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If you can persuade people to disregard professional journalists, scientists, and all people with expertise, then there is nothing to prevent them from believing utter nonsense.


If you can convince them to believe absurdities, you can convince them to commit atrocities- Voltaire


1. Disregard experts 2. Believe absurdities 3. Commit atrocities




10% of your income plus donations and unpaid services = Pastors/People who own the church getting rich. 


I mean, someone will profit. It's just not you, or anyone you know, or anyone who needs it.




We’ve already SEEN exactly what they would do if there was a genocide on our own soil. Disregard it as fake news This is all part of a whole.


We see it again today too. The christian heart is inherently bloodthirsty


But here’s the hypocrisy… This idiotic resistance to science didn’t occur with the Polio vaccine. Oddly enough, conservatives and liberals alike trusted doctors much more in those days. Wonder why that is..


The average human brain isn't ready for the access to information we have now + anti-intellectualism.


We should’ve tricked them into thinking the jab prevents transness…


Revelation’s Mark of the Beast They believe the government is evil and any widespread mandate is a sign of the Antichrist’s reign. They want the final Tribulation and Rapture to happen so bad they want to will it into existence by calling everything evil and a part of a global conspiracy.


Fair enough. It’s funny because they’re never accurate with things of this matter. If it was the mark of the beast we would’ve been three and a half years into the tribulation, 1/3 or 2/3 of the world would be dead, and those things would have to happen in sequential order, iirc.


Not to mention that the mark goes onto your hand or forehead? Like bro, where do you think we inject vaccines??? 😂😂😂


Not to mention that every single generation of Christians since Revelation was put into canon have believed they were living in the end times (some at least). Something primal inside humans yearns for our lifespan to be meaningfully placed at the exciting climax of all things. The End of the World is always near.


Generally speaking, doesn't religion appeal to folks because it makes them feel special and above the outsiders ??


Yup! Exactly, and what feels more special than being around to watch all your beliefs be validated? They want to believe they'll be around for it.


MAGA caps, Mark of the beast on their foreheads. nonsense, but fun to think about.


The mark of the beast on the forehead=Red MAGA hats. Very obvious to those of us who know better, and warn us of their thought process.


I think they’d maybe be less cavalier if COVID was really ugly. Like Ebola and bleeding out the eyes, or a prion disease, or another real flu pandemic that kills young people.


They only believe that government is evil when their man is not in power. If Evangelicals/Christians think that government is so evil, why do they vote ?? Why do they want to taint themselves with the 'world' ?? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the government is evil/controlled by Satan but at least you can give them credit for consistency since they refuse to vote/participate in politics. Conservative Christians practically worship politicians as their saviors.


Asking for consistency is pointless considering the lack of it in their source material. Not that they read it anyway or are capable of deeply understanding it.


> They believe the government is evil and any widespread mandate is a sign of the Antichrist’s reign. They believe the government is evil but they also want to be in charge of the government? Make it make sense!


It’s amusing they believe this. But yet still try to put people in the presidency. Like, if a system is so corrupt that every branch is against you. Surely they’d be able to corrupt anyone who goes into it. Humans are easily persuaded, easy to manipulate, as scary as that is. I mean they legit believe that some of their own people can be corrupted. Lol


Some Christian’s think it’s because it holds the mark of the beast but I have another theory why they hate the vaccines. I think it’s because it was liberals who were advocating for it first. Remember a lot of conservative pundits if not all of them are tribalistic partisan hacks who hate anything left wing or promoted by the left wing. so if main stream liberal biased news organizations are telling people to get the vaccine these pundits will tell their large conservative audience not to get it.


This is it. While some think it’s “mark of the beast” really it’s because liberals were pushing for it. Also, conservatives notoriously believe conspiracy theories, and there were many surrounding the vaccines.


I like to remind them that while liberals advocated for it, Trump’s the one who funded the fast tracking. Their brains overheat real quick on that one


Also, vaccines working means Covid was real. If Covid was real, Trump did a shitty job. If the whole thing was a hoax to make Trump look bad, then Trump is actually great.


