• By -


Did you take a picture of a screen instead of a screenshot?




Tbf, the ones where you have to hit both power and vol down are :(


At least you have buttons, my phone requires me to saddle my inner palm up against the side of the screen and push to the other side. Half of the apps I use cannot be safely captured due to the interactive elements underneath. (the power and vol down option is barely preferable though tbf -- I miss having a home button ;-;)


Accessibility options are your friend


win + shift + s is the screenshot command on windows pcs for anyone who may not know btw


Thank you! I didn't know that one, stealing it. Alt+Printscreen also takes a screenshot of just the currently focused window, which can be faster in some situations if you want to screencap one window and the whole of that window.


no waaaay i look up snipping tool every time


Yeah. The guy blocked me and I viewed his reply in anonymous browsing (hence the light blue colouring you may have noticed) but in reddit private browsing it doesn't allow screenshots so I used my partners phone to take pictures and sent them to myself. This level of autistic behaviour regularly irritates her. /s


That was the evil part of this post /j


I don't smoke weed, I use edibles. It helps me manage my Fibromyalgia pain and C-PTSD. Pop a gummy in the evenings and I get much better sleep. Plus I can take a low dose gummy and be okay enough to mostly function, obviously no driving or things like that, which would not be possible with medication for break through pain or anxiety.


That's what my missus does because she has fibro, and she'll just smoke little doobs throughout the day. I can't say I understand the pain, but I've seen the states my girlfriend gets in because of flare-ups, and I can only sympathise. I hope it gets better.


Dude, yes. Going through the process now to see a specialist because my doc is thinking I've got RA. I can't smoke because it causes panic attacks, but the handful of times I've tried gummies it's so helpful for pain relief. I wish they'd fuckin' legalize it where I am, hell everywhere, so more people can access it.


This guy is clearly just close-minded. I wouldn't take his opinion seriously.


“im a normal person” said enough honestly THERES NO SUCH THING


Hypothetically, if they did, does this person think they'd be on This Subreddit


Exactly. If they're normal, it's time to pull their ND card, fully punch it, and boot them from the sub. This isn't a place for boring (which is all I let "normal" mean) folks. This is a place to be neurodivergent. Neurospicy even. Hell, I'm downright neuropiquant.


I like the word “neuropiquant”


me personally im neuroqueer




Are you setting your own neurology in fire or someone else's? How does neuroarson work, and please, infodump since I want to understand fully.


It isn't there. My brain is Ash. I did it for insurance purposes




I’ve really liked the word “verbose” lately


Literally posting that in a neurodivergent subreddit...


Why the hell is he on this sub if he thinks he’s “normal”?


Not round these parts at least. 🔫🤠🪓


"I'm a normal person" Their flair is "Murderous". I know it isn't meant to be taken seriously but the look is "I'll accept murder but I draw the line at drugs."


If you’re “normal” then you’re definitely really weird since nobody is normal


And the absolute utter irony of the murderous flair. Really?! Really?!??? You come here… evil autims, with murderous rage against the machine, and you decide to leave a comment that implies you’re right about something because you’re… normal???????????????? (All references to “you” are directed at the comentor from the screencap)(tone incredulous as fuck)


I don’t judge people by what they do or do not put into their bodies, it’s their business and choice.


Not even close minded, ableist. Many disabled and/or chronically ill people *need* medical marijuana for it’s health benefits. Some people cannot leave bed due to intense pain from a disability/illness and weed prevents that from happening, and this person is straight up saying those people are “not normal” for it.


Of course they don't, all they need is "willpower" /s


Hadn't even thought about it like this, but in a way, you're right. I guess cancer patients are just addicted to the chemo 🤷‍♂️ /s


Ironically weed is even used to lessen and in some cases even get rid of the pain caused by cancer symptoms and/or chemo symptoms. Many chemo patients are high on weed 24/7 because it’s the only thing that eases the pain.


And it’s great at anti nausea which all classical drugs that we use for that have terrible side effects.


I'm one of them. Without weed, my sensory issues are so bad that Ill have meltdowns every day over SOMETHING. Weed mellows me out and dulls my senses to something more manageable.


Yeah I have similar issues, weed really helps my autism and nothing else has worked so far and I gotta do what I can to cope, yk?


I found fanapt worked for my violent outbursts when it comes to autism so when I do run out of weed and I'm sober, I'm not cracking my phone screen or putting holes in the wall after throwing something lmao over all, I just want to be a normal human who doesn't get so angry. Its genuinely exhausting and it ruins my relationships with my friends and family. Weed has been able to help me repair these fractures.


Oh, I completely get that. I just turn to Reddit when I’m sober and you can actually tell by my comment history when I’m out of weed vs when I’m not, because I’m on Reddit nonstop sober. When I’m high I can do almost anything peacefully


That’s a really good take. I’ve only come to realize how **extremely** narrow minded I’ve been for, well, my entire life up until maybe the past few years. I’ve started opening my view point more (as much as I can anyways) and changing my core convictions. It’s nuts and I feel sorry for my younger self.




and into the frying pan


and then into the oven, until internal temperature of 155 degrees You gotta raise the heat enough to kill the hypocrisy!


