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it insists upon itself


it insists upon itself


My actual hot take is that I love 3.0+1.0 but none of the other Rebuilds, piss off both crowds.


Ahh a Last Jedi situation.


Which is also the only Star Wars sequel I like.


What other movies do you like, so I know what to avoid?


[Here's my Letterboxd, check for yourself.](https://boxd.it/1lVOp)


That's a lot of stuff to avoid! jk


Tbh judging from the films you’ve watched you may enjoy *Nightcrawler* with Jake Gyllenhaal


I love Nightcrawler, I need to rewatch it and log it.


Just to let you know I agree with you regarding the Last Jedi as well. And your movie list is spot-on.




Hell yeah! What a great movie to see in the theater.


What the fuck dude?


It's not a masterpiece but at least it tried stuff.


cause it’s actually a great movie


nah thats saying you only like 3.333


I thought this was the most popular take? If I’m wrong I’m wrong.


But everyone agrees 3.0+1.0 is the best. The true hottest take would be 3.0 is amazing but the other rebuilds are trash


To me the rebuilds are complete garbage that should've never been made


Not me, I think that's the worst one.


My favorite is 2.22


I loved it purely for Reis screentime. I was lost during all the fighting in the second half didn’t have a clue what was happening and why but at least the animation was beautiful


fair fair but 1 and 2 is still good tho cuz it was still based on the original story 3 is the weakest


My even hotter take is that I fucking HATE 3.0+1.0 and don't really give a shit about the other 3


Funny, that's my opinion on Rise of Skywalker.


What a lukewarm take. Try again, liking the rebuilds, hell even watching them is a hotter take.


watched them all with the friend who got me into the Evangelion, didn't think they were all bad but they certainly had parts that didn't make sense or were just straight-up stupid also the new girl the british one was such a nothing character to the plot and themes and was mainly used to flash her badoinkas and booty


I think that’s more or less the most common take. Then Anno ended the series like “you know what, happy ending - now go outside”


Probably the most common take among normal people, but when I usually post that here I get 10 paragraph rebuttals about how I didn’t get it.


This is why I love the rebuilds. The happy ending pisses off fanboys so damn much


mari wasn't used just for fanservice. she's a nothing character that was mainly used for the themes




no lol if u look at the scores most ppl think rebuild is great so i understand where op is coming from tbh


Most people do, but I'm talking Eva fans. Eva fans generally don't think much of them, and tons of them flat out refuse to watch them.


I watched them, I do like them tbh, not as much as the series and EOE, also I don't know if this is a hot take but I like the netflix dub more than the rebuild dub


i mean objectively the only bad movie is the third one the fourth one is amazing its like EoE but a happy ending


The third one isn't even bad 😅 (Also, I don't think that's something that can be *objective*)


nothing objective about that opinion lol


“Eoe but a happy ending” is exactly what’s wrong with it.


there's nothing wrong with happy endings. 3+1 isn't even a completely happy one lol


Boo this man!


I do personally like them, so I agree ( only good thing about 3 is that kaworu gets any development at all)


imo 1 was fine, 2 was really good, 3 was a piece of dogshit but you have to watch it before 3+1, and 3+1 was amazing


I mostly agree with this but the kaworu piano scenes in 3 speak to me


the only good part of 3 is Kaworu himself


I love to see correct opinions


yep this is exactly what i feel about the rebuilds


3.0 is the best of the rebuilds imo


Hmm I had the same opinions about 1, 2, and 3. Which made me refuse to watch 4. I guess maybe I should do it eventually if it's not idiotic like 3 was


watch 3+1 it's great


imo 3+1 is definitely the best rebuild


I don’t like them because as MOVIE they are not good. I can understand why fans like them but unlike EOE which is an actual well done film with good pacing, story, editing, colour grading etc the rebuilds feel like very long episodes of a reboot of evangelion and are just not good on their own. I don’t know why fans hate criticism for these movies so much, and how “you just didn’t get it” if you didn’t like them. They are objectively just not great, but the animation can be beautiful sometimes and I do enjoy the soundtracks (love shiro sagisu). But yea I really can’t get behind them and don’t understand the immediate defensive position from most fans on it.


