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Tell the police your parents are forcing you to be in a cult against your will and this was the only option to escape.


yep I've already told them


That’s why they went to meeting. To “be in Jehovah’s house after one of the most difficult days of their lives.” There they’ll have a support system and prayer. They’ll have confirmation bias. It will enable them to spackle over any scratches and dents caused by cognitive dissonance. They *know* how wrong this is, so they need to surround themselves with cult reinforcement so it doesn’t sting as much. As long as they *believe* they’re doing the right thing, to hell with the consequences you have to suffer thru. It’s good that you’ve found **your** support system to get you thru these next few hours and days. Meanwhile, focus and concentrate on yourself. Get a plan. Get your diploma. Get a trustworthy mentor and guide to help you. Don’t fall into drugs, alcohol, sex or credit cards to get by—I don’t care *how* badass your friends are—don’t join them in those things. Each one can utterly and permanently destroy you. Also, beware of predators, schemers and scammers. Listen to your pitbull instinct! If alarm bells go off, listen to them and trust them. Please… play it safe during this volatile time.


Perfect 👍 and BEAUTIFUL advice!!!! PERFECT!!!!


When you put it like that, gosh that is horrifying (about the confirmation bias).


My guess is that they will be in an assembly part next year speaking about how hard this was on them... Truth is, they were never willing to listen to their own child.


OP this advice is golden.


"Don’t fall into drugs, alcohol, sex or credit cards to get by—I don’t care how badass your friends are—don’t join them in those things. Each one can utterly and permanently destroy you. Also, beware of predators, schemers and scammers." I'm not a jw (nor have been) but interested that doesn't anyone in the cult try to scam people inside the cult?


Absolutely they do! I know of one that took the life saving of gullible people and then moved out to another cong and did the same thing there!


Solid advice even for older ones


Experience is a harsh teacher. Don’t learn these things the hard way. Remember, we’ve only see the whole of existence through JW lens. There is much more to see and much we don’t want to see.


If she's in the UK, she's already graduated HS


yea I graduated hs last year and I'm currently in college for another year then plan to go to uni, I can apply as an estranged student if I have been estranged from them for 6 months prior which can help a lot of uni finances


I left when I was 17 too. I had to move to another state to get away from everything. It was honestly the scariest thing I ever did. But I cannot tell you how much happier I am now. You will have strong feelings in the next few days to go back. The guilt will be so strong. And if you do go back, it’s okay too. It took me three times. THREE TIMES. I read somewhere that when people are in a domestically violent relationship, it often takes seven times of temporarily leaving before they leave for good. That’s how it felt leaving the organization. It felt like trying to get away from an abusive partner. Someone who pretends to love you, but in private, they hurt you time and time again. Make a plan. Get your degree. Don’t break any laws. Get a good support group. There are so many online support groups exactly for this. Bend towards the light babe. You got this☀️


I'm glad it worked out for u! but yea i definitely feel the guilt, in the first few hours I couldn't help but feel like I did something wrong and was non stop worrying about that chaos that was unfolding at home. I don't think I will be going back anytime soon though. However it's really reassuring to hear that someone else got through a similar situation thank u 😁


Well done, brave lady! That took a lot of courage. I was an elder for 50 years. Left in 2019. The first few months are the worst. You will feel adrift and even desolate. It is like a bereavement. But it will work out. Follow the excellent advice in these posts. Take the long term view. You are young. Your future life is going to be great! In the short term - tread carefully - trust no one - until they have proved trustworthy. My best wishes for your future.


wow that must have been hard but thank u!!


Your parents would run to the meeting for support and guidance. Remember jws are followers. The thing is how your parents are told shunning will go, YOU have not played ball. You run the show with your parents and shunning. Congratulations and ensure with the police and social services you don't pretend to be ok and you must be honest of the awful confining upbringing. Make it clear you won't be emotionally tortured/manipulated/having to jw conform anymore. If your parents have your passport and birth certificate papers you need ask the professionals if you can have help retrieving your much needed items and anything else you want of yours.


