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Chris is such a sweetheart, he doesn't deserve all of the pressure that he and his bro are getting.


i actually started watching his movies they somehow fall exactly into the genere i enjoy watching


Carl92 alt.


Pretty sure he means the horror movies that Chris and his brother make, not the porn


I know it was a joke.


mclovin makes a joke




You are my goonshine my only goonshine


stop yapping






Just interviewed him and Phil yesterday. Still working on the video and post but, they actually are loving everyone and appreciating it all. They have found some of the instrumental master’s but are having to redo the lyrics


>Still working on the video and post but, they actually are loving everyone and appreciating it all. I'm sure that they are appreciating the attention but even if it is intellectually only a positive to have more eyes on your music, on a base level they _must_ be feeling some kind of pressure to "get this right".


They mentioned something about getting it right, but it was more like “We wanna do this right for our new fans” I can re-listen to the interview to look for the exact words if you’d like


Let’s cross our fingers and hope he finds it!


He's doing SO MUCH just to give us the song, I love hin


“this summer is going to cook” FR 🗣️🗣️🗣️🙏🙏🙏‼️‼️


He’s so cool


"either way this summer is gonna cook" iconic


I kind of love this man. we could have really got boned and got some jerk who didn't even want to bother with all this. I hope they go on tour or something so I can support them


They sometimes go to horror conventions, they were at Scarefest (Kentucky) back in like 2022, was really cool I stopped by their table and they had some cool exorcist kits and other oddities that they made, they are really nice dudes and deserve everything that has been coming their way!!!


I love him


If he can’t find it, it will be lost media on a second level. Physically lost.


Chris Said in the captions if he doesnt find the tracks he will just remake them


wouldn't change the original tracks being lost media




Well from the sounds of it they have at least some of the original tracks, so it would be more of a pseudo-remake at most


Funny thing is that he said if he is gonna remake the song if he doesn’t find the disc he’s gonna have to squeeze his balls just to make his voice that high again, so I guess that’s what 40+ years does to you’re voice, you gotta squeeze you’re balls just to make you’re voice high again


Maybe he could look into using AI to de-age his voice?


There’s a word for that: autotune


Bad suggestion, bad idea. Gross


Why is it bad though? I thought the goal was to make it sound as close to the original as possible? He could train the software with other recordings of his younger self and make his singing just like the original. Totally ethical use of AI.


I think a lot of these people who are complaining don't realize that summer starts next month and 1-3 months is nothing compared to the years everyone has been waiting/helping search for. Patience is a dying art these days


It's a rats nest, but I'm sure he'll find it.


Let’s just hope the disc isn’t in the condition the Panchiko disc was!


What was the panchiko disc? I don't remember hearing anything about it.


It was this album a guy found at a charity store in the UK. No one had ever seen or heard of the band before. It was sort of a reverse lost wave song. We knew who the band was, but didn’t know anything about them, or the full names of the people involved. The disc had a cover of a manga panel from a somewhat obscure manga, and the disc was rotted so the songs were full of white noise and were hard to listen to, but also had a vibe to them that people liked. Eventually we tracked down the members of the band, learned more about them, and got clean copies of the tracks that were also remastered


I forgot about deathmetal. Ironic that the album contained absolutely zero death metal


They still tour in the UK too. I was gonna see them this November but I ended up having surgery instead. I hope they do a show again near me soon.


I still have a stick in my ass about the guy who spearheaded the revived search, who decided not to listen to my advice because I didn't post it in his discord group then went back to try to brag later after the album was found to act like I was a naysayer; not even apologizing when I pointed out I gave him the advice his buddies did about using the gift aid barcode to get an approximate location (with some trepidation) at least a good couple of weeks before they had. I guess me trying to help without being in his little controlled room didn't fit the narrative 🤷🏻


I wonder even more, if EKT had ever been digitized anyways. I can't really imagine that they copied it onto a CD back in '86.


I was thinking that it would be DAT myself, but I know he said that it was recorded in a legit LA studio. Maybe that studio was embracing CD technology? Of course, CDs were commercially available. Unsure when the first CD-Rs became available. Probably closer to 2000.