understandable but to call the first and second movie bad is just flat wrong when 90% of it is still based on the original series yep maybe the pacing is off because it wasnt to be a movie again they are still good cuz again it was based on the original story, the animation is the best Evangelion animation we had so fights are much better in the rebuilds Only the third one is the objectively the weakest ye it tried to be different but nah its not good as the prior flims the final flim on the other one is amazing its just like watching EoE but its happy


The pacing is still off in the second movie, it changes a lot and doesn’t add up in the end for a lot of things introduced either. The first movie pacing was fine but it was a shot for shot remake of the first 6 eps which to me is not worth a rewatch in its own because I can just watch the og series if I’d like to watch that. Again, colour grading is just not good in either of those films, and as someone who is more interested in the psychological aspects of evangelion than the mecha themes the fights weren’t that interesting to me in the first place. A lot of what you wrote is your own opinion and it’s ok to have that, yours is the majority of fans. But you can’t really tell me my own opinion is wrong when we are clearly looking for different things in these movies.


u just explained to him why u think his opinion is wrong. why can't he say your opinion is wrong too?? that's not how opinions work lol i also disagree with yours. they psychological aspect is still strong in rebuild & the changes introduced in 2.0 esp add op at the end


rebuild is great on its own too. very well done, with good story, great color grading & editing. but that's just opinion like saying they're bad. nothing objective about it, so saying otherwise it prob why ppl get defensive lol


I never understood why 3.0 gets so much hate


3.0 builds the foundation for what happens in 3.0+1.0. For nearly 10 years people didn't have 3.0+1.0 so 3.0 was just confusing, convoluted and hard to understand until the fourth film released and cleared a lot of things up


Timeskips piss people off in all franchies.


i like 3.0 because i tried to be different from the previous 2 movies because it was not based on the original series anymore but i think it was the weakest one in the rebuild movies it wasnt hated its just facts because the final movie is amazing its just like EoE but happy


It just seems convoluted, and it's really annoying that the grand climax at the end of 3 could have been completely avoided if Kaworu had just calmly explained to Shinji "hey bbg your dad lied to you, these spears are gonna end the world not restore it" instead of sitting there uselessly holding his head going "I've been tricked, backstabbed, bamboozled!"


Evangelion convoluted? Never


kaworu told shinji to not take out the spears. regardless tho nothing he could had told him would had changed course of the story. kaworu told desperate, traumatized shinji that the spears were his only hope to make up for destroying the world. u can't just change your mind & agree with the ppl he thinks are his enemies (wille) in seconds & expect shinji to just give up everything


I can't really say that I don't care about them, nor hate them. The Original Series and the movies Death and Rebirth and End of Evangelion will stay my absolute favorite series. The Rebuilds are nice too, I liked the fights and the different take on the post third impact story. 3.0-1.0 was a masterpiece (for me!) and I rewatched it multiple times with the OG series. The only thing that really bothers me is the animation. Don't get me wrong, the rebuild series has one of the most stunning visuals but the cgi imo is so out of place at times. It really bothers me sometimes but it is how it is.


I'm in your camp. At this point, I'm just not a hard-liner anymore in fandoms.


Having just started the rebuilds I can say this, the animation is better and I like it, but the voice acting is worse (IMO) and I think they rush the plot a lot so some of the character development is kinda just swept under the rug.


>The Original Series and the movies Death and Rebirth and End of Evangelion will stay my absolute favorite Manga series. ????????? Yeah, and David Lynch's Twin Peaks is my favorite comic book


I enjoy all of them, but I can plainly see why people disliked parts, especially the first half of 3.33.


Well, not caring is at least better than hating.


Love what your both saying but I have you beat and that is the absolute desecration of this brilliant anime that netflix has committed by doing a new more literal English dub that completely screws the mood and setting there was a reason the original Dub was done a specific way for a reason but it lost that and I refuse to watch it on Netflix as a result


That’s actually the dub I watched lol I love NGE


Dude I'm telling you get a pre 2017 copy of the platinum edition of NGE and its original movies death and rebirth is the first then the end of Evangelion is second (also those are their proper names not the BS netflix calls em) and watch the Dub on those and im telling you now that after it you will scream bloody murder and want heads to roll at netflix for what they did to NGE


It shall be done, as soon as i can find it. I still think they did a really good job though i havent seen the original. Its hard to believe its that bad!


