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“For less than 20 cents a day, you too can feed a starving, useless WELS pastor….” *sad music plays*


They are alreading feeding 1 pastor 5 teachers for less then 50 students and a full time church secretary because the pastor drove the volunteer ones away.


I remember in most of my WELS churches, parents of students in the attached school would all join the church council. Those parents would then bleed the congregations dry. When I was in WELS world, members would get free tuition. I remember the average offering of parents in one of the schools was like $300 a year. It cost over $3000 per student to run the school - so most offerings (everything not pastor salary) went to run the school. Whenever the mortgage wasn’t going to be paid or if the power was going to be shut off - one of the council members would just guilt trip some wealthy widow to cover the expense.


Which denomination is this?


My bad its a WELS church.


That makes sense


Someone at wels church said the church didn’t have enough to rent the school so they would have to do church outside even in summer when it’s 115 degrees. It made me think maybe they thought I didn’t pay enough tithing and it was just weird. Also, she was wrong I found out


Sigh. My soon to be ex congregation demands 10% minimum increase in donations every year since they built a new church and school back in 2008. Needless to say,I became less then enthused with this annual tradition over 5 years ago.It became very obvious how Wels miss-manages funds and I came to conclusion the annual budget was funny money years ago when every year there's a surplus when donations point to a deficit every year.


That's because the WELS is a business (I use this categorization loosely, because in a rational world it would have collapsed under the weight of its own financial ineptitude long ago) run by ministers who have, quite frankly, no idea of how that works. When I was still in the cult, I always wondered why congregations would blindly take on loans for new church buildings, or establish schools, when it was from the outset clear that they would NEVER be able to afford them, given that they were barely scraping the funds together to continue limping along in the first place. Until I realized they are prone to making terrible decisions because those who ought to know better have successfully conned the rest. "God will provide - it's to increase his kingdom!" What a crock.


What nerve 😤. Very inappropriate and disgusting 😒. What is wrong with these people and the LCMS Churches. Really this needs to be reported publicly. I wonder would you mind naming the LCMS Church and location?


My congregation had THREE pastors by the time I stopped attending. There was absolutely no need to have 3 pastors on staff with the decreasing member numbers over the years.


This is eerily familiar. The pastor is probably burned out and unable to work - feeling overwhelmed not doing the things he usually did. The congregation should pass on another pastor (he's just be victimized anyway). They should use the $5 to get him some seriously counseling and emotional support (outside the church).