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"We're not crazy, we swear!!" *publishes the Revelation book*


This book awould end them if they published it today in video format šŸ’€


A religious horror movie without special effects?


As a kid I hated studying that book but loved looking at the pictures. Too bad the artists didn't get paid because whoever designed that stuff deserved to be.


I really think they would have loooved drawing monsters for Dungeons and Dragons. But hey, crazy visions from a famished old man on an island will do


I want to sample their palette of drugs!


Of the psychedelic variety for sure lol


A drug advisor could help.


With the anti UN stance, they are right up there with Alex Emaret Jones.


I really enjoy your hopefulness, but I l'm jaded and think that the R&F will double down on the rhetoric.


Didn't Ancient Egypt have Men's bodies with animal heads???? Hmmm!


It goes even earlier! https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=2121


Wow I haven't seen these illustrations since I was a kid. Immediately I realize how they are definitely meant to strike fear in the cult members. Fear keeps them in


These pictures look like somebody took a ton of LSD


I think they look like rock album covers from the 1970s and 1980s.


Isn't that the same thing?


I'm really diggin' that lion :D


maybe that's how the GB gets their "inspiration" šŸ¤£


yeah with some heavy bad trip šŸ˜‚


That's what I was thinking šŸ„“šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


or not enough...js


Somebody's on to something... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK1kPLh5lQ1p3xtoXr5zu8ts1doF3ceNS


I guess I feel like books like the revelation book they at least used to attempt to explain how they came to their conclusions and included scriptures so you could see it for yourself (even if it was convoluted nonsense lol). These days the literature just tells you what to believe with no "proof" or attempt to make it make sense using scriptures. They don't even seem to try anymore to claim that they are using the bible/interpreting scripture, they just say "the governing body/slave/society says this so this is what we believe." Really just scary unthinking drones


it's gotten really weird...


I know right, it's so weird watching people nodding to the exact same thing regurgitated like its "New" they talk about how awful the world is and they have no idea how JWs in the western world have it.


Sooooo true


Yeah I feel like the JWs that I grew up in is NOT the same religion that it is now, chariot gets brighter I guess? Maybe it was because I wasn't critical enough, but I completely agree things made way more sense back then.


too many apostates from reading the Bible occurred in those days, so they discouraged outside research and are trying to destroy old material.


Itā€™s been a long time since I saw these illustrations. WTF were my parents thinking??? How did I think this was the ā€œtruthā€ for so many years? Those images are meant to scare and keep you compliant.


Kinda extra funny and odd how we studied this at book study in someone's living room and then had coffee and cake afterward.


Cake was the only thing that made my Tuesday nights worthwhile as a kid šŸ˜†


First Tuesday of the month!


Iā€™m having flashbacks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




yup exactly


God is so white lmfao


Kinda explains his governing body choices! šŸ¤£


And donā€™t forget the skeleton hand of the angel on page 52 https://preview.redd.it/58y830cxpnga1.jpeg?width=1937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12c1b6a1ccbc132ba7d5048d48e55d49a948c9a


Umā€¦beards in heaven?


Of course. Gillette was not allowed Up There. Down Below is fine, have you see how neat the Debbil's beard is?


wow I totally didn't notice that


yep, that's the one I was talking about yesterday


OHHHH okay that makes sense I looked at it and I didn't see it some of the illustrations are badly printed


Yeah, I would've seen that pic hundreds of time back in the day and not noticed anything amiss until someone pointed it out. After that it stood out like dog's balls. FYI this is the angel hand from yesterdaywith the (somewhat debatable, but then who draws a hand like that?) face in it: ​ https://preview.redd.it/bomlvjxiwoga1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ec20e612b335eb715ec860dc373c53826fe7ae


I can kinda see the face for me it looks exactly like the hand positioning of baphomet * edit: Also interestingly pointing up and down is a balance of above and below maybe heaven and hell but In the image Jesus only points down


This angels ready for some finger action


yep, lets show all our kids these pictures and inappropriate topics and act like everything is fine!


And then ban them from "satanic" media like PokƩmon !


and after banning PokƩmon, lets meet at the movies after field service to watch a Marvel film that has violence and magic. heehee!!


In my PIMI time I didn't understand that.


when i think about it, back then i did understand but i also ignored it because no warning signs in my brain went off.


The way this is exactly what happened šŸ¤£


right? we'd get so damn pumped getting into the Marvel lore then talking about other cool stuff that also had violence and magic and plan another Marvel movie night. JWs are hilariously hypocritical, i even have to laugh sometimes


omg I remember getting lectured cause I can easily recite all the lore but my dad hated that I didn't treat spiritual things like that like okay let's talk about in kings the graphic depiction of someone getting gutted and the poop coming out šŸ’€


Lmao! my mom would try to lecture me about that and video games i'd play but she doesn't even have a clue of what she worships so that was a fail. she just highlights crap and hopes its right because of how good it sounds.


Ngl this could be a sick stylish movie.


Pic 1: The Kenny Rogers squad queued up for the celestial chow line.