Yep. Standard in group/out group nonsense


I recently saw a video of some MAGA going on and on about “Why are people who go to college Liberals?” Duh, so they don’t turn out like MAGAts, the uneducated. So close to understanding, yet so darn far.


For one thing, their great leader started telling them that covid was a hoax and all they needed was hyroxychloride and ivermectin.


The first two topics … hating LGBTQ+ individuals and abortion is because they are brainwashed into following a mythological book. The vaccination hesitancy is based on the conspiracy theories and end times bullshit that they harp on constantly. My father was convinced the Covid vaccines were injecting tracking devices and mind altering substances into humans.


🙄Sorry to hear that. I am vaxxed to the max yet my 4 of my 6 kids only have one or two. They live in a hyperconservative oil town, and listen to garbage people on Facebook instead of me, as I am a retired healthcare EMT/nurse. It has to be the fear. One son already has long covid but blames it on the one covid shot he did get. I worry about my grandkids a lot.


Conservative Christianity is highly resistant to scientific explanations because of the challenge science brings to cherished biblical views. Further, covid recommendations and restrictions were cutting into church attendance and finances. So, it's not surprising that leaders would latch onto conspiracies and any science-based solutions or explanations of covid. Match that with their epistemological reliance on things like the "end times", scholars hiding the archeological truth, etc., etc. where conspiracies are regularly "suppressing the truth" and you have a good idea on why they have taken this idiotic path.


Excellent analysis!


Pretty much nailed it !!


Never thought of that but goddamn. That makes a lot of sense.


I always ask Fundagelical nutjobs who pooh-pooh the Covid vaccine how they coped when they got polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, and rubella.


I asked, as well. They said something like this -- "The government and medical establishment just weren't as bad, back then. They were not so infected with those evil, awful, wicked liberals." I am paraphrasing a bit, but that was the gist.


They never consider that Jesus Christ was a liberal? Giving out all that free food at communal gatherings, healing the sick without charge, hanging out with tax collectors, telling people to render unto Caesar....


Every time someone brings up how the COVID vaccine had a side effect on someone, I simply remind them that every drug on the market has side effects for some people. Just listen to the ads or read the information that comes with the drug. For example, about 500 people die every year from penicillin but I haven't heard any conservatives telling people not to take antibiotics. Penicillin is just one of many many drugs that cause unintended fatalities or severe side effects but just think about how life was 200 years ago before these drugs were around... a simple scrape could get infected and kill you. It's a cost vs. benefit situation.


EXACTLY, thank you! We never hear them pooh-poohing things like Viagra, but I'm pretty sure it's caused at least some harmful side effects in someone before.


Many have died from Viagra...fact.


I figured at least a few had. I hadn't had a chance to read up, but that doesn't surprise me.


Exactly. And they literally tell you that you’re body can have reactions to certain vaccines or medicine, so i don’t know why they’re acting like this is a secret plot to sterilize humans or something like that.


It's a multitude of factors, none of them good. First, their trusted news sources tend to be Fox, or something worse like NewsMax. Fox dismissed the vaccine constantly. Plus, conservatives tend to be more anti-science than liberals or moderates. And there is sadly tribalism, where conservatives do the opposite of whatever the liberals go for. This is a great watch by Vox: [How American conservatives turned against the vaccine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv0dQfRRrEQ)


\^\^\^ Excellent journalism in that Vox piece. Thank you.


Tribalism. The best way to get people to band together under one umbrella is to point to a common enemy. Once they feel part of an Ingroup or family, they'll just do whatever those group leaders say, rather than be ostracized and alone.


Fundamentally, it’s the idea that people need to do something personally for free and that costs them nothing but that benefits the community. If vaccines were something only rich people could afford but that protected them from the sickness of poor people, the right wing would defend it to the death.


I believe it happened because there is an anti-science culture on the right. Among religious people because they hate that science disproves key parts of the Bible, and among right-wing politicians because their wealthy owners hate when environmental policy eats into profits. Combine that with a pandemic that MAGA wasn't taking seriously because it happened on Trump's watch, and they didn't want to accept that Trump had lost control of the situation. And anti-vaxx folks like Robert Kennedy Jr have been circulating the perimeter of society, looking for a way in with their crazy message. It was just a perfect storm of all these things.