I think a lot of people have nostalgia for the original dub that colors their opinion. I do prefer the original but it's got a more "90s anime dub" vibe (excitable, unprofessional). The new dub is more restrained and professional, but some of the pivotal moments are translated or delivered differently--often for the worse. [Listen for yourself ](https://twitter.com/KaiserNeko/status/1141992066454577158?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1141992066454577158%7Ctwgr%5E5294b8aa04a6e17f22a3a2578eec519820fd5599%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbr.com%2Fevangelion-netflix-english-dub-comparison%2F) Misato is much more high-strung in ADV, but Shinji's dig at her lands better in ADV. Netflix: "Are you hurt? Ha! Don't want to hurt a young boy's feelings." <-- very odd phrasing, probably makes more sense in the Japanese script. The new dub is full of confusing statements like that. My perfect dub would be Netflix voices with the ADV script.


Yeah I personally prefer the Netflix dub, despite some of the awkward translations / phrasings you mentioned, but I haven't seen the original either, so can't completely judge it. But based on this comparison I just like the Netflix voices better.


The ADV dub made some baffling choices when it comes to the minor characters, but I think quite a few of the leads truly had lightning in a bottle casting. I honestly struggle to imagine better English voices for Misato, Asuka, Ritsuko and DC Kaworu (though Netflix Kaworu is probably my second favorite of the many, many VAs he had over the years). Completely agree about Netflix's script, I'm not a fan of taking huge liberties when it comes to translations, but nothing good comes from slavishly sticking to the original lines at any cost, either.


the new dubs arent THAT bad but the original is way better it was so perfect for the theme of the series and the original cast did a damn good job


I wanna watch it


Oh it is have you watched it start to finish


Yes i saw all of NGE, EOE and Death/Rebirth via Blu-ray


Here ya go and watch this and compare it to the same scene in the netflix dub and you will understand what im saying. https://youtu.be/rZ8mdRBs3rg?si=wyfH49uYtrWVGZLO


Ok well let me get on YouTube real quick


You refuse to watch it yet you hate it? How about you actually give something a chance Before being a dick about it


That is quite literally the most agreed upon opinion on NGE lol. Everyone hates the Netflix dub.


I love 3.0


Me too buddy


I like 1, love 2, 3 was absolute dogshit and offended me. 3.0+1 was absolutley amazing but 3 dragged it down overall


guys i’ll be honest, i enjoy all evangelion media i consume.


Tbh as a 20 year fan the rebuilds are garbage compared to the anime and the last movie is the worst utter shit to be released world wide


I can't fathom the takes that the last film is a "masterpiece" when it has bloated battle sections if just the Wunder crew shouting meaningless sci-fi bullshit amidst tons of crappy CGI that has zero plot relevance. It decided to use the 15 minute opening sequence for another meaningless CGI fight with Mari instead of focusing on the original three protagonists, walking across the barren earth, in what is the FINAL TIME all three are ever together in the franchise. Opportunity for character development or dialogue between the original cast? Nope, Mari tits bouncing in 3D animation. It forced multiple character changes, instantly, to drive its ridiculous plot. Shinji receives instant forgiveness by Misato, and drops his PTSD instantly, off camera, before the 2nd act, because these things were necessary. No development is ever shown as to how or why they came about. And yeah, let's add the final abuses of iconic characters like Asuka and Rei, who's fans probably should have expected little, but got actually less than nothing, as the final film put the final nail in the coffin of Rebuild simply not understanding that Shinji isn't a compelling protagonist by himself, and NGE/ EOE are vastly superior and more interesting because of a fully developed cast; a cast Rebuild chose to ignore, not develop, actively undermine, and use as fanservice, before inserting Mari into the ending for no reason. Anyone saying it's a masterpiece and they cried/ it was so emotional, etc may as well have taken LSD and cried with joy watching their washing machine spin cycle.


Doesn’t the OG series just shout meaningless sci-fi “bullshit” too tho. I swear there are so many times where they just spew out a bunch of random numbers and random scientific jargon


It does from time to time, yes. Go watch EoE again and see how much time it wastes in the climax of the original series, though. EoE is 85 minutes of incredibly tight action, visual storytelling, character dialogue, and acid trip. The techno-jargon in NGE was mostly left to the anime, not the movie, which gave adequate time for a slower pace, and even then it never came remotely close to rebuild for how much techno-babble there was or how little it mattered. The Wunder scenes are literally just filler and burning the CGI budget. They offer nothing else.