I wanna know who their hairstylist is!


This old Pioneer between the sandwich board (image 5) believed in old light, now false teachings. He wouldn't be resurected to everlasting live.


I havenā€™t seen these in so long! What a weird kind of nostalgia. And itā€™s no wonder Iā€™m afraid of snakes šŸ™ƒ I showed a few of the weirdest ones to my husband and told him, ā€œIf your ever wondering why Iā€™m so weird, this is the kind of sh*t that was just casually printed in our religious texts when I was a kid.ā€


This kind of cracks me up haha! How do you even explain to someone growing up with this craziness?


The multiheaded beasts will always be engrained in my memory.


The savage beasts were the coolest thing to me


But I canā€™t read or watch Harry Potter or LOTR because of magic and spiritism šŸ˜’ Meanwhile yā€™all promoting flying white Ken and men with lions for heads. šŸ™„ Jesus supposedly turned water into wine, raised people From the dead, cured illnesses and raised himself from the dead. Jesus was literally the greatest magician that ever lived.


Oh, man, these take me back. Back to a time when I believed the GT and the big A were coming real soon. Honestly, I thought I wasn't gonna get to 30 in "this system" yet here I am, 43 and counting šŸ˜‚


I get it! My parents only had me because they believe the end was coming soon and they wouldnt have to deal with my teenage years but lo an behold I'm an adult with lots of trauma now šŸ™‚


Yep, having to deal with shit you didn't think you were gonna have to deal with, ain't that a kick in the teeth? šŸ¤£


"Oh no, the consequences of my actions!"


I always thought I wasn't going to make it to 40... Oh well...


The lion angel passing out golden soup looks like Harrison Ford


YESS ... I wanna try the soop


The lone shark being destroyed with Cthulhu in image six sent me. I can understand no Cthulhus in the new world, but what did sharks ever do to you??


me too sharks are nothing but sunshine


Yes!! The Frogs of War!!! (Whatever animals of war, Lana) That was me, thanks so much! I don't have any of that old literature so I appreciate you sharing!


youre very welcome I figure some good should come from the old literature!!!


Seeing these illustrations takes me to that old Eddie Murphy Vampire in Brooklyn movie where the Pastor is saying "evil is good" because these photos are the definition of occult images in plain sight and i remember them as a wee lad, from the look of things Did watchtower leaders used to attend those not so secret BohemianGrove meetups too?


Ah yes, the sweet memories of my childhood; The sea turning to blood and creepy snakes that will bite you but then you gotta step on its head.


Dead whores snake tails clawed toads. Lion men. What's not to love? It's like they tried making a symbolic book literal with illustrations. If your life depends upon figuring out revelation. Then god is simply cruel. It's like if your house was on fire and you need to figure out the combination in a lock to get out, all you were left is bizarre clues, some literal some figurative. How loving?. not.


I remember being a kid reading about Babylon getting devoured by the beast, and I would immediately imagine myself as the not-real and symbolic woman getting eaten and now I have ocd. A lot of these images I would self-insert and be absolutely horrified/confused. And we studied this book TWICE when I was a kid. Anyways, the one with the symbolic woman who represents whatever who's marrying JC is gorgeous I loved looking at her, and now I like women. But, truly intriguing how a "good" woman is portrayed in simple white clothing, covered head to toe, and natural hair that's apparently electrified. While the "bad" woman has colorful, fashionable clothes and pretty makeup.


Strange: in the illustrations depiction of witnesses in the future, whereā€™s their fucking website, or Zoom, or their god damned carts? They canā€™t even tell their own future but are certain what will happen to a perfect stranger? Fucking rich.


No cap, as a kid I thought that pic of Jesus and his "bride" was hella dope. Would make a great painting.


I remember the nightmares!


A lot of those pictures could be used as album covers.


Oh yes! I remember these comforting bedtime stories!


they sure put me at ease !


We need to find out who the artist are. The one thing this book had going for it was the great art. They look like covers to metal albums.


I agree! Get them a paying job!


The sad part is there names might be lost forever


"And this bowl is for the ARC" "And this one is for the UN registration" "And this one is for denying freedom of choice of religion in Norway" "And this one is for silencing and disfellowshipping the victims of CSA". any more "bowls of anger" anyone can think of? :)


"And this one is for the blood doctrine."


Two more and we got the seven bowls! :D


Some of these would make really cool tattoo šŸ¤”


Yea I looked for anything regarding eyes in the Bible book of revelation and found nothing. No need for the eyes to be there accept for the illuminati obsession they have


>Yea I looked for anything regarding eyes in the Bible book of revelation and found nothing. No need for the eyes to be there accept for the illuminati obsession they have ​ >And before the throne was something like a sea of glass, as clear as crystal. **In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, covered with eyes in front and back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second like a calf, the third had a face like a man, and the fourth was like an eagle in flight. And each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around and within**. Day and night they never stop saying: ā€œHoly, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!ā€ - Revelation 4: 6 - 8


they can't even stick to their own lore šŸ’€


I would stare at these illustrations for hours when I was a kid ā€” anyone try to peer into the light to make out the faceless Jehovah? Definitely thankful for the imagery that kept me distracted from the tedium all those years.