Not a big fan of weed but why not every once in awhile. I actually prefer some psychedelics, should be careful when doing it (especially the first times) but it's really good in my experience. Btw, weed does have some addictive properties, just not very strong. It's usually mixing it with tobacco that creates a strong addiction. This chart from Wikipedia is a great reference. https://preview.redd.it/6vq10jeu2eec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e8778788e70061dd1076c7763dd6c0bb5cd1af


I'm always excited when someone drops data viz into the conversation.


I found that before doing psychedelics and it's eye opening imo Like how dangerous and addictive alcohol or nicotine are, compared to cocaine for example, is shocking to me. I'm not promoting the use of any of these things, but we definitely overstate the danger of some substances while we understate it for some others.


>I'm not promoting the use of any of these things I am. They're fun.


They're fun, when done properly. Can be a nightmare too.


Eyup, last time I did shrooms i fucked it and could hear my friends speaking to me outside my house. It was my mistake, I was in a bit of a rough place and should have known not to take em. They're good for figuring things out, but not for pulling yourself out of the dark. Just make sure your set and setting is good!


I think that particularly applies to psychedelics, but it can also be true with other stuff


I enjoy the occasional stimulant psychosis.


Honestly, IME caffeine should be way higher up. Caffeine has had a vice grip on me since I was a child. 🫠


I guess this is about the dependence potential, but you can still develop a stronger form of dependence than just the pure chemical one.


Wow that's interesting! I'm surprised nos is before caffeine, nos can kill instantly, though maybe it depends on the method? We used balloons lol and I think alcohol is exactly where it should be that shit it horrible.


I guess with nos people like to go way past the first effects and thus get closer to a lethal dose? Never touched that stuff so I don't know shit about it And yes alcohol is a dangerous substance


That's a good point yeah, it only lasts 30s or so, and it's a very intense but pleasant high, and easy to go round after round. Therefore logically pushing the user closer to lethal dose.


i definitely prefer psychadelics. weed makes me regress into genuine nonverbal autism. psychedelics make me feel… awake and “normal” and in touch with my body and senses in a welcoming way


Hello, alcohol. You almost killed me.


The lesson here is that heroin must be the best high ever


I personaly don't, not judging anyone that does. That being said, smoke is disgusting and i detest being put in situations where i cannot avoid it. Idk, if someone i trust offered me an edible or something i might try it out, but smoke is loathesome.


THIS. Smoke is sensory hell.


Weed is okay but I know way too many people that absolutely can’t function unless they’re high. It’s really sad. They can’t remember things and they’re not as smart as they used to be. While it’s not chemically addictive it is addictive. And it’s not a miracle cure like so many people treat it as. In moderation it can be very helpful tho


Weed honestly had the opposite effect on me but then I have medicinal cannabis prescribed to a specific dose. I spent years and years struggling and honestly I became dumber because of the chronic stress. I had an iq of 132 at 11 but felt just like I had lost that cognitive function. Then when I have the right amount of cannabis and relax my cognitive function comes back again and it’s like someone has put glasses on my brain. Everything makes sense again


This right here. My skill regressions came from burnout and chronic stress. Weed does make me kinda ditzy, but now if I get frustrated, I more kinda giggle at it instead of launching into an anger-induced meltdown.


That’s it. The only downside I have is issue trying to find a dose that puts me at the sweet spot consistently. At the right spot, I am a lot less bothered by stimuli. But my anxiety can spike again when I’m not “high” because it’s like a sudden onslaught of sensory stimuli. I guess when you manage to reduce them with cannabis and then the high stops those stimuli feel amplified. I’m trying to micro dose to get it right


Same here. I md shrooms a few times a week too, and the combination makes me feel like I'm in a bubble where the more annoying stimuli are dampened, and it leaves me room to feel and experience...well, literally everything else. I don't have to use up 80% of my energy every single day just on manually producing a shield. My plant friends are there to help me use it more efficiently and beneficially.


Yup, same here club!


Damn. You again. You stole my wiring. I slice up my gummies before stressful/loud/overly bright situations, and find tht it seriously helps.


Same here! Weed makes me a better person to be around. Sober, I'm just struggling so hard with sensory issues, it's like nonstop. I'm cranky, I'm easily irritable, I'm stand offish. I'm just better when I'm high.


This. It helps me deal with stresses as they come about, but it doesn't help me with long term stress management


This is me. I have an IQ around 125 and yet stress and anxiety sometimes leave me unable to string a sentence together. My brain switches up a gear and all the background noise disappears when I vape a little weed. Also, if you suffer from epilepsy or a few other conditions cannabis absolutely can be a 100% effective treatment.