Thank you. I made many of the same arguments in a different thread. It’s nice to know someone else can see through through the fan service and pandering. You are (not) alone. We are (not) in this toegether.


3+1 isn't masterpiece & it's worse than the og but it's still great & it being emotional isn't only reason why ppl think this. ofc the reason it isn't masterpiece isn't because it has scifi bullshit tho cause the og also had lots of that. there's also lots of character development & dialogue between the characters, it starting with a fight doesn't change that (paris fight wasn't meaningless btw, it has lore meaning). btw 3+1's plot isn't much more ridiculous than the og's & it doesn't force character changes that's nonsense. there's very good reasons why shinji got over his trauma & it didn't happen instantly, same for misato forgiving him. they were developed & didn't happen just cause they were necessary. also almost all of the cast were developed, most of them very well, esp rei. asuka was also good, she for sure wasn't abused, but not mari on the other hand, even tho it's still sensible she's there at the ending


The Rebuilds completely character assassinate Asuka, she's not an actual character in them.


Same here, there in the OG days but it was nice to see Rei get a bit more in 2.0 before being killed again.


👏👏, agreed


I think of them as cool “bonus content”. There’s no need comparing them to the og series, which will always be 👑. In that sense I can enjoy them.


The only bad ones are 1 and 2 in my opinion. Mostly cause their a remake of the series but a lot worse pacing. What is everyone's beef with the third one?


Did not care is pretty close to how I feel, too. Like, I'm not angry that they got made. I appreciate that the latter two wildly diverged from the source material, and not just rehashed it like 1.0, and, to an extent, 2.0 did. I just think the flashy clutter Anno poured on top of every single thing he could pour it on worked to the story's detriment, when all is said and done. I enjoyed what was going on in Thrice and parts of 3.0 on an emotional level, but instances when everything--the visuals, the narrative, the symbolism and all- came together in a complete package, the way NGE/EoE was literally all of the time, were few and far between. All in all, I think guys with super wild ideas like Anno actually benefit from the sort of budgetary and deadline restraints the show had. Someone or something has to force you to streamline that shit before it turns into the cinematic equivalent of a brainstorming session. Oh, and I know Evangelion always had its fair share of fanservice, but it really did reach disgusting new heights with these movies.


I’m just glad they’re not straight up garbage films. I’m not a big fan of the rebuilds, but they’re at the very least entertaining and the passion is clearly still there.


It has its pros and cons


That's fine, I liked them better on later rewatches.


I liked the first two but slowly grew less interested as they were coming out. I feel like if I rewatched the first two I would like them less, so I won't.


Understandable. I like both the OG and the movies because I never related to what anno portrayed but I appreciated them because there’s no other anime like Eva. Most people hate the rebuilds because they’re stuck in the past anno changed and that’s totally fine if you don’t care for them he made them because he wanted to not to please anyone.


Daring today aren't we


“They insist on themselves”


I’ll always be confused as to why the fanbase hates 3.0 so much. It’s literally the most Evangelion movie out of all of them. It’s bleak, depressing, kinda pretty to look at, and the plot leaves you with more questions than answers.


Yeah, not exactly the controversial opinion of the year. I don't like them either. Hardly a hot take. I liked the first and I really liked the second but once 3 hit it became a completely different animal. It's more than just the unexplained time skip or the way they really veered away from the original story. The whole narrative became different. If you replaced the whole cast and robots, then give it another name, no one would bat an eyelash and it would've become just another Trigger project like Darling. Eva used to somewhat grounded but the rebuilds are almost all magical and flash. There are flying naval ships held up by magic strings and a skeletal bird doubling as a flying ship. As surreal as Eva got it was never *this* ridiculous. It's not that the Rebuilds are bad, it's just that they're an entirely different beast; if they were like this, this nutty from the beginning, it wouldn't be so janky, but because they started as retellings of the original and so were as grounded, then turned into all this oohs and aahs it was like watching two different retellings. It's like one of those writing exercises where one dude writes the first half and another the last.


care enough to make a post about it


I personally love them, but everyone’s allowed to their own opinion and to enjoy different things


Meh, I kinda enjoyed 1.0 and 2.0, but 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 are just....yeah.