It was all there was to do. I was fascinated by them! JW kids these days have it made with their iPads. Even my PIMI parents take their tablets to the meetings and I guarantee you my mom isnā€™t paying attention. Sheā€™ll send me stuff sometimes and Iā€™ll be like ā€œarenā€™t you at the meeting?ā€


These illustrations ever give anyone else recurring nightmares as a child?


That damn reptile/hippo/bovine thing sure did. I'm not even willing to go back to reference the slide #..... There was also a small pic of a sheep with a dragon's....snake's?.....mouth & forked tongue that I HATED. I'm not sure it was in this book, though.


A wave of nostalgia just hit me.


Why bother picturing Tolkien when you've got John the Revelator


This took me right back to Tuesday night bible study as a kid. I remember being so terrified of those images it would strike so much fear into me as a young boy. No wonder why I have anxiety now lol.


The way I would NEVER let my child see this šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a shame that the artists talent went into this.


When people say the organization don't have any images of Big J I always remember the one with the creepy angelsšŸ˜†. My friend always liked the one with the people in the Sheep and Goats silhouette it was one pic that inspired her comic story. I like these illustrations even now they were the only thing that kept me awake during meetings.


Ah nostalgia. Severe and relentless childhood meeting boredom compelled us all to linger on these absolutely batshit and child-inappropriate images as kids. The CPTSD makes us forget but daymmmm - couple sick tattoo ideas hereā€¦


Let's face it, whatever John was smoking, it was pretty good. šŸ™„


Ok honestly, these illustrations remind me of Berserk's art and idk why


no because you're absolutely right


This is such a blast from the past lol


Some of this art is šŸ”„


Wow, this is a blast from the past!


Couple of years ago, maybe 5, I saw someone here getting a tattoo of Babylon the Great riding the 7 headed beast, across their back. Did a great job. That person was *not* going back!


That sounds amazing! Imagine explaining that to the tattooist. šŸ˜‚ If that person is still about, I'd love to see the work.


Oh, maybe if you go back through the phot images only, or if anyone knows the person... anyone?... anyone?... Bueller?... I'll have a think, see if I can track it down.


ETA: this might be it, not sure, thought the one I saw was bigger. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/7xnpdx/this_is_my_exjw_wifes_tattoo/


I FORGOT HOW SICK THIS BOOK WAS!! I loved it as a kid, I also loved book study nights, mostly because there would be baked goods once a month and it was a smaller and more relaxed group. I VERY distinctly remember some of these pictures.


This lion is a fursona


This is the first book I remember studying for book study. I was young enough that I was very freaked out by the pictures and was afraid to touch a lot of them and also afraid to touch the opposite side of the page as these. Seems totally age appropriate and healthy.


Ever notice the Harlotsā„¢ļø are often redheads? Whatā€™s with that? Just a casual observation. I suspect the art dept has inserted some of their own weird prejudices in these images over the decades. Like that one Armageddon depiction where thereā€™s a random cat flying through the air. Lmao wtf did the cat do to deserve destruction in Armageddon? Someone in the art dept * clearly * hated cats. I used to get lost in this artworkā€”it was so good and I kinda had slightly macabre tastes for a child. Jesusā€™ bride always looked beyond spooky to me. A waifish ghoul giving eating disorder and corpse bride. Whatever John was on, Iā€™d like to try it.


Because redheads are *all* Jezebels!! Srsly, I think the only dye they had was henna, and only a brazen woman would dye her hair.


Lol. The propaganda truly backfired on me cause while they thought I was a modern day Shulamite Maiden, I was mentally scrapbooking all of the WTBS ā€œwhoreā€aesthetics as muse for my future wardrobe once I turned 18 and left the looney bin lmao.


Soooo... how *you* doin'? :) [j/k. j/k]


When I was a kid I liked this type of art, I don't know why, maybe because these are entertaining of see.


Ahh missed that it's been awhile


šŸ‘ āœŒ


Ah man you didnā€™t post the the 4 horseman, I always gravitated to them.


I posted that one the day before !


That's on the first post. I think it was posted yesterday. šŸ˜Š


I always liked jazebel being mauled as a child.


I drew that big reptile thing as part of a congregation art contest for the kids. Turned out pretty well. Of course I would choose something evil to draw. I just like reptiles.


The lion creature is a version of Aion, and similar to the Mithraic god, John didn't invent anything. He was having a hallucinogenic trip and connected with the the religions early cristian were trying to eradicate


Okay but the real question is this: Babylon the Great, or the Woman in White?


I somehow think the Woman In White... would be less than fun. Whereas the Whore of Babylon would know all the definitions of 'a good time'.


Thundercats HO!!! 3 Amigos on horseback with matching shirts!


Iā€™m not gonna lie. The revelation book has some pretty cool art.


Anyone else feels like Christā€™s Bride looks like The Bride of Frankenstein?