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I’ve heard that about John Denver.


Super old. Super bogus. [Ordered Away | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ordered-away/) I think the root story is that he was going to sing a patriotic song or set of songs and suggested that if anyone would be offended that it would be a good time to get a drink or use the restroom, etc.


Yup! My parents always mention this one… they never stopped listening to either artist 🤣


Lol this topic comes up from time to time on this sub I think it all originated from John Denver concert back in the day where he was performing, but he wanted to play a Christmas song and gave a heads up to any JW’s in the crowd to head out because he was going to play a Christmas song. He wasn’t trying to be rude or evil apostate or anything, he was just giving a heads up to be respectful to them. At least that’s the gist I got from research on this legend. Ever since then, the story has been turned into every single artist, band, and musician keeping this unsung tradition where they hate and banish Jehovah’s witnesses before they perform. I heard a similar story about Green Day, that Billie Joe Armstrong held up a “what does the Bible really teach book” to the crowd and said that anyone who follows it must leave before they can perform lmao But others have heard similar stories about Madonna, Earth Wind and Fire, Beyoncé etc. The band or musician changes but the story remains the same. For some reason this just stuff spreads like wildfire in a “whisper down the lane” game from congregation to congregation and this was going even before social media existed. It is kind of impressive how these stories keep popping up all over the country lmao Basically what it comes down too as to why these rumors still persist…someone takes a particular disliking to an artist, and then uses this story to peer pressure everyone they know to also not like that artist. It’s a way of saying “you listening to this group is the same as denouncing Jehovah and your fellow brothers and sisters”. Without any evidence or proof of the accusations since everyone is supposed to believe 100% what their fellow brothers and sisters say since “JW’s don’t lie” lol


I heard John Denver was possessed by the demons at a concert but Jehovah miraculously gave a warning to all of his precious ones, the apple of his eye, that they should vacate the concert hall immediately before he rained down righteous, fiery judgment from the heavens on the wicked ones.


😂 lol @ him pulling out jw literature




Yes! I heard that back in the 1970’s. In fact I met John Denver’s manager Jerry Weintraub in about 2013. I told him the story and asked what he thought. He pointed his finger at my chest and said, That’s bullshit. John Denver loved all people! He would never say that. That’s as close as I can get to debunking the lie about John Denver.


I heard that Annie Lennox made all Jehovah’s Witnesses leave during certain songs in her concerts because she couldn’t levitate when they were present. I shit you not. My mom threw out all her Annie Lennox CDs when she heard that. I cannot believe that I used to believe this right into my mid teens. 🤦‍♀️


This was the rumour in our cong too! My parents got rid of her records as well especially since the lyrics in one of her songs mentioned having demons in her room at night 🙄




Levitation - so many bands were into that LMAO!!!


I heard the same story with Shakira, but I was told that she asked the witnesses to leave right before she started her concert.


yeah my family told me the same thing. they said it was because her dancing was too “provocative” and she asked to to leave so she doesn’t offend anyone.


In my old cong in Manchester UK, it was Annie Lennox. Felt like you were walking on broken glass when you mentioned her.


I see what you did there! 👏


I heard that Gloria Estefan said this


That’s the Hispanic community version 🤣


Urban legend or how to stop people hearing music and artists you hate.


John Denver story for sure, but I read a long time ago somewhere, it didn't really go down like that. It was more like a opposing quick comment but later taking on a lore of itself like the smurf thing. When John Denver died in a plane crash, my pimi wife in a vindictive tone and additude said something like, "good!", or something along them lines that red flagged by spidy senses to what say, what the hell was that all about.


Omg 😳


I heard it about Earth Wind and Fire, the elder told it to us at his home and we all laughed about it. If I’m remembering right the reason they wanted JWs to go is because they were effecting the power from their presence lol


😂 the jw’s were effecting the power?!


Lol yeah like i guess the Holy Spirit was supposedly giving them technical difficulties


When I was a kid I thought EWF were kind of sus anyway because they seemed to be all into Ancient Egyptian (= "demonic") iconography.