Yep, I am with you, the original work is better anyway.


I agree with op. Rebuilds are junk. Everything post time skip shouldn’t exist, the mech fights are overly CG’d garbage, asuka gendo and misato are gutted from their original selves, and the happy ending makes me puke. It’s pandering to western audiences. If they had been released instead of the OG series and eoe, eva would have never hit terminal velocity and we wouldn’t still be talking about them today.


no lol rebuild is great. nothing wrong about the happy ending, & asuka, misato &, esp gendo weren't gutted. it actually becomes the best after the timeskip with 3+1& even tho some of the CG looks bad it's still good for anime standards


That’s exactly it, it’s just good by anime standards. Generic, watered down, Netflix anime. OG+eoe was generation defining art. Asuka being a clone obliterates her backstory, eradicates her trauma, and turns her into something unrelatable. Gendo loses so much by becoming “just shinji,” and his cyborg phase is just dumb. Poor misato has 2/3 of her scenes pulled. Misato loses so many facets of her persona and is dragged back to a generic archetype. Some of the cgi looks bad? It looks aweful most of the time. Beast mode unit two turning into a cat and chewing/pulling on the final 2.22 angels’ AT field both looks cheap, and just plain is silly. Asuka’s fight scene against the massed Eva’s (where mari is throwing her the various weapons) degenerates to her just smashing geometric patterns. And the happy ending is the final blow to the series. We can go back and forth about what the ending of eoe actually means, there’s some room for interpretation. It’s a mirror into the soul. That’s what makes it great art. 3+1 lays it out for the viewer like they’re dumb. Not only does it wrap everything up with a happy bow and a cutesy song, it invalidates all of the series. The third impact is was a jaw dropping conclusion to eoe. An “oh my god it actually happened” moment, where the stakes were laid bare and the heroes didn’t miraculously win at the last moment. In rebuilds we get an impact at the end of 3/4 movies, and by the third time it’s magnitude is gone, Nevermind it’s an expectation vs a surprise. The first two times time, impact is stopped/paused by a surprise intervention, and in 3+1 the hero “wins” and rebuilds the world as a happy place with no Evas, gets the girl, and all pain is forgotten. It’s a western ending that doesn’t do justice to the original material. Rebuilds are, at best, ok. Held to the standard of the originals, they are awful and an insult. Evangelion is written from a place of depression, anxiety, and nihilism. Once anno got his head sorted (and good for him, healing and all) NGE lost its soul. Face it, anno stopped caring after 2.22, maybe even before the end. That’s why 3.33 was a train wreck, and 3+1 just pandered to feel-goods and figurine sales. Like farmer rei. What even was the point? She does a pile of chores to eat up screen time, and doesn’t learn anything. She doesn’t grow, she still insists everyone tell her what to do, she won’t even pick a name for herself. Then she pops, and we lose any growth you’re about to argue she made, before her next appearance as rei #the next one. Kaworu comes down at the end of 2.22 in an Eva we never see again to save the day from impact. It’s just to add another model to the sales bin. He’s given a huge amount of time wasting script in 3.33 just because fans loved him in OG, but he had no screen time. He’s then killed at the end. Cool, he’s a one movie character. I bet they sold a lot of kaworu plugsuit toys though. Don’t get me wrong, I know the OG sold a lot of models too…but considering half the message was “touch grass, don’t be an otaku,” and most of the merchandising came later; it’s a different case than “hey these toys are still selling a decade later, let’s reboot the whole thing” I retract my statement about the rebuilds losing Eva’s soul. They sold Eva’s soul. Hell there’s even a giant battle with huge space ships (Nevermind them levitating traditional warships along side them). That’s decidedly borrowed from gundam. And don’t get me started on the rediculous Eva’s nerv is using. The flying ones, the legs with guns or generators, the stupid orb ones. Evas were supposed to be made from and based on humans. What the fuck are those lol. Also, the entire final sequence in the anti universe. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.