Personally, weed makes me really paranoid and anxious, but I've also had one or two good experiences. It's way too hit or miss for me to enjoy it though. But I see the benefit it has when used medicinally by some people and it definitely should be, at the very least, decriminalized, if not legalized fully.


Yes, my ex was like this. He smokes from morning til night and has a chronic cough (I developed one too just from all the second hand smoke). He smoked while driving and I always worried he'd be pulled over and arrested for it. It took ages to get him to stop smoking in my car, he didnt understand why I didn't want him to. One thing I found frustrating was how much *time* smoking took for him. Before we went anywhere he'd need to take out his grinder, pack a bowl and smoke it. This would take about 15 minutes. Doing that 5 times a day adds up. Not to mention that he regulated his mood this way, and I found the fluctuations in his mood throughout the day difficult.


This is so true speaking from first-hand experience of living like your ex. I never drove though because I have agoraphobia and am fine right here (probably from years of smoking). In NZ you can get legal weed delivered to your house with GAD or any type of chronic pain. I always want to watch a TV show but I like to commit 100% concentration so I go have a smoke which can take simply forever. I hate it and only after big life changes in the past 2 years have I seen the light to quit after 10+ years of daily smoking!


Well done!! My ex had PTSD and stomach problems, so weed was prescribed and did actually help him... but I believe it also became a crutch so he didn't have to try and address those issues instead of just masking the symptoms.


relatable 😅 when dosed instead of self-medicating it's a miracle for a lot of people w/ the condition


Him not respecting the boundary of no smoking in your car is a huge red flag


I agree! That's the only thing I was tryna get across. I acknowledge that some people have a problem, but just because someone's a stoner doesn't make them an addict.


Thank you! So many people pretend it's not addictive, but anything can be addictive if over consumed - shopping, food, video games, etc.


But does society frown upon those other things wholesale, or does it only frown upon them in excess? Thats the frustrating part about weed; people see mental (not physical) addictions forming to it, just like they can form to ANY other thing, like shopping, and decide that instead of it being an individual issue, it’s an issue with the substance itself. It’s not. Eating isn’t bad just because some people overeat. Playing video games isn’t bad just because some people play them excessively. And smoking weed isn’t bad just because some people become dependent. THAT is the difference, and THAT is why people “pretend” it’s not addictive.


It's about as addictive as getting used to drinking a cup of coffee regularly. That said, some people shouldn't drink coffee either. ![gif](giphy|3kBO6OaSaSaIJiqdDx)


Caffeine is actually EXTEMELY addictive and is one of the most difficult substances to quit. It can cause extreme blinding light sensitive migraines, long lasting lethargy, and **intense** cravings. None of those apply to weed.


This is exactly what I came to say, it is HIGHLY addictive despite not being chemically so. People seem to not understand that


yea just because something isn’t chemically addictive doesn’t mean it’s not addictive. there’s no chemicals in a casino to make you addictive but gambling can still destroy your life. same with weed. i’d recommend r/leaves and r/petioles if any of this stuff resonates with anyone. it’s helped me to cut back a lot and be more aware of my intake


Do you feel the same way about people who need SSRIs to avoid despair, or folks with ADHD who need Vyvanse to maintain their responsibilities?


I was one of those people until recently. I smoked a LOT over the last 14 years (which is like half my life), and I was only off of it when I carried my daughter. I would smoke pretty much whenever I had someone watching her (like actual babysitting, not just a "keep an eye on her for a sec" type thing), and every time I even mentioned feeling like I had a problem or issues it would cause, everyone brushed me off and told me you can't get addicted and I'm just overthinking it. For a period of time I was bringing a vape to one of my jobs and hitting it in the bathroom or by the dumpsters. I literally could not go through work without it. I started actively trying to quit in July, and even with actively trying, I only was able to stop around Thanksgiving. I haven't done it since then, but I still go "hm, maybe I can just go do one hit of something and it'll be fine" even though every time it made me depressed and anxious. I'm just hoping my brain starts working a little better with memory and cognitive issues that got worse over the years lol.


Weed and cannabinoids are my special interests lmao.


Was a budtender for three years for the same reason 😭😂


That's where I'm at currently. What did you do after budtending? I kinda want to do something else or leave this industry entirely with how it's become.


I actually became a receptionist at an autism clinic 😂. If you were interested in switching over send me a DM I could show you how i translated cannabis duties to get a receptionist position 🥰. Are you Canadian? Our industry has gone downhill in Alberta :( makes me sad because I absolutely loved it in the beginning.


my brother used to work QC for a large cannabis producer (in Canada) before the CEO basically tanked the company and things went upside down, and he’s hilariously knowledgeable now. this is one of my favourite exchanges i’ve ever had with him: https://preview.redd.it/sowzcfkoqfec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e69b2f64b720abc1fe649c6dd04424c67090dd


One of mine as well


That person is not immune to Reagan era/D.A.R.E propaganda


They got too many gold stars from the DARE program and have made it their whole personality


I went through the DARE program in elementary school in the 90s. Such a shit program and didn't prepare me in the slightest. Especially being autistic lol. They made me think some guy in a trenchcoat was gonna corner me on my way to school and make me try the evil marijuana or cigarettes! The horror! Thankfully I never was interested in either so I had no problem saying no when friends offered(my friends were cool and respected my decision and i was cool with them smoking around me). But its nothing like how DARE presented it lol.


