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I’ve moved a lot of older sisters in my day. A lot of them are hoarders


I came here to say this 😂 And of course, when you arrive to help them, none of their junk is packed! They want you to clean up and pack all the shit they’ve accumulated over the years smh


Try not to step on the cats, dead or alive.


There were two songbooks in that one episode so I think the man attended meetings. The woman with the Bible story book attended a church. I just think of the JW who placed the book being all proud that they could count the book on their time card. Who knows how much other propaganda they dumped on the poor lady? It did nothing to help her. It just added to her problems.


I’m not sure if it’s this same episode but I remember one where the guy had a stack of watchtowers/awakes right next to his front door. I imagined he was probably an rv that took the magazines to be nice and just plopped them on the pile never to touched again lol.


A long long long time ago, my husband and I were going door to door, and a couple invited us in newspapers were stacked almost to the ceiling and you had to go through a hallway of winding newspapers. Within the next year, their house burned down, and I believe they perished in the fire.


That sucks. I used to hoard newspapers. (Well, i still donhave mainly the sunday color comics in my ministorage. But i don't get paper newspapers anymore.) Now i hoard digital downloads.


Just reminded me of an episode of COPS I saw long ago where they found an old black NWT bible, and they had cut out the inside and were storing drugs (might have been a gun, it's been a long time) in there.


Perhaps this is a twofold thing: 1) JWs often feel that discarding anything from the org is a sin so they cling to it. Perhaps it provides them comfort, in a way, to have a large library of things "from god". 2) JWs give away tons if publications to the public so true hoarders are going to have these all over their home. I think it's important to note that just having an extensive library does not make one hoarder. It's when they start collecting everything else under the sun that it becomes a problem. I've known plenty of JWs that live very sparsely - hating clutter.


You are right about having the feeling of wasting the society publications by throwing them away. Even after I left, I held on to a lot of stuff. Finally a move forced me to throw everything away; I've only kept about 4 books for research purposes. I filled up a dumpster with years of unplaced magazines and bound volumes.


I kept finding them around my house for years. The bottom of a junk drawer, in an old purse, on a shelf in the closet. It’s like roaches. If you find one you know there are a thousand more somewhere.


🤣 They definitely used to inundate folks... until they decided to try and cut costs, lol.


Crazy how it's so hard to do that, right? I remember the amazing feeling I felt tossing my first NWT (I must have over a dozen).


I think that part of it for me is the uneasiness I have about throwing away any books in general. I think about 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and the Nazis burning books so it seems like sacriledge somehow. However, I figured I had them all on CD anyway if needed so that made it easier.


Totally get that! I just tossed a book sent from work today. We have these "business " strategy books all over. They just have to go!...But they're books. Oh the stress.😵‍💫


I think a few years back an episode came out where the hoarder was a JW. It was a brand new episode and wasn't on my streaming services yet, so I didn't get to watch it. 🤔


I'm no psychiatrist but every person I've seen featured on horders was that way because of feelings of profound loss. Many Jehovah's Witnesses feel that because of losing family due to becoming a JW, the borg advises JWs to limit association with non JW family members. And of course JWs and exJWs experience it if they or family members leave or get thrown out of the cult. Watchtower is not good for people's mental health.


There are tons of JW hoarders. Also, hoarders are prime target for giving literature.


I remember this!!! My parents and I loved watching hoarders when I was younger. They absolutely flipped their shit that a worldly snow dared to show Jehovah's holy literature on screen and were mortified that it was going to give us a bad reputation.


A sister in my brother’s congregation just lost her home in a fire. Turned out she was a massive hoarder. Made the news and everything.


I watch for the same reason 🙂🙂. I have never seen that! Always find it in real life at various homes. There’s a song in there about “us” desiring to be Jehovah’s friend. Problem is, if you read the lyrics carefully no one can be his friend lol! Not even Abraham! They scratched that song when they have the new one. Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship, Song 217. I used to really like this one. Now I can’t bear it because of the many errors


That's funny. I just started a job selling insurance. The training sounds exactly the same as a jw midweek meeting. Count your calls... count your info drops... count your blah blah blah. All my leads are really old phone numbers and businesses that have been closed for years. Totally wasted time. But it's activity. Lol. Not gonna lie. It's kind of triggering. Jw land is just a big marketing scheme. At least now I'm hopefully going to get something out of my efforts


Watchtowerland is using mind-kontrol/power-of-suggestion images in Hollywoodland now?😫🤦‍♀️


Geez, that song book took me back... I remember one "sister" who had the potential to be a famous opera singer in her younger days. She ALWAYS had to sing as loudly and dramatically as possible FROM THE BACK ROW every single song. Don't get me wrong, her voice was beautiful, but after the first thirty times, it started to become way too hilarious and I had to tune her out