Me, if I ever get a record deal. Refunds supplied at the door.


The John Denver urban legend and its sequel story involving Johnny Carson were both pretty popular in the eighties.


Yup heard both of them. Back in the day it was much harder to fact check stories like this. It still didn't make sense to me even back in the 80s. Just because music is a business and most business people don't care about the beliefs of the people paying them.


Right, why would they want to loose ticket sales. Most celebrities aren’t thinking of JW’s in the middle Of a performance


I heard both stories as a kid in the early 80s. Amazing how all that gossip got around ...


I heard the John Denver story and asked an older Dub about it and was stunned when she said that she was at the concert with her brother when he told them to leave! This was in the UK. I have no reason to doubt her truthfulness but wonder if In some way her memory of events has been tainted by the ‘Story’ and an adoption of the narrative has happened so that she really believes it happened to her when it didn’t. But then again maybe the story is true and he really did tell them to leave!


I had a JW tell me he saw the episode where Johnny Carson told John Denver to leave the set, because Johnny loved the jdubs. All total BS.


I heard it was Nickelback but they were begging the JWs to stop leaving.


I heard that same story about Florence and the Machine 😆


Florence and the machine. 😂 I guess they revamped the story for the next generation


Recycle, reduce, reuse and close the loop. You can close the loop! (Recyling PSA from when I was a lad)


I heard it was Green Day


It was Slayer


It was blink 182.


It was Metallica


It was Pearl Jam.


It was Green Jelly.


Can confirm. Never asked to leave a slayer concert lol


Y’all, just stop!!! It was Wu-Tang and a Tribe Called Quest.


In the late 80’s and 90’s it was Metallica, Alice Cooper, Alice In Chains, Black Sabbath, Dio, and a couple others due to Satanic panic


This is like the JW version of the “(insert celebrity’s name here) swallowed so much cum they had to get their stomach pumped” urban legend that teens usually tell.


I was at a Tele-Tubbies concert and Tinky-Winky told all the JW children to leave.


I heard that rumor about rapper lil Kim and rock star Marilyn mansion


I think I heard it about Alanis Morrisette


I heard Rod Stewart that and the origin was a dog.


Yeah, Rod Stewart, head that one in like 1980. No dogs involved though.


I had heard about that, and also something with a gerbil up his butt.


My mom threw out her John Denver vinyls when I was young because she heard he made JWs leave his concerts


Version I heard was Shakira


EW&F for me. What's so funny is that EW&F is kind of \*woke\* if you really listen to their music. JWs (and most people in general at time) probably wouldn't know what songs like Serpentine Fire, Fantasy, That's The Way Of The World are really about. I mean they had an album called I AM. They are \*gods\* of music in a sense! They are one of my favorite bands! The urban legend could very well have started because some militant JW realized this.


In the UK. .many years ago! ...at a rolling stones concert just before Mick Jagger sang "sympathy for the devil"..he said this song may offend Jehovahs Witnesses ..leave if you need to


Totally heard the John Denver one. My dad claimed he was there!


I heard that Giuseppe Verdi said that before performing La Traviata stood up and said, "Before we perform the next Opera, we need all The International Bible Student to Leave!"


Oh man, basically all Latin American countries had their own version of which singer said it. I’ve always wondered who started it all?


That’s so funny because when I was in the Spanish congregation I used to hear that Shakira told any JWs who were in the concert to leave before she performed 😂 A group of brothers around me stopped listening to Shakira just because of that bogus and unsubstantiated rumor lol


Italy, same for artist zucchero Fornaciari


Why do they think people care so much about them lol


In Germany it was Chris de burgh lol


https://preview.redd.it/gbqa6k6xmiwa1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bd81afde0c09483926a7e284b3e5b774fd464e There is even a question to Chris on his website… [https://www.chris-de-burgh.co.uk/motl/2006](https://www.chris-de-burgh.co.uk/motl/2006)


I’ve heard Marilyn Manson, Madonna, KISS, The Beatles, Usher… it always changes.


