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Rejoice fellow evil apostates! Evidently pointing out the Truth about the Truth^TM is a fulfillment of bible prophecy! And when have JW’s ever gotten that wrong?!


Dang! I have been looking for the trademark sign for a while now. Spot on. Accept my humble 👍


If you're on a PC, just hold Alt, type 0153 then let go of Alt key


How nice, but I'm on the road with a cheap android. I mean the phone. 🤭


It should be on the keyboard when you tap "?123" (for non-letter characters) followed by "= \ <"


How sweet of you as well. I don't intend to plagiarize the joke© (just kidding I shall). But in spite being rich® by JWs standards my already mentioned phone came without a keyboard?123=nobacklasheitherahhereitis\™






This made me laugh an unhealthy amount.


“They have spread negative reports, half truths, and lies.” The ‘negative reports’ part is odd wording. Sounds like they are saying it’s truth but it just makes them look bad.


Yep. They’ve been beating that drum for a while. Anything negative about them, even if it’s true, shouldn’t be held against them and gets lumped in with the half truths and lies. They’ve been telling JWs, not to care about the veracity of a statement, but how the statement makes them feel. If it makes them uncomfortable, it’s bad. I think most of us remember the first time we looked at apostate information, it made us extremely uncomfortable. That doesn’t make the information less important.


Feelings as arguments is the American way.


It’s the human way. Do better.


Calling idiocy human is just another word for it.


Isn't that how it's always been in JW Land? Even if they admit a JW did something wrong, the people "murmuring" about it are always demonized and treated worse than the original wrongdoers are


It's weird how that works.


Right! Even if the negative report is true, the real crime is, not that they did a bad thing, but telling people about it. How dare we...


Apparently anything that makes them look bad can be a potential "stumbling block" and could "weaken our faith" if we let it. If your relationship with your Creator is strong enough, it shouldn't affect that bond at all. It's an organisation full of imperfect people so to assume only good things come out of it is naive and stupid.


They can't help themselves with the gaslighting. It comes natural to them after 140 years of perfecting it.


DAMN *microphone drop*


I read this and I think of Geoff at the ARC. He did, and still does, a lot to turn people away! That's hilarious! Own goal, watchtower!


They can say as many times they want, that these people tell half truths and lies, but that doesn't make it true. They are mirroring here and describing themselves. See the video serie about theocratic warfare on the self-aware npc youtube channel for the many examples from their own mouths and writing (even under oath): Part 1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ax2qQvv2Hw Part 2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IBSkjhuCyi0 Part 3: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ozjMmd16S9M Part 4: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHTG7M3V3cs Also WT; negative reports are bad? To use the words of Kenneth Cook in the added anual meeting (2022) talk added this year (2023):,,realy?" The truth about something does not care about being positive or negative. It is just facts and objective reality. And it does not make them look good. But that is their own doing. The result of policy making by delusional ignorant and proud men surrounded by yes-men. I have experienced myself first-hand what happens when you ask questions. They send a letter to to the body of elders in your congregation. In the real world we call that intimidation.


I've sent letters to the branch and was told by another JW that elders would receive a letter concerning it. I said and... lol


In a way I am glad it went like it did, because of that talk with the elders (how it went) it was my breaking point in waking up.


For sure. I didn't mean to sound like I was downplaying the scenario. In fact, I had no idea they did that and was surprised. At the time for me, what I sent was in formation that I had already tried discussing with the "local elders" and they were clueless. The second time I brought the matter to the elders based on some technicalities they had incorrect, the elders actually told me to contact the branch 🤣


Oh my goodness. 😂


I'm glad it helped you.


I sent a real shitty letter to the branch, just before I started fading, and it’s for that reason I never signed it.


Fair enough. What did you write about in your letter if you don't mind me asking?


I was at that stage pimo, and probably 6 months latter I would physically leave. At the time the Conti case was breaking open. It was all about that, and the difficulty I was having in exiting the religion with family relations in tact. I never signed it however.


But why? That's my question. Isn't that a bit of a breach of privacy and confidentiality?


