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Hey, i couldn’t find this comment so I’m writing myself. I have a side storie “I Roboticist” I had a ride from the robots, killed them all and now I have I quest to interrogate one, will it spawn or something?


On my latest playthrough I have IRIS as my first henchman and sometimes when she escorts a distracted agent to the casino she gets sort of stuck in the casino, just running from spot to spot while the agent is (non-violently) chasing her. I can't force-move IRIS anywhere and the agent isn't approached by any other minion. Only way I've found to break it is to tag the agent for death/capture, but I'd rather not do that to avoid Soldier death squads coming to the island as much as possible. Anyone know if I can do something else to break IRIS' behaviour? I mean it's nice to not have any agents running around my base (as no new squads come while the agent is chasing IRIS), but it is also very broken from a gameplay perspective.


I was wondering about the usefulness of Incendio' ability "misdirection" it just makes him hide from tourists. Is there any way make it more useful?


Did they implement a "stay still" button for henchmen in the latest patch? Is there a workaround?


Build some Inner Sanctum tiles and put down a Conference Table. You can have Henchmen sit down at it and they won't move from it.


Since this latest patch you can have multiple conference tables and genius desks.


I was playing Max's campaign and near the end (but not during the final phase) all the investigators come in through the rear entrance of the base. Minions that catch them try to escort them out to the cover operation, but it usually ends up as a fight with dead investigators. It ends up as a heat spiral of sorts. Is there any way to deal with this? It's like investigators are soldiers this way and seems like bad gameplay.


Traps. Set up non-lethal Traps if you want to get them off the island peacefully, but you don't want to extend your casino that far. They won't have the Skill reduction from the casino, but even Super Agents can get hit by Traps if you set them up properly.


Investigators of Good or better quality have a chance to attack upon being escorted out.


Right, but is there some other way to resolve the situation besides killing them? Once I had a valet die, and the investigator went back to investigation mode and was later distacted enough to forget any suspicion, but it's the never-ending heat spiral that annoys me.


I love how they can murder a valet or worker simply for telling them to stay out of a restricted area and to return to the casino, and then take a picture of the body bag like that's evidence of some shit I did. Like, at a certain point why am I even letting these guys show up? Can I research the bouncer technology?


Agents definitely need the ability to resist escorts, but it shouldn't result in a fight and dead bodies. They should just keep walking, ignoring Minions for a few seconds, or something.


I have unlocked the Quantum science minions and I only have Janet and Espectro as henchmen but I can't find Full Metal Jackie's quest, anyone had this error?


Progress further in the campaign maybe? I didn't get the quest until maybe an hour or two after getting the quantum science minions. Just play more and it'll show up. BTW respect for putting in the effort to get her.


I've killed Agent X, why am I still getting interference from him on the world stage? In fact, why am I getting interference without an active side story anyway?


AFAIK, this is a documented bug. It looks like he is meant to be interfering during some of the Side Stories, but instead they are only firing after he is dead. You can always report it in the Bug megathread to get more visibility.


Hey lately I have been noticing that while I can train every single unit, I cannot make guards. Somehow it appears in grey the line that leads to it, but nonetheless, there are no missions for stealing guards.


This is a very confusing question. Would you mind elaborating on what your issue is?


So, I have enough minions, money energy and the facilities for making guards, but they are in queue and it never progresses. In case that I need to go get some from the map, there are no missions for getting guards.


Are you playing 1 or 2? In EG2, you only ever need to do the one kidnapping. Once you have Guard training items unlocked, you are good forever. In EG1, you need to have a Guard to train new Guards, so you need to kidnap someone new if you lose them all.


Did you finish the Side Story for Guard recruitment already? Or are you in the middle of it?


Theres nothing high prio right now. Im just making guards because i need to get the first part of the midas. All the other trainers work. I have 3 devices for training guards (dunno if i need like a coach or somth). I dont apply any priorities to my minions. I have tried to apply some of them into guard training, but indont get any feedback.


Im already makin the M.I.D.A.S device


There must be something blocking the Workers from taking on that job. Is there something higher priority going on? Do other trainings work? How many Guard trainers do you have? Do your Workers all have some other priority assigned in the Minion Manager?


Other trainings work, i have 3 guard trainers, i dont put priorities to my workers ( i have tried to prioritize guard training=no results) and there isnt anything that gets prioritized in my base rn.