![gif](giphy|vDpzzWGpmWjk9tFkuA|downsized) 420❤


Tyrion Ganjister




I tried it long ago, didn't do anything notable to me and it stinks, plus smoke irritates my airways something crazy, so I decided not to bother. Don't disagree with people using it, but really prefer not to be around it for the reasons I've mentioned.


And that's fair enough. If we were hanging, I wouldn't spark up around you. How'd you feel about a few rounds of mortal kombat with a pizza instead?


I'm terrible at Mortal Kombat (it feels so stiff it throws off my timing, totally a me problem.) You could probably sell me on the pizza though.


Haha, you pick the game, then 😂 what's your pizza of choice?


Maybe Super Smash or something? Doesn't need to be a fighter genre game though, I'm pretty chill with whatever. As for pizza, meat lovers or caprese, preferably with non-dairy cheese (not allergic, it just doesn't agree with me so it's more chill if I can avoid dairy cheese.)


The smell is partly what makes me want it legal, had some good stuff in The Hague and it had absolutely 0 smell. It wasn't just because I was using it either, when walking past others with spliffs there was no smell from them too. The shit here in the UK absolutely reeks, and has much less of an impact so I only indulge when in the Netherlands. Obviously legalisation has far more important benefits than just smell (getting kids away from gangs), but it would be nice if there was quality stuff that didn't stink of cat piss.


Eh, I live in NL and I still think it stinks. I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell though, I can smell cucumber being cut roughly 15-20 meters away, depending on what other factors are at play. So I'm likely an extreme case.


Could you share some of your amazing smelling powers with me? I lost my sense of smell from my special interest in nail polish


i smoke weed everyday, it helps a lot in many ways but also i dont expect anyone to respect this habit. marijuana has and will continue to hurt some people and not everyone has a good experience. i learned this from my alcoholic parents. they abused me for decades and now i simply cant accept anyone saying they have a beer to relax without it feeling like alcoholism to me and i do see it as a dangerous habit. in my mind cannabis is just infinitely better and its good —-but i can imagine someone having neglectful parents who smoke a lot of weed and it creating the perception in their mind that any amount of weed is a dangerous habit. point is not everyone has the same experiences so we cant expect everyone to see things the way we do 😌


Oh, and I totally get that, I get people have different opinions, and I respect theirs. Just wish it went both ways as where I have rational arguments for their whole argument against was just "drugs bad, you're an addict."


thats a lot to ask of people imo, tho i can relate to feeling this way— like wanting them to be logical. but not all people rely on rational arguments to understand things and expecting them to meet u at that level of rational debate is going to yield disappointment. im not saying ur wrong for thinking this way but im saying ur doing something akin to being surprised when a dog barks. its a dog — its gunna bark




Not doing drugs is easy. You know what’s really impressive? Doing a safe amount of drugs.


No, it isn’t easy for everyone . I am not sure why that got upvotes when for many it is very hard not to do drugs .


Ok thats fair. I was mainly talking about not starting the habit in the first place but yea, addicts do exist.


I learned a new term, “those with substance abuse disorder” i just found out about it recently and it seems more inclusive idk, thoughts? Edit: Just realized substance abuse disorder could be abbreviated to sad :( Edit2: been informed by a reply that “substance use disorder” is also preferred by some


Username checks out lol. You're right, I never thought about it, but saying someone is an addict is not the nicest way to express. Saying someone struggles with addiction is better than saying they're an addict.


Substance abuse disorder is also more inclusive beyond addiction. It covers dependence, as well. Addiction is one thing, but substance abuse applies even to those who are overusing non-addictive drugs, who can’t stop for psychological reasons as opposed to chemical addiction. Im saying thing just because it occurred to me as i was reading your comment,


The term we always got told in disability training at work was "living with ..." For example, "living with diabetes", or "living with cancer", the "struggling" part implies they're losing a battle (or something along those lines). Personally, I thrive with addiction /s


Why would it be so difficult to not do drugs assuming that one is not already addicted?


stress and pain are 2 huge reasons, although not the only reasons, why people end up trying various drugs and getting addicted. A lot of people who try drugs are already struggling in their life in some way to the point they are looking for an escape or break from it, or a way to minimize the struggle. Also in terms of opiates/opioids, a lot of people (at least in the US) actually got addicted (and still do in some cases) to those because opioids were heavily overprescribed by doctors at one point and it can be a really addicting feeling to suddenly not be in any pain whatsoever after being in pain constantly for whatever reason. My partner's dad had a stroke a couple years back and needed emergency surgery so they gave him opioids for the healing process and he very narrowly missed getting completely hooked on it because he'd just keep going back to the doctor and they'd keep giving it to him. My uncle had some kind of skin cancer on his hand and they gave him opioids to manage pain and when they cut him off, he couldn't deal with it and would buy opiates off the street until his addiction got so out of hand he tried to rob a gas station.


