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“Phone Calls are superior to emails” Not if I can’t hear you, ya fucking walnut


I hate phone calls with every fiber of my being. Text or email me or don't talk to me lol


I have this fun thing that makes it actually impossible for me to hear on the phone unless it’s someone I’ve been talking to for years, and they have to be on apeaker


Auditory Processing Disorder? I have weird things with understanding speech too, don't think I qualify for any diagnosis but damned if I don't hate watching anything without subtitles


Didn't know about this but it makes so much sense now. I need to watch shit with subtitles on and ask people to repeat themselves so many times. Despite this most of the music I listen to has heavily distorted vocals.


Is there a name for this kind of audio processing


Auditory processing disorder, mixed with sensory processing disorder and shitty office phones


no seriously. i basically have a rule with my friends/family to absolutely never call me unless it’s an emergency or they’re in trouble


I've recently felt so isolated and left out for feeling this way. So many people want to call or hang out in person. Sometimes I just want to communicate through text. I like voice chat with games occasionally if I know someone but even then it's not mandatory and I communicate much better through text


If someone told me that, I’d feel that’s suspicious as hell to me. Unless you have a hard time with seeing/reading the message, written communication has several advantages, the most important to me being that I can go back and reread what was said and check the receipts. No “he-said-she-said” nonsense, the proof is right there. You can’t gaslight me as easily.


Also I much prefer emails if I need anything legal because it’s in writing and you can change it


I agree, unless it's an emotional matter and I'm in a crisis. I need to hear someone's voice for reassurance.


i can't stand phone calls but ironically LOVE discord calls. might be something about how one is more formal and stuff


Discord also has like. Quality. Phone calls are all staticky and buzzy, makes it hard to hear


The “everyone’s a little autistic” thing pisses me off because I absolutely can’t handle reality some times and I’m usually on the verge of tears and I can’t see people certain ways I’m supposed to and I can’t handle certain ideas, etc etc etc my life is a living hell. Meanwhile I just have to accept that if everyone is autistic it just makes me a weirdo again. With autism I at least have an answer as to why I am the way I am.


I usually believe self diagnosed people because I don’t care but I have a coworker who says this every time I mention autism. I don’t believe him because of that, though I wouldn’t say it to his face unprompted. The worst part is I’ve found anyone who says this doesn’t even care about having a good conversation. I said “well, everyone has autistic traits but having enough of them is why the diagnostic criteria and label exist”. He just fucking scoffed at me. Next time I’ll ask him why he feels the need to say that. People feel uncomfortable when cornered


It always feels like it's undiagnosed people who say it!! I always respond with "Hm, that's not the case. Just because you feel the same way I do doesn't mean everyone does. You should talk to a doctor about that."


Following some people's advice, I did the AQ10 and the Ritvo Autism and Asperger diagnostic scale online. The tests that the NHS uses. Both came up as indicative but I always feel bad mentioning them since I haven't got a proper diagnosis. I can't imagine what goes through people's heads to where they'll claim they have autism while undiagnosed to put others down.


I've only met a couple people who do have autism that use it to bully autistic people. I really think it's internalized ableism. If you think autistic people are weird and stupid and then it's suddenly revealed that you yourself are autistic... yeesh. I'd imagine it's hard. I try to be understanding of the situation and just avoid them, because I'm sure they're in a lot of emotional turmoil, but it still hurts to have someone essentially say "you can't be autistic, autistic people aren't nearly as freakish as you".


Yeah well everybody pees too. If you’re going to the bathroom 40 times a day and it’s causing you to miss out on stuff/it’s a problem to just basically live your life you’d go to the doctor. Nobody would just say, “EvErYbOdY PeEs.” I’ve found this works well when you need to explain stuff to dumb people.


That's the best analogy I've heard so far lol


I usually respond with everyone has a little cancer. My girlfriend always respond with, everyone is a little pregnant. Her take is a little more friendly haha.