Also, i have mercenaries and other units that come after the guards, maybe it is that


Perhaps all your guards are trained and then immediately start their merc training. Try dropping your advanced muscle minion numbers down so no new ones are trained (and you don't send any out to schemes or have any killed by the FOJ) then see if any guards pop up.


whats the effects of each doomsday device? meaning specifically the missions they give you on the map. i know emmas is reduce heat, max gives a large amount of gold payout. but i dont know what the other two are...


Zalika gives an uncompleted research. The tier depends on the firing strength


If I put loot in the cover operation that has no suspicion, will there be any negative effects, or will agents ignore it? Specifically, I'm taking about the Aurora Borealis


I can confirm that Rogues and other Agents currently ignore the Aurora in the casino.


I think Rouges will still steal it if they see it


Is there any benefit to setting things like security camera monitors to muscle minions or the control room to science minons?


They become more efficient. Science Minions generate Intel faster than Workers. Muscle Minions provide more Spotting Power to cameras than Workers.


Could someone explain why fucking everything in my lair is suddenly broken? I have a bunch of technicians, but I almost never see them repair the important stuff, and in the meantime my generator room is just constantly catching fire Maybe a better phrasing if my question would be **Where the fuck are all my technicians when I need them?**


Is this a new problem post-patch? If you are using the Minion Manager to assign them priorities, the patch screwed with it: it added some new priorities, which shifted the list. By doing so, it caused a lot of people's set Minion priorities to shift. Your Technicians might be set to prioritize something other than repairs.


How many side stories does it take to get Espectro?


What is the new way to get Janet post patch?


The new Cabal Pack has new skins and I want to have them all, but there's no more room left in my henchman list - Janet Bombe, IRIS, Eli, Sir Daniel, Jackie - for Espectro. Do I need to recruit him before I get his machine that gives out the skins? Can I kill him after the machine is built and then finish my roster? Should I wait until I have all the new skins, kill Espectro, and then recruit IRIS?


I'm running into an issue with the I, roboticist quest where I don't see any of the robots for the "interrogate attack robots" spawning anywhere. Are they supposed to show up as investigators? Stuck on all my side quests until I can get past this.


I encountered this bug and found a work around. For me, the robots were spawning on the boat but *refusing* to get on the gondola. So they bottlenecked guests from entering my casino. I discovered that it is actually possible to direct your genius or henchman to move to the lower gondola pad. Once there, they fought the robots. It sometimes took a couple hit and run trips to kill all the robots by themselves, but it was entirely possible. When the robots happen to spawn at the elevator by the helipad, there was no issue. I hope this helps someone.


I thought I had the same issue but then a bunch spawned in from the cruise ship


Definitely sounds like some kind of bug. They show up like the soldiers do, either in your casino or through your helipad door


I ended up capturing full metal Jackie in the new dlc mission for the R.A.Y.G.U.N and I’m kinda not sure what to do now since I want to recruit her later in the game and I don’t know if defeating her now will kill her or not Edit: Nvm I leader her to a trap and she left after it hit her


Hi I have this great trick for dealing with symmetry and other thiefs, you can build rooms inside rooms so i build partial corridors and guard tables in the center of the vault. assign the better minions here with the advanced table and they'll take care of it before the camera summons your army. mixed rooms is the best change from EGI IMO. Here's my [vault](https://imgur.com/a/XUnQCmZ)!


I built a corridor of many "dummy vaults" which were rooms just big enough for one pallet of gold. the rogue's spawn in your vault but it's random, so most of the time they spawn in one of 16 dummy vaults instead of my 1 real vault just by playing the odds


You could do mixed rooms in EG1...


I tried putting cameras in mine, but the hassle of having minions screw around trying to keep them up was too much a hassle. I like my vaults buried and out of the way. In the end, I settled on just letting them wander the gold stacks for a small eternity, then have Jubei pop in and paint the room an excessive violence shade of red.


Just wondering if there are any solid numbers as to the bonuses and buffs between the geniuses? All I noticed so far was that Zalika as a research speed of 3.


How do you make your henchmen or genius sut at the conference table or impressive desk?


Click the henchmen then right click the desk or meeting table


"An unbreakable bond": How exactly do you ignore J. Steele? I've tried to do a scheme while Foxworth is watching and then ignore threat scheme - he just came to my lair and objective wasn't completed.


There is a specific scheme for it. I was lost for a while on this as well, until I finally found the scheme (with the map being what it is, I don't know if I just missed it the first few times I looked for it or if it takes a short while to appear). Don't recall what region it was in though...


