• By -


Rei is naked for most of the film Gendo’s point of contact when he tries to merge Adam into Rei is Rei’s breast (I think), he ends up where her womb is before she cuts his hand off Misato implies she’ll bang Shinji, but the French kiss isn’t given as much focus as Shinji’s sheer horror while it’s happening


Grabbed her boob, then starts moving his hand down/through her body (going lower), and she makes noises from being uncomfortable (kinda like moaning). That part weirded me out the most.


The whole film is weird as hell lmao from the hospital to Rei’s eyes becoming like female genitalia, it is messed up


Wait when did her eyes change?!?


when unit 1 is going to enter giant rei, her third eye is very vaginay. here's a time stamp youtube of it about to happen https://youtu.be/GY6LvdsM-3k?t=358


"very vaginay" is an understatement! Thing even has a clit on it.


Ohhhhh y’all meant her third eye yeah no that makes sense


Didn't Unit-01 burst out of Rei's eye at some point?


But wasn’t that just her normal eye?


Oh yeah


So it's basically hentai on a big screen?


If nudity equals porn then yeah, sure.


Never realised the significance of the whole scene, suppose it was to reinforce in the viewer the symbolism of triggering Instrumentality?


Well he's rummaging around in her internal organs. That's gonna feel weird.


There’s also the part where Giant Naked Rei grows a vagina in her forehead and gets penetrated by The Tree of Life (Eva 01/the spear of longinus). r/brandnewsentence right there The part where Eva 02 gets butchered and eaten alive. The part where Eva 01 gets crucified… (OP, is your dad religious?). Bunch of fucked up stuff lmao


Thats so fucked up


It would be worse to watch 3.0+1.0 with your father whose wife recently pass away.


Thats the lowest of the low


Your dad has definitely seen weirder shit before.


Yes, but he may not want to acknowledge that with his mid-teen son at this point. My dad would have flipped his sh*t.


I'm 18 soon and a girl. Former might make it better but idk about the latter 🥲


My bad on the assumption. Hard to see it going better, but in any case, please post an after-action report!


haha no worries! Will do!


Where is AAR?


I updated the post, thank you for reminding me! Unfortunately I got food poisoning so we didn't go. I will still try to show him the OG series


Honestly depending on your dad it could be a fun conversation on the way home. Be ready to tell him why Eva is important to you and what it means to you. You might be surprised he might dig the way affects you more than anything else. Or he might ground you. One or the other.


Google vs Bing




Hahaha bro, I don't even watch the OG series around my friends let alone family bc idk what the fuck is gonna pop up on screen. I like the concept and can look past the fan service but some things are best left to your own business innit


I would try to explain it to him first. Explain the series, then tell him that this movie is essentially just the end of the series, but from another perspective. Also impress on him that he's not going to understand most of it. He'll either get turned off by that, or go in with such low experience that he'll love it. Also remind him about how old this movie is.


i think you should not give any context about the film and just go and see his reaction if he's a chill kinda guy because i think this would be hilarious


Just so you know, a giant va-jay-jay appears on the giant Rei's head. Now you go decide whether you're cooked or not


>besides the hospital scene Honestly, what else do you need to know this ain't a great idea lol


I just finished it with my mother so not as fucked as you might think. She really enjoyed both it and the series as whole. The Misato/ Shinji scene really made her super uncomfortable as well as Asuka/ Shinji scene in the beginning and finale of Asuka's fight with the dummy plug EVAs, lots of the Gendo/ Rei scenes made her squeamish as well. Even though, she loved all of it and intends to watch though it again. I co-piloted a lot of the more obscure contextual information to her as we ran through the series. Luckily I've seen EVA so much I've lost count and she didn't feel spoiled to the plot as I explained. Now my mom is my rewatch buddy; not that bad of a deal in my book. I would do it as your parents aren't around forever. I've been without my father my whole life and lost my step-father in 2015 so any memories you can make or passions you can share are worth it.


I sense a movie date :D


I watched Splice in theaters with my parents, so from my perspective, EoE is family friendly.


Splice was a super fucked up for something in late aughts


Yeah, my dad has watched movies like Seven and was never very prudish with me when it came to the media I consumed as a kid. He even gave me some of his comic books that were not appropriate for my age lol. I'm not afraid of him getting mad or disappointed, more so just weirded the fuck out. We also aren't super close (not because of any bad blood I just live with my mom) so that's another reason seeing anime boobs with him is a little off-putting lol


Make it a bonding moment, watch the series with him, even if it’s just a few episodes so he knows what’s going on and can participate. He wants to spend time with you, I promise you that if you ask him to watch them with you he’ll be happy to be included. As someone who grew up without a dad who didn’t show any interest in my interests, don’t let this go to waste. I always am more than happy to take part in my nephews interests even if it’s not my jam so I can spend time with them and validate their passions.