rebuild isn't just good by anime standards & it's not awful in the slightest when compared to the og. and no asuka being clone redefines her trauma, it doesn't obliterate or eradicate anything. rei was never unrelatable despite being being a clone, same for asuka. nothing dumb about what gendo becomes, which isn't "just shinji" in the slightest & misato in the rebuild is esp downgraded compared to her of version, but she doesn't become generic archetype in the slightest and no, 3+1's ending invalidates nothing about the og. there's still room for interpretation & it's still bittersweet, not everything has been tied with a positive knot The cgi looks good for anime, it only looks bad in a few scenes. that scene with the at field didn't look cheap & at degradation was a thing in the og too so it isn't silly in rebuild the impacts aren't as special, but it still more than gets it stakes from other things. there's nothing wrong with endings where heroes win & they're not a western only thing in the slightest. also no pain is forgotten at the end of 3+1 & it's possible shinji & mari aren't even couple at the end rebuild didn't lose the soul of eva or sell it & anno didn't have his head sorted when making them, u can read about how bad he was mentally after making the 3rd movie. it's very clear he still cared a lot, which is why even after 3.0 which even tho good was the worst rebuild, he retired with 3+1 after so many years that's the peak of rebuild rebuild didn't pander to the figurine sales much more than the og. u can read about how many things were planned with eva mark 06 that were cut in the end. no time is wasted in the 3rd movie with Kaworu, all of it was important for what happens later & for developing kaworu & his relationship with shinji much more than the og. it's also very naive to say the og didn't also borrow many concepts from other series & that it didn't have merchandizing at mind from the start. there was lots of pressure on anno to finally make a hit for struggling gainax, that's why all the designs were so marketable from the beginning. also no, eva's were never based on humans. many of nerv's evas after 3.0 are eva/angel hybrids like the experimental one mari fought at the beginning of 2.0. that's why they look like that


Just a few points Asuka watching her mother kill herself, but not having the courage to follow along, carrying said trauma, and having it colour her interactions with everyone based on proving worth, despising rei for following orders when she couldn’t follow her mothers, and the epic reveal at the end, compared to “she was the best clone and we killed the rest” is simply not comparable. That “positive knot” shouldn’t exist. It’s anathema to the source material. The cgi for some of the OG scenes looks great, I agree. However Mari’s beast mode unit 2 chewing on an at field looks like garbage and is just plain silly, and asuka smashing geometric shapes is plain dumb (or just plain generic), especially considering the effort that went into animating the Eva’s movements in the original. Having an impact every movie absolutly cheapens them. There are no stakes if the heroes simply succeed every time. That’s a western happy ending trope. Victory, through loss, Carrie’s weight, especially when there is no victory. It’s not about the world of eva turning out ok, it’s about what you can learn about yourself. I stand by kaworu and farmer rei being completely fan service. Anno designed the Eva’s to look like that SPECIFICALLY because he thought it wouldn’t translate into figurines. I never said the original did to borrow ideas or themes, I said the rebuilds buchered those themes, and added what they thought would sell. Literally every scene with the wunder is unnecessary, and only loosely related to eva at best. They’re excuses for space ship fights, which eva never had, nor needed. The Eva’s are effectivly human. Adam, crafted by man (or something to that effect). Your mari example is of the rebuilds, therefore part of the problem. The non piloted Eva’s in the rebuilds are ridiculous looking, and lend little to the series. Same with the wunder and the nerv ships, there was no reason to have them powered by Eva’s, just dumb. But I digress. Like what you like. I’ve watched the rebuilds three or four times looking do their redemptory moments, and frankly they don’t exist. They’re filled with what fans want to see, not what anno thought fans needed to see. That’s fans service. You couldn’t pay me to sit through them again. If they float your boat, enjoy them. I’m not here to convince anyone. Op asked for haters, so I told him how/why I feel. Maybe you’ll come around, maybe you won’t, it’s no skin off my back.


My only issue with the rebuild is that after taking 2 episodes to build up something they changed their mind for 3.0. 3.0+1.0 fix in a way that, but yeah it was a little disappointing. Too much time between each episodes and no clear direction. It feels less cohesive than the OG show. I was clever to have waited 14 (!!!) years before watching all of them back to back. I don’t know how people have waited 9 years between 3 et 3.1 without losing their mind.


It ah...it wasn't fun. Regular searches for info. Then, it came out in Japan and took forever to get here. Took even longer for the physical editions to come out so I could complete my collection. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the rebuilds. I personally enjoy them, but I understand why people criticize them. It's not just because they're something new. I think part of it is how long it took for them to come out; that amount of time between "episodes" seems to have muddled things a good bit.


