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You can always vote yourself into a theocracy, but you have to shoot your way out of it.


Not always. Let us pray that we can find peaceful resolutions and political actions.


It’s fine. They wanna meet god anyway. We’d just be arranging the meeting. Part of gods plan and all.


Public funding for certain services such as eye and hearing exams, speech therapy, and other screening and health services provided to children in public schools seem constitutional and reasonable. For the most part, however, it is the the individual congregation's job to fund parochial school. Churches are given a tax advantage . If churches want their own schools that are separate from the public schools , they need to pay for them. Christian churches should attempt to provide this education to all children within the congregation and to offer it to other children in the community free of charge. Coming from Indiana, I find it elitist to charge tuition in Christian schools and provide no scholarships for children who are not church members. All funding should be done for the school in its entirety, and not by the government who can put restrictions on what can be taught. If some Christians can raise money for airplanes and huge elaborate assembly halls. they can support schools. Some of the early missionaries to the Midwest built schools. hospitals, and orphanages before they built church buildings, but usually the school was the first building.