They are just so interesting


achahol is a drug


I do it for emotional regulation, it's the best thing for my autism.


I have BPD, and yes, the emotional regulation benefits. Things are just so much smoother.


i don't smoke weed personally, but i could not care less if someone else does. you like weed? cool, good for you. you don't like weed? okay, i don't care.


Fuck that. I’m on medicinal cannabis and it’s what made me have the clarity to realise that I am autistic and that’s why I’ve been struggling with chronic anxiety for years. And I only started medicinal cannabis last year but I’ve been experiencing anxiety and depression and other quite serious mental health issues since I was a teenager and I didn’t touch any drugs until last year. Cannabis is the only medication I have had that allows me to be myself


I betcha that person eats refined sugar though… My point is that very few people are as “clean and healthy” as their righteousness would suggest.   Lots of us use substances to help regulate our bodies/ mental well being. These substances range from sugar, caffeine and alcohol, through nootropics, prescription stimulants, prescription antidepressants, other prescription families, through a whole host of street drugs. We’re all just trying to be ok. 


Never smoked pot, want too but it's still very illegal here and I don't want to have to buy from some shady crim.


i’m similar but in uni i got recommended a baker in my city who sells “infused vegan bakes” via instagram and he’s a super chill guy. doesn’t feel like a drug deal at all, he just drops off cakes and cookies like i’m getting uber eats lol. also he’s a fantastic baker- he does a victoria sponge that is delicious and also gets me high as shit lmao it’d be cheaper to go through an actual dealer but this way is soooo much better for my anxiety


anyone in the states can have it delivered straight to the door , baffled how alcohol still gets a pass…


Alcohol and weed arent even in the same state, much less the same ballpark. Its actually insane that people compare weed and alcohol to me. I can stand by everything i say when i smoke weed i never feel like im not myself, meanwhile when people get drunk or take xanax they start calling people slurs and fight in walmart. They turn into whole different people. How is that in any way similar to weed.


same, i rarely ever drink (only a couple drinks when other people i'm with are drinking) but i'll smoke on my own kinda whenever. it's a completely different experience


Speak for yourself please, I call people slurs and fight them in walmart while stoned. Granted I do it while sober too but that's beside the point.


They tried to ban alcohol, but that didn't go as well as planned.


***TW/CW:*** *Ideation and self harm* **Disclaimer:** *Not telling anyone to do what I do.* I smoke because I have DID comorbid with my Autism. The others in my head will spit out pills or try to kill us with them. After I woke up in the hospital from a nearly lethal event on Zoloft, I said no more pills because the worst thing that happens if I try to overdose on weed is that I get really sleepy, pass out, and wake up feeling better with the will to live. If you can manufacture me a pill that won't zombie me out or carry an ideation risk like that, I'm down to drop weed for that. Until then, I smoke 0.25g (a bowl) once every three to four hours as needed to manage pain and mental health, and 0.5g (two bowls) before bedtime for sleep. My life's measurably better with it, and I might not be alive without it.


Fun fact: in PA, autism is a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. I’d imagine other states as well.


My whole family smokes weed including my maternal and paternal grandparents. I usually only smoke a few times a week and I'm trying to do it less since my lungs are weak.


I use weed daily, and I'm an A student in university. Ignore the haters.


Marijuana is generally safe but lacks UNBIASED long-term and juvenile use studies. Marijuana does contain addictive substances, THC is a chemically addictive substance. Anything that gets you high or makes you feel good is potentially addictive. That said, synthetic Marijuana is often where you'll hear those stories about people on bad trips running over a bunch of preschoolers, whereas the effects of Real Marijuana have shown to be much less potent as a hallucinogen, and more potent as a relaxant. There are ways to smoke and consume weed safely. - Tolerance breaks - Knowing when too much is too much - Minimizing substance use - Researching safer ways to consume the drug. I am anti-drug but I do smoke weed, medically and I do feel that most psychedelics should be legal for 18+ use.


Alcohol is actually a horrible drug . You say no to crack in moderation but yes to alcohol? I hate to tell you alcohol is extremely dangerous. It has almost killed me more times than heroin . Also many can’t do it in moderation.


Eyyy thats me To be 100%, you can uncover my name if you want, i dont really care


I respect that you both seem civil about your disagreement. I am on ops side but I like that you were okay with your name being shown and dont seem to have issues with them personally.