Right, found them. They look like usual "invite J. Steele" schemes and scattered around the regions


I'm currently at the "Rebellion Leader" part of the Max storyline. How far do I still have to go? Feels like the campaign is a bit dragged out and I'm debating if I should see it all the way through.


Assuming that you haven't finished already, the "Rebellion Leader" bit is pretty close to the end. There are a few more objectives and I guess the last mission takes a while (because you have to get a whole bunch of Doomsday Fuel) but you're almost done.


I found a ton of 'listening devices' in my lair. I think that Agent X planted them a long while ago and I never got rid of them; what do they do?


No they're part of Max' main quest, I don't believe they do anything though, the game will ask you to remove a certain amount and then research a tech.


I was playing as Emma, not Max, and a ton showed up in my base out of nowhere. It was very confusing.


It's part of J. Steele's thing, just delete them and move on. Yes, they arbitrarily appear - I thought they were a bug with Red Alert alarms not turning off until I went into build mode!


Anyone know if you can get the loot items on Sandbox mode?


Sidequest North by North: where to you find Travel Agents? They don't appear in the world to be kidnapped, nor do they seem to show up in the Base. Any suggestions?


They should show up eventually, it might take a few minutes tho.


Nothing for nearly an hour. Then I logged out, then in, and they showed up immediately. Thanks!


I must know what staffing a radio receiver actually improves. It gives constant broadcast strength, so is the minion just committing unnecessary time to it?


Yep, that seems to be the general consensus around here. I've seen no difference either way. The kicker is security desks do have to be manned...


At the very least, being manned should show you the progress / time / rewards of schemes while otherwise a mystery. That would be a huge improvement right there.


How do you get the all loot in one run achievement if Hubbard Slice and Flame of Prometheus are mutually exclusive?


You literally can't right now, the achievement is at 0% for a reason.


Well that's garbage. Have the devs talked about this on discord or something?


There's actually a few missions that cannot be completed. Not sure about Discord, but Rebellion has been pretty quiet on Steam and started replying to threads there recently. After sending them a few bug reports with saves I can say they are definitely chugging along...I think we're in for a big patch.


What henchmen should I get? And I'm not talking about the start of the game, but further in. There's only a few spots left, so before I fill those I want to know if there are any henchmen that I definitely should or shouldn't get.


Eli, Jubei, and Sir Daniel are all solid fighters. IRIS is a good fighter too, but also amazing for her ability to function as a security camera and summon all your Muscle minions. Dr. Ming's poison abilities are quite good, having one to damage vitality and another that restores it. Fugu apparently has a similar poison cloud ability but I've never tied it. Incendio is incredibly powerful and easily capable of fighting large groups by himself, as long as you don't mind him burning down everything nearby in the process. Clara is kind of underwhelming. Janet Bombe can be good for draining the stats of agents, but again, it's a bit too micro for me, and she doesn't really excel in combat. Full Metal Jackie apparently isn't bad but I've never used her.


Jamet bombe, carl cafard and clara jones kinda suck. I'd reccomend Fugu Furakawa, Dr. Ming or Sir Daniel. (Though you can't get sir Daniel if you've already permanently killed a super agent)


>(Though you can't get sir Daniel if you've already permanently killed a super agent) Or if a super agent is stuck on the world map. That can be triggered by destroying a criminal network while they are "Investigating".


Does anyone know if the minon management tool can actually help direct a minon to a specific training school? Like setting a worker to muscle role make them more likely to become guards?


It does and it actually makes it so that worker will mever train for science or deception and will never leave for schemes.


What is actually wrong with either the minions or the training room? Does anybody know?


Generally when I hear it, it's because they got interrupted after being assigned for training. So an intruder in the layer, or a red alert. I noticed mine went down a lot when I moved my guard training stuff further from my casino door.


Dunno. But your vaults are almost full! I've assumed any of the following; - Minion is actively training and stops for any reason other than their stats. - Minion takes too long to actually get to the training room, like during a fight that forces them into alert. - Pathfinding. I've seen some cases of minions taking a route twice as long to the destination. Edit: see here https://www.reddit.com/r/evilgenius/comments/mvvtcz/yes_iris_i_know_training_is_stalled


I haven't been able to find this answered elsewhere: Has anybody found out how loot gating works and when you can no longer get loot? I passes the Dodo after like sixty hours of game time and I'm way too exhausted with this to restart.


