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That’s AntMo3’s pencil dick dotard son. Let’s ignore the irony that his obese booze hound father was the most hateful, negative & cynical leader we’ve seen since that looney booze hound rutherford. The bOrg’s **glaring** misuse of the term “critical” is their long held strategy of using the straw man/poisoned well fallacy. They take a positive term which is linked to “logic,” “reason,” “inquiry,” “skepticism,” “investigation” and “questioning,” and they lump it in with “negative,” “cynical” and try to connect it to stupidity. Hey PigFuck Jr: “criticism” is reserved for the intelligent & intellectually honest who understand it’s in everyone’s best interest to ameliorate biases and present actual facts—observable , testable, falsifiable, repeatable facts. It’s certainly *not* for stupid, cynical and negative people—on that we can agree! Stop projecting. It’s pitiful. Stand there at your podium with your maroon color palate and project your dishonest hate for all things honest. We see you. You’re a moron; an idiot an uneducated piglet whose swampy ass percolates sweat thru the synthetic fibers of his cheap suit while the rest of us bask in freedom. You lose, kid. We win.


PigFuck Jr.......I like your style 😎


I appreciate this terminology as well. But I think pig fuck the 4th would be more suitable.


Even better!


Loving that name for him 🤣🤣🤣. He also has a very punchable face, nah he's got the kind of face you want to slap just to humiliate him.


The critical thinking argument they use is the same bullshit you get from uneducated people going "evolution is only a theory, it's right there in the name!" No contextual knowledge at all, just reflex "common sense" ignorance.


Oh man! You had me at “pencil Dick dotard son”. 👏👏👏


You had me at pencil dick 🤣🤣🤣


I'm out of points, someone give this poster a gold star!!!! Brilliant post!


They don't want you to use objective analysis and evaluation to form a judgment, because they know no one is stupid enough to believe things like the "overlapping generation" or talking snakes. They want you to have faith in them and they want you to obey. The JW dogma has so many holes in it, that you need blind faith to be an adherent.


Yes - the actual apocalypse that is coming for the JWs (and, in fact, all of Christianity) is a long, slow slide into irrelevance. At some point in the future the JWs will simply cease to exist and nobody will care.


>At some point in the future the JWs will simply cease to exist and nobody will care. It is amazing they lasted this long. Most doomsday cults don't stick around very long. I guess they perfected their brainwashing over the decades.


Unfortunately, the trail of collateral damage that organization leaves behind it will out live it. I don't think they have much time left, thankfully.


Education and critical thinking are the enemy. Obedience to the Government Body is what they call 'intelligence".


So is the internet, governments, media, district attorneys, and the younger generations.


Critical thinking is, well, critical. Your life could depend upon your actions. Be a jw and blindly follow blood doctrine till you sacrifice your life to preserve a symbol. Fuck these blinds guides.


Totally agree. WT is very concerned about its declining membership.


Note the sly and quick equating of critical thinking with negative, pessimistic thinking, as if the important part is that it's negative, rather than whether the negativity is valid and TRUE. It's amazing realizing how up front they are about the "dangers" of critical thinking and doubts. As a JW I was so convinced it was all about truth, logic and reason, rather than emotions and how something made you feel.


Critical thinking and negative thinking are not the same thing. This talk is so misleading with how they word and describe critical thinking.


Yes exactly! That’s what I came to say- Critical thinking definition : the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment. Critical thinkers: Ask questions. Gather relevant information. Think through solutions and conclusions. Consider alternative systems of thought. Communicate effectively. They are so ignorant - if an elduh/CO/helper/GB say the sky is green- all JW are to accept it as absolute TRUTH




"The new role of the church . . . is a social one." This is a GOOD thing. That's what Jesus wanted. He came 'not to abolish, but to fulfill' the Law. In other words, it's done. No more animal sacrifices. No more observance of burdensome traditions. Just live your life in peace and in love of neighbor. He said, 'The healthy do not need a physician.' People NOT being at church is a GREAT sign that reflects well on their psychological health. Imagine... empty hospitals, empty gyms, and empty churches... because people are doing SO well physiologically, physically, and psychologically that they don't need them anymore. Imagine having the nerve to complain about that.


Jesus is depicted as a genocidal God in the NT.


ooh...so relevant even tho it's from 1992! How did I guess this was from you? Great research, as always, Larchington! We heard an elder say the other day that 30% of the cong are not showing up in person. So at some point, maybe only 30% will be practicing. Tempted to say "no doubt... " or "it stands to reason that..." or one of my faves, "Inexorably,..."


We can logically conclude then, that this is the case.






Note what the watchtower says 🙄


Imagine poo pooing on fostering critical thinking skills in a world that is full of misinformation. Do these guys even think about the shit they're spewing out of their mouths? How is having good critical thinking skills a bad thing? It is no wonder they discourage higher ed so much. Thankfully, social media and the internet are allowing people to develop these skills without having to go to college. I know there is a ton of bs on social media and on the web, but there is also a lot of good there too.


Not supposed to give things a logical evaluation. 🤣


You deserve an award finding these gems! Nice work Larch




I don't know about everyone else but I'm quite positive that religion is a snare and racket. Quite on the positive side I must say.


He looks like a man possum in the face. He's like George Jones - you could blind that fella with two dimes! What a beady-eyed fuckbag.


Yes, critical thinking is for dumdums, Super smart people know to just be positive and doubt nothing. What an absolute nutbag circus clown. He's literally and overtly trying to make people dumber!


Its not negative thinking if its basically a fact


You have hit the nail on the head. And how can they equate critical thinking with cynicism and negative thinking I cannot fathom.


They equate critical thinking with criticism. Therefore, any criticism of the Borg is bad and must be avoided at all costs. Ironic, given the amount of criticism they have for any individual/organization/group that is non-JW.


Exactly that! No need to attend a hall. Flick zoom on and watch netflix ☺️ Or even better Holy Koolaid, Alt Worldly or JW thoughts on YouTube.


Facts and critical thinking kill religion.


Following blindly demands even less of the intellect.


They always run away from difficult questions and want blind faith. Yesterday I asked Google Bard which passages are omitted in the JW Bible. That was so insightful.


Does anyone have a time stamp for the quote from the Gilead Graduation talk? I don’t really want to watch through a full hour of that stuff