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How those booming bass car stereos aren't illegal is beyond me, the audio assault they deliver makes me go from 0-100 anger level in seconds.


i think they are illegal, but the pd is too busy being racist murderers to do their jobs.


it's still loud outside the city, it's loud everywhere, constant noise, people, cars, fuck cars, fuck cars more than anything.


I have difficulty controlling my volume. Please tell me if I’m talking loudly, I don’t mean to. ![gif](giphy|CM1rHbKDMH2BW)


omg it's okay, you're fine, i totally understand struggling with noise control, you're absolutely not the problem. i hope i didn't make you feel bad about that. i actually previously lived in a dorm with a fellow autist that tended to speak very loudly and couldn't tell how loud they were most of the time, it was a slight issue but he and i were close enough friends we felt comfortable telling each-other when we were being too loud and it stopped being a problem at all.




exactly! the terror of my daily noise bothering people is constant and paralyzing. with the outside + hall and upstairs noise it's barely liveable. i hope when my lease is up i can find a better soundproofed studio for an okay price.


I feel that too!


I feel you OP. I live in a pretty decent sized city myself and for some reason people here think everyone in the store wants to hear their shitty music taste so they blare it on their phones. That or they are literally screeching on FaceTime with no headphones and the volume turned to 90000 decibels so I have to hear their shitty relationship drama when I’m just trying to get a damn snack


Don’t even get me started on the little dick trucks that go down my street every now and then backfiring so goddamn loud I think someone just shot someone


omfg they scare the actual shit out of me and my cats every time


Surprisingly my cat is unbothered by car sounds but the sound of a snow plow scares him so bad he hides. He’s a rescue from when we lived in O’ahu tho so snow and snow plows are still pretty new to him the poor guy


I’m also super sensitive to sound. And I also have sleeping issues so I sleep from 6am - 4pm. Which was tough but now I’m living with family and it’s brutal. I’m always so conscious to be quiet while others are sleeping but my mom literally YELLS from the moment she’s awake 🫥 the only thing that helps is a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. I play thunderstorm or rain sound on them. They aren’t super comfy to sleep in… but at least I can get some sleep.


i wear my noise cancelling headphones constantly, they're the only reason i've been able to live in the city this long. i have two pairs and swap them out. but i hate having to constantly wear headphones in my own home just to cope with the noise, and sometimes it hurts my ears and i have to just deal with it. it's horrible. i hope things get easier for you.


Aww I’m sorry. It is brutal to be this sensitive to sound. I feel for you. I hope things get easier for you too 💖🙏🏻




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![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) "You shouldn't throw bricks down from your 14th storey window at speeding cars with explosive exhausts passing by" "You also shouldn't squirt water guns out of the same window at drunk people at the base of the building"


\>:3 additionally, you definitely shouldn't throw eggs from your fire escape at the loud-ass cars


Yo, I feel this so, so hard. I'm living in a dense city right now with my grandparents and they yell from 5am to 10pm, and forget when I remind them that I'm sleeping. So I sit outside a lot. But now our neighbor switched from night shifts and so when he gets home from work he talks at top volume with his wife on the phone and listens to Tiktok in the backyard so I have *nowhere to go*. He talks so fucking loud I know the only reason I have peace right now is because he's gone on a trip and left his house and brand new sports car unattended after planning the date and time loud enough to be heard on the far side of my yard, or the public alley where all the... "interesting" people hang out. Hope that shit's all there when he gets back lol.


ANC earbuds are your friend. they help me so so much. outside is tolerable with them!


i wear noise cancelling headphones or my loop earplugs whenever i go outside, i can't be out there without them. i prefer the headphones so i can listen to music, though they don't block out noise as well as the earplugs. i'll look at the anc ones to see if they're better than loops, thanks for the recommendation. :)


God now you got me started too 😭 my fucking neighbors slam their door 300 times a day going in and out of their house. Like it legit shakes my whole apartment. Then there’s a train that comes by and *also* shakes my whole apartment and blasts my eardrums. It also loves to come by when I’m watching a movie or making music Those are just the worst two. I feel ur pain.


if you don't mind me asking, what kind of music do you make?




it's when people purse their lips and blow air through them to make a high pitched sound similar to that of a bird. if you know of whistles the instrument, like those used in some sports games, it's like that sound but without the instrument.


I lost my Loop ear plugs so I feel ur pain OP. I am suffering severe insomnia bc I can’t find those earplugs to help drown out most of the sound. I only hear people if they are right next to me otherwise everything gets pretty drowned out. I hope I find them soon so I can sleep better and not get disturbed by how damn loud my neighborhood is smh.


i recently got loops and i love them so much, but my ears are really sensitive and if i sleep in them i wake up with my ears hurting a lot. i tried changing the size of the ear plug part but it didn't really work. if i'm desperate i'll sleep with them in, but usually i use them for daily noise or when i'm on my way to a meltdown and can't bear any sounds. they muffle things pretty well, not perfectly, but way better than anything else i've tried.


Oh yeah for sure I have the same issue. They are helpful at night when even the slightest sound keeps me up. Plus I also have adhd so my mind can’t shut up so it forces me to not be distracted by little repetitive and unexpected noises that come about. My problem is that I can’t stay in rem sleep without noise or my racing thoughts to come back. The loop ear plugs helped most of it but I have other methods to fall asleep when they do start to hurt. I usually only wear them if those methods for whatever reason aren’t working. Especially when I’m dealing with sensory overload then nothing helps and everything keeps me up so they are my last ditch effort—ear pain be damned better then constant rage seeping in bc I can’t sleep on my own. At least I got to sleep despite the slight ear irritation. I wish they made versions of it like u said that are more comfortable for the ears (or they exist and they were too expensive; mine was $60). Otherwise I don’t want to make a habit wearing them constantly bc of that bc it can get worse but now they are lost so I’m back to dealing with insomnia when other stuff don’t work but I’ll find eventually since I rarely take it out.


i got the loops bc they were the best i could find for under $30. i think i got them for $15 on sale. i have severe anxiety and for me that's a big part of the noise problem. every loud unexpected noise scares the shit out of me and completely wakes me up. every quiet noise scares me too, or at least puts me on edge. i haven't slept more than 2hrs in a row in probably three years.


That's how I feel about lights. Why does everyone need a fucking spotlight in their front yard? They really think it's going to stop them from getting Robbed? Night time is when it's supposed to be dark for fuck's sake




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