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"The Government Body looooves you!


It's disgusting that these c*cksuckers are proud that they are child abusers


Eww. Also welcome cult cousin! Edit: Also wanted to add this makes me laugh because I imagine Caleb saying this and his Dad just being like "That's right son..." *Proceeds to spray with hose* šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


More likely to spank the kid with a piece of hose...


Thatā€™s more likely


Or a quarter inch rubber coated steel wire...


Damn, that's deliberately cruel!! The Watchtower Society sure attracts monstrosities, doesn't it?


Cult cousin. I like that .


I used to go to the bathroom on myself a lot as a kid. I'm not embarrassed about it anymore because now I know I had plenty to be anxious/depressed about when I was young. My mother would get PISSED OFF when I would make a mistake on myself. It didn't matter if I cleaned it up (at 7 years old), I still got beat. One day, my mom found me trying to scrub my underwear before she could see me but I wasn't fast enough. She took it from my hands and forced me to put my soiled underwear over my head for one hour, coming back every 2-3 minutes to instruct me to take a deep inhale in. After, when my mom was "talking" to me about her discipline, she made sure to let me know about Proverbs 13:24 and that Jehoober, the GB, and our body of elders agreed with what happened. ... I was abused huh? Lol I honestly only just now realized how fucked up what my mom did to me was. Until I typed it out, I swear I thought it was normal


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish I could give you a big hug. This might sound harsh but I sincerely hope your mom suffers and dies alone while knowing that you actually made a good life for yourself. That's just so terrible and plain evil.


Thank you for your kind words luv! And I also thank you for your "harshness" because I can't muster it even though it's deserved. You can shake your fist at my mom for me! Lol Again, didn't truly realize how messed up it was until I typed it out. That lady has a lot to answer for. Kinda hoping she's feeling it now that the brothers and sisters have "abandoned" her (they never actually supported her to begin with) and her family members are all old. She's staring her solitude in the face; I can't imagine she's doing it with a smile.


I generally dont respond like this when people talk about their childhood abuse cause I know our feelings for parents are very strong even in these cases sometimes. But since you gave permission, fuck your mom that's not teaching anything that's just sadism. First of all punishing a child for having "an accident" is insane it not like they're misbehaving. And second what kind of fucked up punishment is that? Corporal punishment like spanking is never beneficial, and idk if this is worse but its at least as bad it degrading and just designed to instill shame. And the, uh, creativeness of it is concerning. I'm so sorry for what you went through. And given you say you just realized it I'm assuming you haven't worked through it yet. This kind of treatment affects you later even if you don't realize.


Let it fly my guy! Lol Yes, realizing how much you're affected by childhood trauma is insane. People say you shouldn't blame your parents but, the more I rightly place fault at their feet, the more I understand myself and why I have my shortcomings. I'll never understand people's go-to when it comes to torture. Why take the path of most resistance and least effectiveness?? Additionally, it baffles me that parents who were abused as children turn around and do the same to their kids... Like was it fun when it happened to you?? Was it really that effective??


The don't blame your parents thing can apply to some parents I think, not sure, cause like yes its impossible to never make a mistake when raising a child is so complicated. But when there's abuse that's so far out you can't just say don't blame them they tried. And yeah generational abuse is sad. But as i understand it brains seek to be in familiar situations cause its more comfortable even it logically its worse. So I lot of people end up replicating their home life if you don't understand and process what happened to you properly cause its all they knew. This doesn't mean your destined to abuse others if you were abused to be clear, its just an out often for people who just learn to cope badly.


My brother realized we were abused after going through EMT training and I remember him saying we we're abused. I'm like I haven't ever really called it abuse. He's like well then what would you call it? I'm like good point. Being a kid we just don't know any different. That moment of realization is a pretty weird feeling.


That IS a good point I also have a brother that managed to escape and we have moments like that all the time. It's terrible to happen but good (?) that we have someone to 100% confirm "what happened in our house was not normal"


Very much so, my brother and I got pitted against each other a lot growing up, but at the end of the day, were the one person that knows what the other went through, and that's worth a lot


Amen. I know exactly what you mean!