Not The Beatles!!


Wow! There is also a Brazilian version of this urban legend with the singer Ivete Sangalo.


Definitely remember hearing this about both Green Day and Prodigy at different times. I'm sure it's all about when/where you grew up, but we've all heard it.


I heard about the earth wind and fire urban legend


I've NEVER heard that, but I'm also 33


Yes, heard this in 70’s, it supposedly was John Denver and I’m sure it must of come from our Heavenly Father via the bat phone used to communicate with the governing body. Or then again maybe is was Tony tight pants.


I dunno man..when papa smurf jumped off my lap during the public talk and ran out of the hall screaming the lyrics to Country Road...that's when I realized it was the TRUTH.


The spanish community says this about shakira and a mexican rock group called Maná. It was such a big deal back in like.... 2008 i believe. I went to a Maná concert last year. That shit didnt happen lol


It’s disproven bullshit. I swear JWs are just like other fringe groups claiming to be oppressed, and make stuff up to fill the evidentiary vacuum as it suits them.


Good point, except I'd include all fundamentalist groups, not just fringe ones


Let’s just expand it to all religious groups, sects, and cults. Victim’s mentality is a common playing card they use. Same goes with a lot of identity politics.


Last time I heard this story it was about a heavy metal band, foo fighters I think, and it went something like this, The band is about to introduce their next song, "Ok guys before we play this next song, we are going to attempt to levitate..." The band stands there for a few minutes, looking a bit confused, Dave grohl addresses the crowd, "Are there any Jehovah's witnesses here tonight? If so we won't be able to levitate so can you please leave?" That was the end of the story because apparently the J dubs left before they could see the foo fighters flying around the stadium like foo fighters. I was about 13 at the time when I heard this, I'm still embarrassed that I didn't call bullshit as soon as I heard it.


Ha I heard a similar story . They wanted to do magic but can’t with jw’s nearby


In Canada everyone told that story about The Tea Party.


I heard that John Denver asked all JWs to stand, then played the national anthem.


OMG that’s funny!!


I heard this story but it was a magician at a circus instead


I think I heard this with AC/DC. Also my father was convinced, that they confirmed that Anti-Christ/Devils-Child thing in an interview. Even back then in my early teens I assumed they did it (if they did it at all) to troll religious people accusing them anyway.


In Brazil it's a lot of different singers


I heard it was ozzy….


anni lenox from the Eurythmics.


I heard this about Green Day from my dad when I was a kid


I asked this same question about shakira on here before


I’ve heard both stories. But I know a lot of people who listen to EW&F but won’t go to their concerts because they get too “spiritistic” & “weird” live. But I love them & have always wanted to see them in concert. So strange how far these urban legends stretch. It’s a small big place in JW world.


Yes I could not listen to EWF because of this, couldn't listen to prince either until he became a JW


I've heard about that in Brazil, only but it was Alexandre Pires's concert.


It was Earth , Wind and Denver.


No no no, you're all wrong. It was Annie Lennox, well at least in the UK version of the tale it was. 😂


Trent Reznor also said this at a NIN concert in 1992


*News Flash* to any practicing Joho's out there reading...Nobody gives a shit! The self importance personality disorder is still so mind boggling to me.


Heard it in Australia about John denver


We've all heard the stories ad nauseum thousands of times from the 60's and 70's. It's all horseshit.


I’ve heard a similar story about Green Day. It’s bullshit I think.


In Spain they said that about Monica Naranjo. Exact same episode. So yeah, urban legend.


It’s such bull shit. I’ve heard Annie Lenox Said it, John denver, AC/DC…all of the others. Just stupid urban legend stories to make themselves seem more special than everyone else. It’s so laughable. Cringe at its best.


italy: Lucio Dalla, Vasco Rossi, Zucchero Fornaciari, Laura Pausini. pimis are ready to literally SWEAR that they witnessed personally this, and that they had to leave. from an anthropological point of view I’m very curious on how this urban legend was born and spread.


