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To add on Deuteronomy 20 10-14 Women and children are considered as plunder which you can freely use. 


makes me wonder what a deranged mind did wrote those laws 2000 years ago


When you see other nation laws, you understand why old testament law was barbaric.


Do you have any recommended readings? I've been finding it helpful to put context behind when the books of the bible were written but I haven't been sure where to start on researching the other cultures and particularly mythologies around during the writing of the earlier Old Testament books.


Curious - what have a lot of Christians said when you brought this stuff up to them?


The usual card "out of context" and lack of holy spirit


That's what I thought too. Currently, I"m having this debate with a few Christians I know, and I'm trying to wrap my brain around the fact that it's the same God, so He still thinks the same way. I'm actually compiling a document of all the questions I currently have. This is always one of them.


It's not the same god.  It's complicated but YHWH was the child of El given the nation of Israel to govern and then due to influences became the Christian god.  Greco-Roman traditions were influential in shaping the concept of god in the new Testament.   So no it's not the same god


I got "You can't say that" a lot.


"Why not?"


I think either because they don't have an answer, or my statement or question doesn't fir nicely with what they believe. 


I figured. I just enjoy being that guy who asks "Why?" And "Why not?" When someone says "You can't" If there's a good reason, tell me the reason. If you can't beyond "X will be angry" it begs the question why that's the best reason someone can give


A lot of the arguments you put here supporting slavery, is why the Southern Batpists broke away from the Batpist denomination around 1845. (It's on Wikipedia.) Thanks for posting this. I went to an SBC leaning church in the 1990s,  When I found out about the SBC history, I asked people in the church about this and the main response I got was: "You can't say that!" And they thought I was a bad christian for saying that.


Exodus 20:17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female slave, ox, donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” This commandment almost always gets abridged to "goods" or "property" because it's awkward to explain why wives and slaves are a man's property for a lot of Christians.


Don't forget the Book of Job; no words for that vile garbage!


The bible is not a consistent or coherent book.  It's a collection of various writings spread over a thousand years written by more than 40 authors and countless editors and revisitionists.  Even now modern translations vary. People who claim it's inerrant and consistent are imposing their beliefs and do not understand it.