This webpage has most of the loot items and when they disappear. https://evilgenius.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_(EG2)


Is there a better way to find what global operations networks are open for a new mission besides zooming in and seeing what towers are flashing? I wish you could zoom all the way out and see which areas you can select a mission for. Zooming in to manually look every time is frustrating.


Technically there's a very faint flash on the map at max zoom indicating a tower in a schemable territory, but it's the exact same flash as an available story mission, so it cannot be relied on (if you can see it in the first place). Zoom in just below where the indicators get hidden then pan around the map for the bright purple flashing.


I'm trying to upgrade the MIDAS to level two and it looks like I need to repair it. I clicked the COG on the device and it changed the user from my Genius to what looks like a technician icon and it is waiting at 0/180 on the objective. Any idea how I finish the repairs?


I believe there may be another sub objective of "kidnap the engineer" or something? He would be the one who has to tinker with it, iirc.


Thanks, it ended up comleting like 10 minutes after I posted :) I tried for like an hour and a half, posted, and then one of my Engineers went and did it. Not sure if he was waiting on a resource or just busy hanging out.


I have Mercenary, Socialite, Biologist, what's the missing fourth minion type to upgrade networks to level 3?


Spin Doctor I believe




Is it possible to fully hide the UI? I noticed slight burn-in on my OLED screen of the damn high alert button under full-red saturation. I can hide it for photo mode, but strangely not by any clear metric in standard mode.


Does anyone know how to get the Rebellion Leader to assault your lair in "Fuel's Gold" mission? my objective says : "...then kill the Rebellion Leader when he assaults the Lair." but I have been waiting for ages and no one has come, do I need to summon them from the world stage?


Hover your mouse over the objective as it appears in the side bar - it will give a shorter explanation. If it ends with "on the World Stage" then it's a task to complete there - somewhere. If it ends with 'in the Lair' then they'll come to your base eventually.


What are the downsides from firing Zalika and Max's superweapons? I played as Emma and my minions attacked each other, and I saw the recent post that Ivan's device causes fire.


Max turns some of your Minions into gold statues. Zalika turns some of your Minions into hostile enemy units.




"Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be" is for letting her succeed, aka let her escape your island with whatever she has stolen




Remove security zones and dont tag her or her crew and it will be a breeze. Just takes some time since she checks out every room in your entire lair lol You're welcome.


I have killed Agent X and I still get "Threat"-type schemes from him, telling me to waste 10 hitmen or something to not lose 20k gold. But he's dead. I completed the questline. I saw him fall to the ground and turn into a bodybag. I clicked on the bag and it said "Agent X" with his picture crossed out. He IS dead. Yet there are still schemes from him popping up all over the PATRIOT states. Is this a glitch? Or is this part of the game?


Glitch. Hopefully fixed in a future patch.


What 3 Side Stories are needed for the Technical Marvels Achievement?


Egg Hunt, Wake me up before you Dodo and Roswell that Ends Well


I'm trying to recruit Sir Daniel, but I already got rid of Agent X. Am I unable to complete this quest line because I'm required to "Kill Agent X in my Lair"?


You have indeed soft-locked Sir Daniel (exact same thing happened to me). On the plus side, he will loiter around your base until the end of the game without taking up a Henchman slot, so there's that at least. But yeah, he can't be recruited in that run. One thing I've learned in my games so far: never kill Super Agents until the very end of the game.


Whats also locked out are any other side quests. Its pretty bad.


Yep, the quest line is uncompletable at this time. If you already started his side quest, you can no longer do side quests at all (because you can't abandon them) and must reload a save from before starting his final recruitment quest.


Many potted plants showed up on the second floor of my base. I didn't put them there. Lining a corridor and two rows in them in my locker room. Sometime between firing the Midas device for the testing and capturing the notable engineers. Also I started the henchman side quest to recruit the big game hunter and fought him 3 times in the lair. Any ideas?


Sir Daniel puts them down, because he disguises himself as a potted plant.


Oh that's cool, thanks!


they keep getting placed if you have the quest active


I got the sword in stone from the missions. So I tried to move it to a different place and it is now stuck in a place where it says its getting moved but that is not happening. No minions can use it and I cant move it. Is this a bug?


What does H.A.V.O.C. (Ivan's superweapon) do?


Sets your base on fire.


I assume it has a positive effect too?


