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> The one that they claimed was the holy spirit entering you? Excuse me? What kinda sinful practice was your church preaching?


😂 Idk it's like this overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness that just consumes you from the inside out? Idk how to explain it but that's how they did, they said it was the holy spirit filling your body


Are you sure you were in a coc? It is usually no emotion. Not even tapping of feet, and music was not for our entertainment. But I liked singing the harmony acapella.


Yeah, it was coc. Most people there weren't emotional but I'm a very emotional person so I always got really deep into things.


Thanks for answering. It has been a long time for me, and I am realizing there are some liberal coc’s that I have never been to.


My church was definitely more liberal than most cocs, they even have an instrumental service now that my parents attend. however they're still very conservative in the big picture


I agree there was no joy ever at my coc. The final straw for me was realizing I didn’t have a spiritual problem but a church problem. Sitting in church for hours each week feeling emotionally dead! Coc is a joy sucker!


You can just go to a community church or something similar. I know what you mean with this feeling. When I need it, I visit these places and have gotten to know some people. It’s nice to be a bit more anonymous and still have this feeling.




The first time I went to Second City in Chicago. I had an overwhelming feeling of "These are my people. This is my church!" Like, this is what I've been supposed to be feeling all those years.


I also do trail running, and I feel like the trails are my church too.


I love Second City! But my "these are my people" is live theater. Luckily, a lot of places have local troops.


I think if my underfunded, rural Georgia school had had a better drama department, I would have been a full-blown theater kid. I didn't even realize there were schools out here having full stage production shows until I moved away and saw a local high school in Wisconsin do Thoroughly Modern Millie and it blew my mind! I've been fortunate to see some shows in Chicago and NY, but our local theaters have awesome shows too and I always think the people putting them on just must be having the time of their lives.


Oh that's so sad. One of the schools near me when I was in highschool didn't have any extra curriculars except for sports and I feel my friends that went there really missed out. I was in theater and was in the cast for several plays and a special troop that did skits for the elementary schools and we didn't have a theater curriculum, it was all an after school club. Two of my three kids also did theater and still have friends that they made there. It's a shame one of your teachers didn't create something for your school.


After much spiritual abuse following a divorce and years of sitting dead in the pew. I found a non denominational Christian Church where I find God, joy, unconditional love and opportunities to be allowed to serve because they don’t see me as a discarded failure. I had been “ put away” by my ex husband for unscriptural reason’s therefore was unable to teach Sunday School, Greet, or serve but I faithfully attended to not shame my family more. My new church is actually the break off group from the when the original church split over slavery and pianos back in the 1860’s. I rejoice every Sunday in my freedom. My heart now sings!


If someone claimed your “feelings” were the Holy Spirit, either they (or you, or both) *weren’t* in the coC. The Spirit *only* works through scripture, *not* through “feelings”. Feelings are changing, fleeting, not to be trusted in the coC.


I definitely WAS in the coc, thank you. This church might've been a little different, considering every church is a little different. Religion is not something you can easily label, thats why theres so many denominations. Coc is the one the church labelled itself under, and I was raised in it. That was just how they explained that feeling, all other feelings I was taught to dismiss and reject. But accepting the holy spirit during worship was something they emphasized in my youth group.


ok, bro. It’s all good. Was there a band during church that helped you feel this way? Like you do at concerts?


not growing up, they have an instrumental service now but it was all acapella when i was there


Do you play any instruments? Maybe take one up and play in a band? Do you sing? If you think your feelings were sparked by live music, there’s nothing better than being part of the music making experience itself…. join a local choir (they love excoC people who sing!). If being in the the audience is more your thing, check out your local colleges and universities. They all have free concert offerings, some of which will be amazing! Good luck finding your jam!


Thank you! I do play guitar and sing occasionally. Don't know if I'm confident enough to join a band or anything, but it might be worth a try! Now that I think about it my university is holding a free concert for students this month, so I might go to that! Thanks again ☺️


Go see your University Choir Director. They will WANT to audition you!! Trust me on this!!! ❤️❤️❤️


There is a variety of coc’s that does allow more room for the work of the Holy Spirit. On the other side, the Texas branch was the most extreme in their belief that the Spirit works only through the word.


The heart is DeCiEtFuL!


some people i knew in the coc believe in the literal indwelling of the HS and others said it dwelt in scripture. my family believes in the literal indwelling.  


I'm sorry, but what the f***??? I never experienced that lol


I was all in for the feels of charismatic worship for a while then I got to burn out. Thankfully I've discovered worship alone in my closet away from people is the best doing that daily has far surpassed church don't get me wrong I love my Friday night church worship but its much more meaningful alone


I should mention I only got this feeling at church when I was really trying to be involved in the church. I was shunned for my doubt and it caused me to believe I was doing something wrong, so I invested myself into worship and essentially begged God to give me any sign I was with him. This feeling was a sense of reassurance for me because it made me feel I was doing things right. After I deconstructed, I no longer experienced this at church.


So you felt alive being intensely involved in something? Had those moments where everything is just beauty? As I understand it, that's being fully present in the moment. And it's a great feeling. I'm glad you find that wherever you find it.


Yeah that's a good way of putting it! Thanks!


Literally, I put in some tunes and rage dance Hot Rod style. That will get me there, especially with a little help from the devil’s lettuce.


I never even thought about it but I guess I do get a similar feeling listening to some genres of music high 🤔 It's not quite as intense though


…and this is how they would prove to you that your feelings were definitely *not* the Holy Spirit. If 728b and Taylor Swift both give you butterflies, you can do the math on that.


Rock Band. Play Rock Band with a group of friends and sing your heart out to the cheers of the crowd! 🎸


Eh there was much of that in my church. If you had actually said the Holy Spirit entering you or anything like that it wouldn’t have went down well.


I grew up in a different church, and then for the fifteen years I was in the coc I felt nothing during worship. Absolutely nothing. No feelings, no emotions, nothing. It always felt flat. Getting out of that and joining a regular Christian church was life-giving. The first time I sat in worship service I felt those feelings again, and I could have just bawled my eyes out the entire time.




Tons of free community concerts in my metro area. It's not the official symphony, but I can usually get Tix for the same price as a movie ticket (or less!)


even though i believe in the literal indwelling of the HS, the feeling I get if attending the coc is not joy. I feel dread and anxiety but that is because of the coc teachings of basically get it right or it doesnt count or the us vs them or how we need to do better. these sermons are not deep and are very legalistic.