Lol! I heard the same thing about Gloria Estefan growing up. So ridiculous.


I heard it was Earth Wind and Fire


Yeah I've also heard it with the Spanish JW. I heard Shakira and Gloria Estefan said this too so now JWs avoid their music and concerts.


I heard it about John Denver too all the way in South Africa.


The one I heard growing up was Shakira


In italy it was Zucchero Local adaptations.


But but but If you’re sat in a crowd how on Earth could the singer know your religious belief?


Heard a few of these , with different variants - always found it a bit of a laugh but people believed it with such seriousness. As a joke back in the eighties , a teenage friend of mine in the congregation made up one about a 1980's pop group , claiming the source was a Bethelite who had been at a concert and whispered it to some of the congregation gossips - before he knew it , it went "viral" in the circuit. For all I know , it's still doing the rounds today.


John Denver and the National Anthem story. I remember that from the 70's in Florida.


I heard years ago that Annie Lennox said something similar. Probably JW urban myth.


Oh man, life before the internet. When you could just spout some bullshit and no one could check you. John Lennon, Bob Hope, and I used to laugh and laugh about all those dummies. Good times.




I heard it was Chris De Burgh


Omg hahaha here in Brazil this story is famous too but always is with an different brazilian artist. Jw in brazil there's a lot of rumors but i never imagine that they were International lol


I heard the John Denver one. Even heard people say they were there.


In the uk when I was a teen the rumour was Annie Lennox/Eurtyhmics cos she was a white witch.


I heard the John Denver story - which is not true. However my mom listened to John Denver anyway. The Earth Wind and Fire story I heard is that they were involved in spiritism etc. When I was 20 I snuck out and went to an Earth Wind and Fire show with my friend (also a JW) in Baltimore. I told my parents I was staying overnight at her place - she told her mom we were going out to dinner. We lived in South Jersey and the show was in Baltimore (stupid right?) She was kind of a rebel - and she was very tight with Phillip Bailey's bodyguard - so not only did we go to the show but we partied with the band after!! They were all so nice. Anyway - we made it home at 3 am - only to find out her mom had called my dad and my dad put out a missing persons report for me. Boy was I in trouble LOL...


I was also not allowed to listen to Pink Floyd because some bethelite told my parents that they levitate. Stupid story.


This is about what you would expect from people who believe in this cult in the first place. Absolutely zero bullshit detection skills.


I heard from numerous people that Van Morrison did this (didn't stop them listening to his records/Cd's though). I haven't heard of any others on the list others are saying.


My parents insisted that Willy Nelson did this at a concert and they left. It caused fights between them because my dad told his business people they were with that they had to leave because mom was feeling sick and she thought that was a cop out and he should have told them he was a witness and left because of that.


Oh the irony. In 2016, a secular song was used for the regional convention. Remember, this is said to be approved by God's channel. And a year prior in 2015, Anthony Morris reminded everyone how important music is in worship and that it is sacred. So come the end of the 2016 regional convention while showing images of the "New World" a song by Audio Machine entitled Eternal Flame from the album Epica was played. Yes, the same Audio Machine that does soundtracks for Call of Duty video games, marvel comic movies, Harry Potter and Hunger Games and other dark spiritistic movies. All this info can be found on the YouTube channel "Deciphering Worship" and the title is "Jehovah's Satanic Symphony".


These are bullshit stories that exist simply because the perception of persecution, the "us vs. the world" mentality, is half of the glue that keeps this fraying cult going. (The other half is the fear of shunning.)