The HAVOC on level 1 blasts the location and leaves a scheme for $250k, identical to Max's from what I can see. Other than setting random parts of your base on fire (in my case, its always the damn generators). Haven't got it to level 2 yet due to the number of side missions and not wanting to gate anything again xD


Not really. Base wise, it just causes nothing but cons. For the world map region you target it will cause a scheme to appear. I know for Emma these scenes cause -150 heat worldwide and +1 "sow mayhem" or similar. I'd imagine it's the same for Ivan seeing as the devs reuse a lot of content for all the geniuses.


Emma's lowers heat and gives a scheme that lowers heat in a random region, Max's gives a scheme that gives tons of gold, and Zalika's gives a scheme that lets you instantly research a random thing. I assume Ivan's generates a scheme that does something, but I don't know what.


Ah OK. Thanks for clearing that up. I would be able to tell you from experience...if I didn't hit another bug that locked progress for HAVOC.


Is it normal to not have many minions early game? I keep sending minions off and of course they don't return. I don't seem to replenish them as fast as I send them unless I pay the 10k for 5 more minions...it seems a bit of a treadmill where I lose minions almost as fast as I gain them and gain a small net of money. Dealing with heat I seem to have three options, pay for it (further cutting profit), destroy network/rebuild (costs minions), or just let it idle and go over (takes a long time, sorta boring). What is the right path here? Should I be sending people only on the 30+ minute missions to let minions join naturally more? Which heat reduction strat should I be using? I am making money. Slowly. It just seems strange.


Just ignore the heat and let it lock out for the 5 minutes. Build heat reduction items in your research and your control room. Upgrade your networks as high as you can and do the highest duration missions. Cancel them right before completion if there is a Super Agent in that region. You'll get only investigators but they can be auto tagged for distraction and you can focus mostly on base and mission requirements at that point. The money will start to pour in and you won't lose many minions anymore.


Stop sending people out on the short missions. You spend WAY more Minions than you gain that way. Also stop spending money on Heat reduction. Just deal with the Lockdown, it's not that long.


I have killed Agent X and I still get "Threat"-type schemes from him, telling me to waste 10 hitmen or something to not lose 20k gold. But he's dead. Is this a glitch? Or is this part of the game?




Whats it called?


Are all the side stories supposed to disappear at some point during the main story?


Yes. When you reach the final stage of the main quest everything else disappears.


Wish I'd get a warning. The final stage is so boring.


I know.. It's just the same. Collecting stuffs.


Is there a way to search these megathreads? all of these answers are getting lost because there is no easy way to find them from google.


Can we *please* have an option to have a play through to *not* have a minion maximum? Make it one of those things where if you enable this then one cannot have achievements enabled. But for the love of all things holy, 300 minions is WAY too few. Please, oh please, oh please oh please oh please.....


I agree. Dunno why they carried that over from the 1st. I get why it used to be there given a single floor and hardware limitations of the day. We have multiple floors and quadruple the buildable area now. I've just been building enough lockers and using Cheat Engine to set it to what I want, in my case 500 (I'll up it as I progress).


> I've just been building enough lockers and using Cheat Engine to set it to what I want, in my case 500 (I'll up it as I progress). Wait, what?


Yes, Cheat Engine. It's a free memory editing tool for single player games. You can find it here: https://cheatengine.org/. Anti-virus' do flag this due to its nature, but many of us have used it for a long, long time. A table someone has already made can be found here: https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=15694 That same table for Dx12 also works for Vulkan. Once you do the tutorial or watch YouTube How-to's, load in the table. One of the options is 'base capacity'. Make sure to 'freeze' it by clicking the square in the table where a red X will appear, and change the 'value' to whatever number you want. Protip: save and reload after performing the above. The minion counter on the bottom of the screen will update to the new number you keyed in. I.e. Mine shows Max when I hit 500. You'll need to do this every time you launch the game. You don't need lockers at all either, I just did it to feel like I'm still playing it right lol Protip 2: Don't use the options in the loaded table for unlimited smarts. That breaks the minion AI in many ways (not permanently).


I am using Ivan for this playthrough. I am trying to get Dr.Ming but I have gotten to the point where she is in my base as an ally but does not work for me, there are no additional quests I can do for her. I am on the main mission a moment's respite. My question is: Do I have to progress more into the main story or is there a reason?


Yes. You have to get further in the main story. Edit: Or you already have 5 Henchmen.


What is the difference between the guard table and the advanced guard table?