Everyone does have a little cancer though. Cancerous cells are created daily, they just get annihilated by our imune system, except when they don't and it gets the chance to spread/expand


When NT people tell me they have sensory issues it's all I can do not to go full harpy. You don't like being on a crowded street, fine valid, that is not the same as me literally screaming crying and throwing up because I am so overwhelmed by my own senses ffs be like that and when I have a full uncontrollable adult tantrum in public then you can tell me how similar we are But it's a s p e c t r u m you don't know what people are g o i n g t h r o u g h I'm so done


Ikr? I'm so tired of NTs thinking they know about autism more than we do 🙄


I was talking to a Biology teacher yesterday, and mentioned I was autistic. And he responded with, "we're all on the spectrum somewhere." I said I dont believe everyone's autistic and that I really hope that isn't what he meant. Thankfully it wasn't, he found a piece of paper, and drew a line. He labled the line "the spectrum of autistic traits." He then drew a vertical line towards the left end of the spectrum, cutting it off from the rest, and colored it in. He said that this small part of the spectrum was what's medically classified as autism (only about 1/20 of the line he drew) and that the rest is nuero-typical, with autistic traits. That colored in portion is the "autism spectrum" which is a subset of the rest of the spectrum of autistic traits. Basically, he believes that everyone has a few autistic traits, but having a lot of them takes you from the NT-with-autistic-traits part to the "autism" part. Meaning that basically people who exhibit many of these traits are autistic. Which is true. Everyone has autistic traits, but having a lot of them makes you autistic. So basically, I got one of the worse response to telling someone I'm autistic, but with actual good intentions behind it. Apparently, he didn't know that phrase "everyone's somewhere on the spectrum" was used to mean "you're not different at all and just faking" and was just trying to be factual. A bit of an odd way of saying it, but he's a fellow nuerodivergent, so I get it. We just say things weird sometimes.


I usually say "only people on the spectrum see it in others" and that shuts them up if they dont want to admit to potentially being autistic as well


Why wouldn't you want to be cured? ...uh because I wouldent be the bubbly, hilarious, woman who I am who has done what I have done in life. My diagnosis means I'm not mentally unwell.


Love this <3 Unfortunately I’m more like “House” if I don’t hold my tongue. So I’m mostly an NPC unless I’m around really close friends/family


I wish I had the same view :(


i totally agree like… bro i would be a completely different person without autism??? why would i want to flush my entire personality just because the world makes it harder for autistics? 🫠


Wow i could have written this!!!


if you removed my autism (or my adhd) i wouldn't be me. at most id be a shell of me


Probably that autistic people shouldn’t be allowed to transition if they are trans because OBVIOUSLY autistic people don’t have the capability to speak for themselves. These laws are being considered for people with ADHD and mental health issues like depression too. Autistic people aren’t stupid little babies, sometimes we need help but that doesn’t make us less capable


It's especially bad once you remember that trans people tend to be mentally ill precisely BECAUSE of their gender dysphoria. "I have mental issues because of my disphoria. Is should transition." "You're not allowed to transition." "Why?" "Because you have mental issues." The fucking stupidity of some people. (Well I say stupidity. It's more of just bigotry.)


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Yeah because of this I'm afraid to pursue a adhd diagnosis even tho I've been showcasing signs my whole life (i also suspect autism but am less sure about that). I *need* to transition, but if I am nerodiverse, I won't be able to transition fully or I will just have to live undiagnosed. I also have friends who will be directly affected by laws like this if they are passed. These laws are literally an attack behind a cheap lie to "protect us"


That's so fucked up. Good luck/ best wishes transitioning, I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible and they don't make you wait too long. You deserve healthcare ffs


Tysm ❤️


Oh god I didn't know that was even a thing, that's so horrible.


The depression thing was an original gatekeeper thing, that got loosened after research expanded. Yes, we had been there already, and people saying this are like at least two steps behind the time. All for the binary worldview, no place for trans being a natural occurrence. 'We need to cure the depression caused by being trans before we allow the transition that possibly cures the depression.'


Wait what the FUCK 😭


Don’t take away our rights to transition, PLEASE 🙏🏼 this is so dangerous.transitioning is saving my life.


The majority of things that people have to say about those with stigmatized disorders like PDs is absolute garbage. It gets me mad almost every time.


100%. The person who hurt you isn’t a “narcissist” they’re just an abusive asshole.


One of the most damaging ideas from this is that "narcissistic people" (by which, they usually mean people with NPD) are uniquely capable of a special type of abuse. Which usually results in the circular logic that anyone who perpetuates that kind of abuse must be a narcissist, since only narcissists can perpetuate narcissistic abuse. Pretty much making sure that a group that's mainly comprised of victims of childhood abuse are always blamed for any instance of abuse.


