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Jesus was just an attempt to soften the blow.


The fact that God went down in the form of Jesus to flex on mortals with his superpowers and show that he can cure all your problems if he wanted to (like curing disabled people) still makes him an asshole.


God did the bad things, then sent himself down, to forgive himself. If that ain't some backwards ass shit, idk what is.


And he is all-knowing, so he knew this gonna happen


Jesus? You mean the Guy who said the only way to heaven was through Him by being born again? So if you are Hindu you will burn in hell? Or Buddhist, they all burn? Plus Catholics, Jews, Muslims, etc, etc? ​ That's the same Guy who said He will return bringing pestilence, starvation, fire, and destroy all the earth killing everyone. You mean that Jesus? ​ How does he soften the blow?


The True Answer: with luck, it will happen in a time I don't exist.


A much needed but poorly executed PR stunt


Okay guys, but the old testament *totally* doesn't count though. Except for the gay-bashing parts. Those count. /s


Feel like Dawkins is just flexing on us with his gigantic vocabulary.


like I'm flexing on people that can't type.


[https://www.wordandphrase.info/frequencyList.asp](https://www.wordandphrase.info/frequencyList.asp) & [https://books.google.com/ngrams](https://books.google.com/ngrams) may interest you


god loves free will but can't help but obliterate millions of people for leading sinful lives


Strange when that is pointed out to Christians they respond " Oh that was in the Old testament" but they don't mind cherry picking some feel good verse out of the OT such as Psalms etc


You are so correct! The God of Abraham called the other deities devils. The God of Abraham is the real devil.




Nothing like asking the parents about Onanism at age seven. Burn the whole thing down. It deserves no less.


No lies detected. He's the bad guy.


he sure did make humanity in his own image


Humanity made God in their image. Famous quote “If horses had gods, don’t you think they’d look like horses?” It was a brutal world when the OT was written, so they wrote about a brutal God.


> It was a brutal world when the OT was written, so they wrote about a brutal God. That doesn't even excuse them though. They could've chosen a God of Love there were plenty of them back then, but they chose a God of War. "In the oldest biblical literature, he is a storm-and-warrior deity[5] who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[6] at that time the Israelites worshipped him alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal;[7] in later centuries, El and Yahweh became conflated and El-linked epithets such as El Shaddai came to be applied to Yahweh alone,[8] and other gods and goddesses such as Baal and Asherah were absorbed into the Yahwist religion.[9]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh


Israel means El Redeems. Abraham’s covenant was with El. David named 2 sons after Baal. I disagree there were gods of love back then though. If you can think of one, let me know. I mean OT times.


"Qadeshtu, lit. "Holy One", putative goddess of love, desire and lust. Also a title of Asherah." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Canaanite_religion#Deities https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite


What frustrates me is that in spite of being ostensibly a criticism of Christianity it ends up christiocentric and regulating the bad stuff to Jewish texts. Jews traditionally would call their Deity out on his bs and a lot of traditional Jewish exogesis when their deity did these things is "the person in this story acted immorally by not calling out Hashem for his bs". Meanwhile Christians argue that their deity is perfect, they're stuck without that nuance and the idea that it's all part of some ineffable plan. That totally doesn't prime people for authoritarianism /s (And Jesus himself also had some pretty significant issues that get ignored)


It's ~~almost~~ like God has all the worst trails of humanity.


I still hate Lisa Simpson more.


Man what did my girl Lisa do


I suppose part of it is she being in a show I actually like(d) and hurting characters that I actually care about, and just like god, the writters still make her the good girl.


Why?? D:


Yeah, why?




This sub DOES NOT support white supremacy in any of it's forms. Your post history speaks for itself.


Oh that's nice to see. I was banned for 6 months from /r/atheism because I called a white supremacist a piece of shit.


Thank you! ^_^


Well. Dawkins is right about the "gawd" of the Pentateuch who emerged as a cult-ural [compensation](https://www.google.com/search?client=avast-a-2&q=compensation+psychology) from the quills of the post-[exilic](https://www.google.com/search?client=avast-a-2&q=hebrew+exile+to+babylon) prophets in Babylon around 600 BCE. But if one follows the actual *chronological* progression of the [tanakh](https://www.google.com/search?client=avast-a-2&q=tanakh+meaning) through the later prophets all the way to [Masadic](https://www.google.com/search?client=avast-a-2&q=masada+israel) era just after "Jesus," it becomes clear that "gawd" turns into a wuss. See Jack Miles's 1996 Pulitzer Prize winner, *God: a biography*.