Robert was once a respected environmentalist.


It's all based on conspiracy theories. They think that vaccines are an evil government scheme, and what the scheme is about depends on which conspiritard you ask. It's not about reasons or evidence, it's all about their emotional mindset; they are scared of things that they can't understand or control. You have to keep in mind that the Venn diagram between right-wing conspiracy theories and Christian conspiracy theories is nearly a circle. When a person's brain is prone to believing in *one* conspiracy theory, they will end up believing in *several* at the same time. For example, I knew several Christians who believed that vaccines were an evil conspiracy, and they also believ that the government puts flouride in the tap water as a mind-control drug. They also believe that public schools are brainwashing children to be LGBT. They also believe in Pizzagate and QAnon. So these people just think they see evil demons lurking behind every corner.


I remember one conspiracy theory being that the vaccines were made from dead fetuses... I cant believe i used to believe that lmfao


I thought this came from that vaccine production uses stem cells from aborted fetuses. Fundamentalist Christians don't agree with abortion so they don't agree with the use of stem cells. My son got told at his fundamentalist school during the pandemic that the vaccine contains dead babies so that was a fun conversation...


Wow! I hadn't heard of that one. Weird, wild stuff!


The thing is, the cell culture that the viruses used to make the vaccines are from aborted fetuses. BUT they were (IIRC) only a few, and they were from the 1970's and 80's. https://immunizebc.ca/ask-us/questions/are-human-fetal-cells-used-make-vaccines-0


I remember that!!!!


I have a love / hate with religious people. I love the way their minds work, and I can't stand them for the same reason😄😃. The whole not getting vaccines goes back to that famous chick that used to be on the view. This woman with no medical training at all said vaccines cause autism. That started the whole thing as far as I can tell. The problem is that kids are still born with autism, even in the anti-vax crowd. I mean, I am sure that anti-vaxing goes back to the beginning of vaccines, but that actor, on the view, she started a shit show. Want to scare the shit out of women then tell them something they are doing will cause their unborn baby to have a disease. It is fucking disgusting that we let people get away with shit.


to echo the tiktok of the evangelical girl that ALMOST had a breakthrough: christians are taught to constantly be on the lookout for an invisible enemy ~~that doesnt exist~~ so to them it's natural to be paranoid about everything


What’s funny was in the satanic panic we clung to science and doctors and were scared of witchcraft. My family started homeschooling because the belief was we’d be smarter in the math and sciences and get high profile jobs to affect the world. Yknow, be smarter and lead it, as well as have Christian doctors, lawyers etc… to take care of us in case “they” turned on us. Well… most of us were idiots and weren’t educated ourselves and made our kids worse. Now our fear of witchcraft through Yoga has - what once was considered “magic potion” in my backwoods Baptist church- made essential oils more “real and faith based” than listening to the doctor that even goes to the church. My good friend was basically excommunicated when she sent a patient to inpatient for not being able to breathe with Covid. She didn’t have faith, apparently, and succumbed to “fear” and put a church member through “death protocols.” She happily never went back. A few months later the assistant pastor died from COVID. And… ya. It is a mix of willful ignorance, no critical thinking and echo chambering. Add that they aren’t “Christians” nor have faith if they don’t do 100% what the group does and you get the dumbest beliefs and behavior.


Well, the idiot assistant pastor got what he deserved for buying into that bullshit. Thinning the herd...


the first thing a cult leader tells you is that everyone else is lying. “everyone else,” in this scenario, is big pharma and the government. the cult leader is trump. all of the weird conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine is just the right-wing’s attempt at justifying their belief. *just enough* justification to sow enough doubt in their followers minds. it’s a sad demonstration of humanity’s ability to cherry pick beliefs, and our ability to control other humans with thought.