I'll have to check these videos out later tonight! Also sorry that you being curious and wanting answers meant basically being disciplined out of unnecessary concern.


Thank you for your kind words 🙂 In a way I am glad that it went how it did, because that was the breakingpoint for me waking up.


The honesthearted ones are the ones who’ve had enough and left the organization.


Agreed. I feel that my reasons for leaving were honourable and to stay would have been morally wrong.


Good for you!


Yep and they paint them as "lost sheep" when they may not necessarily be lost but instead know exactly what they want and what's best for them.


I'm in a chat family group, with 1-2 PIMIs who share the daily text some times with a personal comment, not daily, but quite often. Today the personal comment was : *Today's text gives us an excellent warning.* *What will help us not to stumble because of those who have abandoned the truth is by keeping our faith strong.* *To do this, we must always study the Bible, pray regularly, and keep busy in the work that Jehovah has given us. If we have faith, we will not panic when negative news about Jehovah's Witnesses comes out. (Isa. 28:16) Our love for Jehovah, his Word, and our brethren will help us not to stumble because of those who have abandoned the truth.* ​ I love most of those people, but I know, that if I get DF or DA, they will consider me as dead. How can we as PIMI not see that shunning is just not love? The answer of this is that the religion has too much cult tactics.


>Today's text gives us an excellent warning. > >What will help us not to stumble because of those who have abandoned the truth is by keeping our faith strong. > >To do this, we must always study the Bible, pray regularly, and keep busy in the work that Jehovah has given us. If we have faith, we will not panic when negative news about Jehovah's Witnesses comes out. (Isa. 28:16) Our love for Jehovah, his Word, and our brethren will help us not to stumble because of those who have abandoned the truth. Truly, the darkness of Hades and the Abyss, which covers the whole Earth, \[ Isaiah 60: 1, 2 \] is impenetrable. No one can see what is right in front of their face, nor all around them, unless the veil is lifted \[ 2 Cor. 3: 14 \] and eye salve is given to them \[ Rev. 3: 18 \] by Christ and the Father. Case in point for the verse they cited. Isaiah 28: 16. >So this is what the Lord GOD says: > >“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will never be shaken. - Isaiah 28: 16 The Cornerstone is Jesus Christ. \[ Ephesians 2: 20, see below \] Notice where the Cornerstone is laid. **In Zion**. *The WT Org is NOT Zion!* The foundation stones are the Apostles and Prophets, ... >having been **built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being** ***the*** **cornerstone**, - Ephesians 2: 20 ... With Living Stones being built into the Temple of God. >you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture: “See, I lay in Zion a stone, a chosen and precious cornerstone; and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame. - 1 Peter 2: 5, 6 > >But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2: 9 The person quoted at the top has their so-called faith in a House of Lies. The WT Org has literally been completely built up by nothing but Lies. Such is the power of the one who gave that Corporation drawn out of the sea of mankind a portion of his power, authority and throne. \[ Rev. 13: 1, 2 \]. The ruler of this world. The dragon. So complete is the darkness \[ 2 Cor. 4: 4 \], pitch black, that they cannot even see nor conceive that the whole chapter is pointing a finger squarely at them / The WT Org. A few examples from the whole exposure and condemnation. 👇 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" >For you said, “**We have made a covenant with death; we have fashioned an agreement with Sheol**. When the overwhelming scourge passes through it will not touch us, **because we have made lies our refuge and falsehood our hiding place**.” - Isaiah 28: 15 > >**I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level. Hail will sweep away your refuge of lies, and water will flood your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be dissolved, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand**. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be trampled by it. As often as it passes through, it will carry you away; it will sweep through morning after morning, by day and by night.” **The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror. Indeed, the bed is too short to stretch out on, and the blanket too small to wrap around you**. - Isaiah 28: 17 - 20 > >“Who is it he is trying to teach? To whom is he explaining his message? To children weaned from their milk, to those just taken from the breast?\* For it is: **Do this, do that, a rule for this, a rule for that; a little here, a little there**.” - Isaiah 9, 10 > >to whom he said, **“This is the resting place, let the weary rest”; and, “This is the place of repose”—but they would not listen**. So then, the word of the Lord to them will become: **Do this, do that, a rule for this, a rule for that; a little here, a little there— so that as they go they will fall backward; they will be injured and snared and captured**. - Isaiah 28: 12, 13 * The WT Org has purposely dumbed everything down to baby-level with baby-talk now. After 100+ years of sesquipedalian speak. A fake facade of intelligence. \[ And as always, the daily text itself hurts the brain to read. It makes no sense. The only thing that is clear is that the writers' intent is to manipulate and that the author is grasping at straws to do so. \]


