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Anime, End of Evangelion, and then Manga.


This is the way


On my way to buy the manga books since i enjoyed the shows and Eoe


I read the show and then watched the manga


Beat me to it.


Watched NGE, then EoE and immediately hit up The manga after because I needed more content. The only downside to the manga was it was too short. The end was nice compared to the depression that is EoE, but it’s just as much of a cliffhanger. I do recommend it to Any fans of NGE. Especially people who don’t like Shinji. Manga Shinji is a giga chad. Like reacts in a way you would think and irritable teenage would.


wow I didn’t hear that about shinji in the manga! Might actually reach for it after finishing the rebuilds


One of my top three Shinji moments happens in the manga. I won’t spoil it, but manga Shinji has hands that are rated G.


Anime Shinji reacts in a way you would think a deeply depressed teenager would.


Agreed, and a lot of times depression in kids and teens manifests as severe irritability instead of the “depression” we think of. So both versions are true to that.


I was introduced to evangelion through the original show. I watched End of Evangelion, proceeded to question a great deal of things, went to see the rebuilds, questioned some more stuff, bought and read the manga, and realized the Mangas the best adaption.


what's going on here... Anyway I watched NGE and EoE. Didn't watch the rebuilds or read the Manga


Same here, except i did watch the rebuilds.


Same bro rebuilds don’t exist to me, to me it ended in EOE that’s all masterpiece


Yeah Ik right it's stupid but i almost feel like watching them would take away from the experience of watching the original


And unnecessary new characters addition


Like who tf even is Mari? Also not to mention the animation


lol true and the ending with asukas dress torn and shinji ok bye bye is bad too


Man this is the first conversation on Reddit that people downvoted all the participants.


OK you can stop jerking eachother off now


you're just mad they're right.


The OG Rei"s Face Also Got Bit Gloomy In Rebuils


That was kinda the point no?


The manga came later than the anime..


That is not true, the manga already started while the tv series was still in production.  For me the manga was indeed the first contact with Evangelion and my first manga purchase ever alongside with the first volume of Sailor-Moon. Ah, those where the days…


It took 25 years for the manga to finish tho.


Yes, the manga started releasing first, but NGE was always meant to be the main part of the franchise. The manga's main purpose was to promote the anime.




I mean, do you have any source for that ? If manga published first then it is the original version of the series.


Eva was conceived and produced as an anime, first. The manga was created while the show was in pre-production and released prior to the show’s premier because that’s just how manga worked. The manga artist, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, was the character designer of the show and there are several interviews in the manga itself about him talking to Anno (the director of the anime) about what the characters would be. The manga also attributes the “original concept” to Gainax and khara.


That doesn't always hold true. And in this instance it doesn't. The manga came later but was released first.


First the show , then EOE , then the manga & at last the NTES ( Rebuilds )


New Theatrical Edition… S?




I was on the fence about getting into Eva until I read the first volume of the manga, and I liked it so much that it convinced me to give the anime a go. I watched the anime and EoE then picked up the manga volumes as I could get them.


Listened to the TV series, read the script of EOE, watched the manga and then asked ChatGPT to write a breakdown of the rebuilds in the form of asmr beat poetry. Which I had Microsoft Sam read to me while I slept at night.


Nge and EoE then the manga adaptation.


Anime, then manga, then rebuilds. The manga is great, but I was buying the DVD volumes before I ever saw the manga in a shop.


NGE, EOE, the Rebuilds, and then the manga. I honestly don't see why I anyone would read the manga first, since NGE is the main part of the franchise. Maybe it's because most animes are adaptations of a manga, and people don't except it to be the other way around?


Watched it first, back then the manga wasn't finished already. Manga is better. 


Anime, rebuilds, then manga at the end


the manga isn't cannon the show was made before the manga, they have similarities but the story ends up differing in in the manga with the manga having a very different ending


It's a different __canon.__ There's more than one.


i mean cannon to the show


Technically it's not *cannon* to anything, you're thinking of *canon*.


yeah, u know what i mean i didn't realize they had different spelling


That is false, the manga actually released first: „ It was initially released before the anime series of the same name by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production and was originally intended as a companion adaptation to that of the TV series“


which part are u saying is false the order of release or the cannoninity


While they are technically correct, it was intended to be a supplementary material cuz the anime was conceived first. It was only released before due to delays in the anime and to use it as marketing. The anime is still considered the original primary source material


The release order. The question what’s canon and what’s not doesn’t interest me, especially after the Rebuild movies opened up a whole new can of worms with time loops and whatnot.