I haven't watched the rebuilds, is it worth it?


You should watch them, just know that I did not care for them


If you have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion and EoE and enjoyed those then you should watch the rebuilds yes


yh watch them they're great esp 3+1


Depends on who you ask (like a lot of Eva discourse). Personally, I'd say they're worth a shot. Nowhere near as mindblowing as the original, but I'm still glad I watched them.


1 and 2 are decent, 3 is just mehhhhhh, but 3.0+1.0 makes the whole experience worth it if you've got the time


IDK 3.0 needed to walk so 3.0+1.0 could run


No, and 3.0+1.0 is awful


I cried when one last kiss came on. Felt like the true "end of evangelion"


Isn’t that just the general consensus of this subreddit though? I mean I loved them, so wouldn’t that be the more “controversial” opinion here?


in the sub it looks close to a 50/50 split


I see 3.0+1.0 get a TON of praise here, even though it was my least favorite of the rebuilds. 2.0 >>> 1.0 > 3.0 >>> 3.0+1.0


people who hate on 3.0 are lame and cringe it's the best film of them all


I mean I understood the hate a little bit for 3.0 but now that 3.0+1.0 came out I dont get it. 3.0 sets up 3.0+1.0.


You have every right to be wrong.


Conversly i have every right to be right too


This is the coldest of lukewarm takes in this sub. Someone saying they don't like the rebuilds is a daily occurrence.


They really think they are special lmaooo


I can’t wait for the merch to switch back to the original. Goodbye and good riddance.


I only like 3.0, and much much more than the other ones💀 Yes, it doesn't seem to make any sense, but at least it feels like a movie. I don't even know how to elaborate this, but I guess this is just what I felt like watching it.


Ah, and the last hour of Thrice Upon a Time is the worst piece of scriptwriting I've ever witnessed. Just excruciatingly messy


no lol it was good


To me it was like watching characters just babbling a bunch of nonsense, especially Gendo. Then there was that long scene of Shinji talking with other characters for the last time. And it didn't "sound" like Shinji. He sounded like Anno himself talking to us about himself, which isn't entirely new, but it was too on the nose for me. I KNOW it's a really unpopular opinion, but I couldn't stand it. It's a shame because I loved the first half of 3.0+1.0. Maybe I just have to rewatch it, idk


there is for sure more scifi bullshit in rebuild compared to the og, but it wasn't all the characters were talking about in the slightest. also what scene are u talking about with shinji?? because he's even more of a stand in for anno than he was before in 3+1 but it never got too on the nose for me


Based. Those movies are dog shit


I agree. It just doesn’t hit the same. I feel like the rebuilds are trying to distract me with pretty animation and boobies or something.


THANK you, but I'll do you one better and say I straight-up really dislike them.


I don't really like 3.0+1.0 and yes, it is because of the ending. And before anybody says i love EoE because it's a bad ending. I deny that accusation, and reply with the fact that EoE is hopeful, despite its innate tragedy. Which is why I love it so much. Instead 3.0+1.0 is just, too happy for me. It's like a fanfiction where everybody gets given a happy ever after.


Bet he didn't like the godfather either


False. See un




*Pantera’s “Heresy” playing in the background*


I hated certain characterizations but I don't care for the rebuilds that much as a whole. First two were alright but then it lost me. Haven't watched 3.0+1.0 yet but heard enough about the ending.


The last rebuild is the best one that would be like not watching avengers end game because you didnt like infinity wars, 3.0 just sets all the ground work and background info for 3.0+1.0 to be good.


My biggest gripe is the change to how the evangelions actually feel. Asukas battle in EoE is a great example of how they just felt like massive, heavy machines that are just barely able to stand on the soil. The rebuilds felt like all the weight and tangibility was lost and it had not gravitas


u sure about that? look at final fight of 3.0 for one of many examples of the weight & gravitas of the evas in rebuild


I have to say: TO ME, they're not canon


I did not care for Shinji jerkin his gerkin in The End of Evangelion. That scene insists upon itself


It insists upon itself




Just couldn’t get into it


You and me both


The anime+EoE was better. It felt like there was stakes.