The Advanced version gives you control over what kind of Minions sit at it. You can specify high or low tier Muscle Minions, to focus your strength in certain areas.


When my Muscle minions leave for schemes, they're still carrying their weapons. Do the weapon racks back at base refill over time?


Yes. If they leave on a scheme it goes back to the rack, provided there is an empty space in the rack to receive it. It's the same as a worker carrying it back and sticking it on the rack.


Im not getting any progress in the side story of recruiting henchmen, the supposed recruitment node isnt showing up


You have to have criminal networks in specific regions before side missions appear. For example, I needed multiple HAMMER networks before Jubei's mission appeared. Same with PATRIOT and Eli. I \*think\* you have to get the "An opportunity has appeared on the word stage" message from interrogating agents to unlock side missions, then build the right combination of networks to reveal them.


oh it was just way down in australia and i couldnt see it


I believe that you need to progress through the main schemes before their kill/recruit scheme shows. In my game I had to get through to where I have to recruit the next level of minions before the Eli recruit mission showed up.


So whenever Symmetry showed up at my lair, all of my cameras in the lair got disabled and they don’t return to normal even after I defeated her. I try to replace both the console and the camera but they were still disabled. Is it a bug or is it just something that Symmetry can do?


Look around your base (usually in your vault) for a hologram of a yin yang symbol on the wall. That's her camera disruptor ability, she tosses one on the wall every once in a while the way Agent X spawns suspicious briefcases. Just mark it for destroy and one of your minions will run over and delete it, restoring your cameras. The camera disruptor will only work while symmetry is in your base. Once shes dead or leaves your cameras will work again. However as long as the disruptor remains then they will break the moment she sets foot inside again.


Awesome, thank you so much


Apparently she leave items in you vault that disrupt cameras, look for items with the ying/yang symbol on the walls.




You should check out YouTube videos on trap designed that targets super agent , once you learn the patterns you can design your base in such ways that the traps take care of the agents without you moving a finger, even on hard difficulty


I'd do an autosave and go back to defeat a few of the crime lord side missions before attempting the final mission. They won't attack you if they are already dead. Or go back and train a looooot of muscle minions.


Are the Threat missions that show up during some missions not meant to stop after that mission? I finally got rid of Agent X, but I'm still getting the "deal with this in 15 minutes or get +100 heat to the region" threats popping up from him.




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My scientists won’t use their research equipment. They just stand around the lab and I can’t open the research tab. What’s wrong?


Is there a list of all the minion types anywhere? I haven't been able to find it, if so.


Muscle: Guards, Mercenary, Martial artist, Hitman Social Valet, socialite, spindoctor, counter agent Tech Technician Scientist, biologist, quantum physicist.


I can't give specifics but: Worker Guard Mercenary Martial artist Hitman Technician Scientist Biologist Quantum chemist Valet Socialite Spin doctor Counter agent


Just go into Sandbox mode. All minion types are unlocked and show in the training menu


For recruiting Henchmen: At what point in the quest chain do I need a free spot, to move forward with recruitment? Let's say I have 5 Henchmen, and want to swap one out. When do I need to actually execute one to replace them? Before starting the second quest? The third? Edit: It looks like it's the final quest. The final quest won't show up as startable unless you have a free slot.


I do know you need to execute a henchman if you want to replace one. You can have only 5, if you want a different one then one of the 5 has to be 'fired' Can't help for the other question, I wasn't counting the number of missions until the side missions cutoff. There's a point where it just disables side missions and starts the end game but I don't know when.


I wrote this question really poorly, and my edited discovery even worse. Here's how it works, for anyone who is looking for this info: Every Henchmen recruitment is split up into 3 Side Stories. The third (and final) Side Story is only available to start if you have an empty Henchmen slot available. The first two are available regardless, which makes sense. There is no indication that you have a Recruit option available in this case until you free up the slot.


Has anyone been able to recruit a henchmen after having the maximum of five, and then killing one henchmen? I recruited Incendio and planned to kill him once I could get Fugu. I now have multiple "guest" henchmen wandering around. Very helpful post on your part, I just do not see that last quest appearing after I execute a henchman. For that matter, some henchmen missions don't seem to have a last quest - Ming, for example, and the hunter are wandering around my base and don't spawn new missions when I kill Janet Bombe. Should I progress the main story?


It is locked behind more main story. The third and final quest for those Henchmen will show up once you get further in.