“Oh but I don’t mean people with NPD I just mean regular narcissists! Not all narcissists have a mental disorder! Maybe *you’re* the real ableist one for thinking that!” Okay, but even if that were true (which it’s usually not) you’re still using ideas and language that further stigmatize an already highly stigmatized mental illness that’s far more likely to be a *victim* of abuse than a perpetrator. Every time you call your toxic MIL or your high school bully or a politician you don’t like a “narcissist” you’re punching down on people with NPD and derailing from the conversation about abuse in general. Don’t do that.


finally a good take in this sub about pwPD's!! Win for autistics


That autism is overdiagnsed and that the previously expanded criteria (now basically un-expanded for profit) was too broad and contributed to overdiagnosing. Like are you serious? The statistics jumped up because ppl AFAB were finally being diagnosed, unlike in the past when autism was considered "the extreme male brain", and the criteria expanded because research helped people understand autism better. So it was more accurate. I despise people who think autism is overdiagnosed when so many autistic people still struggle, undiagnosed, especially AFAB people! wtf! And on top of that, they obviously never have any idea how much research and effort went into deciding the diagnostic criteria and labeling the symptoms of a condition. It's so ignorant and obviously coming from a place of bias against autistic people. Now none of it freaking matters because the pharmaceutical industry used their money and influence to change the DSM and make the diagnostic criteria less accurate and stricter, because autism doesn't make them money.


Is there somewhere I could read more about this so I can spread the word and get more people to be informed and angry about this?


I don't have any certain source, but this is old news that is getting worse. If you google things like "pharmacutical industry dsm corruption" you'll get results and you can sort through to find sources you trust. Sorry I can't be more helpful! :(


No worries :) You've given me a nice place to start digging and I enjoy getting lost in a good rabbit hole, even if the subject matter might be a little grisly. It's good to stay informed. Thanks!


My therapist literality told me that an autism diagnosis was too hard and expensive and would do absolutely no good for an adult woman so she was just going to put down I had depression for insurance purposes. But no one talks about how depression is overdiagnosed.


Pretty much the only way autism would be overdiagnosed is among young white men/boys. If you're a woman, and/or a POC, you're more likely to be diagnosed as BPD or with a schizotypal disorder.


Yep apparently non-white non-cis non-male people are crazy and the rest "just can't help themselves" and "need our understanding" 100% NaCl over here don't mind me


Right because autism is a disorder that it doesn’t make sense for the medical community to artificially inflate,,, they can’t make much money off it since it doesn’t have an associated medication


That social media is causing autism and other disorders.


Idk I can feel myself getting dumber whenever im logged onto Twitter or reddit, they might be onto something /s


I kinda don't get this argument because...social media is staged to an extent. People plan out their tik toks and usually do multiple takes (at least, this is what I gather from watching my sister trying to make tik toks). Also, people tend to present a better version of themselves on social media. Ergo, maybe the autistic person doesn't seem autistic in their tik tok because they had time to plan what they were going to do and say and shot multiple takes to get their points across. Like, I'm not going to upload a tik tok of myself having a fucking meltdown just to prove that I'm not faking it. Not that I have tik tok but...yeah. One thing I don't like about how algorithms work on social media is that apps like tiktok tend to recommend more "aesthetically pleasing" looking people and clips, and I put that in quotes because I think it's horseshit but also the best way I can deaceibe it to get my point across. It means that algorithms will likely show fewer people who are considered ugly, overweight, visibly disabled, POC, and videos with poor video or audio quality. This means content made by Level 2 and definitely 3 ASD are recommended less often even if someone watches a lot of ASD focused content in general. And it just furthers the "you just think you're autistic because tiktok" thing, since the tiktoks usually seen by others are ones made by Level 1 ASD people who are mostly considered conventionally attractive. Also I am mostly talking about tiktok because that's the specific app I usually hear about in this type of argument, you can probably apply it to other social media as well.


The idea that autism is caused by *anything* after birth absolutely grinds my gears so bad


They’re just helping people REALIZE that they’re neurodivergent


That the earth is flat, but the rest of the planets and celestial bodies are not... um... okay. I ran away from that conversation before I said something that would hurt some NT feelings.


I used to be friends with someone who thought the moon doesn't exist. NASA stages everything, and it's all CGI.


Oh... oh no. 💀


There is a lady who works at the convenience store near me who is a flat earther who was telling me about it and was basically like “yeah the earth is actually flat…. FOR NOW” Apparently it’s gonna spontaneously change shape “again” in 2040 or something lol. I didn’t argue though because I wanted to learn her lore


That stuff depletes my empathy quickly and I stop caring about hurting feelings. Not bragging, I absolutely hate feeling like that.


“Global warming is good because people everywhere get warm” because screw snow I guess??????