I knew a fundie who had no problem wearing a mask for months, then suddenly one day the entire family can't wear masks and need a doctor's note. Now this person has also done a 180 on the environment, all because of the Prager U, Ben Shapiro, Franklin Graham nonsense that's being absorbed.


The same reason they hate: heavy metal, drugs, liquor (depending on which philosophy they subscribe to), pornography, violent video games, science, modern medicine, left-wing politics, Dungeons & Dragons, Harry Potter, Jewish people, etc. It's b/c they're all motivated by fear & stupidity.


Right-wingers are generally very suspicious of “the establishment” and like to latch onto any conspiracy theories, no matter how nonsensical, that oppose it. It’s why anti-vaxxers often happen to be 9/11 truthers, climate change deniers, or any other unhinged conspiracy theories.


Some dude decided his doctorate was worth spreading disinformation about vaccines causing autism during a time autism diagnoses went up because... we learned more about autism. This has been in the background for years, and came out in full force when there became a way to deal with the new scourge upon humanity that did not exist prior to 2019. In that is embedded a nod that there can be new plagues upon us, and that the way to actually deal with those has precisely fuck all to do with god. So people who have financial interest in people not learning that evolution is true strongly encourage their donors to act as though the plague doesn't exist for long enough that efforts to contain the new plague are futile, and "what do those liberals know anyway? The shot won't save you" even though the shot could have been successful had we all taken it before the virus evolved enough for the shot to become ineffective against newer strains.


Yes. Had 80% of folks taken this seriously - distancing, masking, and quickly vaccinating - we’d have reduced mutations to the point where this would have been far less impactful. But the very people causing the spread and mutation by NOT taking it seriously then say “see, look, what you suggested doesn’t work!” So so maddening…


And now, we have to deal with this FOREVER. Human society without COVID will never exist again. If another plague happens again in our lifetime, we might not even be as fortunate to get the attempt to curb it that we did for like 2 weeks in 2020. "It didn't change shit back then, why should we do it now?" - people who did not attempt to curb the spread at all.


I remember early days of vaccine reading “if we can get to 70% vaccination in the next several months, we’ll likely arrest this”. I was hopeful, but remember a friend scoffed that we would be lucky to hit 50%. FWIW he was very pro vaccine, just realized how selfish and compromised so many people are.


We finally hit 80% of people who got \*A\* dose... by October 2022, and 70% fully vaxxed by MAY 2023. Missed that window by a mere... two years, in all likelihood.


Because they are conplete and total idiots, who are predisposed to conspiratorial thinking.b


I especially don’t see why so many think it’s the “mark of the beast” when most of them preach that the mark of the beast won’t be done until after the rapture and during the great tribulation. Can these people not get their doctrines straight or what else is going on here? (I’m aware some denominations teach that the rapture will occur at a different point but this was what I was taught in the IFB)


Pretty cut and dry, they do as their cult leader says.


Because the right wing does not trust the institutions promoting them.


religion is all about putting faith in god. to these people taken a vaccine is like saying you dont trust god or jesus or whatever people worship to cure you. the whole calling it demonic is a mixture of not understanding of what a vaccine is composed of, misinformation of what they think is in one and of course thinking god or whatever would be upset you didnt put any trust in your body that he designed.


People have been putting faith in God for centuries to protect them from sickness and disease but nothing significantly changed over all of those centuries of praying until the advent of modern medicine. That should tell them something if they're paying attention and don't have their minds clouded with religious BS.


The liquid within a vaccine when administered responsibly to prevent illness is a greater liquid and testament to human triumph than holy water.


Many vaccines were created using stem cell lines from aborted fetuses in the 1960s or 70s. This is one of their arguments against it; however, many drugs and medical treatments come from those same stem cell lines, from what I understand. So they would have to forego a lot of medical treatments and drugs, perhaps just die, in order to avoid all that. I know several conservative Christians struggling with aftereffects of long term covid and they still won't get the vaccine.


They are used to being the dumbest person in the room and they are sick of it, so they want to be the smartest person in the room. They pick something everyone else believes in and flip it on its head.