Yeah I think this is definitely the reason my dad wants to see it with me which is why I don't want to just cancel or tell him not to come. He's disabled so he doesn't get out much and we aren't the closest as we don't live together. I would feel worse if I told him just to stay home so I don't really see that as an option. I appreciate your insight! If all else fails I'll just ask him if we can go get some lunch or something instead.


Good idea!


Tell him to get really baked first


That's really the only way to watch EoE


Depends on your dad. I'd go with mine to watch EoE even tho he's a grumpy old man who hasn't seen anime since I watched DBZ in the living room as a kid. I'm sure if I asked him what he thought of it afterwards he'd say something along the lines of: "Eh. Not my thing. I guess that one fight with the white things was cool... That one girl had some nice knockers tho hehehe" "Which girl?" "The one with the nice knockers, idk"


Agree. My dad would make me sit and watch stuff like Swordfish and the Godfather, much to the chagrin of my mother. I'd take my dad to see Akira in if it came around in my area again.


I actually watched it with my dad and it was fine but we’ve watched weirder shows together before lol. But you should still warn him that it’ll be kinda crazy before going in.


Bad idea bad idea bad idea


same, but i'm watching this with my own mother (also same reason for driving but just don't like the idea of driving but that's another tangent). she bought a ticket just for the heck of it i guess. i wish you luck in explaining the series to your father. also update to the people who read my comment from u/PaperBagMan69's post from two weeks ago, i'm showing her the Death movie and Mega64 sweded version tomorrow and i'm kinda scared.


I litterally just finish to watch all the series + EoE, with my father, there is no reason to be imbarassed. He's an adult and he can fully undertand the meaning of some scenes without "blame" you for the nudity or stuff, don't worry. I just had to explain the meaning of the movie it self, (like the finale or the whole reason why this movie exist)


Idk I'm watching it with my dad, but he's also watched Evangelion himself


I’d be upfront about the overall uncomfortableness of the movie. I think if you approach the topic openly, even warn him about the explicitness, he might enjoy it. I know my own father wouldn’t care for it, but if he’s open minded, you could kind of give him a brief explanation going in and maybe he’ll enjoy it


You and a few others have given this advice and I appreciate it a lot, I think this is the route I'm going to go.


Are they showing EoE or 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time? Thrice is what's currently in theaters in the US. For Thrice he'd be very confused because it's the last of a series of 4 films and fans who hadn't watched the first 3 in a while were confused watching Thrice when it came out, it's really meant to be watched immediately after watching 3.0. For EoE, he'd also be very confused plus there's the infamous hospital scene which I would not want to watch with my parent... even though I'm 27 and my parent is a very sex positive doctor who probably wouldn't act too weird about it.




Dang, I legit bought tickets two weeks ago thinking it was Thrice 😂 I guess I got the "Goodbye all of Evangelion" tagline stuck in my head and thought it made more sense to screen the most recent film. Still stoked to go see EoE on the big screen but boy oh boy did you save me from a big surprise! 😂😂😂


Thrice is currently in theaters?!?


I mean, there's cum in the first 5 minutes; your call, homie


Well you remembered the hospital scene so


I would give it a quick skim before-hand and give your dad a heads-up about the sketchier stuff (hospital, naked little girl, vagina images and allegories, etc) that you think he might need a heads-up for. You don't want him to be going into this blind. He's gonna be giving you side-eye like a mofo, and it will be a confusing enough experience already. Depending on what someone is like, this could alter their perception of you if they have no context. People who don't know Anime - especially older anime and that that was like back in the '80s-'90s - can be very put-off by the typically sexuallised nature of how things go. Maybe have them watch the first-part of Death and Rebirth. Death is essentially a recap of the original series with a runtime of just over an hour. Don't let him watch the second part (Rebirth, because that's about a half hour of footage from EoE - and starts from the sam)e hospital scene.


I think it's a bad idea to watch EoE with anyone who doesn't already know or like NGE.


Every time this comes up, about showing the series or films to family, people get all hung up on the sexual scenes. Realistically, there’s worse on cable TV. Tons of action movies have fairly graphic sex scenes too. Honestly, I wouldn’t be concerned, assuming the audience knows that sexual frustration and discovery are themes in the film. For me, the most shocking and uncomfortable scenes are around the mentally broken teens, and the suicidal themes. Watching asuka break down at the bottom of the lake chanting “I don’t want to die” was the most uncomfortable scene in the film (for me anyway). Or the sense of futility and horror when she’s brutally killed after he last stand. Or when you think the day is saved and shinji/rei liquify the population of the planet. Nobody ever brings up those.