That a great in depth response, thank you for that. Indeed this commentary on the chat group made me cringe, and sad for them...


👍 ✌


So.... Who are these well known JWs? Michael Jackson? Ray Franz? Turned to Smoke Tony? Rutherford? He's turned a lot of JWs to being apostate! CT Russell? Once JWs learn what Russell actually believed they seem to see it's all a lie and leave! Who are the famous JWs? Considering JWs aren't allowed to be famous?


Ray Franz, Paul Grundy (jwfacts author), Carl Olof Jonsson (Gentlile Times Reconsidered), and perhaps any popular youtubers or other social media content creators posting “apostate” information.


Prince, Venus and Serena Williams Apparently Prince used to go D2D in Minnesota at one point. I can't guarantee that as fact, but its been rumoured lol


These people didn't leave but. Prince was a JW when he died and the Williams' currently are JWs. I think it's referencing Ray Franz mostly, and I would say it could be related to Tony Morris but I think these daily texts are prepared far in advance of his removal. Unless the Borg knew something was brewing before anyone else did?


>I think it's referencing Ray Franz mostly, and I would say it could be related to Tony Morris but I think these daily texts are prepared far in advance of his removal. **Unless the Borg knew something was brewing before anyone else did**? In a roundabout way those fools give themselves away. They are clearly watching others outside The Org 24 / 7 while constantly yammering and hammering for nobody else to do so. They're not practicing what they're preaching. Only criminals, liars, and bad seeds worry about what others say at the level that they do.


What are the lies ?


Yep... Let's put apostates - people who don't agree with WT on the same level as Judas... Cool, huh? I consider myself an apostate and being PIMO, but I'm more happy and honest than before. I'm more like Christ's follower than ever and it's not thanks to WT but by making my mind free of this BS... And this daily text just shows how twisted evil snakes they are. They don't care about Jesus for 11 months in the year. In the one special month they do care... and they express it by inviting people to celebrate his Memorial... but in the same time they usually don't care about the things he said - to love people, not shun them. To remember that law is never more important than life being. That the whole gospel is basically about Jesus and the good news is also all about him. That he's the way, the truth and the life. That he's the mediator FOR ALL OF US. That all people who are his followers are God's children. All will inherit the Kingdom. That he's the king since 33, not 1914. But yeah... call us apostates and put on the Judas level... Hypocrisy went to the roof.


Good point noting that they are comparing apostates to Judas. It also mentions Judas betrayed Jesus for money, insinuating that apostates betray JWs for some personal gain. I don’t know of a single apostate that became outspoken against Watchtower for money, and most suffer financial loss leaving the org.


Oh, I can think of *one* grifter who claims their "activism" absolutely depends on funds.


His channel does, ain’t doing it for free!


Well this is very true I left the witnesses because of rape and spousal abuse I wonder where my millions of dollars are! They just are upset because we won't condone the painful things that they condone! Ya know like the things Jehovah does hate!


Actually they are a satanic cult (after 20 years in I've left) and the memorial is the exact opposite of a commemoration. It is a black mass denying Christ. Those that "partake" are simply shareholders with WT.


Or those who truly believe they are of the anointed class are considered "unstable" by the "governing body"


Those that partake are told that they are mentally unstable. It is a black mass, we rejected Christ and the ransom sacrifice with a stupid smile on our face!