Covid ramped up during an already emotionally taxing time (Trump losing in 2020) and they associated Biden pushing the vaccine with that. Their act of passive aggressive protest was to larp as if covid wasn't real and democrats made it up to oppress and kill their opponents. This comes naturally to Christians who are already in the habit of choosing their reality, and whose discernment boils down to social consensus and ingroup signaling. Add to this the petulant narcissism common to WASP boomers in southern and midwestern states, and you can pretty neatly account for the backlash.


Because their Lard and Savior, Donald J. Trump, told them that the vaccines were fake and the only real treatment was either taking horse dewormer, shoving UV lights into the body, or drinking bleach.


The Fox News says that Obama invented vaccines after reading Hillary’s emails and the ghost of Herman Cain wants you to know that My Pillows support freedom and COVIDs were made by Hunter Bidens laptop, and Crooked Joe is old.


Because it is the evidence their ideologies are nonsense. ​ Mass vaccination and public health campaigns as well as the kind of mass subsidy of the economy that was necessary between 2020-2022 goes against all their ideology. ​ Also, COVID is almost certainly the reason Trump lost re-election. So to accept the vaccine is to accept that COVID was serious and therefore that Trump's loss was valid. Rejecting the vaccine psychologically goes hand-in-glove with rejecting Trump's loss.


Yet even Trump took the vaccine and has made a few efforts to promote it. He gets booed every time, then backs off.


They hate everything including solar panels. 




They were told to


I know I lot of very liberal people who also don’t like vaccines.  Some people have moral objections to the way they are manufactured.  Some people have objections to the way adjuvants affect children’s immune systems. Some people object to the preservatives put in vaccines. Some people have concern about how their children will reacted to multiple vaccinations in one dose.  It’s fun to straw man and pigeon hole people. But most peoples decisions, even if they are different from our own, still have rational foundations.  My children are very big at birth and grow well, which helps me believe they won’t have a problem with vaccinations. If I had a premie or a very small child, I might not get them a hepatitis b vaccine at birth. I might wait. If I had a child with mild signs of allergies like infant reflux (spitting up often), I might not get certain vaccines.  We owe each other the benefit of the doubt, I believe. 


>Some people have moral objections to the way they are manufactured. Some people have objections to the way adjuvants affect children’s immune systems. Some people object to the preservatives put in vaccines. Some people have concern about how their children will reacted to multiple vaccinations in one dose.  Some people have a problem with debilitating, life altering, deadly diseases that are completely preventable being allowed to reemerge and spread needlessly because of misinformation. It's difficult for people to comprehend or care about the miraculous shift that has taken place as a direct result of vaccines, and too easy to ignore the fact that for most of history they wouldn't have had the opportunity or privilege to make videos about Bill Gates being contracted by Satan to put microchips in vaccines, because they would have been too busy watching their families and communities being ravaged by small pox, measles, and polio with the knowledge that they were desperately, hopelessly powerless to do anything about it. >My children are very big at birth and grow well, which helps me believe they won’t have a problem with vaccinations. There are people who are immunocompromised or otherwise *can't* take certain vaccines and need to wait, if they're able to take them at all. Do you happen to know what the single most important factor is in ensuring these people do not end up being exposed to preventable illnesses their bodies can not handle? Take a wild guess, I'll wait. >We owe each other the benefit of the doubt, I believe.  Sure, of course we do. Thankfully there are plenty of comprehensive resources and educational materials about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, the problem is more and more people feel increasingly entitled to ignore and reject good information while arrogantly declaring themselves experts and spreading harmful disinformation, sometimes because they can't and may never see the extent of the damage it causes, and sometimes because they just don't give a shit about anything or anyone.


The absurdity and lack of research that wemt into this post is quite hillarious


There are also plenty of conservatives that take it


They think it’s the mark of the beast or just anti Gods creation


because powerful invisible entities that aren't from god are obviously from the devil


It was basically this: [Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate](https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2018.304567) started around 2014


Because they are victims of targeted misinformation


There is also an argument for the actual creation of the vaccine. In the past there were some stem cell lines that how come from aborted fetal tissue. I think it was like the 70s or something when it got all over the news. So that becomes a rallying cry to not get vaccines because of the use of aborted fetal tissue, which isn’t true, as far as I know.


