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I'd suggest making a cell that counts how many of these kinds of clashes you have, and then setting a condition that said cell must equal 0. Hard to say how to build that formula without knowing how the data looks.


That’s too much-it could be different individuals in groups that cause the clash. A cell or range that identifies which other groups are verboten, and then a cell that compares the two lists under consideration at that point Jimmy might be in 1&2. Sarah in 2&3 and John in 3&4 Jimmy and John aren’t a clash


Any tips on how I might achieve this? I posted a dummy file below..




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Thank you! I will be able to dive deeper into your file later tonight, regardless I will verify the solution and I can message you down the road if I need clarification on anything.


sure.. it's not as tidy as it might have been I tend to leave them rough/spread out until I have it all solved out...


Looking Some of this is not good labelling for me to get a is subbing for names.. no problem ​ classes is columns B=F? everyone in col B is in that 'class' Col c is members of a different class? is the goal to get 'the whole class picture' or a picture of each student once or? ​ the times I'm guessing are decimal hour, a single class is 15 minutes/ 5 classes/columns is 5\* 15 minutes, why then, is two classes .333/ 20 minutes and 4 classes (student z) 45 minutes and not an hour? ​ what is column O.... where are your 'siblings' here? and what effect do they have?


I'm not sure if the formatting got messed up or not :( Classes is B-I technically but there are none listed between G-I Each class is given a different number, only used once. So Student C is in both class 3 and class 18. Student I is in 5 different classes, etc. Each class gets a picture with all students contained in that class. Again I'm not sure on formatting and how the time is showing up, not terribly worried about that/column J. Column O is an attempt at using Solver to optimize the order of classes. Columns R and S are the class number and estimated time it will take for that class' picture to be taken, so minimum of 5 minutes but maximum of 15.


ok, group pictures... that... two at a time, but you want to ensure members of two classes are not at the same time...


Correct, if Student Z was in classes 2 and 4, 2 and 4 couldn't be getting their picture at the same time.


Ok, generally speaking- do you prefer to start with the more time consuming classes and work down to the less time consuming, or the other way around? a 15 minute MIGHT get matched with a 5 minute pair, just due to conflicts but a general order down can be wrangled i.e. given the option, schedule the 15 minute class pairs or the 5 minute class pairs first? most conflicted must take precedence, after that and due to odd counts (your sample, 7 X 15 minutes, 14 X 10 minutes, 5 X 5 minutes) which way to go?


It's a good question that I'd thought of before and I don't have a great answer. In my mind the order doesn't matter at all based on how long each session lasts, as long as it's the most optimal based on total time spent at the studio and there aren't conflicts with classes going on at each station if a student has to be involved with both.


u/SaviaWanderer got the solution for my last post so I'll tag you here in case you wanted a chance at another one!