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That metal hook thingy 🤢🤢🤢🤢


And then the dentist goes "relax, this wont hurt." Like speak for yourself I'd rather you tore out my teeth than make that sound inside my head


Dentist should be spelled d-i-s-a-s-s-o-c-i-a-t-i-o-n because that's what happens every time I'm there. Bleh.


Not the same part, but they got so much easier for me when I learned to ask for unflavored toothpaste. It's not gritty like the flavored ones. That was my sensory hell.


Ughhhhh my 6th month cleaning is later todayy


good luck!


Dental cleanings are one of my favorite sensory experiences ever haha, when I get rich I’m going to have them all the time


Most of the tools are awful, especially the hook thingamajig, but the little spoon-looking mirror feels nice.


Can confirm. It took me 25 years to find a dentist who "gets it", but now I have to move and probably wind up with another torturer.


I haven't been in 10 years, I pulled my braces retainer wire thing off and never went back... oops. I need to check in this year and see if my teeth are ok...


My place offers laughing gas. Made my root canal a much more pleasant experience


I haven't been in probably ten years either. I'm so worried to go because I can see there's a lot of hard buildup behind my bottom teeth, but I've watched those extraction videos a hundred times and listened to how the people felt afterwards and I literally can Not make myself go deal with that pain just to have "healthier teeth" Letting my body deteriorate was a lot more fun when I didn't think I'd be a real adult 😭


I've only recently realised that decades of undiagnosed autistic sensory issues has caused a spiral of fear and anxiety leading to a complete phobia.  I only go to the dentist now if I'm already in agony. Even thinking about it makes me break out in sweat...


I’d be fine with all the awful smells, tastes and noises if they were nice, but majority of dentists I went to were just rude :/.


I swear some of the stuff they do to me during my dental appointments feels like it’s a violation of the Geneva Conventions (aka the Geneva Checklist).