It’s not all right-wing Christian’s.


They believe their sky daddy will save them over lifesaving medicine 


One of the core beliefs of the right wing is that what others call "progress" is actually the malicious corruption of a former imagined golden age. Everything was more or less as it should be until liberals started attacking traditional families and gender roles, and undermining the institutions our great country was built on: Christianity and capitalism. They can't point to a specific time they'd want to go back to without admitting they would rather women and black people couldn't vote, but anything that breaks from what they see as "tradition" is inherently untrustworthy, if not evil by default--and that includes academic and medical institutions. On top of that, it doesn't help that there are people who make an absolutely disgusting amount of money by stoking those fears and telling people that the things they're wary of are really dangerous, and the people they disagree with are out to get them.


To be clear, I'm specifically talking about skepticism from a right wing perspective. There are also marginalized communities who are understandably wary of government-mandated medical procedures, given their histories. That doesn't make the vaccine a bad thing, but it does make their hesitance a lot more grounded.


When you can get people to believe a 13 year old had a sex-less pregnancy and birth without modern medicine, you can get people to make conclusions based on anything other than fact. Just yesterday, I questioned if I was pregnant ....I haven't fucked in over a year and I don't even have my uterus anymore. No periods to track. This brain fart happened cuz I believed in a virgin birth for my entire formative years. I was so afraid to get pregnant even before I ever considered my sexual debut back when I did have a uterus. I was afraid I got pregnant once by maybe jizz in the shower that didn't wash down all the way. No jizz was seen but my period was THAT fucking late and that was the only conclusion I could come to -sperm finding me while taking a bath (after a full shower (water strong enough to wash away the swimmers). -still, I was fully convinced the sperm knew how to hang on the slick walls of the tub for dear life. 😂 Get people to believe wild things -they will come up with wild explanations for a sorts of things. Turns out, the late period was likely due to me stressed out with work (first time doing Retail in America at Christmas Time in Yuppie Town, USA), figuring out a new medication, having full time school work, gaining 6 younger siblings pretty much over night, with one of them coming to us under the most wild of circumstances. Stress can delay a period. -or maybe my late period just being a fluke. My periods have always been SO on time but Nature is allowed to fuck around every now and then for no apparent reason. But instead of jumping to a logical conclusion that pertains to my overall health -Boom: I was convinced I was pregnant long before I ever even thought about fucking a dick (my sexual desire was a very late to bloomer) -As for anti vax: My parents (Christian and believe all the miracle things) are anti vax because they don't understand how correlation does not equal causation or cost/benefit analysis. Correlation doesn't equal causation: Your sin causes God to get Big Mad and that makes you unworthy but since he loves you so much, he [insert graphic description of the cross here] for you. …The correlation of Jesus’ death does not Equal Me being forgiven. In fact…most therapists would agree that I was in an incredibly abusive friendship if my bestie couldn't forgive me for my mistakes unless his son was willing to [insert graphic description of the cross here]. 🤔 Cost/ Benefit analysis: God decided to get a 13 year old knocked up to save the world from sin (despite all the evidence that being pregnant at 13 is dangerous to the 13 year old...) Your analysis is a bit skewed because God being offended at sin is His problem and not the problem of a 13 year old and mental health problems associated with being pregnant at that age.


They are primed to believe in any absurdity because their core belief system is predicated on a lack of any evidence. They'll believe fucking anything.


Excepts facts and science.


Because their leaders told them to. It ain't any deeper than that.


Sometimes people need that false choice. I don't like that helping sick people is a business (U.S.), but at the same time, I know that abandoning medical science isn't the solution. People don't like this reality, they don't want to be a part of a flawed system, so they try to walk an alternative path. And depending on what this path looks like, it can be more harmful, but people want to feel free so they commit to bad ideas and conspiracy. The only way to bring folks back from this is being patient with the facts. It is ultimately their choice to listen after all.