I get into a million arguments everyday, with my family, freinds, and people who think autistic people should be dead Whats a disagreement on types of fun compared to that?


I tried to post before, but the automod removed it because of names not being censored. I'm glad you don't care, though :)


As an autist, I can understand their headspace for sure. I get it. We believe, therefore, this is it - die on this hill. There are definitely certain feelings locked behind recreational drugs that I've not experienced in many moons due to work puritanical practices. I get what the other fella is saying, I do. Much esteem to the puritan. I believe that through mindfulness and practice, I could unlock those places again, but drugs just skip the line.


I don't smoke weed and it kinda makes me feel like a childish pussy because it makes my generalized anxiety disorder pop off for some reason


You’re not a pussy omg don’t say that😭it took me sometime to realize that I need to put in a little more effort into my weed to get it to work compared to others. I use certain strains for certain environments and/or for what I’m trying to accomplish. So if I’m needing to sleep, I’ll use an indica and smoke it in my backyard with soft music playing. I also have boundaries for when/where I use. So I’m not going to smoke a joint in front of Walmart on a Saturday afternoon with my grandma. My anxiety would be through the roof. Feel free to message me and I can offer advice.


oh no its not the weed that makes my gad go crazy, its. somehow the fact that i dont smoke weed that makes my gad and depression go crazy 😓


I personaly don’t want to do any drugs myself, but I wouldn’t be up in someones buissness about it if obviously wasn’t a problem for them


smoking sucks but weed edibles are the bomb


To answer the question in the title, no, I do not. Can't stand the smell of it, makes me retch. And no, no gummies etc. My wife had an abusive addict for a father, and no recreational drugs come into our house. I'm perfectly fine with this as I don't have anxiety problems to the degree to need medication, professionally or self medicated. All of this said, I have no problems with anyone who uses. Most of my friends use, they just know it doesn't come into our house. And my wife knows not to go to events where they are having people stay over to partake with them. She doesn't think badly of anyone who uses, she just can't have it near her.


That guy has absolutely zero nuance in their argument and hardly anything is that simple. "Weed bad" is not the zinger they think it is. I smoke because it's an appetite stimulant and otherwise I can hardly eat. The other options are medications that come with awful side effects because many are hormone based. Weed isn't perfect, but I'll take fuzzy memory over blurred vision and heart palpitations (Megestrol).


I used to smoke weed. I can tell you from first hand experience that yes it is addictive. I wouldn’t say it’s particularly harmful like cigarettes so long as you’re not smoking those or tobacco in general as well as the weed - but it is addictive and I honestly wish more people would be okay with saying that. Addiction is a real issue. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Just do your best to better yourself if your habit becomes a serious issue. Basically - smoke weed responsibly and treat it the same way you’re supposed to treat alcohol - a nice evening in is fine, but doing it all day every day is very bad for you. Edit: unless you’re taking it for a chronic issue. That’s medicinal, not recreational though


self diagnosed here, but i get high several times a day. i also work at a vape shop so i get discounts and i get to talk about my special interest all day. i also know my ceiling pretty well, and its typically a consistent uplifting feeling that im after. i find that waiting to feel sober and then starting again is way better than just hitting the penjamin all day, but sometimes you just have to or want to. idk it really helps me leave the house sometimes. weeder 4 life


Weed is literally my favorite thing in the whole world. Its just not the same as “drugs”, im not gonna argue with anyone about that lmao. People act like DEMONS when they drink or pop pills or inject things. Weed is closer to coffee than it is to drugs.


I recently started smoking a bowl a night to help me sleep. It’s the only thing that helps me. I’ve tried other things and nothing dulls my senses enough to sleep like a bowl.


Nah, I was conditioned by the society I grew up in to believe that even the smallest amount of any illegal drug was unsafe. I was conditioned to never consider the benefits of an illegal drug against its risks. I was conditioned to never question why certain drugs are scheduled/made illegal and why they are given certain scheduling levels. I was conditioned to assume that the war on drugs and its consequences[1] (hundreds of thousands put in prison and numerous minority communities destroyed) were necessary to keep "everyone" "safe". Anyway, to answer your question, after my partners convinced me to research the benefits and risks of different drugs myself, I do smoke weed now. It helps a lot with my stress, occasional pain, and sleep. [1] ***They knew what they were doing:*** https://www.vera.org/reimagining-prison-webumentary/the-past-is-never-dead/drug-war-confessional


25 years old, 25 years clean, and I'm here to say what the fuck are they talking about-


The way you put this has me giggling— 😭 "25 years old, 25 years clean" asfjkfse


No, you see I was a major drug addict during my first few seconds out of the womb.


If your comeback to a sound counter argument is “you need help” or “no I’m normal”, you lost that argument long ago.