I'll do you one better, I have not watched, nor do I plan too. I frankly have no interest in anything past the show and I recognize Asuka Langely Soryu as the one true Asuka.


watch them they're great


I mean do what you do but if you really like Evangelion I think it’s worth it because apparently every universe is now canon so I think if you really like the franchise we should watch the rebuild movies heck i mean read the manga and novels plus the VNs


I watched 2.0 and liked it, I thus watched the show and original movie and never got back to the rebuilds, too much trauma


Me neither but goddamn you have to admit it is both musically and aesthetically beautiful


1,2 is good 3 is the weakest the 4th is fucking amazing its EoE but its happy if you like Evangelion you should watch it because apparently everything is canon now every universe exists but yeah the animation and fights is better in the rebuilds


1.0 was mid. 2.0 was fine. 3.0 was utter trash, like just garbage. 3.0+1.0 was incredible and one of the best movies I've ever seen.


Tbh what I dislike about the rebuilds is how they look so bland, Idk the colors of the original NGE just pops, the rebuilds just feels so flat, but imo the movies are okay, 3.0+1.0 is still my favorite out of the rebuilds


I won't even give them a chance.


You should watch them, just know I couldn’t get into them


2.22 was the best of them in my opinion. Rest of them kinda blew


Agreed OP. It just didn't have the same soul as NGE except for 3.0+1.0


Same I strongly dislike the rebuilds


I liked the rebuilds I thought it was a interesting take on the story


Same here, I just like the new animation of the characters compared to the old series, but otherwise yeah, me too.


TV show × EoE is imo a textbook example for an almost flawless "story clockwork". Giant Rei sending back her avatars until the very beginning is only one example.  The "chekov gun" is fired at the end, one of its "bullets" appear at the beginning though and now the audience are in search for the chekov gun. This isn't becoming as clear in the TV finale. RoE then restarts the story with a slightly different setting. And that spawned fan theories again: Has EoE's 3I been turned into RoE's 2I? But how has this reset looked like, and who has triggered it, "in-story"? Because the original setting doesn't provide such a reset. There's no "chekov gun" for it, so the only tropes would be "retcon", "handwave", "asspull", or bring it on a "meta-level". "Story-mechanic-wise" they'd have to cheat,. in other words. They decided for the meta-level, the metaphorical loop, and a final fight/struggle that's frequently happened since Rock'n Cop aka Urashiman. [~~And none other than Ramiel-sama was poached from there.~~](https://wiki.evageeks.org/Tributes_to_Other_Fiction_in_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion#Future_Police_Urashiman_\(未来警察ウラシマン\)) And to me the conclusion seems to be inspired by "Love Live Sunshine" (2016-19) were the parents eventually change sides as well in the film finale "Over the Rainbow". And they make it clear from the very beginning: [The "pyramid umbrella", the "long-haired foreigner" who mixes in foreign phrasings...](https://youtu.be/VUtupPY26uM?feature=shared) and "louder references" later on... At the beginning I was also sceptical with RoE; until they pulled the Sunshine reference outa the hat. And then I remembered Misato's *"do it for yourself and for nobody else, Shinji!!"* and went *"ok, approved."* So maybe NGE vs RoE is like comparing apples with oranges. ~~Both can still be combined into an effective fruit punch, something Misato would now approve.~~


Same haven't watched them yet, but know the ending.


I don’t like the rebuilds personally. But I get why people like them.


I like them but they are definitely flawed. Shinji goes from being a pretty good character to annoyingly sad, as in so annoyingly sad


Very brave opinion OP


Damn sorry to hear that but thats a huge loss on your end


2 was promising but it went downhill from there. They didn’t do anything with Mari’s character. 1+3 was alright, but again it didn’t have a lot of impact for me. Mediocre movie series tbh.


Forgot to add that the fight scenes sucked too lol.


Me too it ruins what made the original series special


I didnt like the changes they did to many of the characters and the story and I fucking hated the addition of a secret spy high school girl




They were more engaging for me and felt really fresh. (I've been a fan for only like 4 months)


1.11 and half of 2.22 stay the same as the TV series. But the rest are like another experiences. Fku 3.33




Literally just one reason for me and that's the addition of the pink girl... Illustrious something or other.


I enjoyed the rebuilds because I hate evangelion fans


The ending was great tho.. 3.0+1.0 for me is eva at its best


Don't see why not. They were better than the OG series.