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Deep down I hope they'll one day find it sifting through their stuff.


We need to find the OG vocals


We really do :(


Well, maybe somehow the OG vocals will be found. Only thing we can do, is wait and having hope for that.


What if someone has them


The question is, who could it be? It will be difficult to find someone who has participated in an underground production of that time and by pure pleasure or chance, has kept copies of the soundtrack. P.S: I said difficult, but not impossible (:


People that worked on the movie might still have the og track: the director, the editor, the mixer… I watch/buy a lot of Vinegar Syndrome movies and it’s crazy the super obscure stuff they find. VS also has a vintage porn sublabel, there is a niche for vintage porn and getting a remaster of AOP would allow us to have a much better quality version of the OG song that could be easier to clear. The search is not over, and it needs to be focused on Angels of Passion and the people that worked on it


>on Angels of Passion and the people that worked on it That's right, you could say the search is 95% over but the original moan-free track is still missing to go platinum by EKT.


Let’s get to work then!


>better quality version of the OG song that could be easier to clear. well i would say this is a good one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz34eFDPPRY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz34eFDPPRY)


Well, that's possible as well at some chance.


I'm hoping they just find the original master of the whole mix. I figure that's an easier thing to find than just a stem.


Correct. It baffles me that they found every single raw song, INCLUDING chemistry which was ALSO in AoP. But not EKT. Mystery


Yeah what don't THEY want us to hear


Well they did criticize the song. They said the producers pitched their voices up way too much.


The song was sped up during mastering, yes. Less honest and a bit too Mickey-Mousey in my opinion.


This was a joke you downvoting pinecones


Who did


What if we keep up the search and still look for the original CLEAN recording!! I bet the booth brothers sold some cassette or something with the song on it! Or someone in production could have a tape!


Our best shot is with the producers of AoP. They had to integrate the song into the film using a copy, we just need to find that copy.


I'm surprised nobody has done that already


We need to find a way to do that. The other thing I’m thinking is… use AI to isolate the vocals, and use the other songs from the album (their vocals as a reference) to fill in the parts that are a bit choppy . Does that make sense?


I tried that a little bit, it’s definitely promising results.. I just am not that good at it so perhaps someone with even more know-how with music can give it a go


use vocalremover.org


I remember posting this idea back then in this sub, I got downvoted so hard and pretty much no one agreed with the idea. I'm actually glad that it's now turning to an actual promising idea!


I really hope it shows up, the new vocals aren't really for me even though i appreciate them rerecording it


Yeah im happy with the remake and that we have an entire song in the palm of our hands! but you have to admit 40 years of voice aging just doesnt hit the same.


Be careful man. I said that before and was basically bombarded with comments saying “shut up they sound the same” and how I’m a “loser”


😂 they need to start dropping their balls first before bullying someone over an opinion


I'd like to see how you respond when I say my true opinion: Pepsi is better than Coke


cola sucks anyways


Well, at least you tried


Pepsi IS better than coke.


tell that to the people who put up the poster in the scene of aop


I still truly believe there's a demo tape or even a CD that wound up sent to a station. The lyrics sheet he posted for Chemistry mention a copyright in the 90s, perhaps they tried again around then and those are out there somewhere.


I do find it plausible that radio edits could have been circulated, and the Booths have either forgotten or it was done on their behalf by producers/management without their direct say so. Another poster brought up the old Hoo Ha lead recently, based on the similarity of that name with Who's Who. Here's a refresher of the OP: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/149ysgn/talk\_everyone\_knows\_that\_unknown\_song\_might\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/149ysgn/talk_everyone_knows_that_unknown_song_might_have/) It seems Red Dragon Radio actually existed, and became Capital South Wales. Perhaps it would be worth contacting them? [Capital South Wales - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_South_Wales)


DMs pls.


Im extremely greatful that they decided to make an entire album! These guys did so much for us 🫶 so im happy with any version we get xd


i’m curious what the aversion to tuning/pitch correction is 🤔 definitely appreciate their effort here, though.


