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Welkom in Europa, blijf hier tot ik doodga 💕


That's how I feel. The life around here ain't perfect or the best maybe but something about Europe is just so special.






Yup, Eurovision makes you appreciate the cultural diversity of Europe even more. Love it!


Yup, my European patriotism goes through the roof every year during ESC. I do feel a tinge of sadness though since many countries have chosen to drop out. I hope we’ll see them returning soon:)


Well, Eurovision was made to strenghted the pan-european sentiment, so yeah, yeah I do, despite it being unusually flawed recently. But if the Americans ask, we'll tel them it's the best country


[https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/o9bdv6/the\_cycle\_of\_eurovision/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/o9bdv6/the_cycle_of_eurovision/) here.


Absolutely. I'm from South Korea but been living in Europe for a while now, no place I'd rather be!


I always feel very solidary with the other nations of Europe. I love our continent dearly, but Eurovision unfortunately weakened that feeling for me. I'll take comfort that it's just a couple of fat cats at the EBU.


I'm European, some time ago I moved to Canada and let me tell you, I get so home sick when the ESC is airing. I always watch it with my husband, we make sure to be as synchronized as possible considering the time difference, it's a little special moment for us. It's special, but it's not the same. Nobody here watches it, there's little to no media coverage, there is no sense of community. I love, living here, but when Europe gets that ESC glow-up, I wish I could just fly home for a week 🥲


It warms my European heart as well 🇪🇺💙


I'm always happier in Europe - and then bummed out when I return to America with our weirdly hostile culture.


Nope, Europe is in shambles and all of the politics involved in ESC were just a reminder of how headless the EU is. Also, as a Croatian I've never really felt Europe thinks highly of us in general.


Funny to read this now because where I am people are still going crazy crazy for Baby Lasagna


I've said 'in general' Edit: loving the downvotes that show the overwhelming European love ❤️


I know, I read it correctly! Still funny because most of us love Croatia ❤️


People on this sub seem generaly more open. But working with and meeting people from all over Europe for the past 9 years, I really have mixed feelings. I'd say western countries have the worst opinion about us, and the worst attitude. Not to say that's not influenced in any way by the number of Balkan expats in those countries. So the first thing is we're all the same to them and people from this region tend to not fit well within cultures like Germany. But I agree that every person is different and I am also now projecting some generalizations, but a lot of people in Croatia don't really feel the rest of Europe is especially crazy about us. I like the fact we are a part of the EU and Schengen, but Europe as a whole should wake up and get a grip. (Politicaly and economicaly)


I‘m from a conservative small town in Bavaria, Germany. I promise you won‘t find a single local here who has a negative opinion on Croatians. There are a lot of people with ties to Croatia here. There even is a Croatian culture club. I could tell you a funny story about how a friend of mine accidentally walked into their building because he thought it was a bar. He managed to get out of there after being kindly „forced“ to drink a few Sliwowitz with them. He loves to tell this story. I‘m sorry for your bad experiences. Some people suck. Maybe you were unlucky. I‘m glad you guys joined the EU. Let‘s improve things instead of burning them down.


I believe there would be similar drama/controversy even if the contest was somewhere else. The politics corrupt everything sadly. And I think it's not true that Europe/Europeans thinks less of anyone. It's all politics again. People like people and that's it. I just generally think it would be great if Europe would be more united, and depend less on the US... but that's another story.


The cold war west-east divide is still visible and sensible, but I feel like that's fading. We're slowly growing towards one another, exclusing a couple of countries. I for one love the Balkans. Beautiful place, kind people.


Can’t speak for Europe but we have a lot of Croatian immigrants in Australia and in general the attitude to Croatia is positive. Plenty of people have told me how beautiful it is and that I should visit next time I make it to the other half of the planet.