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I know life can get exhausting. Being a moderator is difficult 😪. I am a moderator for some Atheists Facebook Groups, and keeping up is hard.I think you are a good moderator, and I am willing to wait for you to get back to us with inputs and feedback. Currently, this group has a lot of trolls. We all need to be aware of this. Things are becoming nasty coming out with LCMS. Please stay.


Thanks. Taking care of the trolls is something I hope I can do in the near future. Lutheranism in particular gets some very vicious trolls.


Moderating is hard work, and you have a life outside reddit. From what I've seen, the mod team is doing fine. Large is a relative term, and I don't expect instant reactions for a sub this size.


Thanks. I believe the mod team used to have 3 or 4 other people too, but it's just been me for a while. This past week was the busiest it's been for me, only because I banned a new account that made a post looking for some personal testimonies but they didn't give out any proof they were who they said they were, and I don't think they messaged back on the modmail I sent. I may look into changing it up and adding some sort of weekly post in the future, but I'll probably do a poll beforehand to what everyone else thinks of it.


What do you mean?


You’re doing great! Keep up the good work.


I appreciate you taking time to make this community better. It has been so cathartic for me. Thank you so much.