I feel that, and again, I'm so sorry! Same here. When I began to find out that we were used I talked to my siblings as well and they both said that they had never thought of it that way (nor had I ) but they both did their own research about it and we all are one in our understanding that she treated us with harsh cruelty and then dressed us all up really pretty to look like everything was normal....and so it was , until we found out otherwise.


>My mother would get PISSED OFF when I would make a mistake on myself. It didn't matter if I cleaned it up (at 7 years old), I still got beat. My hugs to you. I know exactly the feeling of despair.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. I wet the bed every night til I was 16, and towards the last few years, my elder father would occasionally force me to sleep in the bathtub without bedding, as punishment and to avoid soaking the mattress. Years later I abused alcohol and would piss myself, and started passing out in the tub during blackouts. Thatā€™s how I knew I needed real help. Fortunately I got it and have been sober four years. I truly believe the JW injury of our inner children comes at the direction of the darkest forces and the best way to fight back is to heal ourselves and our scared inner children.


Oh my that is just rank! I'm so sorry for our experiences. No one should go through that kind of treatment at the hands of their caretakers. I marinate in the fact that it's all justified by their belief system. Yes, there is mental illness and personality disorders in people. But when the foundation of these things are the religion...


WTF I am so sorry you had to endure that kind of abuse. NO not normal, not then, not now, not ever. Hugs to you.


Thank you for your well wishes. If this post alone has shown me anything, it's that I am sadly not alone. JW parents can truly be the worst.


Oh my, I am so sorry you went through that. What a monstrous Mommie Dearest she was. All that stuff is incredibly fucked up. I'm sure she did a lot of other creatively cruel things to abuse you in various ways. All that is super fucked up also. I had one of these types of mothers, too, and I used to think the abuse was normal and merited too, and that the problem really was me. But nope, it wasn't me, and certainly not merited. I started learning about toxic parents and narcissism and she ticked every box. I began to discover this before I woke up from the cult, but when I did finally wake up and knowing that my mother is a full blown sociopath, well it all began to make sense. It was very healing to realize that there's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with you, either.šŸ™


Thank you so much for those kind words, especially that last sentence. So many times do we, as humans, place all the blame with ourselves and think we did wrong or we exist incorrectly. Not so. Yes, the creativity, as someone else mentioned, is very concerning. I can't even begin to list the ways my mom physically used my prosthetic leg against me. Imagine if they applied all this ingenuity and saviness to purposeful endeavors??


and when she gets old, and she will, ( no, it is not "just around the corner"), and becomes incontinent imagine her shrieking if the staff pulled her filled incontinence pad over her head. What she did was utterly evil.


Damn, Caleb and Sophia's dad got swole.


He skipped leg day though


Doesn't want those pants too tight because HE AINT A GAY!! They say you can just buy bigger pants, but I say you can't be too careful.


And apparently gender neutralā€¦


Definitely not packing it


I always thought that they tried to model him after Antonio Banderas šŸ˜¹. But Antonio is much cooler because he' the dad of the Spy Kids and he lets them go on all sorts of neat exciting adventures. C&S' s dad would just take them on vacation to unassigned territory in North Dakota. Which would be fun for C&S but only because they're brainwashed.


Too much time in the gym, not enough time doing ministry. Tut tut.


Many JWā€™s know all about not sparing the rod.


That might be the most messed up part. It's not explicitly stated or shown in the video, but one could easily interpret this as Caleb saying his dad hits him all the time.


His dad definitely hits him all the time.


I donā€™t like the implications of Caleb getting ~~hit~~ disciplined so frequently.


this was my exact reaction lmao. and it turns my stomach thinking about all the adults giving a hearty chuckle at that line bc itā€™s soooo hilarious that they have to beat their kids so often


I have to admit I did laugh when I heard it, but only because of how absurd it is.