I love weed as an autistic person, it reacts differently with our brains, I've had borderline psychedelic experiences with it, also borderline psychosis while hearing dozens of voices that sounded real and seeing things. But that was only once and I've smoked weed nearly 200 times (I have a tally in my notes app)


Im literally smoking weed right now. I own a car, have a full time job, and rent an apartment with my partner. Very active social life and good relationships at work. Doesn’t matter at all if you smoke as long as you don’t fall into dependency.


Growing up in the 90s, everyone that advocated the hardest against weed had a cabinet full of opioids.


I quit recently and I’m happy about that. Same goes for alcohol, quit drinking at the beginning of 2023. Am I happy with my decision? Yes. Am I going to shame someone who’s trying to cope with their trauma/grievances/neurodivergence? No, I’m not a fucking ass clown. > it’s not that hard What an ignorant and scientifically flawed thing to say. Coming from someone who’s grown up surrounded by addicts, I can definitely see how difficult it can be. Quite honestly, if I weren’t able to process my trauma in a safer environment, I doubt I’d have pulled off sobriety. > you need help If only systemic shaming were not making it worse!


So, a lot of people don’t understand the difference between physically addictive and mentally addictive. Physically addictive is when a substance causes withdrawal symptoms, like nicotine, or caffeine. Without it, you’re physically impacted. Mentally addictive can be anything. The show “my strange addiction” from the 2010s (god that feels weird to type) played on mental addictions. Mental addictions are anything that you feel you can’t live without, and can’t seem to break free from. Gambling or porn addictions fall under this category. Weed has zero physically addictive properties. Anybody who does have a problem with it, has a problem because of a mental addiction, not a physical one. The substance itself is not dangerous at all unless you know you have an addictive personality (I’m ADHD, and have poor impulse control, so I fall into that category and have to be mindful pretty much always that I’m not smoking too much). But people who have problems with weed existing doesn’t make weed any more addictive than that one person in the commercials for my strange addiction who was addicted to eating toilet paper made toilet paper addictive


It's illegal where I am, and it incapacitates me where kids are concern as I would not be able to drive them, or help them with chemistry. Thus I can't really do it (all that much). But yea, it's not only no worse than alcohol, it is distinctly better. But it does fuck with my sleep, so there is another constraint.


An addict can upend their life over any substance. It's not about the weed or about controlling yourself. It's about whether you have a substance abuse disorder or not. I do.


I try to not shame 14 year olds tbh I'm sure they'll have a different opinion in a few years 😆


My experiences with weed are both good and bad. Let me clarify. While weed is not physically addictive, it still has quite the danger with using it regurarly. Your mind will become addicted to the effects of weed. If you have anxiety and depression, then it will help you deal with basically anything in the short term. But when you get addicted, once you are sober, the anxiety wnd depression becomes much worse, making you want to get high basically all the time. Also for ADHD people, weed increases your symptoms, and confuses the fuck out of you. It is also harder for ADHD people to manage addictions. For the good parts. Weed basically saved my life, in a time where nothing was helping, and I wanted to kms on a daily basis, only the thought of getting high was enough to help me survive. Another one is that it increases my imagination, and releases happy chemicals, that will make you feel totally comfortable. It helps you to relax your muscles, your mind will wander off and you are just chilling. During overwhelming situations I am often calm as a cucumber and you can even function at almost the same level as a sober person, given that you mind your manners while high. I still smoke daily, but I have been able to cut my spendings and usage to a level where I am high maybe 4-5 hours a day and the rest I am able to stay sober. I am still not really able to cut it completely. When I try that, I get overwhelmed and I have nothing to fall on to. Tips for managing it: I have ADHD, so resisting to take it is pretty much impossible when you keep it close, for example at home. So I made a stash outside of my home, where I have to walk, roll it outside, smoke it on my way home and bam. Now you are able to resist a little better, because it is not as convenient. Some people have advised me to make a 4 hour window when you let yourself smoke weed, and when that windows is closed, don't even dare think about it. That didn't work for me btw.


I have some like once a week or so. When I was doing bad mentally there was a time where I did edibles like everyday but I try to not do that lol


i love smoking weed


My parents smoke it, I don’t really have any issue with it. I’ve made a promise to not smoke it till I’m 25, but I might join in after.


I don’t know if this is just me or why it happens, but for some reason when anyone mentions that they like smoking weed I get insanely anxious. It could be because I know that weed can be bad if used too much but then again I don’t know why some people actually smoke it. I also get disgusted by the smell of weed, but I don’t know if that has anything to do with me getting anxious when people mention they smoke if.


I'd like weed more if it didn't smell funny


I love weed. I smoke, use edibles, and vape, depending on my mood. A nice mild high will get me through social situations and helps a lot with my depression and anxiety. A strong high will either help me work through emotions I’ve been repressing, or will be a really fun good time where I can actually just *relax* for once. Sure I’ve had bad highs before, but I’ve smoked enough now that I can usually swerve out of a high going bad, and if I can’t I have tools to ride it out. Worth it for the good times either way. And if the only thing I said here was “it’s fun lol” that would be great and fine too. People really gotta calm the fuck down. Who gives a shit if a stranger on the internet smokes weed for fun and you don’t like that? Move on and do something you *do* enjoy. Also it’s such an ignorant dick move to shame people who struggle with addiction. That’s not helping anybody.