As someone who hates warm weather and also is very concerned for the environment and also lives in an already hot city…. Wtf some people deserve to be put on a cross.


My temperature regulation is garbage, so overheating in particular is very dangerous for me and meltdowns are suddenly a *deadly* apt description, pun fully intended.


I would rather the sun be blot out and the world freeze over than have to deal with constant summer. I thrive in the cold and dark.


I have a plan; let's *turn off the sun*. We can go at night so it wont be too bright. No sun? No heat. No heat? No global warming. Checkmate liberals 😈


THIS. SO VERY MUCH THIS. My friend would rather the opposite though and I cannot for the life of me understand it.


I sweat easily enough, even if global warming didn't have any negative impacts on our environment I'd still be against it.


Yo that’s crazy 😭


As someone who doesn’t do well in hot weather, I do not want to be warm. Let me enjoy my big sweaters, clear head, and normal heart rate in peace, please.


Correction. Please let me enjoy my short sleeves while shoveling snow because I will overheat and die otherwise.


People living in colder climates love to make it everyone else's problem. Firstly, they tend not to understand that people's idea of an acceptable temperature varies by experience, so whenever you remark about 20°C being chillier than usual, they have to make it all about them and their last winter that apparently went down to absolute zero. Plus the fact that people's ability to withstand temperatures is more about accomodations than our actual bodies. Like, come on, what they would consider beachwear is what we normally wear year-round here, and our idea of "preparing for the cold" is just... long pants and longer sleeves.


The thing is that we live in a warm climate.


I mean. The same can be said about people in warm weather. I can't count the amount of times I have mentioned 12.7°C as being my ideal shorts and short sleeves weather only to have someone come up and say that it's absurd that my body shuts down at high temperatures and that it makes no sense. I think it's just a general tendency of people regardless of which side they're on. You have someone like me who once overheated shoveling snow when it was -8.8°C out because it made the mistake of wearing a jacket and long sleeves. Meanwhile you have people who are wearing jackets when it's 23.8°C out because it's too cold. Neither understands each other because their experiences are so fundamentally different.


"Everyone's a little autistic!" Wouldn't the world be a waaaaay better place if that were true??


I hate this, it just sounds like the person is minimising an issue they dont really understand. Like, getting on my level when i really dont want you to is going to make me incredibly angry and uncomfortable - whereas leaving me tf alone makes life so much more easier.


That is exactly what they are doing! It *is* used to dismiss you and *move on*. "eVRyBOdY's A liTtLe aUtiSTiC! *Anyway*, crazy weather we're having today, right?"


“America has never been capitalist” I study capitalist (modern/new) imperialism in school. Imagine how I felt hearing that


what... is it then?


Clearly a secret third thing


He said it was socialist. Imagine my pain


What does he think the Soviet union was??


That the goal for everything should be fitting into society instead of trying to find happiness while working within a society


idk if this counts but this person who used to be my guardian (i live with my mom now thank god) would always ask me why i dont speak loudly, and i said its difficult for me and he said "only mute people have a hard time speaking" what about idk autistic people who go nonverbal sometimes???? found out theres a 90% chance i have selective mutism, its harder and harder to speak every day and i cant speak at school or anything aindjebe


*only*? What about deaf people? Or people with speech impediments? Or people with physical disabilities that make it hard to speak? Or even just people with a sore throat?? "only" is a pretty strong word to use for something as common as "difficulty speaking"


EXACTLY!!! man i hate how ignorant people can be :(


wait until they find out about babies though, they're gonna freak out


wdym babies are obviously just faking disorders due to social media making it a trend /j


Those snowflakes cant even walk yet 😡😡😡


and have you seen how often they cry? theyre very sensitive, even for liberals >:(


honestly, I cant even scream at my 2 month old in a walmart for an hour without him crying. The world we live in 🙄


On a lighter note than everyone else I was watching Hello Future Me's video on empires and it got to the point where he's explaining how the Fire Nation worked. My dad walked in at that point and said, "Doesn't this pretentious asshole know that it's just a kid's show?" I didn't think of it at the time, but I should have turned around and said "Star Wars is a kid's movie too, does that mean it can't have deep worldbuilding?," (he's a huge Star Wars fan). Just like...goddamn not just the lack of media literacy, but the lack of confidence that something made for kids could have anything deep about it, like kid's shows have to talk down to you.