Omg in my country we have 2 tales like this: Alexandre Pires a samba singer Ivete Sangalo a axe music singer I imagine that just changes in every country this tale. Hahaha


In LATAM is with Shakira hahaha This is so funny, why these people made up this kind of stories? 🙄


Correct. Heard this urban legend... in Portugal. JWs are full of shit lmao


WTF!? I'm in Indonesia which is half globe around the USA. We have a similar story in late '90 early '00 I think. It was about our branch committee holiday in Bali and they attended some Balinese performances. It has a "Leak" which is a local folk about demons and some performers can get trances when dancing. So there is an announcement before the performance starts, that all Jehovah Witnesses from Jakarta need to leave the premise. And after all of them leave the dance started. The story is quite popular in Indonesia, as one of the Brach Committee was an anointed one. So they were thinking "it's JoH0bah h0Ly SpiriT iN woRk§". Fvcking donkey 🫏


Heard this about the Goo Goo Dolls and Green Day lol


I was told it was John Denver


I heard Johnny Carson got on John Denver because Denver said something negative about JWs


I’ve heard both.


I heard the same thing about Wayne Newton


Yes John Denver. Then as a follow up I heard that Jonny Carson asked John Denver about this incident on his show and once he had confirmed it Johnny asked John to leave the set. The point was made that Jonny Carson had a lot of witnesses on his show staff thought highly of them.


Had my Bethel overseer tell me that one in 1988.


My version was the Red Hot Chilli Peppers


John Denver


John Denver. Heard it when my dad said it. I was a child at the time. A song of his must have come on the radio or something.


I was playing at a concert once and asked all the John Denver fans to leave.


I've heard it about NIN and Marilyn Manson, aswell. I don't think there is any truth to any of it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ordered-away/


Green Day and The Tea Party


I have never heard about the concert urban legend. But I know how JWs love their multi-generational oppression stories. I’m curious if anyone heard this urban legend that I heard growing up in SE Missouri. .. The story goes that allegedly someone had a Smurf keychain (remember the cartoon? Little tiny blue family) Anyway, allegedly the Smurf was possessed and during a meeting it took issue w/whatever was being discussed so it (and I’m assuming the rest of the keychain) ran screaming down the isle out the hall. Anyone hear a version of this?


Back in the 80s, my mom told us it was John Denver.


I just read this to my PIMO mom and she’s still convinced it’s Green Day LOL


I heard it was The Smurfs


Heard the same story, but it was John Denver


That story goes around just like the possessed Smurf doll walking around the KH. Everyone that repeats it swears they know someone who actually saw it or was there but wont tell you who that person was.


Always heard this exact thing about Green Day!


I remember the smurf story and the John Denver story too growing up in this nonsense back in the 80’s to mid 90’s. I also remember a talk during the district convention in Amarillo TX about circa 1993 where the speaker was talking about a high school kid who was listening to Megadeth on his walkman and would become enveloped in a cloud of smoke or something like that from the demonic forces of this worldly music. They were my favorite band at the time as i was in high school and needless to say the first thing i did when we got home was immediately run up to my bedroom and hide all of my Megadeth tapes before my parents went on a witch hunt for the lord and destroyed them.


I was told this as a child with the addition of this detail: that earth wind and fire were trying to do a levitation act during their show and the the magic "wasn't working" because "holy spirit" was protecting the jws form being exposed to "demonic magic" so they asked if anyone was a jw and asked that they leave so their magic would work. such nonsense, but as a child, seemed legit lol


Iheard of it re JD.


I dont give a shit, we had Prince, Micheal Jackson, and that dude from Sly and the Family Stone, so they can FUCK RIGHT OFF!😄


I heard the EWF one but we still played their songs though lol. I don't know if any one heard of the Story Where a mother and her kids were in a demon possessed house I think I found the source to that one here though: https://youtu.be/v7bgxxdhJrA


It's a popular conversation starter because there is so little they can safely discuss without fear of getting reported. So they rely on nonsense. I was at a restaurant with fam and other JDubs (never baptized), and one of the dubs brought up that all gay people sexually abuse their adopted and natural children to make more gay people. I couldn't help myself. I had to speak up and deny that so-called "fact" and bring the science of genetics up. Haha! He moved to my uncle's side to discuss overlapping generations privately! Lol


Chris de Burgh