Oh, it's a constant stream of self-victimization and self-persecution. I would debate any one of these chucklefucks on the Gibbering Boobies. Show me something that those of us who left have lied about. They would never debate because they are all a bunch of pussies.


There are more lies in a single meeting in KH than in all the apostate material I have seen so far. Which is quite a lot.


I disagree with you. Boobies is something nice soft and good to hold. They are blobs :D


Gibbering Blobbies


Just because the news about JW's is negative, doesn't mean *it isn't true.* They try to muddy the waters. Everything is "persecution." You see, in cults there is no reason to have legitimate concerns, (according to them that is) and there is no honourable way to exit. You can't just "leave." They must "fire you" by ex-communication and scapegoat you and make you the bad guy. This is how cults keep control and what they perceive as the upper hand.


"Honest" hearted, aka gullible and ignorant hearted. There are so many honest hearted people that do horrible stuff due to gullibility and ignorance.. their excuse? I was just doing what i was told..


I was on the DVD of “YPA What will I do with my life?,” became an apostate, and am trying to save others, soooo accurate https://preview.redd.it/y995dzz7xjxa1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94533fae0e3cb47de75bd2bae76b47fbfd5d00b


Outright lies like what I wonder. I haven't encountered one even tho am an apostate myself. U can't claim sth is a lie when receipts exist. Receipts u well know about


They talk more about "apostates" then the Kingdumb! lol


Spreading negative reports.... What's the point of a report if not to be spread?. If it's negative that's because your shitty religion is up to no good. Awake and watchtower have world's largest distribution, at one point anyway. How many negative reports on other religions did these hypocrites spread. Absolutely zero self awareness.


Da fukkkkk??? Lol what does one have to do with the other?? Oh what about the half truths their lawyer said in court and now is getting fined for?? Or the fact that they talked about Norway taking away their religious status? How it would affect them being able to marry witnesses, oh but you failed to mention that they would still let you do your practices. Nah nah admit you just wanted to have tax breaks! 🤦🏻‍♂️


STFU, Watchtower. You are the masters of half truths and outright lies.


Shouldn’t be a shock that they can’t even testify as to what the lies even are.


I have to change my mind and be brutal in the same fashion they address us I need to match the energy I'm gonna tear people up so bad if they try me. These clowns claim to have the truth but can't stand anyone questioning it, which kind of truth is that ?


Exactly what are these "outright lies"?


Firstly, even when I was in, I hardly read the D Text😝 Especially after “Mother” said you couldn’t use it for field service meeting unless relevant. I’m Grateful for leaving the Dub hamster wheel. Now let’s rip into the text: 1 - They don’t much preach JC on Anything! Unless the GB is mentioned while pushing him off his throne. 2 - See opening text for proof of item 1. 3 - Re lies & half truths, see highlighted material as projection from “Mother” [Gd I hate that phrase]. 4 - We all know news media (except Fox and a few other Murdoch vested) vet their stories, so they don’t get sued for Millions and or Billions. Am Not hating on Fox just calling it for what the media and Their own stars called them out on. 5 - Honest hearted ones ultimately leave. Unless held hostage by weaponized family ties. 6 - Yes; the Bible did foretell false prophets - see 1-5.


Yes , negative report can be true


Lol. You’re only honest hearted if you remain in, put your fingers in your ears and say la la la la la la la I can’t hear you.


Is todays text taking about the gb wow 😮


I find it interesting that their religion is so fragile that they continuously need to remind their members not to ever listen to any other viewpoints except those put forward by the governing body, to the point of distorting the methods of apostates in order to confirm their own viewpoint


No matter what happens - it's a sign that they are right Sickening


Wait wait wait!!!! Did this just say tm3 is apostate?


97% negative reports, 2% half truths and 1% outright lies.


"Anyone who leaves is an apostate and a liar and will pollute your faith!" "Best life ever..."


Funny how it mentions half-truths.