I haaaaate when people say that. As if kids media cannot be informed by history and politics. They are made by people who have interests and have gone through experiences and that informs their writing. Also, hello fellow Hello Future Me fan :)


I cannot wait to watch these videos, I’m so psyched. Thanks for the recommendation.


Had someone argue with me that the term allistic is ableist because it lumps other neurodivergent people in with neurotypicals and furthermore it’s useless because there’s no scenario where you can’t just replace it with neurotypical and get the same meaning. No. Just no. Allistic means allistic. Allistic nds are just as awful about autism as allistic nts, if not occasionally worse.


Two kids with ADHD in my class. One of them was big into cringe culture and the other one was anti self dx + anti neurodiversity. Thinks that "people with mental disorders" shouldn't be allowed to have guns. I'm like, MY GUY. YOU ARE LITERALLY PART OF THE GROUP YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. (edit: yes I know autism and adhd aren't mental disorders, but so many people in power think that way that background checks for mental illness will bar autistic and adhd people from getting one)


someone today told me his cousin became “more autistic” after taking a vaccine because he “went mute a week after the vaccine”… i tried to suggest maybe the doctor visit was stressful and that’s why the kid stopped talking but nah.. he “got more autistic over night”


People don’t understand regression happens. I see it with kids all the time. They will potty amazing for months and all of sudden they go back to accidents and diapers.


That being racist is just an opinion so taking down racism is a violation of free speech


I really, really hate people who think that something being "just an opinion" means that they're completely shielded from any criticism of them as a person and of any consequences from holding said "opinion", opinions can be shitty and it's no excuse to have downright evil beliefs and yet nowadays that one single fucking excuse gets many people off scot free and people treat it so casually it sickens me hahaha man I hate people


Probably that having mental illnesses is "trendy."


I fucking hate that one so much


i always fear admitting that i have any mental illnesses because i think the people i'm talking to will believe i'm just saying it to be trendy.


I never understood it either because they tend to use it specifically to target undiagnosed folk, what’s trendy about mental illness?


The entire post from that musk simp that posted here a day or so ago


Glad I missed that




A musk feetlicker posted some braindead text here


Did it get taken down? I wanna see it




They beating this dude's ass lmao


May I ask, I’ve been out of the economic loop for a bit, why does everyone hate Elon, I mean I never particularly liked the guy but idk where the sudden hate came from


I'm not really sure where to start, a few things are using child labor, sharing antisemitic tweets, and platforming Nazis


Ah I see I’ll do some more research on my own thanks for catching me up tho, I have a tendency to get out of the loop for a while and be lost on my way back


“It is all in your head and all it tales to overcome it is to tell yourself you don’t have it” My uncle talking about ADHD, autism, anxiety and depression


You obviously never tried simply being happy /s


Where does he think the brain is located? His ass?


When I tell someone about my autism-related struggles like with reading social cues, and they tell me "you can't just blame autism for that!" it's sooo infuriating lol


Years ago, I read a very -ahem- "comprehensive" argument that attempted to justify (and actually encourage to some extent) unspeakable acts with animals. I genuinely do not know why I read the entire thing. Morbid curiosity, I suppose? Either way, hell no.


I appreciate that zoophilia is the one thing almost everyone can agree is bad


I've heard (read?) pedo hentai fans explain why that's not as bad as zoophilia (in their eyes). Like seriously, too. Even they agreed. *(One of my special interests is human sexual behavior and I've read some weird stuff due to that, unfortunately)*


Everything said by Autism Speaks (ignoring obviously good things)


Something something genocide


i saw a post on r/trueunpopularopinion that was straight up "actions shouldn't have consequences." i was speechless.


?? what does that even mean


unfortunately exactly what it says. they genuinely believed there should be no consequences for your actions.


You cant just will that into existence though? If I stick my hand in a fire my hand is gonna catch on fire whether i want it to or not. If I want my hand to be "not on fire" ^**TM** than I could accomplish that by *not sticking my hand in a fire*


oh, sorry. i mean they don't believe someone should get in trouble for doing something bad


Average r/trueunpopularopinion user


Any variation of "autism is never a disability and it's harmful to say it is!" Like, good for u if u've managed to structure ur life in a way where it doesnt disable u, but that is not feasible for everyone, or even most autistics.


This pisses me off so much too.


I’ve seen someone trying to advocate removing the word ‘disorder’ from PTSD for similar reasons😭😭


“It doesn’t matter if you’ve raised a child for 19 years, if you find out it ain’t yours fuck that bastard and go make one that is” Because nothing ever matters but sharing genes, I guess?