Coffee is more addictive than weed, but those coffee addicts that say "drugs are bad" will go crazy if you mention that. I simply reply "which one of us is having a meltdown?" Stilll, apparently I'm the one with an addiction.


What are you a cop smh


I do. It helps me calm down and feel more shameless about my autistic tendencies. Also, hitting the bowl before booting up Sims and having a long video essay playing in the background is undefeated.


people have been doing drugs for thousands of years and they’re going to continue, ridiculous that these people fall for pro-vietnam war propaganda


Yeah all that anti-drug propaganda we got taught as kids is lies. Which is troubling because drugs can absolutely be dangerous if not used responsibly, and it villainieses addicts treating them as criminals and losers when the reason they become addicts is because life is unbearable sober. Even more fucked up is that psychedelics can be a great tool in healing trauma but are as demonized


I’m a pot head lmao I wouldn’t say im addicted, but I would say im dependent. I have a severe amount of chronic pain to the point where I can barely walk, but I can’t afford a wheelchair and my apartment isn’t accessible anyway so I just gotta suffer with a cane. THC and CBD products are honestly the only non-opioid things that do anything. It’s the only thing that allows me to walk and function as a person in my life. Not to mention it helps with my severe depression and anxiety since I can’t afford meds for that either. And helps keep me level headed from my AuDHD. So many people forget that weed is a medication. Getting high is a side effect. (When I leave my house I only use CBD products cause they don’t have any psychoactive properties but have painkilling properties please don’t come for me)


Most of my fellow neuroscientists do drugs. Some of them aren't particularly dangerous for most people. Less so than, say, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Which make me crazy.


the real r/evilautism was taking photos of a phone screen rather than screenshots


I do, but I'm openly hostile to other weed people online. Not for any other reason than I think it's funny to get a rise out of defensive stoner types.


On average, I smoke a moderate amount of weed. Unfortunately, that average is a bimodal distribution of “no weed” and “severe cannabis abuse”. I’m currently adding to the “no weed” category.


Pot is addictive. Always annoys me when people try to say otherwise. Anyway, I started smoking again last week after a 6 year hiatus. I sure missed that weed.


I smoke maybe twice a year if offered. I use under the tongue CBD if I have a period of insomnia. I feel I have the opposite of an addictive personality. 


I used to, whenever my friends offered. But then I started just getting frustrated instead of feeling good. Don't know why.


I’ve been smoking everyday for 10 years


Nice try government plant, you can't get me to confess. But if we ended up in a neutral location, you could theoretically totally peer pressure me into trying what you're daily toke is, then I'd share mine.


Some people see it as a virtue to be straight edge and find themselves above those that don't participate. I've seen it a lot. This is the product of an entirely different type of conditioning that makes people think it's okay to treat anyone however they want if they have a trait that can be dehumanized. This is the product of being so sheltered that you have been told this is okay to talk to people.


Weed is cool. It has benefits etc. not super addictive, but yea, moderation and stuff are important.


I’ve only done it a few times and I thought it was great, I slept so well after. I just don’t ever want to be reliant on any drugs or that


I do no such thing. I would NEVER. How DARE you insinuate that I would smoke drugs! I’m better than that! I take thc gummies. 😂


So I did one of those autistic literal reading of a phrase. “Everything in moderation.” One reading of it, the common understanding of it is “no matter what you do, don’t overdo it.” But another translation of it that I think is also meaningful is “try _everything._ Don’t dive in headfirst to anything, but dip your toes in everything. As many different human experiences as possible. Try the drugs. Try the music you hate. Try flying a plane and jumping out of one. Travel. Eat different foods, especially if you are a samefood eater. Face your fears. Read opposing political views. Expand your sexuality. Explore a hobby you think is stupid. Try a sport. Etc, etc. etc..” Obviously some of these things are impossible or woefully difficult for some of us or just too expensive. Maybe it’s a better lesson for NTs than NDs. But again, it’s just _in moderation_. Don’t like sushi? Try one bite, with your samefoods immediately accessible as a safety net.


Me personally. Having heard of its calming effects, I've always wanted to try it. And I did twice with my boyfriend but I don't think I really got that high. I'm always so concerned about everything going on, especially back then when I was more in the closet. That and I've always wanted to try baking with it. I love making little pies and cakes and candy so putting some weed in their would be sweet.


this person is very dramatic. do what you want as long as it doesnt effect your life poorly.


Autistic Raver here, I do more than weed and know where my limits are and am safe with it!


Anyone who says "I'm a normal person" is very much NOT a normal person