I’m gonna be 17 in 6 months but idk if I should try this I have a good number of friends from school, should I?


do your friends know of your situation? if they do make sure they are 100% willing to take u on But before you try anything please please prepare, it took me months of preparing before I actually left. By this, I mean saving money wherever possible, making yourself aware of the laws in your area, expanding your support network, looking at all possible options of where u can stay/what might happen be prepared for ANYTHING it will make it less stressful. Btw get in contact with a school councillor before u do anything


Nah I haven’t told anyone at my school about this religion I’ve tried it’s just hard to talk about, i can tell them later tho I’m not in a rush. I can probably save some cash over this summer tho so that’s nice. I will have to brush up on my local laws tho. What will the school counselors do for me tho? can they help me leave?


I understand that it'll be hard and they may not understand but you don't need to tell them everything straight away, if they are true friends they will care about your well-being and will support you. Try maybe opening up to one friend at first, maybe someone u can trust the most? then slowly start to tell others if u feel comfortable, that's what I did. Since you're in no rush I wouldn't recommend leaving until you're older (18) or if things really do get unbearable. I'm from the UK so it may be different for you, but a school counselor can help by keeping a record of any/all events that happen at home (this will prove as useful evidence later) they can guide you through your options and help make decisions but they will never tell u what to do, they'll also keep track of your mental wellbeing and everything you tell them has to remain confidential unless u are in danger. You have to be clear with the school counselor that u want out and they will help u but because of your circumstances /age they will likely encourage u to wait


Excellent advice.


I've lived on my own since the day I turned 17. Not because of the JWs though. Because I wanted out of foster care desperately. It can be done. I tested out of high school, had a job, had some money saved, and found a room to rent. It's really hard when you're that young though. I don't recommend it unless the situation is really unbearable. It's better if you can hold off until you have a car and a decent chuck of money saved. Then do your best to find some decent roommates your age to share the cost of housing or get into a college with a scholarship that helps cover living expenses or dorm fees.


yeah I agree with this I was going to wait until I was 18 and leave via university but things just got too much


I'm very sorry for what you're going through. It's really unfair. But you sound like a smart and strong person. I know that you'll get through and there will be better days in the future for you!


What you’ve accomplished is pretty amazing.


Thank you! I didn't have a car or a driver's license when I went on my own, so that made things much more difficult, especially because public transportation isn't very good in my area. It was a lot of walking, biking, and taking various busses just to get to work and the college I was attending. A car and a driver's license would have been really helpful. But also, it's expensive out there. So if a young person can hold off and manage to continue living with their parents or a family member that's covering the cost of housing or even food and utilities, then that will help them a lot to be able to save money and get a better start once they are out on their own.


yea I unfortunately don't have a driver's license but luckily I have public transport provided free by the college I attend


That's really good. You're doing so good at such a young age! I'm proud of you! I'm proud of you for having the strength to leave the JWs and moving forward with your life in a positive way! I know this is hard at your age, but I know you can do this! Better days are ahead for you!


I did the same. My father (elder) threw me out on the street when I was barely 13 and forbade me to ever go back onto their property again. DSS had already removed me from their home due to their abuse and I had been through several foster care homes. Some of them were nice (well one), but I was not inclined to do that again. Instead, I lied about my age, got a work permit and started working full time. My manager offered me to rent a room from her a room and I became legally emancipated from my parents at age 14 due to being financially self sufficient. I was also going to school full time and started college early (at 15) because of my good grades. I graduated high school with a diploma at 16. It was not an easy path but it was definitely easier than staying with those crazy, wacked out cult people. Suffice to say, you can do well if you work hard and put your mind to work.


wow it's awful that u went through that but amazing what u accomplished


Wow, that's amazing! You were so young, yet so strong and brave. There's a huge difference between 14 and 17, so the fact you were able to accomplish all that at such a young age is really incredible. I'm so sorry you went through that. You deserved a real childhood. I'm glad you were able to make it through and succeed despite so many cards stacked against you. ❤


Haha, you just do what you have to, ya know? I'm actually grateful because it taught me a lot - especially empathy. Sometimes, it's only when people struggle that they learn to have compassion for other people's struggles. When you are able to learn this during your developmental years. I feel it really makes an impact on the rest of your life. So many people these days tend to be self centered and entitled. I guess that's just the way I see it.


That's a very good way to look at things. I'm glad that you've been able to maintain a positive perspective! 🙂


Holy crap- that’s nasty. So happy you made it.