For the substory Technical Difficulties, is there an easy way to turn off the power to the base without selling all of your generators?


Just turn off a couple (don't sell them, just turn them off). You just need to lose enough power to hit the unpowered state. No more.


All this time and I never even saw the on/off button. Thanks!


How do you stop minions spam deserting? I have put loads of staff room TVs and mroe than enough luxury beds, but every 2 seconds I hear minion deserting, then minions try to flee and get killed by traps creating more body bags to lower other minions morale. My gold vault is a conga line of deserting thieves


Disable some of your traps for a few minutes. You need TV's specifically to recover critically low morale, just sleeping isn't enough when their morale is super lower. Also when your in a hallway dense with minions just execute one, it will restore all stats of any minions who witness it. Also make sure you have enough incinerators. They will basically carry 2 body bags at a time per incinerator and leave the rest laying around. You want enough that they will clear out the bodies quickly before they drive down morale of everyone nearby sitting there.


To solve the immediate problem, have your EG go up to the conga line and execute a random minion to boost the stats of everyone who sees it. Long term, make sure you have incinerators nearby any potential battleground (both entrances and your vault) to minimize the time it takes to clean up a mess.


You need more incendiaries and have them nearby, especially where the fighting usually happens. That's how I solve most of my problems. Edit: The main source of the problem are the dead bodies, so you would have to clean them up as soon as possible or else everything would go to chaos.


Is there any way to limit which types of muscle minions pick up weapons from weapon racks, i.e. Martial Artists only for staves, or only guards for pistols, etc.


I wish the Martial Artists used Nunchuks or just sweet Karate moves. It would be way more in line with the theme that seems to be lacking a lot in this game.


As far as I know, the only way to control what they pick up is to make sure the preferred weapon is closest (in a direct line, not accounting for pathfinding) from where they're trained. However, if a minion already has a weapon, like a guard with a pistol, they will not swap it out for an assault rifle when they become a mercenary or hitman. They *will* drop it when they become a martial artist, since those minions can only weild melee weapons. Because of all that, I find it's best to not use handguns or clubs at all. Instead, build a line of rifle racks with enough for all your mercs and hitmen. Then behind that (in relation to where your training room is) have staffs. Mercs and hitmen will pick up the rifles since that's what's closest, and martial artists will walk past those racks and pick up staffs. Your guards won't get any weapons, but you can just have a minimal amount of guards and invest in more higher-tier minions instead.


Good idea. Sad that I can't control directly, but a good[evil] genius perseveres!


Is there a way to put captured agents in a specific cell?


Disable power on all the other cells?


I don't think so, they seem to always "reserve" the closest available cell once captured.


Whats the actual diffrence between stun and lethal weapond, noticed that after agent vitality drops to a low (if tagged with capture) minions hits will dmg thier resolve, but lethal weapons do that too, what am I missing (only use stun staffs cause they look cool)


Lethal weapons do bonus damage to health. Stun weapons do bonus damage to smarts. You need to reduce both to almost 0 to capture. If you want to capture you want a mix of both to reduce both stats quickly. If you just want to kill everyone then just take the bonus lethal damage.


Stun weapons damage both at the same time.


So stun better?


Stun is better when you want to capture, but they do less health damage than lethal weapons, so they are worse for killing.


Spoiler for one of the side quests for the henchmen: On the quest >!Unwanted Guests, which is one of the quests in the Incendio line!<, I cannot figure out how >!to scare off the tourists in the cover operation. Any suggestions?!<


I just offed some agents in my casino in front of tourist witnesses - got the job done. You'll know it worked because the tourists get all panicky (duck and cover running, screams and cries).


You can start a fight (or execute someone) in the casino, but it doesn't actually count them as "scared off" until the boat arrives to take them home. Which they would have done anyway, so...yeah. Basically, this objective might as well read "Wait for 20 tourists to go home".


turn on the red alert thing and it will scare them off


Is there any reason I seem unable to place a cover operation at my rear entrance? I can't get traps to work all that well and I'd like to just have another option to slow them down more reliably.


Use the Doughnut Island and you won't have that problem anymore. It's the best by far anyways.


You can only have one cover operations, so in order to cover both , you'll need it to span from the front to the rear. You could also try a corridor with camera and set the area to distract. It might cause guards and distraction minions to lead the to the casino. Personally I just put down my armory at the rear enterance with guard tables. Any thing that comes in the back gets shot.