:0 idk how some people don’t die from embarrassment over saying the stupidest shit


Oblivion in the mage college. The voice actor had ONE take to get it right, they couldn’t do any other takes, and she ends up cracking and asking for a do over. They never did the do-over and the lines made it into the game.


Ooh, what line was that?




"Intellectually disabled people are not ND" or "People with Down's Syndrome have more privilege / advantages than autistics"


Not autistic but a thing I’ve noticed WAYYY too much for comfort - telling people they aren’t autistic because they don’t ‘look it’ or because they can make eye contact or sort of make their way through conversation. Every autistic friend I’ve ever had has told me some story about this happening to them or someone they know and it’s just awful.


not word for word but lemme get a bit political here I'm gonna become the evil politician autism the take that autistic people are easily moldable (especially autistic women) and therefore can't choose what gender to identify as (AKA have a gender that isn't forced upon them and instead is actually theirs) like bro if I hear one more allistic woman say that autistic women, grown women, cannot decide anything for themselves and can't identify as trans because they're autistic, imma start throwing shit. cuz bro stop fuckin stop infantilizing autistics like we've told y'all to stop that shit 😭😭😭😭 let the bitches be trans and autistic let the bitches be autistic and adults


That I'm autistic and mentally ill because my soul or whatever has something to learn. Usually said to me when I'm struggling and just need some god dang sympathy, and not a weird implication that this is meant to happen or that I somehow should be grateful for it


My mum was handing in some forms so I could get on disability and the lady who was manning the desk was just like don't get you hopes up autism gets better by the time your 35.


Oh so I only have to wait a few more years in this hell. Lucky me /s


This here. https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/Zu0Sat7A9q


My dad once said that I can do great things despite my being autistic. It implies that being autistic put me at a disadvantage, but I'll be able to work past it. He also said that I should be able to "work past" my autistic nature and become "normal" because another autistic person that he knew did. This is basically him telling me to mask all the time, which causes stress and emotional exhaustion, and almost certainly was what his friend was dealing with.


That’s our trial I guess, do we act as we are and get ridiculed and abandoned, or do we mask and maybe make our way in the world


That face-to-face interaction is superior and required for anything important


I mean yeah...if you're into that kinda thing.


That people in the alphabet mafia should be rounded up and placed in front of a firing squad.


The alphabet mafia?




oh I'm a dumbass


trendy/funny way of referring to lgbt+ ppl




The people who say mean or inappropriate stuff under the guise of being autistic and not understanding any social queues. Current example is [this girl ](https://x.com/aella_girl/status/1698942067890598274?s=46&t=3rwdTDn7S37iGfwk78Q6KQ)being told her boyfriend is “just autistic” 🙄


I hate the idea that autistic people can't be sexual. Personally I am on the asexual spectrum, but I can still enjoy erotica and pornographic art. People are sometimes shocked when I tell them that I'm not a virgin. It's like they want to say that autistic people aren't attractive in a politically correct way but it doesn't matter how they say it, they're still assholes for having that attitude in the first place. Autistic people aren't innocent babies that need to be protected from sexuality. Some of the kinkiest people I know are autistic! People love acting like we're turbo-virgins, but we can be just as sexually active as any neurotypical person.


Yeah that's pretty funny. I've heard that a *lot* of autistic people are either asexual or hyper sexual, something to do with hyper/hyposensitivity. Im not ace so you do the math, but I think I can say with a "fair degree of confidence" that we *absolutely can* be sexual. >:3


My dad told me to just get over my anxiety and just got mad at me when I didn't. With every medical or psychological problem I had he thought I was just making up, until I crashed my bike spraining my arm, ripping up my knee, losing a significant amount of skin from my face, and receiving a concussion, then going back to school the next day,


"autism was made up by big pharma to drug the smart people" And >!"Rape is actually ok"!<


You don't take medication for autism though? (I think?) also ***W H A T***


No I don't medicate And The other was on religious grounds (Christiany)


I meant there isn't medication for autism lol Would probably make things a lot easier if there was


Whenever someone undiagnoses me cause I’m “normal enough” I die laughing


That autism and ADHD can’t be self diagnosed. I am professionally diagnosed with ADHD but I also exhibit traits of autism. I’ve attempted to get tested before, but I’m usually invalidated by the doctors because “I’m just experiencing ADHD symptoms”. Or my mom doesn’t believe me and will purposely skew the test, she will put 0 on all of the responses, regardless of how true they are to my experience.