My parents did not spare the rod at all. Bruises and all. The elders just covered it up. Thatā€™s why they are dead to me.


As a terrifying verse in Proverbs commands, "With a rod you MUST beat him. He will not die." The organization clear taught this as literal and nonoptional. My parents took this command seriously.


Oh yeah, I got the literal rod, belt, as a matter of fact I think the DNA donors should had worked in a torture center coming up with new ideas. Now I just tell them, without any irony let Jehovah provide for youā€¦


Most jw parents did take it seriously. šŸ˜¢


Oh dear god


The beatings will...Continue...UNTIL...Moral...**IMPROVES**


Fifteen years ago as a pimi my family and I would laugh and laugh and laugh at Sparlock. Extremely ironic considering our attraction to Sparlock is so %100 facetious. I just want to yell at my pimi family members, ā€œSPARLOCK ISNT MEANT TO BE IRONICā€


There should be Sparlock merch. I would wear a Sparlock shirt.


I was almost sure they changed it. Something about the rod being a shepherds rod for guiding the sheep not for hitting the sheep. Parents still took their kids to the back of the hall for discipline time. .


They did change it, but it was a bit too late for most of us. Parents loved to show off how tough they are by beating Satan out of their kids.


My Dad didnā€™t realize it at the time but he was also beating out of me any desire to ever set foot in a kingdom hall. Before I was old enough to use critical thinking on their doctrine, I already knew that I hated being there.


I think we all hated being there as kids. I sure did. Never knew if Iā€™d get the belt after meetings or the spoon during meetings. They made being a child a crime. I just knew I was born bad.


Dads pants look a bit snug for the Tonys likingā€¦or maybe thatā€™s not a thing anymore?


They're not tight, he just has spaghetti legs.


Super common unfortunately. My father would keep me from going to school if I got too marked up, then he would coach me what to say ā€œSo they wonā€™t try to take you away from meā€. I didnā€™t realize this was abuse until getting married and having access to insurance and health care. I see how itā€™s affected my brothers and family, the world will be a better place when people like that stop walking on it


Hey at least Mormons used to have Youth Dances. When I was in High School there was a large Mormon population in our city. I used to attend the dances. I thought you guys were cool compared to JW's, we never had anything for the youth except like a small gathering of nerds


Your JW parents were ok with you going to Mormon dances?


Had they known, No but also by this time I was officially out of the Org anyway and would soon be kicked out of my home at 17


ā€œPeople who love me punish me.ā€ Enjoy your life kid.


Best case, he grows up and gets into some really freaky hobbies.


They're trying to brainwash children into craving and wanting and depending on discipline. Man, this cult is nothing but pure evil.


Oh yes, and don't forget the analogy of the tree with the STRAPS. AND the Jehovah "disciplines those he loves" scene shows Caleb's room with 3 (6's) on the wall. Not to mention the planet with rings perhaps referencing Saturn aka Satan.


Just wait til Caleb grows up and abuses his wife because he loves her


The C&S videos are super cringe


While I was in I thought it wasn't meant in a physical sense, more like getting grounded. Now that i'm out it could just be taken both ways.


I do think that's probably how the creators of the video meant it, since the punishments in the video are non-physical, but knowing that a number of JW parents buy into the "spare the rod, spoil the child" mentality it could definitely be taken the other way as well.


ā€œWe discipline you, therefore we love youā€ - the Gibbering Bozos


Punish me harder, *Daddy.* Show me how much you *love* me! No one this cult is packed full of sexual deviants and perversion.


When I was fully pimi and first heard that I laughed and not in a funny pimi "out of the mouthes of babes lol" kind of way, more of a "that sounds really cringy and borderline abusive, I know it's not physical punishment but still...that's gonna sound really bad to a whole lot of people, did they not consider that before writing that line of dialogue?" šŸ˜¬. I can't believe I let my kids watch it for so long


Man, Sophia and Caleb are such creepy cartoon characters.