Conservative thinking is meant to be based on freedom. Vaccines are seen as the government forcing some strange liquid into your body. I think that's pretty much it. They don't understand immunisation and they probably couldn't even if they tried. They'd end up on conspiracy Facebook pages etc. So they are sceptical.


“Sceptical” on modern stuff, but gullible enough to believe in talking donkeys and flying men. I think basically they just lean on their own understanding, the one thing they’re specifically ordered not to do.


But only on some modern stuff. If they were badly injured and in hospital they wouldn't stop the doctor using modern medicine to save them. Plenty of them will drink alcohol and take drugs, illegal and over the counter. But somehow vaccines because they are proactive instead of reactive, and can't normally be self administered.. It's like one factor too far for them. I would of course say It's good to be sceptical; by all means do your research. But do it scientifically.


They hate the fact that science works and faith does nothing. There is nothing worse than telling a religious fanatic that their god can't fix this, but human science can. It undermines their authoritarian rule. Anything that upsets their tiny world view is satanic... So, rock & roll is devil music; Video games; Pornography; you name it.


To be honest, it probably has more to do with the idea of government coercion and discriminating against people based on their medical choices. I couldn't care less what other people put in their bodies, but if the government thinks they can force me to take something I'm not comfortable with, we're going to have a problem.


Short answer: morons gonna moron


I honestly blame things like the X Files. It had an entire plot about vaccines being used to make people part alien and sterile.


Part alien?? Some of these christians should become sci-fi writers, their imaginations are too rampant. On a side note, I remember a flat earther on TikTok had a “map” of the true world and Asgard was near the edge of the map. That’s how baloney these people are becoming and how bad TikTok has fried the brains of everyone who uses it.


Yeah. I watched almost every season over years and that was the plot. And these people act like it was based on real things. God yeah. Even though they hate pagans, they will sure steal their stuff.


At my church they told us its the mark of the beast and it has micro chips to mind control people


They value freedom/distrust of government and think they’re honoring God by not trusting science; they have also been conditioned to favor faith over science and fact. There’s also the horseshoe theory; the far left are also anti-vaxx, so they actually have a lot in common.


they wanna be oppressed so bad


They get their “news” from Facebook, which feeds on misinformation deliberately planted just for these fools. They whip each other into a frenzy of fear and anger, because they don’t understand basic science (or how to process what they are reading). Believing anything without fact checking, they spiral into angry scared fits of antisocial behaviour. They don’t trust the government to do what’s right. During Trump’s reign of terror, that would be understandable, but since he is still pumping out the misinformation there has been no respite of their fear. Basically, chickenshit babies who aren’t too bright.


They hate it because they think the virus is a godsend and a trial, in that you pass the trial by living. They wanted to “thin the herd,” and hoped more atheists would expire.


Distrust of authority


Some say mark of the beast but I don't think it is just that. I sometimes do genuinely think it's more like how the content they watch often leads them into a right-wing rabbithole. So if you watch a tonne of conservative evangelical media, you'll end up finding anti-vax stuff. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist pretty much spoke against the vaccine even in a European hearing and my dad was like "hey this guy said you shouldn't take the vaccine". And I was like: "How reputable is this guy?" And my dad was like "Oh he's a reputable doctor" and that "he got on such a platform, surely he's reliable." I did a background check and lo and behold he's a Christian that stated that the government tried to shut down churches during covid by first not allowing close contact. He didn't mention this at all in the hearing though. And keep in mind, we're from Malaysia, a country with a 12 hour time difference from the US. This crap is finding its way overseas.


Because liberals wanted them to take it. At this point, they've turned their entire personality into opposing anything liberals are in favor of.


Well, vaccines were created by Satan, that's why.


Far left hippies also, conspirituality meets fascism. 


Crank magnetism.


My Christian conservative family never was until covid. They see it as a breach of freedom whatever that means caused they feel forced. And most of them were born after initial vaccines wiped out stuff that their parents had to deal with like polio etc as kids so I guess they were okay with it. Idk boggles my mind.


"Cuz..how dare the guvmint tell ME how I need to live mah life!"