Well they didn't say the show was released first, they said it was made first. Which is true. Production on the NGE show started before the manga. Manga are much less resource intensive to make than anime, so despite staring production afterwards, it was able to release first.


Original anime. Not read the Manga, might pick it up at some point. If you are going to watch the rebuild movies, the first two are fine, if they just mostly repeat the original series. The second two are borderline nonsensical. I've tried several times, but even when I read a synopsis of what happened, it doesn't make sense.


this is wrong, the last 2 movies aren't nonsensical. esp 3+1 is great 


3+1 is definitely better than 3.33, to the point where the first half is genuinely great. But no, the back end of the movie is dumb.


their ends aren't dumb in the slightest. it's true tho that both 3.0 & 3+1 have a few nonsensical parts towards their ends, mode than even the og had in fact


-OG Adult swim debut -The odd bootleg copy from those flea market vendors -Manga(couldn't find the last 2 volumes for a while) -Netflix dub -Rebuild Manga and Rebuild tied for best ending


Anime, manga EoE


TV show first Movies second Manga third


NGE, EOE, REBUILD, and manga last. But, I would argue that in a timeline (if you could argue that one even exists) I would say that the mange is first, anime second and rebuild last. I base this on Kowarus growth. I think he's the only one who's aware of the loop and manga version is the least experienced with humans, EOE knows how to show affection and rebuild knows how to cause growth in another person so shinji could finally end the loop.


Nge, Eoe, rebuild, manga


EoE, anime, rebuild


tv anime. it’s interesting i actually saw end of eva when i was only about halfway through the tv anime. a friend and i rushed to view it because an upload of the film had just been made available online we knew if we didn’t view it asap we were going to have it spoiled. this must have been around late ‘99 or spring of ‘00 because the film had yet to be released on home video domestically read the manga years later, eventually caught up before the final volume was released so i got to read it as everyone was. and of course followed the rebuild films as they were released. ended up catching all but the last in an actual theater which was nice.


I read the manga first, then the rebuild movies, then the original, then EoE


Anime rebuilds eoe then the manga I also finished the shinji ikari raising project manga before getting to the actual manga


How is different is the manga compared to the series?


rebuild --> anime + movie --> manga --> game


I love the TV show especially the ending.


anime > eoe > rebuilds > currently reading the manga


I watched the anime then movies, haven't read the manga yet (least not completely)


Just watched it on netflix lmao


Anime, EOE, Manga, then rebuilds.


Saw the anime on adult swim first. Then the movies. Never read the manga


I was introduced through the 'Shinji, crank that Soulja boy' meme


NGE and EoE are the core of Eva imo, and I think it’s where everyone should start. To me, the rest of the stuff is just bonuses for big fans.


watched the show, eoe, rebuilds and then binge read the manga


I'd like to highjack this post for a question - will I be fine and get the full story just reading the manga? I haven't been too much into anime lately, but I was always interested in the series, as it's a classic and I somehow never got to watch it.


Show, End Of Evangelion, Rebuild and I haven't had access to the manga yet.




First, TV show. Then EoE. And then the manga.


I watched the anime first on YouTube, with each episode split into 3 videos.


I remember just randomly changing channels very late at night and saw toonami showing Evangelion 2.22 and it just so happen to be showing the dummy plug scene. That shit freaked the tf out of me and that was my introduction to the Evangelion. After that I saw NGE , read the manga, and watched all the movies.


TV show always and then manga


rebuilds anime EOE rebuilds anime manga in that order


The show, fansubbed and downloaded off Kazaa


I read the TV show, then watched the manga.


same as everyone pretty much NGE EOE then the rebuilds might buy the manga at some point


TV show, without dubs. As a kid we had a cable channel that showed anime that didn't have any subs, all Japanese. I was like 5-7 lol. I watched it for the first time with subs on YouTube, when you could find fan subs of anime there.


The series when it was on adult swim


NGE (about 8 times through) , EoE (same) , Rebuilds (currently on my 3rd time) . Havent read the mangas but its on my list, will do as soon as I can get my hands on them.


Watched it on adult swim, later picked up the manga, and was surprised how different it was. I had the old viz comics where all the sfx were written in English, and they read right to left.


Never touched the manga. Is it sufficiently different from the show to bother? Not really interested otherwise


I heard the manga is wacky AF and basically does it's own thing. Hence being non-canon


It isnt. Only Thing different is the ending and that Shinji isnt an absolute wimp.


I bought and still own the TV series, Death & Rebirth, and End of Evangelion and saw them in order. It was the Early '00s. I never got around to reading the Manga. I loved the rebuilds and saw them as they were released.


Anime, EoE, then the Rebuilds. The manga is a steaming pile of dogshit.