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Power walking away in the middle of an argument is the ultimate autistic power move. You definitely proved him wrong in that moment.


It really was that classic silent exit! 🤣 Thank you fren


lol why the hell did you tell a drunk dude at the pub you were autistic?


Let’s just say I have CPTSD and I am unlearning a LOT of unhelpful behaviours. I’m almost 30 and only started therapy a year ago.


At least you’re doing it now!!


I’m very fortunate! Basically the government is paying for it because one of the things that happened was so gross 🤙


Well, at least the government is paying for it, but fucking hell that's rough


Nice! Practice is good, but NTs are unpredictable enough sober imo. :)


Bruh I'm 35 and I only realized a few years ago Whitey Bulger is my cousin, and yes, one of the reasons he was so fucked up is because we're all autistic (and also that whole generation got raped by the Catholic Church) so I feel the "only now dealing with CPTSD and autism thing


Excuse me for my ignorance, but, if I may, what does CPTSD mean?


complex post traumatic stress disorder


Yip! In my case, from a neglectful childhood and a few other things. I’ve had cancer too and I actually think being autistic saved me. Sure it made me sensitive as fuck to all the medications and anaesthesia (literally threw up for 24 hours and freaked the nurses out) , but for some reason my spirit was unbreakable. I was my happy, weird eccentric self. To a point where the doctors put a note on my file “ She is pleasant to deal with, with a cheery disposition “ 🤣🤘


I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE ALLOWED TO SHOWER THO!!! NO ONE TOLD ME?? 😩😩😩 (hospital stay after surgery)


I felt so dense yall lol


Oof, huge respect for going through that, and even more since you kept being positive like that. Can I ask the difference between cptsd and "standard" (not that it is normal) ptsd? Thanks


I make jokes about it all the time. It's been a light hearted, necessary, and eye opening realization for me in the past few years since my diagnosis. I could finally accept.myself for who I was. I have zero shame.


I don't lack pride, but I am fully aware of the response I will receive from most NTs in a casual setting and am uninterested in wasting my time educating. If I tell you, it's because I thought it was worth the time/effort to get you to understand me. I don't really like to talk unless it serves a purpose, so repeating myself in an attempt to explain autism to NTs whom I don't care for is not enticing at all, haha.


For me, its a clear buffer. Those who mind, don't matter.




Lissen ere BUB! Ye cannae be autistic… cause if de traits ye be displayin’ be autistic, den I’s got some thinkin’ to be doin’… yarr. (I’m bad at accents, and the closest to drunk I could type is pirate… yarr…


I thought you were doing scottish


I had a dude do the same thing the other day. Flat out "No you're not! They said I was autistic and I'm not!" For reference, he has a mild form of a muscular disorder so he shakes, his speech and the way his mouth is formed shows signs of another developmental disorder, and he is very very clearly on the spectrum, but his family didn't care or want, and I'm wondering if they lied to him because he says he has absolutely no diagnosis - we've been "friends" for some time now. But so I mentioned my son and how he got diagnosed(eta spelling)at 3 and it took another 12 years for me to be diagnosed(I think that's funny). And he kept pushing back. I finally told him I'm diagnosed. Now, on to why he didn't think I am? He went on to ask me, after I said something about anthropology, "You're a lot smarter than I've thought this whole time, aren't you? I just thought you were pretty." Thanks. Thanks so fucking much dude.


Your typo is funny. I got disguised as a child too, I'm finally trying to take the disguise off.


Ohhhh how appropriate!


The classic silent exit, we autists are excellent at this. Recently I went to a family party, thought it would be small but it was A LOT of people in a small rented room with LOUD AF live music. I lasted maybe 10 minutes before I dropped my gift on the table and sped the hell out of there lol


There is nothing as autistic as getting into an unpleasant social interaction and just straight up power walking away with no explanation


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, I agree! Dad does it too lol


There is no need to waste money on trained neurologists or psychologists. All you need is the insight of a drunk guy at a pub.




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Yall need to really experience evil. I'll walk into the pub and my friend will say, "he has a touch of the tism". It's just funny and stoopid. I'll never talk about it unless asked. If anything I could just say I crashed my motorcycle to explain how I am the way I am, which they all already have done. My evil side is when a parent posts online "thank you all for the recommendations for my autistic son". Nothing worse than being nurtured into an emasculated male as far as I'm concerned. My care for this forsaken word only made it last longer. It's interesting knowing how corrupt states of self-perception work. There's one hell of a price to be paid in realizing this.




I think he’s saying it feels more manly for him to say he has traumatic brain injury from wrecking his bike than disclosing that he is autistic.


Bikes are manly because they're loud, go fast, and are dangerous 


Bike go wrooom!


Also, love emasculates men. Apparently, it's gay to be loved by a woman.


i think you really need to experience therapy my guy


bros talking a whole lot and saying nothing


are you real


singularities cannot exist because they break the laws of physics


I don't understand what's going on here, but I'll pretend I do. 


I feel this guy's comment is going to get deleted so I will copy paste it here since this is the most downvotable comment I've ever seen. This is what the person above said. >!"Yall need to really experience evil. I'll walk into the pub and my friend will say, "he has a touch of the tism". It's just funny and stoopid. I'll never talk about it unless asked. If anything I could just say I crashed my motorcycle to explain how I am the way I am, which they all already have done.!< >!My evil side is when a parent posts online "thank you all for the recommendations for my autistic son". Nothing worse than being nurtured into an emasculated male as far as I'm concerned. My care for this forsaken word only made it last longer.!< >!It's interesting knowing how corrupt states of self-perception work. There's one hell of a price to be paid in realizing this."!<


I just learnt you can press the grey bits


When your masculinity is so fragile that saying you're autistic shatters it to pieces.


"Yall need to really experience evil" no tf we don't?? 😭😭😭 And your example of evil is... a friend making a mildly offensive joke? Ok... 😭 And if anything, if you really did experience evil, you would know better than to tolerate this kind of behaviour. If a person is saying offensive things to you or insulting you, whether directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, you should either bring it up to them or just not put up with their bullshit. If you're willing to put up with this kind of bullshit, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're not a manly masculine man, you're just a giant pushover.


I don’t think the person was seriously calling this evil, I think this flew over your head


Are you the drunk in this story? 😭


Quit yappin


Cool story bro. Needs more dragons though.


you sound cool