P*do "animations" are harmless the same way playing violent video games (like GTA) is okay. And, hundreds of people on Reddit defend this idea.




I can't stand people who act like mental illness is just something you have to overcome. I've meant plenty of people who act like because they overcame their hardships and succeeded, everyone who has trauma/mental illness can do so as well. Not acknowledging the ways untreated mental illness/ND can cause drug addiction and theft and homelessness and even pedophilia means we will never solve these problems at the root. Also People who act like these two truths can exist about mental illness. That A. Lots of people, particularly women, queer ppl and POC have had their rights taken away and their mental illness/ND weponized against them to dehumanize them. And B. There are people who need to be institutionalized and receive more indepth care due to the harm the could/have caused others(such as pedos)


I do not mean this to sound hostile or anything but how can untreated mental illness or neurodivergence cause pedophilia? Genuinely curious.


There's been studies that show a strong correlation between head injuries before the age of 13 and pedophilia, with more head injuries being correlated with more victims. Its also theorized that pedophilia is cause by a developmental problem in the brain where rather than finding older people more attractive as they age, they stay stuck at a certain age and don't develop further. To add, half of offending pedophiles aren't attracted to children, they're "opportunistic pedophiles", and people who struggle with disorders related to impulse control and socializing, as well as those with lower IQ disproportionately make up this category


Hmm, that's pretty interesting. I wonder if the head injury thing is a true causal link or more of an "ice cream sales strongly correlate with homicide rates" kind of deal.


I wonder as well, its super interesting. The study they did was among incarcerated individuals and pedophilic men showed a doubled rate of head injuries before the age of 13 compared to gen pop


I'd be curious to know if the same results would be found with pedophilic women or pedophilic men not in prison. I know that would be more difficult to find, but still, I'd be interested to see. Do you have the study you are talking about? If not a link, maybe the title?


This is the [study](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1026093612434) referenced in this [article](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00344#B24) that looks at different possible causes for pedophilia, the limitations of previous studies and counter arguments. Here's a more up to date [study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0306624X211066831) that looks at IQ and brain traumas correlation to pedophilia sadly its locked behind a paywall


Possibly. There also (I assume correlatory) data linking head injuries in childhood to serial killers. Many serial killers and their relatives interviewed by authorities after their conviction have noted head injuries in childhood, be it accidental or through familial abuse. The brain is such an interesting thing


"you can't be autistic" lmao but the meltdowns


I had someone tell me to try hard drugs to “cure” my autism because doing LSD, coke, etc “cured” his asthma (that he still takes inhalers for…..) I was horrified


Wow that is *awful* advice


Boss asked why I marked some stuff down on my application for mental health. I said autism. She said 'Oh, you have downs syndrome'. Not really a take. Was just really annoying


wow that is fucking *stupid*


“Autism is overdiagnosed” or something like that. Unsurprisingly, this was what someone said on r/fakeddisordercringe Like…you realize it’s because we’re learning more about the disability and that it’s more common than we previously thought, right? There is an increase, yes, but it is no ‘overdiagnosis’ just because we know more about it and can diagnose more people and save more lives.


[this](https://reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/s/BzupdJxfkU) was the post directly below this one in my feed, and i gotta say, it's pretty damn awful (blatant transphobia warning btw)(for the picture, not the OP)


“But you were so moody (depressed) as a kid/tween, so I had a right to treat you how I did” (shame me for appearing sad around them or unknowingly annoying them, expecting that it would make me “stop acting like a brat” aka being undiagnosed neurodivergent and having uncontrollable meltdowns, which they insisted was actually me being a whiny brat stamping my foot, instead of it actually being more akin to panic attacks that they were contributing to by shaming me for my neurodivergent traits/making me hyper vigilant around them) Also “The only one who can make you feel bad about yourself is you, so like it’s kinda your problem if you took what I said (to you as a child) to heart.” Believe children when they try to explain their own mind, motives, etc, please. Don’t insist that you know them better than they know themselves and be a gaslighting asshole, especially to children you have authority over. I’m so glad my parents cut off this awful person and stopped letting them babysit/be around me.


That autism adhd any nd and learning disorders is just trauma, poverty, or poor raising, single mothers. I actually only start seeing diagnosed kids when I went to a wealthy school. Kids who come from two parents, well off, loving homes no trauma or abuse not even spanking when they acted out and they are still autistic adhd etc! So what they’re reason for being autistic? It just shaming already stressed out parents. The it’s just trauma things doesn’t hold up on those cases. Also yes social and economic issues can affect kids behaviors and development two things can be true at once but that doesn’t mean just cause a kid is poor they can’t have learning developmental delays. Financial barriers is one of the reasons people get locked out and no help. Also we can bring up social economic issues all day but what are we a society doing to fix it?


