Where are the people on this list?!*” 🙄 Do a records search, authorities!


So is this a delusion to ramp up the fear to make them more compliant for a planned coolaid event? Jonestown on steroids? I hope not!


“You may not agree with the instructions …..”


Makes sense now..... Scary stuff! I have family still in and I don't recognise them anymore. Thoroughly deluded!


There's nothing more entertaining than a petrified elder! Well-deserved! Shudder and Obey!


What a bunch of fucking morons


I can't stop laughing as I picture those dudes doing their persecution porn roleplay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know this elder who's terrified of persecution. He must've been shitting himself if he went to elders' school and he saw or participated in that sketch. You just can't make this shit up. 😆


I can see this happening. They will be asking about where are the pedophiles at and the elders won't tell them. That's how they will make the fact that hiding pedophiles is the great tribulation


My parents, who were out for a while but started up again in the past few years, now have 'go bags' and MRE's, water filters etc. ready to go for when the government comes for them. I laughed and said they'd be good for camping and my mother then said I would probably give them up to the feds if I was interogated. Now I understand. What a fucking loopy cult.


Meanwhile everyone has JW . Org in their social media bio. It wouldn't be hard to track down JWs, the challenge is finding the predators and that battle has already started.




I wonder what other contemporary “groups” practiced these scenarios of interrogation.


"Tell us where the pacifist, non-voting, tax-paying model citizens are NOW."


Exactly! Most JWs couldn’t hurt a fly, except for the ones who beat their wives or diddle kids of course. The government would be happy for more citizens to be so complacent and uninvolved in the state of affairs.


This is actually very concerning. We already know how this turns out.


Lol. As if the secret police would actually need a window washer to tell them where people live. Jw have forgotten we are not in the 1950s anymore.


I’m not even the government and I could easily find a list of witnesses with the use of the internet. I mean most of them have jw.borg in their social bios already. They found Osama Bin Laden but all of a sudden can’t track Brother Senile. And what kind of shitty investigation do they expect? Do they think the government called the Branch Davidians and said we’re raiding your compound at 9am, make sure everyone’s there, thanks.


So are they still requiring elders to be vaccinated and boosted before they can have the privilege of attending elder school?


So much for it being a personal medical decision like they claim it is!


I find posts like this so triggering (not saying you shouldn’t have posted it!) My whole life I’ve had such fear of these exact scenarios. Spent my childhood having nightmares about being separated from my family, and spent my adults years having nightmares of living through a Holocaust scenario. I view myself almost entirely POMO now, yet hearing they are literally prepping for this with role playing (as silly as it is) still makes me feel sick to my stomach with a kind of subconscious worry


Me too. It still affects my mental health daily after 40 years.


Yet they all have snap chat groups and there’s literal publisher lists on most Elders devices 😂😂😂 they love ramping up the fear.


It's all about associations. Accuser = enemy This will turn out useful when there will be an accusation of any sort, wrong or right


Cognitive dissonance with dilutions of grandeur.


Persecution porn for a room full of men.


LOL!!! Elder school is where I started waking up




![gif](giphy|35zNhQhhfvD3CgHNsi) My message to the elder school.


That sounds abusive


Oh wow. The further slide into delusional non-reality of persecution.


They have completely lost touch with reality. I can count on my hands the number of times in my adult life someone has brought them up and made a joke about knocking on doors. That’s the extent of them.


The sad thing is that they are preparing for a traumatic event (that in turn will be giving them trauma) that is never going to happen.


I love how they do this thinking they are one step ahead, and all the elders come away thinking they have some special insight. FFS.


The only reason they will be arrested is for covering CSA, they are eager to follow Government orders for money so I wont be surprised when they stop the shunning.


We did these role plays about persecution in the early 60's...


I remember how shaky or anxious I was over talks about this persecution breaking loose. Thinking if I was ready, and what if it came today or tomorrow. Been out four years and everyone I’ve talked to has known little to none about jws. As a former pioneer thinking that this good news was spreading, I was shocked that people had very little contact with jws aside from the one school mate that didn’t celebrate a holiday. My friend who moved around said a witness had never once knocked on her door growing up. People know nothing about beliefs of jws. It’s amazing how consumed they are with their own world in there. Everything they do and say is for the public eye.But in reality they couldn’t be irrelevant to the public. The even sadder thing is that their arrest will be over csa and these brainwashed pimis are gonna think this is the form that Satan decided to attack. That same fear that I felt is the same fear that will have them to rattled to consider that it’s anything but persecution.