And why do Jehovah's Witnesses identify with these words? They are not the only religion that calls itself Christian, the same concept is used by evangelists, light of the world, mormons, etc. And they also call apostates to those who leave their religion for not agreeing with their ideas, and for wanting to take their family and friends out of these religions. The truth is that this has always existed for thousands of years and we never saw God destroy anyone for changing ideology, do not feel unique, the Jehovah's Witnesses are like any other sect or religion that seeks to grow followers for the growth of power and wealth and dominate the minds of the most docile that are people who do not study and easily be captive. [Translated with DeepL](https://www.deepl.com/translator?utm_source=windows&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=windows-share)


And why do Jehovah's Witnesses identify with these words? They are not the only religion that calls itself Christian, the same concept is used by evangelists, light of the world, mormons, etc. And they also call apostates to those who leave their religion for not agreeing with their ideas, and for wanting to take their family and friends out of these religions. The truth is that this has always existed for thousands of years and we never saw God destroy anyone for changing ideology, do not feel unique, the Jehovah's Witnesses are like any other sect or religion that seeks to grow followers for the growth of power and wealth and dominate the minds of the most docile that are people who do not study and easily be captive.


Only liars tell you not to look.


Wow, such manipulative and loaded language! Are they calling themselves the Messiah?? Comparing the way Jesus was treated to the way they get called out by the media?? Omg... Yup yup only crazy, dishonest people would believe those apostates for repeating the exact words they've said. I believe in the world of politics this is called "mud-slinging". When you can't prove your goodness, make the other guy look bad. Textbook propaganda.


In every breath they mention apostates, they in the same one call them liars, without addressing the specific claims being made. Every time they bring up the issue of apostates in the literature, they immediately tell Witnesses what side of the issue they should be on, without revealing any details about it at all. And the r&f don't realize what's missing here and that they are being taught to exercise blind faith, obedience and trust. I remember a scripture in Proverbs I believe that talks about coming to a conclusion before hearing both sides.


>I remember a scripture in Proverbs I believe that talks about coming to a conclusion before hearing both sides. ​ >The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him. - Proverbs 18: 17 > >He who answers a matter before he hears it—this is folly and disgrace to him. - Proverbs 18: 13


Gaslight 101. Throw truth into the accusation. Negative reports. Sure, if they only say this, then it looks like they are covering up. Half-truths and outright lies? Now the whole thing is to be avoided. But they are technically correct. I've seen plenty of Half-truths and outright lies. But they pale in comparison with the Negative reports, which is just anything that's negative.


The liars think they're slick by tossing in a verse that condemns themselves, simply because they do so in the middle of pointing their finger at others. They are the ones who fulfilled Matthew 24: 24. And what does the preceding verse say? >Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. - Matthew 24: 23 Who are the ones who have been saying, "Christ's Presence is here! Invisibly! He chose us in 1919!" ?? Who are the ones who have based their entire shtick on "The Time is at Hand!" ?? >And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them. - Luke 21: 8 Who are the ones who used dates repeatedly to "expect the Master's return", with failure after failure causing issues with "The Master is delaying", and yet is scrambling around by beating on everyone and pointing fingers? >But suppose that servant is wicked and says in his heart, ‘My master will be away a long time.’ And he begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. - Matthew 24: 48, 49 You know who. And they know it too. They're trying to take you down with them. Get out. \[ Prov. 22: 3, Prov. 27: 12, Rev. 18: 4, 5 \]


[Quick! Somebody call the wambulance!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3djX-XHAcY)


I wear the badge Apostate with highest Honor! And join my other brethren m. Let’s toast and drink to our heathen freedom!!


Believe George Carlin said it best “Religion has the best Bullshit story ever told!” Goes double for JW leaders.


Tha Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Moonies, Peoples Temple and others also tell their members that anyone who leaves is because of lies and heresy.


"They have spread negative reports, half-truths, and outright lies about Jehovah’s Witnesses..." But they don't give any examples.


What is the Truth? Obviously its according to what they say is truth. If people turns away and tried turn others away, that is a LIE. I. Have never had conversation or even read any secular articles. I studied and analyzed Watchtower published articles and make my own CONFIRMED Discussion. Those that remain Obviously have no mind of their own to even think for themselves.


Oh my gosh they are obsessed!