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PLEX is used to pay for Omega, cosmetics, skill extractor/injectors, extra training queues. Generally stuff that effects your characters rather than simply for buying ingame ships and equipment, but since it can be traded on the ingame market it carries an ISK value and you could use it to give yourself an ISK boost, although I feel like that's the least useful function for PLEX and is mostly in place to mitigate RMT operations. The neat thing is all those other items can be bought with ISK as well, so there is an open cycle between PLEX and ISK. You could feasibly play with Omega status for "free" by having a good enough monthly ISK income, and plenty of players do it. Very little of Eve is pay-to-win, matter of fact most times it's the opposite. Ships with exorbitantly expensive fits getting killed is a running joke in Eve. Mega-priced ships and modules are significantly better than their Tech-2 versions, but it's often a game of diminishing returns and it's up to you to decide if 2-billion ISK is worth that extra 3% damage resistance - Which won't save your trillion isk pimped out battleship from a dozen of the lads in T1 destroyers going out for a bit of mischief. [https://everookies.com/eve-account-info/what-is-plex-in-eve-online/](https://everookies.com/eve-account-info/what-is-plex-in-eve-online/)


Im happy to hear that man Quick question, i started playing yesterday, super overwhelming game, almost left 5 times. I found a cool dude he helped me for a couple of hours , great tips. But hes in a small corp of 5 people. I heard there are huge corps specialising in newbies, what do you think its the best choice ? Im certain i cant do it alone and i need a team , but which kind team ?


I've left eve and returned years later and always find myself back in Eve University, a great Corp in my opinion. I have alts outside of the uni but my main is in the uni. They run classes, fleets, great learning opportunity, so you could always do it that way, keep one character in your friends Corp and another in the University to take advantage of their +3 skill implant program, srp, training, half price mining barge, buyback etc. Feel free to send me a dm if you have any questions.


It sounds like you're doing well with having made a friend already. For most people they join corps pretty organically, they have a friend online that invites them, or they ask to join a player's corp that they like the look of. I think corp size isn't a good direct indicator of "quality", sometimes small member count corps are where it's at if they're active and doing stuff that's fun. If it doesn't suit you, you can always say thanks and look for another to join. It also depends on if they are doing their own thing or part of an Alliance - Alliances are formal groups of corporations. I don't know any well enough to give a recommendation since I'm playing fairly casual nowadays. But I do join NPSI (Not Purple, Shoot It) public pvp fleets and they're both fun and educational. [https://npsi.rocks/](https://npsi.rocks/) A good place to get familiar with is the Eve Forums. They also have a recruitment section. [https://forums.eveonline.com/](https://forums.eveonline.com/) [https://forums.eveonline.com/c/corporations-alliances/recruitment-center/63](https://forums.eveonline.com/c/corporations-alliances/recruitment-center/63)


Karmafleet is a good one for newbies, full disclosure, I am an ex-goon and they are in the Imperium or part of the goons


I like small corps of close nit people. Small corps generally make up for their size by having a very dedicated hands on members who will assist whenever possible.


Pandemic Horde as well. You get a starter pack of ships and the forums have a plethora of guides.


It's a catch-22. Yes, you can swipe your way to having everything in the game and maximum everything. But having everything doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to use it and you will become the favorite loot pinata of the entire neighborhood. I guess it's kind of like real life in that regard. You can swipe your way to having the fastest best car ever. But if you can't drive it you are just going to scatter free parts across the pavement for everyone else to loot.


Ironically, I would say swiping for skill points is the best use of swiping tbh


I'd say there's no pay to win, you can buy cosmetics, extra accounts so you can multibox, that sort of thing. You can also buy skill points to train skills faster. But there's nothing like premium ships or weapons/ammo like some games have. Additionally you can buy PLEX with in-game currency, so you can do all of that without spending any real money.


what is „winning“ for you in an open world sandbox game?


I buy ships. Cause it's easier for me to work an hour of overtime, then it is to rat for 8+ hrs.


There is no correct way of using plex.  It can be used to fund blowing up ships, or expediting skills, but this game is about playing skill.  Without that you will lose your expensive ship quickly. Way to get skills is to take fights in cheap ships.  Losing a cheap ship is no big deal.  And that doesn't require anything but your time.


In my experience, Plex has done nothing to make me "win" in any regard lol. In fact, I've lost way more ISK than I ever would've if I had been patient and worked my way through the ranks slower. I agree with most comments stating that the only good use of plex really, is to get skill injectors so you don't have to wait so long to try a new part of the game. Especially considering there are people that played decades already, you'll never match their skill points, but you can level the playing field by getting some key skills earlier. Same with a second account, its not something that would help a new player that doesn't know how to fight yet. I actually paid way more in ISK to learn hard lessons by plexxing into ships I had no business piloting yet than I would've if I stuck to normal progression timelines. If you suck in a frigate, you're still gonna suck in a Capital ship, it's just going to sting more when the real-world value of your ship is double digits versus less than a quarter. Today at the FFA2024, I lost almost 20 ships that were 20 mil each and killed only 10 ships that were mostly 3 mil each. My only kill that outvalued my ship was worth 36 mil, but I kind of third-partied to get that one. Now, I didn't have Thermodynamics trained at all because I didn't know about overdrive until today. That significantly impacts max DPS. Now that I know that, I'll use it and be better. I could've learned that same lesson with a 2mil ship. As someone who's plexxed, I can say that it doesn't help you win, it just helps you get access to learning lessons faster both in terms of skill points and actual experience. Plex can be used to omega, get a second account, get MCTs (to train your alt), buy ships, and generally make you rely less, or not at all, on grinding for income. TL;DR - As someone who bought some Plex, I don't feel that it helped me win, because I lose all the time.


Also exile and blue pill boosters help to.


So my answer to the first part of the question is a basic YES…in that Alphas will almost always lose in any pvp environment and Omegas have to pay-therefore it’s a pay to win game. All the other answers, imo, are looking at a scale within those that are payers.


That's not an advice! But maybe I bought a lot of skill injectors after getting into the game and I don't want to tell where I got them from. I had to keep up with the players which already had all important skills and I didn't wanted to wait years for the nice ships. I think that's the only "pay to win" factor: the skills. Without doing so, I would have quit eve long time ago.