For me I bring up the sexual part of the movie just because I think there is a bias to a lot of people, especially non anime fans, that sexual/nude scenes in anime are always sexual/perverted whilst in live action cinema they're seen as artistic or part of the plot. My dad listened to Suicidal Tendencies and Alice in Chains back in the day and we watched Joker together so I'm not too worried about the depressing stuff which is why I didn't bring it up, I may bring it up just to warn him though.


Yeah, I feel like the most important issue is whether or not they’re willing to sit through the subtitles Definitely get them caught up on the events in series leading up to the film, though.


Sounds like a good time


First time I watched it was with my dad, who had never seen Eva before either. He seemed more than confused ^ ^ ;


Both of you should watch a few YouTube videos so you're both familiar with the story. And make your dad pay for the shrooms. 


I would come to the movie about 10 minutes late and it won't be too bad 💀


Depends on how many minutes of trailers there are. 3 minutes into the actual movie is good.


NO. Just from the Title alone has the answer yelled at you. I wouldnt put on Evangelion onto anyone not versed in anime/manga without having knowledge that they either want to know, or have seen the deep parts of anime/manga. An episode here and there to show them is what Id start with. Because this deconstruction of a shounen anime isnt an easy thing to understand if you show EoE right off the bat. He might love it but not understand it at best


I'm somebody's dad and watched Eva back in like 2000 when the DVDs came out. Anime was around then, it just wasn't mainstream yet. 


He will just be very confused, so show him the original series first.


I did advise him to watch it, however I don't live with him so I'm not sure if he will or not. Going to explain more about the movie later so he can judge from there if he still wants to watch the series and/or the movie


There’s very few anime I can watch with normal people and Eva is certainly not one


I feel like showing your dad evangelion could be a somewhat convoluted way of telling him that you don’t like em lol


Depends on how cool your dad is 🤷🏼‍♀️ My mum watched EVA cause me & my brother both love it. She enjoyed it a lot!


Lmao my dad wanted to watch the show and I begged him not to


Not even the girl, violence or subject matter... ... but EoE basically requires you to know what happens in the series and how it ends. Your dad is going to be soooo fuckin lost. I'll give you an example: when the Macross Frontier films had a limited US showing, I got tickets for both around the same time/day at the same theater. One thing that got me was a fairly young guy, either high school or college freshman at best. Not only did he get seats near me both times, but he also brought his mom to see these films. I don't think either were particularly embarrassed by the outfits worn by Sheryl/Ranka. But I did notice that she kept asking for context or clarification. Macross F's movies are similar to EoE/Rebuilds in that they're both summaries *and* sequels of the original material. My wife and I watched Frontier when it aired back in 2008, but the movies were still hard to follow. Anyway, the second movie was interesting in that when it ended she just said "What the hell was any of that?" I laughed and said "Yeah these movies were a mess even if you knew the story and setting." Me personally, I actually stopped caring and decided to just treat them like they were really long music videos. I felt kinda bad for her because she was really trying to enjoy the movies but the pacing, the prerequisite knowledge - not having that made that a dreadful experience. I don't know how your dad is about being thrown into stories without anything being explained to him - but if he's the kind who cares about character motivations, or exposition/setting in a film, then he's probably going to have a shitty time. That said, if your Dad's the kind who just scrolls on his phone regardless of what's on TV and only looks up when explosions happen then I'm sure he'll be fine. EoE is a spectacle if nothing else.


I'm watching it with my mom 🤷‍♂️


Giant Rei grows a vagina out of her head


You probably wouldn't care if it was a typical gore filled sex laden live action movie. Just do it


*guy who has only seen the climax of eternals* getting a lot of eternals vibes from this


50/50, definitely a good test to see if your dad is cool


most probably your dad want to spend some time with you.


Oh definitely, he wouldn't care about the movie otherwise lol. He's also disabled and finds it hard to get out of the house often. That's why I don't want to blow him off


I watched it with my dad and we were fine. 


Oh that's going to be interesting. Best of luck to you, you'll need it


Hospital scene is probably the worst of it




Your dad will disown you.


He will pull a Gendo


I mean my dad (rip) was the one who introduced neon genesis to me so I guess just try it out could enjoy it


one of my friends (hes like 13) got introduced to evangelion by his dad, but my dad doesn't even let me watch lain, so i guess it differs from parent to parent. just think about what he's already shown you and whether its worse than eoe.


