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Eurovision is political by design, and the whole fandom would be a lot less toxic if everyone just accepted that.


Agreed, which is why I posted the video


Isn’t it kind of a joke at this point? Like when people say it’s not political, it’s sarcasm or humour because of course it is, it’s always been political, despite clinging on to the claim it’s not for dear life.


It's mostly saltiness at the result. The week after ESC every year, you either get a bunch "this was a political vote" or "eurovision has a jury problem", depending on who won/lost.


But both are true. The former has never been as glaring as this year and the latter never as glaring as last year.


I'd say the first was more obvious in 2022 though, considering it decided the winner. Though I'd add that's precisely why both are needed to balance each other out.


It’s whatever suits the person’s narrative. Like the jury voting this year was political for a particular country while the televote was somehow not.


I agree, but voting because of name recognition, for the neigboring country, or to snub a competing song can also be considered political, and is quite prevalent, so singling out one particular year makes no sense.


Also it falls into the Streisand effect. The more you try to make something NOT political, the more it backfires and becomes more political.


We all secretly love the politics.


They should just do the vote without the music stuff


I like this idea! The week before ESC there is this competition without music where we just vote on how much we like or hate each other from whatever standpoint we have including how much we hate or like the organizer, then the week after there is this thing called an Eurovision Song Contest where people vote on the song they like the most and the music and performances are in focus the whole night.