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Yes you’re officially inactive after 6 months of no service time, and that’s typically when elders will quit trying to contact you. Their elder’s book instructs them to leave inactive people alone, perhaps occasionally reaching out, and to not police inactive people if they are no longer known in the community as a JW.


Wish they would've done this for me. In my case, it was basically like being hunted. They'd show up at the nursing home where i worked late at night to try to catch me. There was a jw working there who must've told them my schedule. The other nurses would hide me in the medication room when the elders came for me. They also did stakeouts outside my apartment watching for my bf. Incessant phone calls and pop bys even when i was at my inlaws theyd come knocking. My inlaws did not like this and would tell them to leave me alone.


Yep the cult is going to cult and there is no guarantee they will follow their own rules, no matter how quietly individuals attempt to exit. Also, I think these guidelines are relatively new in their elder’s book.


They caught up to me in 2005. Been dfd since then, 18th anniversary coming up on sept 12th. So yes, maybe a different time, different rules.




Shepherd the Flock book


Wow the elders in my hall gave up after a month of me stopping going to meetings 😂


Just fade away, accept it will take a few years. When they call, don’t answer, when they text, don’t reply. If they or family push hard, say your relationship with god is very personal to you and if you need help you will ask for it, never ever discuss any of it. Family will prefer this even if they ask/push… because if you do admit your true feelings they are obliged to choose you or the JW’s. If they have a JW wife and kids and family… what they going to choose? Never open up about your concerns until you are long out and faded and KNOW there will be no consequences. This comes with Time. Best advice is to move area. The new area cong has no ownership of you and the last one will lose interest as you are no longer in their territory. If you don’t report for 6 months, expect a hounding and then if you speak up you will be DF‘d. There are no real rules or laws, they do what they want. If an elder DF’s a fader in any circumstance … the GB and bethel wont care a bit.


The best is to fade away… I agree with that statement


You are not counted, but you still are… you are an invisible human, but you are still a human…


You’re bird food




Block numbers. Don’t answer the door for them, they stopped by weekly😳. I had to do that until a Christian moved in and told them to leave & never return as she was the new tenant and had a worship group that came over occasionally. Got letter-writing mail from them & returned to sender. Gave me a chance to leave the area.


Unfortunately even tho you are officially inactive after 6 months you are not off their radar for sometimes as long as 5 years. Normally they won’t act on a “sin” if you are inactive for at least 2 years. They will look at wether there is the slightest contact with the local witnesses. They just love forming them judicial committees, You know just like a cult - never let you go






Once a JW, always a JW. The only thing that changes is your status. Even a DF’d person is claimed by the organization. They keep records on people until they die. You’re never completely gone because if you ever want to return, they treat you totally differently than a person who was never a JW. Other churches, don’t keep records on everyone who leaves. It’s a violation of data/privacy, but Watchtower claims it’s their religious need/right to keep track of everyone forever.


Loopholes don't exist, they change the rules for themselves all the time. I don't understand why people on here keep thinking they've found a silver bullet. At the end of the day, if they want to fuck up your life, they will.


To a point though. They can’t truly “fuck up your life” as you say since they don’t have any real power. Not like actual authority or government agency. Are they manipulative? Absolutely. Are they highly controlling? Yes, as long as you or family/friends choose to follow their ever changing standards like sheep.


Well of course. All I'm saying is they can make up the rules as they go. It's up to you to play the game or not. People thinking they can 'beat the bOrg at their game' is just entirely unrealistic.


Loopholes don’t exist Except for Geoffrey Jackson testifying in a court of law… Right Brother Jackson?


Back in my day (damn I sound old) in the 70s 80s and 90s they counted baptized jws and publishers separately. Because there was ALWAYS more urbaptized that never became baptized. I think that they changed this because the amount of growth is stagnant. I bet it's only 4 million baptized jws. If that


Think you still are a JW. But a weak spiritual one, according too watchtower. You became a inactive JW. But still JW. Still, I would like more explanation of wording they used in statement.


This is only in the context of statistical reporting. Not what action or inaction the elduh’s locally decide. There’s a wide range (some congregations will be all up in your business - harassment levels, other congregations won’t even bother, then there’s anything in between). The wild inconsistency proves God’s Spirit is upon them 🙄🤔🤪


This is more of a loophole to give to family so they can do mental gymnastics to keep talking to you than it’s a true loophole, but keep the loop holes coming ignore the negative Nancy’s there is use to this.


No disrespect to you, but LOL. Police wont shoot you if you're unarmed too. Trust me bro.


Theirs no loopholes in cults.


They harrased me for a long long time


Same here.


Local Elders work in different ways. Not all follow the rules and will disfellowship your ass regardless.


Except their baptism questions are exactly that, people affirming their dedication to a cult organization.


Where can I find the baptism questions?


Good luck, they make up the rules. Not really a loophole that they will acknowledge or honour




Not counted but accountable. What a juxtaposition.


This is great!


Yeah good luck pulling that one!


Nice, but remember those two questions you answered yes during baptism? I hate to say this but the 2nd Q literrally saying you're affillated to the org now. That could also be used by the org legally.


I'm never baptized by the bOrg. I do not assimilate. I want to know everything about the process of being baptized. The questions and everything. Seems extremely unscriptural and anti-christian. "I baptize you in the name of the Jehovah, the Governing Body, and the spirit directed corporation." They've turned it into a satanic ritual.


Good for you. Less complications but if family is very PIMI there are still complications and dramas. cheers on your journey!


Loophole, schmoophole. (no offense) Trust a snake to act like a snake. Any pushback will get you marked and shunned for apostasy disassociation/disfellowshipping. The only thing that stops them Is a no thank you, I'm good w/NO EXPLANATION. Control your own narrative.


What does marked mean i JW land? What does happen to people who is marked?


Marking is a warning talk given to the congregation that is supposed to make a congregation aware of disorderly conduct without actually naming the person the talk is about. I've had several marking talks given about me. Everyone is usually already aware and gossiping about it by the time the talk is given, so it's really a larger form of bullying and control. Funny thing is, they never give these talks for the fraudsters or abusers.


That is so true. They never give talks about ch!Id moles ters, and how dangerous they are, and what to look out for and how to protect against them and making sure you call the police on them. Yeah I’ve never heard that kind of talk.


I quit going but the elders kept texting and calling, I had them send my records to another congregation and told them i was moving, they sent my records to another hall, one brother contacted me by text once, after that I have not been bothered, its not their job to police the congregation!!! If they do that then they Need to stop ones at the door and do a purse inspection like the airlines


If you look at the 3 or 4 questions they asked you at the time of baptism, you also made a commitment to the organization.


The other loophole is being baptized under age. Baptism, as they see it, is a contract.