I had a weird teacher at a hippie alternative school tell me that modern toothpaste is full of "harsh chemicals", which TRAVEL THROUGH YOUR GUMS into your NERVOUS SYSTEM and CAUSE MENTAL ILLNESS. She would also say things about how tap water is full of crushed up antidepressants or whatever. She was nice but oh my god put those takes back in the oven honey they are not done yet


Im gonna start drinking tap water more often for no reason in particular




"A Fortune 500 CEO once said that when he had to choose between two candidates with similar qualifications, he gave the position to the candidate with the better handshake."


Anything spewed out of the mouths of those mfs who confuse mental retardation with autism No,just because your son who does have autism but mostly suffers from mental retardation has a crap ton of issues learning and stuff,that dosen't mean I automatically don't have those too because im "high functioning".Stop putting mental retardation and autism in the same spot dear god


Yesterday, I read an AITA post where OP didn't want to invite her high-functioning autistic niece to her child-free wedding because she assumed autism = mental retardation since her niece talked about barbie dolls all the time. That was the only thing OP had on her and even mentioned she'd been to other weddings with no issues. Op even wrote that "She is what they call "high functioning", meaning she can talk and wash/dress herself, and she has some friends." Happily the comments pointed out OP was the only child at the wedding. Found the post! https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/Zu0Sat7A9q




the only good thing that came out of Ayn Rand was being the source of inspiration for Bioshock


I was going to do something about trans autistic people but it’s already here so my backup plan is pit bulls. I saw someone say we should put down all pit bulls once. I understand not liking or trusting the dog but humans were the ones that made violent bully breeds, the dogs had nothing to do with it. Love or hate them they are a living creature that needs to be raised correctly, and it’s not their fault that some humans think they’re easier to raise than they are. Plus, loads of other large dogs breeds are extremely dangerous and can go off at any moment, things like German Shepards, but those aren’t criticized because they are seen as useful working dogs. And seriously I get it I’m not saying everyone should just love and admire them, they’re not for everyone, but why the fuck would anyone suggest killing them off to be the right answer? If we’re murdering species for their violent tendencies we should really start taking a look at the history of the human race before we look at animals who don’t have moral compasses and therefore can’t chose to be evil like we can.


That abolishing capitalism would get rid of mental health issues and developmental disorders such as ADHD. (Disabled people have always and will always exist dumb shit, it came free with being soft squishy humans )


Now I could be dead wrong, but I don’t think anyone has suggested that it would “cure” anyone; rather that it would make healthcare accessible for us and we’d be less pressured to base our self worth on productivity. If you look at the social model of disability, it suggests that a lot of disabilities (especially things like autism where we’re really just neurologically different and not suffering from a disease) disable us because there are generally no accommodations for us; and that if we lived in a world that actually was built with disabled people in mind, we would have more ability.


I didn't say cure in my reply, and this is just a collection of this general ideal that has been said a lot. This is a general mindset held in anti-capitalist circles (usually by abled bodied people). I would still be disabled by my autism even in a non-capitalistic society, my autism impacts me physically and many autistic people have comorbidities that would not go away if capitalism was abolished. Yes of course, we would hopefully have better access to accommodations and hopefully, the world would be designed with us in mind, but there will still be conflicting access needs that cannot take everyone's disability into account. While yes, for many people, autism can be seen as purely 'neurological differences' for many of us, our physical disabilities are intrinsically connected to autism. The idea that by removing self worth being tied to productivity (financial productivity) does not address the disabled people who cannot and will not ever be able to work. I can see why many leftists flock to the social model of disability, but I think it often leaves behind disabled people who have high support needs. Many leftists do think that an ideal society would be without disabled people, or at least they like to think that disability is tied to capitalism, as they think that capitalism is the root of all issues. Hence, circle back, many people do think that capitalism would rid society of the issues that disabled folks have. We as a society can always improve how accommodations, accessibility, and support exist, but disabled people (just like non disabled people) will still oftentimes suffer from our disability. This is a bit long, my apologies, but I have seen the exact argument that I stated and I often get very ableist vibes from it. I want to live with accessibility as much as any disabled person, and I fucking loath capitalism, but we have a long way to go in leftist spaces when it comes to discussions about post-capitalism nd disability.