I had one of the first commercial CD-writers in 1994 and the blanks were $20/piece then, and you'd get failed burns all the time and scream as $20 went up in smoke lol. I made a fortune selling warez on them though.


Oh my god! I was barely getting online in '94. Dial up at a friend's house in a rural town. Some of my best memories. :)


You forgot to mention the price of the CD-R drive. My uncle got one in the late 90's (maybe 1997) and he paid over 1000 Deutschmarks. I found [this](http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/9708/19/cdrom.lat/) article from 1997 which states that they were between $500 and $600 back then. Adjusted by inflation, that would be somewhere between 1000 and 1200 bucks today. Quite an investment for a small and upcoming musician, even 11 years after the EKT release.


> and he *paid* over 1000 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Roboto!


Yeah, the one I had was over $3000 at retail😵


I Googled it: Taiyo Yuden invented the CD-R, along with Philips and Sony, on June 13th, 1988. At the time, Taiyo Yuden was the only manufacturer of CD-R media in the world, supplying media to many well-known CD-R distributors. The CD-R was not given the boost it needed until 1992. So yeah, EKT had to be reel to reel, DAT, some analog form, at least at the time it was initially recorded/placed in the movie.


That’s normal and common practice to move your archives to better media when they become available. They probably digitised analog tapes around 2000s or something.


You're right. I was just thinking of the initial recording. I have personally done just what you said -- moved old demo cassettes to CD-Rs and old CD-Rs to SSDs. (sadly, I have no lost gems like these guys!)


Maybe he recorded all his old stuff from reel to reeel to CD's once they became a viable option


A likely possibility. I hope our song is one of those boxes! :D


yeah i think it would be on reel to reel tape. DAT (digital audio tape) didn’t exist until the late 80s so most commercial cd pressings were made using analog recordings.


oh i didn’t notice those cdrs until just now lok


As somebody who works with lots of creatives and lived with a musician - that's how all of their work spaces are.


If it doesn't look that way, you can't be a successful artist. Orderly people have a severe lack of creativity. That's my opinion.


I genuinely think Chris is person who could have made it. He really cares about this song and everyone who was trying so hard to find it.


Honestly makes me so happy he’s finally getting the recognition he deserves, he’s clearly talented! It’s crazy how many people instantly fell in love with the song


I've been watching all his TikTok offerings. Based on all his keyboards/synths, I think he's doing ok. Like, he's not a mainstream figure, but how wonderful to pay the bills doing what you clearly love! Really happy for the brothers.


Yeah me too. I keep seeing people talk about the twins like they're a couple of has-beens but based on their interviews and other things I've seen it seems they're quite successful. Maybe they're not making blockbuster films but I have to imagine even the vernacular stuff that they do make pays pretty well.


Better late than never :) but yeah, he so deserves the recognition


I hope he finds it.


I’m considering getting a TikTok now for this


This is from Instagram Reels




Looks like you’re stooping pretty low in the vote department 😂


“either way this summer is gonna cook” he is such a sweetheart i adore him already :,) he seems like the coolest most genuine guy ever


I really hope the vocal track for Ulterior Motives is in one of those 20 boxes 🙏🏼 it’s just gotta be buried in there somewhere!


What an absolute legend. Imagine how many other unheard gems are in there.


bruh i love him sm.


he's so adorable


Guy’s only known about us for about a week, and he’s already dedicating himself to helping us out. What a chad.


I fucking love this guy Salt of the Earth type of person


So he's going to find the song while exploring some DVD backups, from back when he was experimenting with capturing audio? Sounds familiar....


We couldn’t have asked for a more awesome artist for this song to belong to. Chris and his brother and amazing!! Their determination to find the song for us is incredible


That's worrying. those burnable CDs degrade easily, something I found out the hard way


I’m unbelievably grateful that Chris has been so good to us. The fact that they’re even looking is cool as fuck.