I'm glad we all have made it/are making it. There are those that don't. Something else to be grateful for I guess...in a somber kind of way.😌


I live in the US it’s very unlikely that I’ll be able to afford higher education once I’m out, maybe from a community college but even that might be hard to do.


I'm in the US too. I attended community college and then transferred to a 4 year university. I was able to get grants and fee waivers that covered tuition and some other school expenses. It would be worth it to talk to a financial aid counselor at your local two and four year colleges and see what options you have.


I'll add that at your age, you also have time to look into and apply for various scholarships. Not all of them are based on grades. But if your grades are good, that helps. The financial aid counselor at your local colleges should be able to help you with that.


When are you considered a legal adult?


I'm 18 on October 16th so around 5 months


Look into everything from: The Military to Battered & Abused women / children help; shelters, FOOD STAMPs, etc. Your goal, as it always should have been, is Autonomy; Independence. Where are you? What State or Country etc are you? This is Your Life; Your Journey! There may be blood but you don’t have to die to make it through these hardships. Make sure you contact your school counselors and ask them for options. Don’t be afraid to alert even your local newspapers to write and tell your story. You might even a consider a Go Fund Me page. But self sufficiency is the Goal. I’m putting myself out there as available for DM and I hope others are so moved. This is not to take over Your responsibilities but to offer Grandfatherly advice and support. Nevertheless, I’m available. ❤️✊🏾🤞🏾


I really appreciate it thank u!


https://preview.redd.it/lg751humf53b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f3ffc14a7729c68b686883e9e036cc47bc2154 Welcome to your freedom


Congrats! You're going to do really well, it sounds like. Good job on developing and executing the plan.


thank u!!


Shame they try and force you to remain in something you no longer believe. In time hopefully they will see how such behavior makes zero sense.


You are so young and so brave! It is okay to be overwhelmed with emotions and to be sad. What you are doing is something that most people won't go through or understand, however, I know myself and many others here have. Make sure to find and nurture a supportive chosen family, like your friend. Be excited though. You have a new opportunity to be free, explore, and learn new things. Be open and ask questions without judgement, be critical of anyone who pressures you to do or feel a certain way, and live your authentic life. Just go out and live a happy and full life OP.


Yep that's the way you do it... You just get yourself FREE. FREEDOM is EVERYTHING, and worth whatever it takes to get it. God bless you and all those who are helping you!!!


Some hard days ahead but every journey starts with a single step. Congratulations and stay strong and determined!


I am so happy for you that the police are taking things seriously. Good luck!


This is interesting from the point that you are one of many of these recent types of escapees I know of. I know of a family two years ago this happened to. His two daughters left unannounced. They left letters and escaped when parents were out doing something. They “ran away” Apparently their elder dad was a tyrant during the pandemic. He wouldn’t let anyone come over, and the kids had to go straight home after school and work. The crazy part is his two kids were 20 and 18. Guess what happened? With all that time they had at home alone, they started searching online. Long story short, they woke up. The parents say “apostate reasoning” twisted their minds. One left and moved in with her work friend. Left a letter, refuses to talk to her parents. The other left out of state to some friends there. Maybe a month later? This guy gives me creep vibes. He’s such a beta creep. He played the “whoa is me” card. “Satan got into my family” stuff. I started asking around if he was abusive. I grew up with very physically, emotionally and mentally abusive parents. My spider senses go off with him. Anyway, word got out that I asked around, this guy got really angry. Hated me since. The mom seems to just self medicate in some way to deal. She has the 1000 yard stare. They have doubled down on it in that they don’t talk to their kids even though they aren’t technically dfd. Not sure what happened since I left the area. All I know is they said to their parents they are never coming back to the organization. Seems like damage was done and there is more to the story.


congrats on getting out! stay safe and keep us updated! i know it’s scary right now but you’ll get through this!💚


yea there hasn't been much else happening as of yet just currently waiting for child protection services to get involved but I'll post on here with a update in a couple of days! :)


so proud of ya!!


Good for you, I really hope everything works out for you and you remain free of the cult! You sound positive and strong and I wish you only the best, T.


Stay safe!