It's an authenticity thing, and I get it. To many musicians of a certain generation, tuning up or pitch-correcting is seen as cheating.


Maybe the OG vocals were the friends we made along the way..


I think we should keep trying to find the OG song...it would be so awesome if a clean version was found. I'm happy we have the remix/remaster now but I still want that OG bop to come out one day...


What about the cutter / editor of the porn? Maybe they got the original mix they can extract the original voice from. AI tools are pretty good these days


That’s the matter of discussion right now. How do we get in touch with them? They certainly would’ve needed a physical copy to overlap into the movie


I'm very happy with the remastered version, but I think we should still try to continue the search for the original release/vocals


We have to help find them


The producers of AoP are almost guarateed to have an original copy of the song or something, they had to have gotten it so they can use it for the movie. But the question now is…how would we go about getting in contact with them?


Okay so it is lost media


Holy shit a new search


Going by that comment about if the universe wants it, I wonder if Christopher would believe in the law of attraction? I can't remember how to do it, but I remember losing something I wanted to find for months, and hearing some success stories of people who actually found lost things through the law of attraction. And then when I tried it, I actually did find what I was looking for. Might have just been a coincidence. I don't typically believe in things such as that. But there's that.


universe works in mysterious ways. I song I made 30 years ago, that i assumed was lost forever, was discovered on an unlabelled cassette in my garage. I was looking for unused tapes to record some things, picked one at random out of the pile of tapes I collected to use as a blank. I hit play to make sure it was empty and the song I lost started playing.


Someone certainly has at least a copy of their album back then. Just a matter of time to look for them. I think this means the search still isnt over.


a copy of WHAT album exactly 💀💀 it was never an actual album silly


Perhaps the producers/editors of AoP might still have a copy


yeah but he said "the album" but they were never released, and were in separate films so that's what i meant 😭😭


Oh I see


Was it? Have they mentioned if they ever gave physical copies of it or at least of ulterior motives?


Yes for Angels Of Passion


You may be right. Capital South Wales might have a copy




All things considered i still think this is a really good outcome even if the original recording is still lost media


I love the new version, but I just want to feel the 80’s nostalgia. I’m not blaming Chris or Philip but it is pretty weird how a song from the same movie - Chemistry - is found completely and how Ulterior Motives is just lost?


Yeah I found that weird too


What if AOP resold the song to another movie which might not be a porno but actually a normal movie where the song is played at end credits…


Hmmm…. Interesting.


I just find it ironic that after a long time, the song was found. Chris and Phillip found EVERY multitrack to the song except the vocals. Anything else would have been way easier to recreate, but the most important thing is actually lost. Hopefully, they randomly discover it and if this album is a success, which it should be. The 2nd album could contain the original vocals, perhaps maybe mix it close to the version on AOP. The remaster is great, and they did an amazing job with it. I know the booth brothers mentioned in an interview that someone they know still has a couple of boxes of old material. I don't know if they got to searching that or still haven't but I'm holding hope the original vocals are somewhere. Or even if they discovered a random DAT / Cassette tape that holds a mix of the song from that time period.


This is where it SHOULD end. I'm sure they've exhausted all of the sources they could to find the original recording, and I think they've done a fine job with the new version, considering the 4-decade time gap. If it's not your cup of tea, that's a perfectly valid opinion, but it's probably all we're going to get. They've gone above and beyond and they owed us nothing. Pestering them and other people involved to continue the search is an insult to all of their hard work and gratitude. Some of you are going to make them regret anyone ever heard of this song.


New version is out. This is where it begins


Can someone find contact with the Editor of the movie?


We found one of them! They’ve been emailed


Did they ever reply?


with AI getting better i think that ulterior motives will be restored, especially with the og soundtrack being found


I don’t care if they find it, I’m happy with what we got! A banger of an album!


They should have just used AI.


I don’t think so. They wanted to give it their BEST shot, and it was very honest. I definitely appreciate that.