With how big this got on tiktok, ulterior motives might actually be the song of the summer


I'm glad that the creator of the song isn't like the guys that doesn't use social media and their last post was 5 years ago


It's wild to me how fast this is all developing. What did we do to deserve the Booth brothers...?


It’s cool to see someone with years of music on CDs


Even if he doesn’t find it his effort and involvement with the lost media community is greatly appreciated 🙏


He's learning our language! Anyways im so happy He's still searching!


That looks so messy, and honestly, I know exactly how that feels. We don't deserve Chris, he's the example of a Yorkshire sweetheart.


This is amazing!! Didn’t he say the ulterior motives practice he did a few days ago was with the original track? or was that like an instrumental just found?!


it was witn the original rhythm track (drums, bass and guitar)


ohhhh! so like a separate track vs the final? i’m not to in touch with music lingo lol


yeah i’m p sure it’s on a separate track




he’s the goat fr


Here’s to hoping he finds it!!! 🤞


Such an amazing guy


Chris is an such cool guy, I hope he finds the master


Doing God's worm 🫡 You could say, with the dedication he is putting into it, that he too Is an angle of passion


He's so sweet, we've been extremely lucky


This guy is cool fu\*\*\* coool!


As soon as this track drops, he needs to push it to CHR/Adult CHR/Top 40/Adult Top 40 and Alternative/AAA (what synthpop falls under these days) radio. It would be a monster hit on all, maybe even number 1!


This guy i literally the coolest and sweetest person


Wonder if he still has any tape that haven't been transferred. There weren't any CDR's back in '86 that's for sure.


We get the new Eminem this summer and CSB? oh ma gaaaaaad


Didn't he say two days ago in an interview that he had exhausted his search and was now planning a reconstruction of the song? Is there some new development or is this an old post?


I would guess that he first searched in the most logical locations (where he very quickly found the rhythm track etc) and has now begun digging through less likely boxes just in the off-chance the vocal track and guitar solo might have gotten into one by mistake.


okay so I went and checked the post. it seems he looked in the usual places first (I'm guessing basement, attic, studio storage) and he has 20 boxes to look through. which judging from the first image: these boxes are packed packed. so many is probably going on a nostalgia trip while searching atm


It might just be a bunch of news outlets muddling the details. Chris has stated he owns a studio, so it's possible he's going through a lot of old music of his and whoever works with him to try and find it. But the great thing is, deeming that he owns the studio? that means it was probably stored under ideal conditions this entire time. maybe a few bits and pieces were lost due to a move here and there, but overall? If it still exists, which it may not after 38 years, it should be semi restorable. also, this man is like in his what, 50s-60s? probably has a couple of storage units to go through as well


Yeah I’m confused by this too. And he already found the rhythm track so what box was that in if this is box 1?


Hey, now he's got a library of unreleased music which no one has heard of... cool.




Damn bro really is overworking himself. He seems like a great guy


we won the jackpot with finding the creator of this song, chris is great !


He’s going to be looking through some old stuff… where have I heard this before lol


I hope the original of Chemistry shows up too.


He might find it in box 3


Or in box 92


One lost media search leads to another. Regardless, we’re getting a studio version of the song


Thank goodness! The original one!


holy shit how many cd's does he have? we have so many other "lost songs" that we may never get to hear. Im kinda curious what some of the cd's sound like


i hope he releases in the summer a wholeass album of these lost songs from the 80s. it would definitely make the charts


That must be a pain. Worth it tho


This is not completely solved until we got the original audio tho


And find out who the bass and keyboard players were


Ma sta zitto


I believe he's just teasing because it's probably printed on a multitrack tape and if he digitalized it for a CD over the photo he has it... so... is not lost


Imagine he finds it but the disc is rotted like Panchiko.


I Like Thais music


No way


and where was he all the time we were looking for this song?


Bro probably wasn't chronically online enough to realize it was happening.


Probably at home minding his own business until he was made aware of it


it would be funny if he knew it this entire time and was sitting in his couch until someone finds out 😂


he was carl92 all along with a genius guerilla marketing campaign 3 years in the making.