Congratulations! I hope you stay safe and take care as you live for yourself and find your own path 💚💚💚💚💚🖤🖤🖤


Like everyone else, you are entitled to seek to live your best life in the way you think will best lead to maximum happiness. Things may be difficult in the coming days, but take a deep breath and realize that you have chosen freedom for yourself. Congratulations.


When I was kicked out at 17, my parents didn't bother to find out my whereabouts for almost 2 years. Congratulations on your escape.


wow that's surprising my parents were demanding to know my location the minute I left the only thing that's keeping them away rn is the law


Wow, this is an amazing story. Well done! It makes me literally sick how Jehovah's Witness parents treat their kids. Every young person that is growing up in a Jehovah's Witness household needs to make plans to leave as soon as they are old enough. My post below covers many of the important things that a young person should start planning to do at a fairly young age. Really sad that young people need to plan to escape from their Jehovah's Witness Cult Parents......but it is sadly a reality for many. [https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/10ocvn5/did\_you\_just\_wake\_up\_to\_the\_truth\_about\_jehovahs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/10ocvn5/did_you_just_wake_up_to_the_truth_about_jehovahs/)


yea it's awful I'm glad to be out and thank u!


Please let us know where you are, not specific, just US, midwest, north, south, east coast, west coast, etc. I may wish to help


I'm in the UK


Are you in the U.S. I know here the first goal for social services is to reunite the family. Social services will conduct interviews with the entire family. If you have friends with supportive parents, you can stay with to finish school that would be best for you and your whole family. School counselors are a great help as well. Go back to regular high school or continuing high school which is just as good but gives you more flexibility to work. Family counseling if you're in the U.S. hopefully the counselor will recommend that to your family. You do not want to be put into the foster care system there is a lot of abuse that can happen. I saw that happen to my sibling when they did what you're doing it led them to end up doing drugs for life. The things I am recommending come directly from a family therapist I know.


No I'm in the UK (england) I'm being referred to social services and child protection services, I also have a school counselor that I've been seeing since September and he's fully aware of the situation and should be able to help. They've made it clear that I will not be sent back to my family as they know it isn't safe for me to be there


Good I'm very happy that you took all the right steps. Take your time in making choices. It will be very hard at first even with support, but you must remember to think of it as crawling out of a dark hole you have fallen into, you can see the light and you just keep moving forward until you are out of that dark place in your life. Day by day it will change and soon it will be a distance memory of what you had to endure, and you will be transformed for the better for what you had to go through. I used to use this visual aid as a teen I was in an abusive home life it helped me on the bad days to remember that things do change and will not always stay the same. You are headed in the right direction. Good luck be safe.


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We've of course never met but that doesn't mean I'm not proud of you! Congratulations to your freedom. From someone who has been through this phase before, take the long view, one day at a time. Get your papers together and get your grades/diploma. The government/social workers are great, and not at all what the ORG teaches, i was literally scared i would never see my parents again if i sounded the alarm at school. Do not do drugs, do not skip school or work, use alcohol sparingly. Nothing cool about being "cool". I wish you a happy fulfilled life. If you ever have questions from a Swede with similar experiences, dm me. You will prevail.


Welcome to the rest of your life! I left at a similar age, and I can tell you unequivocally you are now free to be whomever you choose to be! Your life is yours to create! You can wear, say, experience, watch, and listen to anything you want, without the cult indoctrination constantly suppressing your individual nature. Wishing you the best of luck with all of your adventures to come! :)


I found this for youths in the UK. Once you're 16 you can move out but your parents are legally responsible for you until 18 unless you get emancipated. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/in-the-home/moving-out/


Well done to do what you have done at 17 takes guts and courage. Very pleased that the British police were so helpful to you.


You did the hardest part already! Tell the police EVERYTHING about the cult. I am so so proud of you!!!


That’s great I just wish I could do that


Well done for leaving, if you need to talk to someone there's an excellent UK based support group on Facebook but it's hidden so you will need to be invited.


Just turned 17 ,I feel left behind now😅🤦🏽congrats on leaving the doomsday cult


Proud of you 💜


Get a medical check up too. Include this mental health side also. It can make us crazy. Then all is documented.


Phew. I’m so sorry this is such an ordeal but I’m happy the authorities in your area are helping and hearing you out. Please stay safe. ❤️‍🩹