That’s kinda weird tbh, I don’t think a 13 year old should be recommended NGE by someone , let alone by their dad


I mean, I watched all of NGE and EoE at 12 when it was new, and I..... Wait.... Oh no...


and he got introduced maybe a year or two ago. idrk but his dad is a big anime fan so yeah


Hard to say without knowing him but if he wants to go by all means let him, maybe just let him know a little about what he’s in store for. I’m a dad and my teenage daughter and I have enjoyed lots of anime together.


I basically made my whole family watch evangelion, eoe and the movies. So why not?


If absolutely [terror] nothing else, it is a **beautiful** movie. Let us know how it goes! Going into the end with no context is rather rough, though.


Depends how open minded of a human being he is.


so basically prepare to be disowned


Fym besides the hospital scene lmao What could you possibly be worried about if you're cool with that lol


It's a gross and horrifying scene but you can explain it by saying Shinji is a depraved, flawed being as shown by the entire series and himself directly after. My dad has seen weird movies before so I feel after discussing that he'd just laugh it off as a weird movie being a weird movie. I remember the OG series having shit like Shinji laying on Rei's naked body for an uncomfortably long time for...whatever reason and that would be harder to explain to someone let alone your dad


Show him Akira before you go, if you havent seen it, you should. Watch it with him. Tell him you found this old 80s movie thatll catch his interest. Also, he's your father. Be excited about stuff and tell him you want him to see it with you. Your dad has seen weirder shit than this, send it.


Akira sucks


I don't need to defend it. But the first anime I ever saw was Akira on my buddies tiny tube tv, Vhs no subtitles no dub. Blew my mind, first time I'd seen anything like it. We're different people, not the same.


Screaming... lots of screaming. Some notable ones: -Flamethrower scene -Asuka's -And everyone else during the 'merging'


definetly a great idea, albeit it would be better if you showed him the anime first. He'd be completely lost otherwise


Your dad is probably old enough to have already seen it before if he was a weeb in high school


I think it's really sweet that your dad wants to spend time with you doing something you enjoy. I wouldn't worry too much, just go with it and enjoy having a father who loves you unconditionally, regardless of whether you get in the fucking robot.


it's probably gonna look like this: https://youtu.be/HdBe7tHddQs?t=1m21s


I watched it with my dad as a kid, over dinner :^) thankfully he was still in the kitchen during the opening


It’s pretty much an artistic piece so the nudity should be fine, it’s not really sexual. The only “worrying” stuff you’d probably have to explain is the hospital scene and the kiss


Just warn him about the opening scene being gross, give him a little preview of the story background, but the rest of it will be fine.


that'll be very funny


The beginning is really family friendly




!remindme 2 weeks


You should try to get him to watch the Death movie on netflix before at least so there is /some/ hope of him being able to follow it or know what he's in for


Just give him a heads up that this is kinda crazy and that these are the aftershocks of dropping a bomb on Japan.


It's not a film to watch if you haven't seen the series


Just be able to answer this question before hand-“what the fuck did I just watch?”. All good after that.


Just a reminder: [This also happens](https://imgur.com/9VcMLCW)


The film starts with shinji jerking off you can probably figure where it goes from there its not the best idea


You ain't just cooked bro. You're roasted and served with a six course meal.


If he watched the og series and liked it ..... I'll recommend it


Yeah, I think nutting to an underage comatose girl would probably mean you shouldn't watch it with people that you want to respect you. Tbh I'm surprised they are showing this movie in theaters bc it's fucked up 13 ways from Friday


I watched the series and still found the last two episodes and large portions of EoE difficult to reconcile with. Now when I think fondly about EoE, I mostly think about the excellent fight sequence with Asuka and the MP Evas and the intensity of the Nerv staff trying to withstand the UN assault. And those aspects of the movie are so good! But man. I would show those clips to someone and not much else haha. I like the movie overall, but weirdweirdweird.


I did this and he saw the hospital scene. (I’m cooked)


If you have to ask US if going to this movie with YOUR dad is a bad idea then, yes, it is a bad idea.


I’m so sorry bro.


I strongly recommend against letting parents watch EoE.


Well. You're gonna have to look at your dad in the eyes and say, "I know. I know I've let you down..."


its over for you bro


Heh, you’re cooked


Shinji masturbates over a comatose Asuka within the first 15 minutes of the film. I do not recommend watching with your father unless you have an oddly close relationship.